Cross Effects > Areas

Highway 13

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--- Quote from: Kotomine_Rin on May 14, 2021, 05:10:21 PM ---Costin

Had he any eyes, Costin would probably have to stop for a second and blink to register what just happened. Instead, he grinned wolfishly - the beast's teeth gnawed at its chains. "Voah. You've got guts kid, few have the gall to touch me so vithout the terror or losing their hand." The answer came as casually as he looked. Actually, he felt bad for the ladies next to him. Its not like he had too much trouble controlling himself, he just didn't want to live that way. It's why he loved this world after all. Compared to the stuffy place he came from, this land was truly free. Was it so wrong to enjoy it?

Well, that's this and that's that.

"Heh. Look at me, a dead apostle being clung to by a mere voman. For such an avful rat stench, your touch ain't too bad." Crimson prana seeped from his flesh, from his bones. For but a second, a sliver of blood-red flames, crackling with lightning, could be seen shimmering - restrained by naught but Costin's will.

Until he let go.

"Glad you know how to talk to a man!"

The shoulder tackle came without warning, the force that rippled against the air was like a cannon. If anyone could even perceive the impact that blew both of them away from the street...

It was like a kaiju movie. A disastrous impact that shook the earth and sky.

And the two were gone.

(Continued in Highway 13)

--- End quote ---


While she hadn't expected the sudden tackle, the squirrel girl caught the aura seeping from the man, feeling it like cold knives against her skin. It excited her as much as it put her on guard, but even then she hadn't expecting him to hurl them both out of the bar altogether. With sheer instinct and her uncanny peripheral vision, Nanako managed to catch his tackle with a rudimentary guard, the sheer force of his assault bruising her arms as they sailed through the air, drifting apart as they hurtled towards the highway.


Another day, another dollar, another goddamn hour-long commute. Taking another sip of his coffee and muttering under his breath about the utterly unreasonable rent in the districts neighboring Colombia, Bob only heard a faint doppler-shifted whistle before he realized what was about to happen. Coffee splashed onto asphalt as the office-worker tossed the cup out the window, grabbed the wheel, and jerked it to one side, then the other, popping his brakes as he did to drift past the latest superhuman wrecking ball to grace Highway 13.

"Goddamn- you see one action movie and suddenly everyone's gotta duke it out on the freeway," Bob shouted out his window, "How about doing it after my commute, jackass!" He knew the score, knew that both of them were probably superhumans for whom his panicked few seconds of desperate avoidance was a subjective minute or two of watching some guy nearly crash a soapbox car. Knew that either or both of them could be psychotic enough to try to kill him just for shouting over their pre-fight banter.

However, he was past the point of caring at this point, instead quickly pulling out of the short drift, barely avoiding spinning out into the median, and heading on his way. At least they hadn't come down on top of him instead.


Nanako skidded away from Johnny as they landed, boots carving tracks into cracked asphalt as she came to a quick stop a few meters away from the man.

"I know how to do a lot more to a man!" Nanako grinned, tail swishing excitedly behind her as she shed her coat and tossed it to the skies in one smooth motion, "But shouldn't you buy a girl dinner first before asking for that kind of thing?"


Compared to Nanako's almost deft and graceful skitter, Costin's landing was brutal. Coarse. Almost gleeful in the way it broke the asphalt in its way. The stone that didn't break just made way for a streetlight that upheaved from its position, ripping itself from the earth as Costin dragged it along his momentum - until it flipped and dug itself in the center of the street.

Without that anchor, he'd probably have turned whatever person was in its way to mulch. And with a satisfied gasp, he grinned and stretched. At this moment, Costin's full body was rising up like a mast.

"Haha! My bad, my bad. I'd have bought you a snack, but it's been so long since my fangs have tasted true essence. Its that stench of yours. It feels pleasant. Like an invitation.... to the thrill of battle. It's difficult for me to resist it, sorry about that."

And just as he was about to calmly walk up to the Squirrel woman, hands in his pocket - his swagger was interrupted by a myriad of horns blaring at him. Yet... he seemed lost for a second. A bit confused. IF he stopped, it certainly wasn't for any kind of fear or consideration. It was fascination.

"Hrm? These chariots, they don't carry the scent of cattle, and they make odd noises. Are they a new kind of automobile?"


