Cross Effects > Areas

Highway 13

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Don't sell yourself short yet, Poppet, Forest sent as she "petted" the girl/hammer draped metaphysically against her back.

To the young man she said, "Yes, I am the 'host body' as you so quaintly put it.  Thorra would probably call me 'the wielder'.  I call myself Forest, and vampire so pizza wouldn't be a good idea." 



I wonder what would happen if a vampire ate pizza.

The young man did not respond to the old one this time.

Entheo folded his arms, tilting his head to the side as he considered other options.  "Well," he said closing his eyes to think harder.  "Vampire huh... well what can you eat?  I'm sure Columbia has something good.  I hear the food there is great!  Unhealthy but great!"

Reopening his calm blue eyes, he stared at Forest with his head still tilted.  "Wielder?  So you wield that god girl.  Wow thats crazy.  Wait, so does that mean your actually in charge?  If thats the case, how the hell did you get her to listen to you?"

If that was the case, maybe he was wrong.  It was actually this girl who wanted to fight.  Although, it would explain her attitude.  Goddesses don't like to be controlled by humans.


"I'm not a god, I'm a hammer..." Thorra muttered. She held onto Forest's back like a depressed puppy, eventually wrapping her legs around Forest's waist.


"Well, technically, you're a divine hammer, right Poppet?  So that's kind of godly, right?" Forest asked as she reached back and petted the sad hammer.

To the young man she grinned and said, "Well, I do like a nip of blood now and again obviously.  Actually, I like fruit.  So wherever you choose as long as they have some absurd fruit dish we're of the good."

She caught up to him and said, "I was kind to her, that's all."


Entheo held his gaze for a moment before smiling.  "Yeah that makes sense," he said, folding his arms behind his head.  "Its always been strange to me how people with so much power always want attention."

Where the hell do we get fruit from?  I eat meat and carbs.

A resteraunt would be nice.  We aren't fused anymore so I forgot what they are called, but those odd modern places where you order food and leave right away.

Take out?

No no.

Fast food?

Yes but healthier.

Hippie fast food?

Sure, close enough.

"Alright well, teleport us to Columbia," he finally said after a second or two of internal dialogue.  "I can find a place within my price range that we can eat at.  Also seriously I hate cops and we have been hanging around here waaaay too long."


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