Cross Effects > Areas

Highway 13

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Vega blinked. What a wonderful surprise.

"Hrm, a challenge..." His words came out softly, his voice was low... almost like a cat's purr. It was so cute how she was trying her best to reach him. She was truly, simply adorable. And yet, he hated to disappoint her desire, but-

"Not. Yet."

A meal tasted best when you savored its smells... its aromas... its beauty. And as gluttonous as he was, he was not done savoring Lucy just yet. Perhaps once he ceased to salivate, he might just bite into her. But for now he had but one thing to say.

"Let's go home."


"After all this travel that is all you have to say, truly, TRULY?" Her voice rose into a higher and higher pitch as her wings unfurled to their full length, easily dwarfing the car beside them.

This was outrageous.

It was unfair.

"How can you come so far and not want to go on? Is this truly the limit of your stamina Vega? Is your will this hollow?"


"Take a seat." He just met her glare with his own, unmoved by her theatrics. That is until he betrayed a small smile.

Her frustrated expression was simply adorable. He could do but one thing in front of this meager outburst.

"I must say, I am... no, forget it. I could not possibly be disappointed at you. After all, I expected nothing in the first place. And yet you still managed to go lower than that. Congratulations."

He clapped.

"It will not do. If we are to dance, we require a bigger audience, mmm?" He bowed and winked at her.



She leaned forward intrigue building in her form, this was....

This was promising indeed. She even ignored the insult in favor of the opportunity that had now presented itself before her. This was truly too good to pass up on and she knew exactly what would get him going.

"If an audience is what you seek then there is one right over....

4:05 pm Nexus Time

Day 3

Continued From Vampireville

The soul fas floating with speeds rivaling a bullet, zipping above the cars and traffic! As it kept rushing further and further away, could Entheo reach it in time?


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