Cross Effects > Areas

Highway 13

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A wave of unease flooded into Forest's mind. "I-huh..." Thorra muttered. She really didn't get why what she'd done was wrong. She'd always solved disputes like this. That, or by seducing her rivals. She'd never been so matter of factly and brutally rejected.

It was weirding her out, and she didn't like it. "Humans are difficult. I don't know what to do here anymore... I thought I sort of got it, but I guess not."

She crouched down and began to draw in the pavement with her finger.


Luckily, you won't be the first person I've taken under my wing, Forest sent to the girl as she got control of her body and rose to her feet.

People are difficult.  Human, Fae, vampire, alien, or other.  Don't just push this on "human".  People are odd.  Strange.  And people feel weird when you're a stranger.  However, you can call him back and apologize, Forest sent as she straightened up what Thorra thought was appropriate clothing.

Aloud she said, "No one knows what to do all the time, Poppet.  People are also awkward, and, on some sort of level, the ones worth knowing know that.  And, sometimes, the best thing is to make amends and agree to disagree, but be civil about it now."


I think she is calling you out.

Entheo's head sunk into his shoulders.  Which one?

Entheo could see the old man's toothy grin within his own soul.  Does it matter?

The young man turned around, placing his palm over one eye, his fingers running through his silky hair.  By now, he was already halfway down the street.  "Oi," he said, letting his hand fall.  "You don't have to listen to her.  By all means, hold me to your foolish godly standard, but don't give up on trying to connect with people.  C'mon, it doesn't have to be a date.  I'll buy you and your host lunch.  Hurry up.  I don't want to have to deal with cops."

With that he turned around and continued walking, fully expecting her to follow.


"These aren't godly standards, they're normal! Jeez! Acting like I'm a god is silly anyway..." Thorra complained. "I'm nowhere close to that level..."

Forest could feel the hammer's apprehension.


Forest gave Thorra a mental nudge and sent to her, Come on, he said he'd feed us.  Normal food won't really do anything for me, but it might for you.

Aloud she said, "Plus, there may be oranges."

She called out, "We'll take you up on that, Lad!"


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