Cross Effects > Areas

Highway 13

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Entheo laughed at their banter.  It reminded him a bit of him and Sakuyomi back in the old days, hell even now really.  "Hehe, I am a normie," he said, once again folding his arms behind his head.  "I've got a few special qualities but otherwise i'm just a normal kid."

Pretty sure your an adult.

Entheo tilted his head, shooting the girl a cocky smile.  "I'm the same as you, but with a lot less status.  If you are the proud daughter of a god, I am the forgotten bastard child.  The only power I have is the ability to hold the spirits of others.  Speaking of, this is the last time you'll have to deal with my loose lips.  From now on, you'll be talking to my cat."

"Custard, you get to use my body for a bit.  Enjoy."

A blue orb entered his chest, causing his body to glow with blinding light.  When the light faded, all that remained was a bombay cat.  It was a short haired breed with black hair and a gaze that seemed to look far beyond the horizon.  The creature hopped far beyond the horizon.  The cat hopped into Forest's bountiful chest, ready to be caught by her arms.



Weak power my ass, Thorra thought to herself. That was an extremely powerful ability, even stronger than her own, potentially. It all depended on what he could house inside of him.


Forest was about to ask Thorra what she meant when suddenly the black cat leaped at her.  Or rather, her currently bountiful chest.  Automatically, she cradled the feline in her arms and looked down at it.

A smile spread across her face and her eyes gleamed as she began to stroke the cat's black fur. 

"Hello there, kitty," she said.

The kitty, he's not freaking out!  He's letting me hold him!  He's not going nuts because I'm a card carrying undead monster!  Look Thorra, look how precious he is with his little ears and paws! the vampire's mental voice was excited and her words were tumbling over each other, going from English to a Pictish language long dead in the modern world.


The cat rolled over unto its back, squirming around in her arms.  Its paws batted at the air and it began to purr.  The cat was actually more comfortable with the undead because Custard himself was long dead.  After a few moments of squirming, it rolled onto its belly, letting its legs fall through the holes her arms.  It rubbed its head into her forarms.


"Ufu~" Electricity joyfully arced down Forest's skin down into the earth, and her pupils glowed with a neon luster. "Most animals are afraid of me too. My electrical charge scares them."


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