Cross Effects > Areas

Highway 13

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Entheo stopped in his tracks as the blond woman leaped in front of him.  His eyes were guided to the finger being poking his chest.  The second she finished talking, he glanced at her, his eyes half opened, and said, "Why care so much about someone your never going to see again?"

Identity is important Entheo.  To be unable to be recognized as how you see yourself can be frustrating.

Is that what this is all about?

The voice inside his soul chuckled.  Who knows.  Thats just the logic behind that sort of polite gesture my friend.

Do I seem polite to you?

Once again, the old man laughed.  Not at all.

Entheo smirked, taking the hand into his own.  A firm grip but a simple shake, that was the gesture returned to Forest.  "Thorra is a cuter name than cosplayer girl, so I can get behind it," he said, shrugging.  "I take it that means I am getting the date?"


Thorra growled at him and suddenly pointed her hammer straight at him. "A duel! I challenge you to a duel! I can't just tolerate you impugning my family's honor!" She exclaimed before taking a fighting stance. "If I win, you'll have to apologize to me!" She exclaimed.

I don't care what he's familar with! This is U N A C C E P T A B L E!


Forest inwardly groaned as Thorra challenged the young man.

You know we'll turn him into paste with one punch, right?  He doesn't stand a bloody chance.

Aloud Forest took charge of their body and said, "Love, just please apologize to her.  I really don't fancy having to wash you literally out of my hair later on."


Entheo sighed, running his hand along the side of his neck as he cocked his head to the side.  "Honor huh?  Is that what this is about?" he asked, walking past the blond girl.  "I'm not going to fight you in some stupid duel I don't even care about.  If you can call me punk, I don't see why I can't call you cosplayer girl.  Although like I said, I do like the name Thorra better, its cute."

Strange.  You love to fight.  Why turn her down?

Entheo groaned within his own head.  Fight another entitled god?  No thanks.

You afraid your going to get your ass kicked again?

Nah that doesn't matter, it's something else.

Entheo slipped his hands into his jacket pocket and said, "Besides, lets say you beat me.  You won't earn my respect that way.  If you really care about your family's honor so much, represent them properly instead of beating up random strangers.  You've done more damage to your honor in this short conversation than you could ever really earn back with your fists."


Thorra rushed forwards and a fist came hurtling towards his pretty little face. "It's not optional!" She exclaimed. It stopped just short of his face, but the wind-pressure from it was strong enough to make him stumble backwards. "Now get ready. Next one is for real."

She puffed out her cheeks and glared at him. He's stronger than he looks, and this will force him to show off his full strength! I'm tired of him fucking around with us!


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