Cross Effects > Areas

Highway 13

<< < (45/46) > >>


"Yes, yes. I know that already, it's the same shit as back then... ah, it sure takes me back." Costin almost sounded disappointed by her answer, but his smile was candid. It's like if he was remembering something pleasant. And that's when it came out of his lips. An absurd story, as he looked to the skies - an unknown horizon. Or perhaps the sun.

"I certainly died back then, back when I was nothing more than some dead apostle. But the next thing I knew, I woke up in some dark and cold chamber, lined up with hundreds of people hooked to some machine. Talk about creepy, huh?"

His grin took a whole new quality.

"And apparently it wasn't the first time I woke up. A milky white fuck, some bitch with a broad ass, a flea-ridden poser... they were all different from me of course, but they had the gall of acting like they were the original. It pissed me off, so I... heh heh, well, what can I say? Someone ought to dispose of fakes, huh?"

He yawned and stretched his neck a little.

"Anyway, that place was a bore. No one could actually die in there, everyone always falling asleep and waking back up in the same spot as the day before. From what I gathered, its how that place sustained itself. Even if there'd been interesting people, anyone worth killing was already long gone. I happened to wake up just a bit before the dregs. Even then, no matter what I tried, I'd just wake back up as if nothing happened. It was a harrowing experience. And if anyone tried to leave, those winged fucks would get in the way... tch."

He sighed, ignoring the yelling people and vehicles blaring at him. Even this noise was welcome compared to some dull silence. Yes... this place was real.

"So I've gotta wonder, why the fuck do you have that same stench? Did you seriously eat one of them or something?"


--- Quote from: Kotomine_Rin on May 15, 2021, 08:10:15 PM ---Costin

"Yes, yes. I know that already, it's the same shit as back then... ah, it sure takes me back." Costin almost sounded disappointed by her answer, but his smile was candid. It's like if he was remembering something pleasant. And that's when it came out of his lips. An absurd story, as he looked to the skies - an unknown horizon. Or perhaps the sun.

"I certainly died back then, back when I was nothing more than some dead apostle. But the next thing I knew, I woke up in some dark and cold chamber, lined up with hundreds of people hooked to some machine. Talk about creepy, huh?"

His grin took a whole new quality.

"And apparently it wasn't the first time I woke up. A milky white fuck, some bitch with a broad ass, a flea-ridden poser... they were all different from me of course, but they had the gall of acting like they were the original. It pissed me off, so I... heh heh, well, what can I say? Someone ought to dispose of fakes, huh?"

He yawned and stretched his neck a little.

"Anyway, that place was a bore. No one could actually die in there, everyone always falling asleep and waking back up in the same spot as the day before. From what I gathered, its how that place sustained itself. Even if there'd been interesting people, anyone worth killing was already long gone. I happened to wake up just a bit before the dregs. Even then, no matter what I tried, I'd just wake back up as if nothing happened. It was a harrowing experience. And if anyone tried to leave, those winged fucks would get in the way... tch."

He sighed, ignoring the yelling people and vehicles blaring at him. Even this noise was welcome compared to some dull silence. Yes... this place was real.

"So I've gotta wonder, why the fuck do you have that same stench? Did you seriously eat one of them or something?"

--- End quote ---


The squirrel girl's brow furrowed as Johnny spoke, Nanako entirely unsure what to make of what he was saying, but catching some worryingly familiar bits amidst all of it.

"Back then?" Nanako gave him a curious look, "What, is there more than one of these places?"

Wait, I smell the same as the winged...oh

"Oh come on, first Zeke and that seraphim bitch, and now you?" Frustration was building in the squirrel girl's chest, "No, I helped kill one and some of its feathers went into me."


"Ha! Relax, I don't actually give a damn. The trash could've went up your ass for all I care. I'm not like those smelly administrators, all pent up over old toys." He cackled and laid back, his spine arched backwards as he took in every smell, even the restless agitation. Until something she said got him surprised for a moment. Got him to drop the tough guy face for a moment too. "Wait... Zeke? You know that creepy bitch?" He tapped his fist on his palm in understanding. If that's how it was, how should he put it... bah, that's this and that's that.

"Actually, I forgot. I don't care."

He leaned forward teasingly.

"Want me to make it up to you? For vexing you like that."


--- Quote from: Kotomine_Rin on May 16, 2021, 01:53:20 AM ---Cossie

"Ha! Relax, I don't actually give a damn. The trash could've went up your ass for all I care. I'm not like those smelly administrators, all pent up over old toys." He cackled and laid back, his spine arched backwards as he took in every smell, even the restless agitation. Until something she said got him surprised for a moment. Got him to drop the tough guy face for a moment too. "Wait... Zeke? You know that creepy bitch?" He tapped his fist on his palm in understanding. If that's how it was, how should he put it... bah, that's this and that's that.

"Actually, I forgot. I don't care."

He leaned forward teasingly.

"Want me to make it up to you? For vexing you like that."

--- End quote ---


The squirrel girl stared right at Johnny with a frown, eye twitching slightly as he spoke. Where once there had been anticipation, there was now annoyance welling up in its place, and suddenly the blaring car horns were like a jackhammer pounding at her skull, only adding on to it all. Even the strange silence of the Grace slipped her notice in the moment, the squirrel girl crossing her arms under her chest and standing back, tail swishing erratically behind her.

"Well, knew him. He told me a bit about this stuff, promised he'd tell me more, then never showed up," Nanako said, one foot tapping harder and harder against steadily cracking asphalt, "Probably bit it fighting Ivanna."

"As for you," the squirrel girl turned her ire on the dark-haired man directly, though it was dulled by the pouty look the frown gave her. After a moment, however, she let out a quiet sigh, running a hand through her hair as she met the man's eyes and held them.

"Wanna make it up to me? Show me a good time, then," she said at last, stretching her arms up and arching her back with a small groan before relaxing into a basic stance. Her weight shifted from one leg to the other, tail acting as a counter-balance as she tried to get back into the mood for a fight. "If you think you can bring the mood back, of course."


The frigid feel of a blade against your skin scraped against Nanako. Gnawed at her. For a moment, even if Costin was as cool as ice - he wasn't laughing. Even his smile looked like the kind you give to someone before you utterly break them.

"Aren't you getting ahead of yourself, kiddo? That sounded an awful lot like you were telling me what to do." He took a step forward, and the asphalt beneath him caved in like a spiderweb, throwing off whatever footing she and the vehicles around them had. There were screams, even those who had the gall to shout and complain were utterly silent. Its not that the power was different. Strong people could be found all over, and even something like collateral wasn't too out there from time to time. It wasn't just an annoying idiot flexing and making a mess out of public infrastructure.

It really felt like that man would have killed them.

" *quack quack* "

And yet the kill never came. The dead apostle almost looked bored when he nonchalantly pinched her nose. As if it were a clown horn. "Gotcha. Like hell I'd do something that stupid." Thus, he grinned teasingly, getting closer and closer. Knowing full well the way his menacing aura made her feel. With no intention to let go. "So, I trust you can show me around the city a bit? And don't you drag me to a tavern, I've had naught but swill for as far as I remember. I want something fun."


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