Cross Effects > Areas

Highway 13

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And Entheo did stumble backwards, several steps in fact, his pupils narrowing on the closed fist.  Although the look on his face was just a smile.  Angry girls are cute.

You sound like us before we fucked the nuns.

It wasn't "we" that was you!

But our spirits are fused so we-

Weren't you going to ask about why?

Our spirits are fused, so I already know why.

Does that mean you will keep fighting with me on this one?

Of course.  I'll always be here to get you in and out of trouble.

The smile on Entheo's face faded, replaced by a disapproving frown.  Tilting his head and resting his hand behind it, the other finger lazily pointed right to her fat jiggly chest, straight into her heart.  "That body, your partner.  Its not yours is it?  Did she agree to this duel?  Or are you one of those uncaring gods who abuses mortals to settle your own petty battles?"


He might be some sort of magic user yes, but he's still flesh and blood mortal.  If that punch had connected we would be needing to wash boy out of my hair right now, Forest said through their connection.

Still, she saw the look on the guy's face.  That smug, little knowing grin.  A look she was all too familiar with.

He also might be a masochist who is going to use this for wank fodder later, Forest pointed out with a mental groan.


"No problem! No problem at all!" Thorra exclaimed. There's more to him than he looks, we can smell it. It's the scent of gods-he's like me. She said to Forest excitedly. I want to see what sorts of things he was made to do!


"Uh huh..." Entheo said, rolling his eyes.  Not all people were born vessels like him.  Of course she would say it and not the host.

Entheo kept his lazy finger pointed at her chest, taking a step forward.  Those cool blue eyes sharpened, his finger straightening into a spear that threatened to pierce her heart.  His head tilted back as those lips fell into a frown.  "Let me spell this out for you, all of you.  I don't care about your honor.  I'm not going to waste my time and energy fighting a goddess for her honor.  I am not going to waste my time on the petty whims of some spoiled brat goddess.  There is just nothing in it for me.  If you want to toss me through the city with your unlimited power or whatever I don't care.  Just don't use my body to destroy any Columbia cafe's or pizza joints.  I was looking forward to some Chicago style pizza."

The young man's passionate glare softened, finally letting his arm fall to his waist.  Once again, he began walking right past Thorra.  "I'll still take that date if you feel like chatting.  Otherwise don't waste my time."

Ah the petty whims of the gods huh?

Yeah you know how I feel about that.  A cute girl with a cute face and a nice body, but the personality of a tyrannical goddess none the less.  Its her feelings before everyone elses.

Why don't we hate her then?

I mean she's not actively malicious.  Look at those eyes.  She's like us.  She just likes to fight.  Those eyes aren't of malice but curiosity.

Then why aren't we fighting her?

A goddess who insists dear old daddy deserves respect without earning it?  A woman who demands respect without earning it?  You kidding me?  If I fight her, I have to acknowledge her.  No way in hell i'm doing that with such a diva.


That was something Forest had been too familiar with in her younger days.  The thrill of finding someone knew and wanting to test their abilities against hers.  It wasn't the devil-may-care death wish she secretly harbored after Aaron had left her, but just that whole blood knight mentality.

Then she noticed the blue-eyed young man wasn't going to take Thorra up on that fight. 

That he was going to do the sensible thing and just walk away.  And walking away would probably piss off Thorra even more.  Which is why he's doing it, she thought with a mental shake of her head.

She sent to Thorra, If you go after him, it means he's won this whole respect argument.  You getting pissed at him is just you giving the keys to all of your power and control.  Poppet, take a deep - unneeded in this body - breath and clear your head.


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