Cross Effects > Areas

Highway 13

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--- Quote from: MissingMandible on November 14, 2019, 02:32:00 AM ---
--- Quote from: Sinib on November 12, 2019, 05:25:50 AM ---Thorra

Thorra wasn't picky. She walked up to a vending machine and gave it a solid whack, sending a surge of electricity through it and causing it to release a torrent of delicious snacks, and only slightly cracking the glass and leaving a small dent on the side.

"Hmmnnnn..." She muttered, crouching down and pulling out bag after bag of chips and pretzels. She turned her head, staring at the tiny distraught girl sitting upon a bench near her.

She looks like she's seen some stuff. She thought idly, walking over to the bench and plopping herself down. She hang herself from her finger, swinging herself back and forth, and then offered the girl a bag of chips.

"So, what's your deal? Why are you hanging around such a dilapidated, terrible part of this city, little girl?"

--- End quote ---


Mothra was so caught up in her little world that she didn't noticed she had company until a bag of chips plopped right down in front of her. "Gyah!" she squeaked, nearly dropping the artifact she was boring her eyes into just moments before onto the floor. The moment she laid eyes on her new companion, the teenager's face turned a deep shade of red, right up to her ears. This blonde woman was wearing a cape and practically nothing else. Was she a...lady of the night?

"So, what's your deal? Why are you hanging around such a dilapidated, terrible part of this city, little girl?" the stranger asked.

"I am...uh..." The blonde sure was pretty, Mothra had to look away to refocus, "I am looking for someone."

--- End quote ---


Thorra cocked her head, looking down upon the plain looking teenager with an unerring focus. She threw a fistfull of her chips inside her mouth, staring intently at the little gadget Mothra held.

"What's that?" She scooted closer and reached out, grabbing it with blinding speed. She turned it over in her hands, staring at it intently. "I've never really seen anything like this before, but it smells funny..."


Nexus Time 8:00 PM

I had been researching them for some time Lulu. It was only recently that I found a lead in that man and managed to abduct him.

"Ahhh, there is nothing more refreshing than the feel of the wind against one's face. Wouldn't you agree?" The night lights and winds danced around the highway, stroking the five as they rode into the night. Handling the wheel himself, sporting his sharp attire and sunglasses, Vega drove freely across the roads, a wide smile on his face.

A prostitution ring. To think even the rich and affluent find no better than to prey on the innocent and the weak. Women in the slums and poorer districts are targeted, coerced into vile acts and ultimately forced to sell their souls and dignities away. I care little for the rabble, and I understand that women have a right to use their bodies as they wish. I acknowledge that independent freedom. However...

The two maids struggled to keep their puffy hats on, though their porcelain cloth shone through the night. They were sitting in the back, with Lulu sitting at the privileged throne in the middle. Had circumstances been different, Vega would have allowed her to sit by his side. However, that spot was taken by someone else.

To remove them the choice, to strip them of their humanity and force them to live like cattle. Those who take advantage of the weak and vulnerable to further their sick desires... exploiting women and children. It disgusts me. Such things have no place in my world.

A still woman in white, with hair brighter than the moon's and eyes like the empty sea, was watching the road ahead emptily. She seemed young and scarcely moved at all. It was more like looking at a ghost, dazzling and enchanting. Vega didn't seem to mind. Then again, what Vega seemed and what he was didn't always have to match.


"A bit late for such sentiments. I usually prefer day time trips." The wind blew last comfortably however she still had to keep her hands on her lap to prevent her dress from hiking up any further, she was already showing enough skin as it was.

That is truly disgusting but I can't say I don't have any experience with it. We could take advantage of that, you could try to sell me  to them, that way we could get a better idea about thrm.


Vega laughed as his long hair trailed behind him, swinging about as the winds stroked each golden lock. "Haha! I see. I couldn't disagree more. I feel the cover of the night... liberating." He made a turn and the car drove past another sign. The beach, that seemed to be their destination... for now.

Are you suggesting I leave my treasure to the eyes and hands of filth? Even for a joke, you are going too far. But if you could...

For a moment, his relaxed expression tensed subconsciously. 

If I had gotten a better contact, I would have already carved every last one of them. The truth is, they have done well to hide from me thus far. Too well. It took me a month to get in contact with one of them and garner their trust. I befriended him not too long in a bar, and the way things were going I would have managed to get closer. But he... irritated me.

His hand was quaking ever so slightly. It was a small, infinitely minuscule detail. One that a lady of her standing might not miss. However, just as quickly, he relaxed and smiled confidently, sparing a glance at one of his maids if not for a moment. "You have brought the baggage along, right?" His voice and mood were both splendid. The maid, flustered, nodded. "Y-yes master!"

He made one more turn. It wouldn't be too long.


He's alive... for now. And so eager to talk. It's a shame he has made no shortage of attempts to deceive me. I was hoping you could help me with this. The rest... we will see. Make no mistake, I will take your words in consideration.


--- Quote from: Sinib on November 14, 2019, 08:06:53 PM ---Thorra

Thorra cocked her head, looking down upon the plain looking teenager with an unerring focus. She threw a fistfull of her chips inside her mouth, staring intently at the little gadget Mothra held.

"What's that?" She scooted closer and reached out, grabbing it with blinding speed. She turned it over in her hands, staring at it intently. "I've never really seen anything like this before, but it smells funny..."

--- End quote ---


Before she could react, the stranger snatched the mystery device right out of her hands, "He-hey! Give that back!" Mothra demanded, throwing her body over the table in a panicked bid to reclaim the object.

There were souls trapped inside the gadgt, and who knows if tampering with it could damage, or worse, destroy those unfortunates within.


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