Cross Effects > Areas

Highway 13

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It would bother him, but he wouldn't lose sleep, the spider was right. He wouldn't lose focus either - and so he did not miss the flare of danger, nor the momentary return of the spectre that haunted them.

Justice shoved the bloodied youth behind him, and the projectile banged against his armor, rattling his arm. The rider's nerves lit on fire, and in the same instant his figure ignited with titanic fury. His fiendish face came uncovered from his gauntlet and his eyes flashed with a whirring ray that cut the road, melting through the direction of the attacker's shadow.


Suerte's eyes tracked the shot, her arms instinctively drawing her twin pistols.  A mechanical noise filled the air, marking the change in her bullet type.  One barrel aimed at the ground, the other aimed at the figure.  A single bang, two shots.  The one aimed down struck the ground between them, kicking up an enormous cloud of smoke.  The other bullet went straight towards the ghostly creature.  If it was a paranormal apparition, this bullet would be able to strike it.  If not, she at least knew it wasn't a ghost.


It didn't matter if the ghost dodged or not, they were going to charge it.

The Mysterious Marksman

Something shimmered as the bullet hit. No, it was his silhouette, fading into thin air. The bullet passed through, and only the shifting of the air revealed that he was in fact there. However!

Two ungodly eyes seared through the winds and pierced right through just as they were to evade. The air where he once was hyper heated and a blast of heat billowed forth! The group dashed right into nothing, but there was a gut feeling that something happened. The rest was silence. For a moment, it wasn't sure if it'd strike again.


--- Quote from: Sinib on November 15, 2019, 07:02:12 PM ---Thorra

Thorra handed the thing back after a few moments. "You're looking for someone? There's clearly more to it than that, I can sense the power held within that trinket of yours."

She smiled. "You're not really a normal girl, are you?"

--- End quote ---


"Well, I, uh..." 

Mothra fell back to her seat, once again turning her gaze downwards. Truth be told, she's just too tired right now to continue the facade. "You're the first one who could tell," the teenager stated, misinterpreting what the beautiful lady meant, "Though I am looking for someone - my neighbor's son. He went missing, and I'm afraid something happened."



Vega just kept driving, silent for a moment as if he had an epiohany. To think all this time he treated her in such a way. He did objectify her, he saw it now.

Then I suppose so.

Then he'd just keep doing that. That was his way. Possessive, stubborn, irascible, vain, prideful... those were all traits belonging to him. To not follow his own path to the end would be admitting defeat, and that he'd simply never do.

And remember this. If I was not drawn to you, you would not be standing by my side at all.

"I do think you're cute. My cute little maid, and no one else's. Never forget that." He smiled as he reached the exit. Soon, they'd be there. Soon, this story would reach its end, and he'd smile and live another day. "What am I to you?"


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