Cross Effects > Areas

Highway 13

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Forest smiled as she alternated holding the cat with one arm and petting it with the other.

"Feel how soft this braw little babe's fur is," Forest said as she cuddled the cat.  "The only animals I generally don't scare off are crows, ravens, and wolves.  Which is sad because I want to pet the soft kitty or bunny but it just wants to get the bloody hell away from me."


Custard ignored the lightning too, its fur becoming fluffier as it stood up from the static.  The purring became louder and its eyes began to soften.  It was about to fall asleep.


Forest smiled as the cat kept purring with a half-lidded expression.

"Oh, we're supposed to fly somewhere," Forest said aloud.  You mind piloting?  I have a kitty.

Somewhere far, far away. Away from civilized lands, in the crossroads of an abandoned highway.

The Assaillant

"Damn! Damn! Damn! What the hell!? What the- kguh!" Armed men with guns surrounded the black beast, firing on sight with their collective weaponry and might. Grenades were launched, bullets flew all across the burning highway, and vehicles crashed straight into that thing. "No way! This isn't happening! This i- arghrrrrrrrrhggggghhkaaaaaaaaahhh!!" Men hurried to take cover, to fire, to do anything against the monster. But every bullet, it deflected. Every shot, it avoided. And those that hit him... only went through its mud-like flesh as it kept contorting and swiping at them like some kind of monster.

"Fuck! Call HQ, CALL H- AAGHHH!" It jumped and struck them with precision, yet the savagery of a monster remained. The Deva of Yama, Indra, was collecting its toll, challenged by those who sought it out. And tonight, salvation was offered bountifully to those who sought it.  Its fists, its claws, it all whipped across the Warfield and decimated the security squadron in an instant. Corpses and wrecked vehicles piled on all around the burning street. Only then did the creature turn its face to gaze at the fall... and sucked the souls out of the dead.

No way, no way... please don't... don't! Don't look at me... don't...

"" A dying man stretched his hand out to a pile of corpses. No, it reached out to a particular corpse, a man whose spirit had already died, hiding among the bodies in desperation. The terror of the weak, the despair of the fallen, it was a poison that paralyzed man and beast alike. And at this moment, that man hid like a beast, playing dead among his dying comrades. "Help... arghhh" The fallen were trampled. The trauma of defeat was something no soul could ignore. Out of the 36, only one survived, praying with all his might that he wouldn't be noticed, that his former comrades wouldn't call attention to him. And as their souls were gnawed one by one, after what seemed like an eternity-

The monster left.

A dark fog had overtaken the street. Or perhaps, it had only seeped in that man's mind.

How long had it been? Hours? Days? He just stood still, surrounded by his former friends, too shocked to even move. The power of that monster was something he could only imagine in his worst nightmares. Why couldn't he fight this? Was he just meant to be food? If so, he'd rather have been eaten already. A world this warped, where the weak are played and toyed with... it shouldn't even exist! Was this the will of the world!?

No! I don't want to die! I don't want to die! I don't want to die! I-

"Relax, boy."

A broken man slumped and sat beside it. How long... when did he get here? His eyes were shut, but he could still feel the sickly heat that man was giving off. Yet, a few seconds later, he felt the sound of cracking bone, and a warm thud by his head.

"Well, there goes my arm. We're both in a sorry state, eh?" In comparison to the broken man, the beast sounded almost nonchalant about this. Or perhaps, it had already experienced this trauma. To the dying monster, this was Tuesday.

I can't die here!


Tch... Is this it? That angel... looks like her sword sealed the deal. But... I don't want to die.

"It's a shame. We just can't help ourselves." He looked at the blonde man with a sad expression. At least, the half of his face that could emote. The boy was dying, just like him. It was at that moment that the blonde fake corpse opened its eyes - and gasped.

Heh. Looks like he couldn't have guessed it. Broken fools like us... we have no place to be in this world.

"But maybe, we can help eachother."

The dying beast held its hand out - and the dying man reached out for its hand.

Continued in Xibalba


Continued from the great southern sea.

The skies burned.

The explosion blew them both through the skies, launching them away - each on the opposite side of a packed highway. As the asphalt cracked under their landing, there was only one truth that'd be made absolute.

This was a race. The first one to falter would be the first to fall. As Mael rushed forth the streets, he swerved by the cars and trucks - taking cover and searching for the demon's next strike.


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