Cross Effects > Areas

Highway 13

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"You kidding me?" he said with a raised eyebrow. "Thats so undignified, being carried around by some hero girl?  You guys thought I was suspicious just hanging around a highway and now you want to carry me into town?  You might as well take the officer nickname and just cuff me now, least then I can enjoy it."

Entheo sighed.  "Well, I said I was weak but... through my bonds I should be able to keep up, at least, if you guys are telling the truth about miss tool over here not being a god," he said, lazily pointing his thumb at Thorra.  Then he smirked at Forest.  "He's the one that kept you out of my head.  Its rude to pry, but I don't mind if the date goes well.  I'll at least let you have a peak."


The blonde tilted her head and said, "It's sort of a novel experience when someone can keep me out of their head.  Still, it's a useful talent.  Not all telepaths show the same moral restraint that I do."

Then she blinked as she realized that he was flirting with her.

Bloody hell, is this going to end in some weird sex too like everything else has since I've gotten here? she thought to herself.


You know, a sign of a weak man is being unable to throw away your pride.  Maybe you should just let her carry you.  Nothing wrong with being held by a strong woman.

"So then you understand why I kicked you out then?" he asked, looking forward.  "Or I guess its better to say why my friend did.  I've had my mind turned to paste a few times.  Its not fun."

Custard pressed up against his leg.  It purred as it rubbed its back against Entheo's knees.  Looking down at the spirit, he smiled before returning his gaze to Forest.  "Well i'm getting shit for refusing so how about this.  Do you want to carry someone and fly or do you want to go on foot?"

You've had enough time in my body.  Custard never gets to use it.  I only hope she's a cat person.


"Flying is better." Thorra replied. "And aren't you a godling yourself? You should stop treating him like a normie, Fore. I'll get mad."


Forest sent to Thorra, I think he's liking the fact I'm treating him like a "normie".

Forest shrugged and said, "Well, my car's back in Sex Land, so flying would probably be the better option right now."


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