--- Quote from: Kotomine_Rin on May 15, 2021, 01:20:54 AM ---Costin

Compared to Nanako's almost deft and graceful skitter, Costin's landing was brutal. Coarse. Almost gleeful in the way it broke the asphalt in its way. The stone that didn't break just made way for a streetlight that upheaved from its position, ripping itself from the earth as Costin dragged it along his momentum - until it flipped and dug itself in the center of the street.

Without that anchor, he'd probably have turned whatever person was in its way to mulch. And with a satisfied gasp, he grinned and stretched. At this moment, Costin's full body was rising up like a mast.

"Haha! My bad, my bad. I'd have bought you a snack, but it's been so long since my fangs have tasted true essence. Its that stench of yours. It feels pleasant. Like an invitation.... to the thrill of battle. It's difficult for me to resist it, sorry about that."

And just as he was about to calmly walk up to the Squirrel woman, hands in his pocket - his swagger was interrupted by a myriad of horns blaring at him. Yet... he seemed lost for a second. A bit confused. IF he stopped, it certainly wasn't for any kind of fear or consideration. It was fascination.

"Hrm? These chariots, they don't carry the scent of cattle, and they make odd noises. Are they a new kind of automobile?"

--- End quote ---


Nanako paused, one arm outstretched from throwing her coat, with Costin's question. The squirrel girl stared at the man for a long moment, then frowned as horns blared all around them, traffic frantically scattering around them like spooked minows.

"The scent of...they're cars, so yeah, I guess you could call them that," Nanako frowned, "No cattle or horse needed, and they look a lot different from the old chariots. Sounds like you can't see them though. Or me for that matter."

"Guessing you're a vampire, though, with all the talk about fangs and essence and chariots," the squirrel girl noted, "So am I dinner, or the girl you forgot to take out to one?"


"Of course I know what a car is, dumbass." He snapped with an annoyed grunt, grimacing. But he didn't look too angry, not with what he asked next... or how genuinely curious he looked about it.

"Why the hell would you assume I can't see them though?" He cocked his head pensively. "Well, whatever. I'm not going to answer a question with a question, only bitches do that. But... tsk, I guess whether you're my lunch or about to be taken out for lunch depends on you babe."

Why the hell did she have to ask something stupid like that anyways? Heh, not that he disliked it. It was different from the usual. It felt fresher than her just running in fear. "Well, if I had my way, I'd ravage you until you were naught but torn meat, but wild abandon is a weakling's prerogative. I'm not some punk who's completely without manners, even if it's hard to restrain myself. If you want..."

The blaring of horns interrupted him. For a second, he glanced at the cars that stopped and tried to move away from him. He found them.... annoying all of a sudden.

"Sigh, whatever. Enough chit chat. Point is, before I start breaking whatever's in sight, I'd wish to learn more of this place. This world. And you."


--- Quote from: Kotomine_Rin on May 15, 2021, 04:42:56 PM ---Costin

"Of course I know what a car is, dumbass." He snapped with an annoyed grunt, grimacing. But he didn't look too angry, not with what he asked next... or how genuinely curious he looked about it.

"Why the hell would you assume I can't see them though?" He cocked his head pensively. "Well, whatever. I'm not going to answer a question with a question, only bitches do that. But... tsk, I guess whether you're my lunch or about to be taken out for lunch depends on you babe."

Why the hell did she have to ask something stupid like that anyways? Heh, not that he disliked it. It was different from the usual. It felt fresher than her just running in fear. "Well, if I had my way, I'd ravage you until you were naught but torn meat, but wild abandon is a weakling's prerogative. I'm not some punk who's completely without manners, even if it's hard to restrain myself. If you want..."

The blaring of horns interrupted him. For a second, he glanced at the cars that stopped and tried to move away from him. He found them.... annoying all of a sudden.

"Sigh, whatever. Enough chit chat. Point is, before I start breaking whatever's in sight, I'd wish to learn more of this place. This world. And you."

--- End quote ---


The squirrel girl's eyebrow twitched as the horns kept blaring, her tail stilling behind her as she started getting ready for the fight to come. All the talk of ravaging only served to build anticipation for what was to come, but Nanako managed to keep still for now. Still, it was strange. If he could see, why all the talk about scents as if he couldn't? Well, she could always ask him later.

"Well, from what I've heard, they call this world the Nexus," Nanako explained, tail swishing slowly, a counterbalance to the squirrel girl's own shifting weight, "It seems like it pulls things in from all over. People, stuff, even whole buildings sometimes. I'm a fairly recent arrival, got here a few months back. Name's Nanako."


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