Cross Effects > Areas

Highway 13

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"I'm just a weak little tool who aspires to be more." She replied with a shake of her head. "I can't teleport anybody, you know. That's not a thing."


Forest tilted her head and said, "Yeah, I sort of didn't learn magic either."

She fiddled with a lock of her currently wild and windblown hair. 

"We can fly though."


Entheo sighed, his eyes drifting to the ghostly figure behind Forest.  It was obvious that god or not, whatever was possessing her rewrote her appearance in her own image.  They looked like twins pressed against each other like that.

"Crap, you weren't bullshitting then.  So you aren't a god after all...."

Entheo folded his arms behind his head.  "Well I can't fly," he said, finally responding to Forest.  He looked straight ahead.  "Sorry about earlier, you didn't need to see that.  But you know, I couldn't have accepted that duel to begin with.  A duel is something that takes place between two people, a 1 v 1 battle.  You challenged two people and quite frankly, the other person wasn't involved in our little fight."

This time, he made eye contact with the spirit directly, his cool blue eyes making contact with hers.  "Although that is one thing I can get behind, a tool that desires to be more.  But even if thats true, you can't tell yourself that.  You live, breathe and think just like anyone else."

Your talking a lot Entheo.  The lady didn't ask for a lecture.

Entheo turned his head away from Thorra's spirit.  "Well, thats what I think anyway."

He glanced at Forest and the... lack of clothing she was wearing.  "I could turn into a cat and you could carry me..... but not sure where to go."


A small flash of red coloured Thorra's cheeks. She disguised this fact by burying her chin atop Forest's head, right next to the lock her master was playing with. "C-course I'm not! I told you, I'm nothing compared to them!" She responded to the first part, ignoring the second part for the moment. And then, after a few seconds-

"I know that." She muttered. "Now let's go, before trouble gets afoot."

Do you want to carry him? She asked Forest over their link. He's a bit of a brat.


"You wouldn't need to turn into a cat.  I'm decently strong to lift a young man like you," Forest said with a shrug.  Lift him and hammer throw him like it was nothing, she thought, even before her upgrade due to Vampire King Valerie.

To Thorra she sent, I'm used to brats, and he's not a terribly bad one truth be told.  It's not like he's some cockwomble or something.  He is right though, I didn't want to fight him.  Magic powers or no, beating a human like that is kind of like kicking a puppy.


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