Cross Effects > Areas

Highway 13

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"Oh how sleek!" she said, picking up the outfit with the skull coat.  Suerte pressed the thing up against her chest, realizing it was probably going to cover up her body.  Then again, she didn't need to flaunt it all the time.  At the very least, this would be a nice change of pace.  "Its a little gaudy for my taste but something about this one speaks to me."

She placed the bird mask over her face.  "I suppose you want us to be a little more anonymous huh?"


He stared skeptically at the outfit as he unfolded it. Did... did they want him to look like a earth-bound angelic punisher type? That was entirely too much gold for his modest tastes, but that was sometimes the point of a disguise. If Justice could keep down demonic sludge cooked in the waters of Tartarus, he could probably keep this down.

It was something he almost envied the idea of wearing as his own, in truth. Unlike some of his brothers, he tended more towards the practical, however.

The rider looked up at their driver, waiting for more context.


"Eh, nothing in particular. You heard about our new lil' champion getting promoted at the dojo district?" He took a turn to the left, winding off towards the Dojo District. Grinning, he suddenly feigned shock  and gaped that big ravenous shark's maw of his.

"Oh, goodness, no way. He's one of the big shots up there, the original four or something. Don't sound very original to me. Anyways, look, I've been trying to contact the guy for a while now, but he won't answer any of my calls. It'd be bad if The Night's Champion suddenly spilled the beans so..."

A cold bead of sweat ran down his brow. For a moment, his hand clenched a little on the wheel, but his grip was st0eady, and besides. He shouldn't panic or jump to conclusions. The wind and the roads were particularly good tonight. Everything should be smooth from now on. He shook his head, surprisingly focused on the riding for someone talking so casually..

"Fair enough, fair enough." All of a sudden the phone blared, and he found himself at the receiving end of a 10 000 decibel assault. Sadly, he didn't seem to care much.

"I'm joooooking. Anyways, look, if it isn't much, I'd like you to check up on him. I'll send you the address. Don't know why, but I've got a bad feeling about this. Oh, you'll do it for me? Thank you, oh praise the Dragon. I promise I'll buy you the best ramen in town, you won't regret it. Huh? Make it for three? Shit, haha, so you got a girlfriend now? How cuuute- I'm kiddding i'm kiddding! Okay okay, see ya."

WIth that, he clicked the phone off and turned back to glance at the two.

"Phew. So that's settled. Sorry, I wasn't listening. You two said somethin'?"


Suerte turned her head away from the driver.  "Hmph!  I don't repeat myself," she said.  "Justice, you ask him this time."


For someone who seemed so unassuming, this young man certainly appeared to be casual with some big names. But then, he was driving this spectacular sham of a vehicle too. So much of it seemed performative, Justice felt unappeased - but they couldn't expect much out of such a shady assignment, after all.

He leaned forward, poking the spider between the shoulderblades with a straight, firm finger. "What part are we supposed to play with these?" He asked, projecting his low tone to the front seat.


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