Cross Effects > Areas

Highway 13

<< < (7/46) > >>

The sniper

Hidden from all sight, the attacker readied its shot.

Hostile body approaching at Tier 4 speed. Initiate response protocol.

Information traveled at the speed of light between a network of circuits.  His scope analyzed the difference by analyzing sight, olfactory and auditory changes, all in the blink of an eye. He had already locked on the bullet.


There was no sound of gunfire or a shot. In fact, the moment he pulled the trigger, nothing came out of the muzzle. If it wasn't for a shell dropping on the ground, one would think nothing happened at all. However... while no one could see why, the bullet never reached him. The only sound was the metallic clang of the bullet falling, never to reach him, before rolling out of the way. Suddenly, his face shifted into panic as more bullets approached him from his blind spot, a kiss away from biting into his arm and kidney.

He leaped in a swift motion, and a whirlwind wrapped under him before he vanished. The sniper was gone.

The sudden light from the flames caused the kid to squint. "Ahh...what's going on!?" She tried to move but she couldn't. "Aahh...haaaaaaaa! Get me out of here get me out!"

The ominous feeling spiked as she tipped the truck. No, it went even beyond. Meanwhile, A-702's skull kept bleeding out on the ground. Despite that, he still held onto the syringe.


Suerte's eyes began to water as she stared down at the girl.  Trauma is a strange thing.  She could see herself reflected in those eyes and all at once, she remembered everything.

Suerte's hometown was a small two-story wooden home, complete with a cute little creeky porch.  Every day she would sit outside with her parents, shooting cans off of trees in the distance, watching the sun set.  That warm crimson sky, the dry oppressive air, the feeling of cool metal in her palm: it all felt so vivid.  It was such a good day, a day like any other.

Suerte reached for her gun, only for her mind to be assaulted with another image.  Taking in a deep breath, she walked the truck to the side so it couldn't just fall back on top of her.  "Hold on sweetie!  I'm coming for you I promise!"

"We will be ok, we promise!"

The family was under cover in the house.  They were hidden in a makeshift bunker behind layers upon layers of special reinforced tables.  Today she had found out that their house was built for a gunfight.

"Pa!  No!  You can't!" she protested.  "You can't leave me alone!  I'm scared...."

She could still remember that somber smile.  At the time it was reassuring powerful even.  No, it still was now.  He looked happy, maybe defiant, as if he was fighting the impossible odds with a smile alone.  "Trust me, your Daddy is the best Cowboy in town."

"I thought you said that was mom!"

The man stared at the ground.  "Well shes gone now, so thats me!" he chuckled.  Suerte started crying.  It was a bad joke to tell to a frightened child, but she always appreciated it.  "Look.  Even if something happens to me you'll be fine.  Just remember what I taught you ok?"

Suerte rushed over to the debris, throwing aside every piece of rubble.  The second the girl was clear, she embraced her.  "See?  I told you!  You'll be ok!  I promised!  Just... stay with me alright?  I'll keep you safe."


He choked a gram of resentment for his lost target in the burning premonition of danger, and clambered to his feet from the back of the truck. The skeleton of a rifle dissolved from his gun in glassy shards as he yelled for Suerte. "Get out, now!"

Justice whistled, jumping to the street for the spider's body. His mount was always close when he needed it, and they both needed it.

As expected, with a half-rumble half-screeching neigh, Punishment rushed past. The abyssal steed drew its head close to its body, and like a blunt missile, slammed its mass into the obstacles the crash had made for Suerte. Debris and twisted metal flew and lifted off the ground with the blow, leaving a clear escape. The horse's saddle hung for a milisecond in arm's reach of the cowgirl.


Hearing Justice's shout, she smiled at the girl.  "Now that i'm here, fate is on your side," she said, holding out an outstretched hand for Justice.  Debris and rocks exploded behind her, every single piece going around the two.  Those dainty fingers wrapped around the edge of the saddle, allowing Suerte to yank herself up to the top of it with just a pull.  "Now that punishment is here your safe!"

The poor kid

"No! Don't leave daddy!" The girl shouted horrified, with a red face and tears streaming from her eyes. She hit Suerte's back with her weak desperate fists and kicked, but no matter how much she cried or struggled she couldn't budge a hair off her.

If one sensed anything from beneath there wreckage... even for Suerte, who could peer into the fate and luck of others, there was nothing but silence. No fortune, no misfortune.

No future at all.

"Ahhh...uahhhhhh! Let go, let go of me! Bring him back, bring back my dad!


Bleeding all over, the spider suddenly chuckled at the pale rider. "Heh... you're not half bad. But... we're so fucked."

Shockingly, he was still conscious... and no less irascibly detached as ever.

"I didn't think.... we'd have to deal with him so soon... looks like word of our situation has leaked to the outside...heheheh..." His voice was weak, barely a mumble, but it almost seemed to sway with the horse's gait.

"Cool horse btw."


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