Cross Effects > Areas

Highway 13

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Quick Sakuyomi is she hitting on me or threatening me, he sent to his friend.

I don't know but I feel like you are feeling aroused.

I swear if you bring up the nuns again I will send you to the afterlife myself.

But Entheo, whats playing in our head is superhero porn now....  FIGHT IT FIGHT IT ENTHEO.

I know your laughing!  Our souls are one you jackass!

Entheo groaned, shrugging his shoulders.  Despite him practically sneering, Sakuyomi's genuine desire to allow Entheo to maintain his free will shone through and he found himself able to keep a clear head while staring into the thor cosplayer's eyes.  They were pretty eyes, but eyes that did not trap him like a cage.  They were eyes with thoughts and feelings he could search through.  Still, once he came back to reality, he frowned.

"I never got a good look at him, unfortunately," he said, before pointing to the hammer.  "So whats your deal?  You worthy or did you just fall into a tank of radioactive super acid enchanted with the power cosmic or something like that?"


See, he's totally into you. He's a tough one tho. I still don't think he's telling us everything.


Yeah, I'd wager he's hiding a bit as well still.  I don't know if it's because he thinks we'll lock him in a padded room, but I don't think he's malicious.  However, he's got a passenger in his brain.  Wanker kicked me out, Forest sent to the passenger in her brain.

The annoyance in her tone about not being able to read the other man's mind was like the crack of a whip.

However, she could also smell the young man's arousal, so she shrugged.

She answered, "She thought I was worthy.  And my deal is that I don't want to turn you into a road pizza.  I don't think you're malicious, but you're bloody hiding something from us."


She who is she?

Maybe she is granted her power from a goddess.  Maybe Thor really is a woman.

I guess that makes sense.

Entheo raised an eyebrow, folded his arms and said, "Thanks.... I appreciate it?" he said, his sentence raising into a question right at the end.  The young man stared at the hammer, then squinted before returning his deep blue eyes to Forest.  "I think I've been pretty cooperative officer.  Boy died in front of me, I tried to hunt his soul down and the assailant got away before I could get a good look at him.  What else do you want to know huh?"

A small blue orb appeared next to Entheo's legs, taking the form of a phantom cat.  Entheo squatted down and extended his hand to let the creature rub its cheeks on his hand.  However to the spiritually unaware, it looked like he was just holding out his arm for nothing.  "Oh and I'd prefer if you'd ask rather than just read my mind.  Its not like I mind talking to a cute girl in Thor cosplay, but you don't have a warrant for mind-reading and I like to keep some stuff private."

The purrs of the ghost cat brought a small smile to his face.


"Look, I'm not an officer, we just want to figure out what's going on here." Thorra quipped-her voice came from Forest's mouth, but it sounded distinctly more high pitched, with an entirely different affect. Not a hint of the scottish accent remained as she talked.


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