Cross Effects > Areas

Highway 13

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Forest's mind probing was met with a booming voice.  Don't peak.  You weren't invited, the voice said before blasting her out of Entheo's mind.

Entheo meanwhile smiled at her, closing his palm and letting it fall at his side.  "Yeah thats a good way to put it," he said.  "You going to arrest me officer?  I don't think i'd mind getting cuffed by a superhero."

She's a nosey one isn't she?

Think I'm doing well?

I think she's trying to figure out which Asylum is right for you.

So better than last time.  Sweet!


Forest bit the inside of her lip and sent to Thorra, Well, Pretty Boy here has someone else with him that doesn't want me to peek into his mind.  Wanker's loud too.

"Not if you can tell me who lit this place up like rednecks on the Fourth of July," Forest said as she gestured at the fire.


Entheo folded his hands behind his head, his smile fading into something more neutral.  His eyelids softened and he leaned back as his pupils darted away from Forest.  "Not sure," he said.  "He was a huge prick though, wouldn't even grant the poor boy his last words.  Can I go?  I don't mind answering talking but interrogations get old quick."

Well that wasn't the worst line in the world... comparatively.

Thanks Sakuyomi.

Just be thankful she seems nice.  She could have just clobbered you with that hammer.


I know-I can feel it too-he's hiding something, and isn't telling the truth. Try using your natural charms to convince him to spill the beans. Thorra replied. If you wave your assets at him, maybe you can make him a bit more disposed to telling the truth. It usually works when I do it, anyway.


I'm really not good at the whole seduction thing, Forest sent to Thorra.  But it gives me an idea.

Forest rested the hammer on her shoulder, stretching a bit before shifting her weight to a more comfortable stance where she could swing the hammer rather hard and fast if needed.  She tilted her head, licked her lips, and met the young man's blue eyes.

"Do you have a description?" Forest asked as she stepped forward, half threatening and half graceful slink.  "I'd rather not have someone running around not allowing people their last words, or any words in general, if I can stop them."  She thrust out her lower lip in a little bit of a pout.  "Please?"


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