Cross Effects > Areas

Highway 13

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--- Quote from: MissingMandible on November 17, 2019, 06:17:57 AM ---
--- Quote from: Sinib on November 15, 2019, 07:02:12 PM ---Thorra

Thorra handed the thing back after a few moments. "You're looking for someone? There's clearly more to it than that, I can sense the power held within that trinket of yours."

She smiled. "You're not really a normal girl, are you?"

--- End quote ---


"Well, I, uh..." 

Mothra fell back to her seat, once again turning her gaze downwards. Truth be told, she's just too tired right now to continue the facade. "You're the first one who could tell," the teenager stated, misinterpreting what the beautiful lady meant, "Though I am looking for someone - my neighbor's son. He went missing, and I'm afraid something happened."

--- End quote ---


Mothra suddenly found herself whisked into Thorra's lap within a fraction of a second, head resting against the woman's ample chest. She could feel faint tingles of divine electricity seeming to embrace her.

"Well well, I couldn't ignore that sort of plight if I wanted to. Tell me everything."

Thorra's free hand rubbed Mothra's head. It was large, like the rest of her body was, and it felt like the giant was holding back her strength in order not to harm her. "You have some sort of idea of what happened, don't you?"

Her words seemed to be full of honey, and the woman felt inheirently trustworthy and lovable.


--- Quote from: Sinib on November 17, 2019, 04:29:55 PM ---Thorra

Mothra suddenly found herself whisked into Thorra's lap within a fraction of a second, head resting against the woman's ample chest. She could feel faint tingles of divine electricity seeming to embrace her.

"Well well, I couldn't ignore that sort of plight if I wanted to. Tell me everything."

Thorra's free hand rubbed Mothra's head. It was large, like the rest of her body was, and it felt like the giant was holding back her strength in order not to harm her. "You have some sort of idea of what happened, don't you?"

Her words seemed to be full of honey, and the woman felt inheirently trustworthy and lovable.

--- End quote ---

Mothra barely even got an "eep" in when she was snatched up by the woman, face turning an even brighter shade of red as she became fully aware just how *scant* the blonde's clothing was. All of a sudden, the teenager was embraced. Mothra noticed the potential strength her companion had, that it was being held back for her comfort. She felt like an infant being cradled by her mother...

"Well well, I couldn't ignore that sort of plight if I wanted to. Tell me everything." the blonde spoke.

With the feeling of security, Mothra did just that. Much like a child seeking comfort from her parent, she laid herself bare. Tears were forming in the corners of her eyes by the end of it, the feeling of guilt rearing its ugly head again, both for her murder and for her inability to find the person she vowed to save.


--- Quote from: MissingMandible on November 17, 2019, 05:19:32 PM ---
--- Quote from: Sinib on November 17, 2019, 04:29:55 PM ---Thorra

Mothra suddenly found herself whisked into Thorra's lap within a fraction of a second, head resting against the woman's ample chest. She could feel faint tingles of divine electricity seeming to embrace her.

"Well well, I couldn't ignore that sort of plight if I wanted to. Tell me everything."

Thorra's free hand rubbed Mothra's head. It was large, like the rest of her body was, and it felt like the giant was holding back her strength in order not to harm her. "You have some sort of idea of what happened, don't you?"

Her words seemed to be full of honey, and the woman felt inheirently trustworthy and lovable.

--- End quote ---

Mothra barely even got an "eep" in when she was snatched up by the woman, face turning an even brighter shade of red as she became fully aware just how *scant* the blonde's clothing was. All of a sudden, the teenager was embraced. Mothra noticed the potential strength her companion had, that it was being held back for her comfort. She felt like an infant being cradled by her mother...

"Well well, I couldn't ignore that sort of plight if I wanted to. Tell me everything." the blonde spoke.

With the feeling of security, Mothra did just that. Much like a child seeking comfort from her parent, she laid herself bare. Tears were forming in the corners of her eyes by the end of it, the feeling of guilt rearing its ugly head again, both for her murder and for her inability to find the person she vowed to save.

--- End quote ---


Throughout her entire story, Thorra continued petting Mothra's head, sending calming sparks through their bodies, massaging her nerves and making her feel pleasantly numb. By the end of it, she found her head resting right up against Thorra's mounds, pressed in between them by the larger woman.

"You did what you felt needed to happen, and death comes for everyone at some point, even the gods. We all wait for the coming of Ragnarok." Thorra said. Her voice had a soothing tone to it, and she felt Thorra's hand finally lift itself off her head, and felt herself get pulled into a tight hug. "I'd be honored to help you in your quest, Mothra. It certainly sounds like this Eruraviel you talk about needs a stern talking to, at the least."

There was an interested tone to her voice brought on by her vauge knowledge of elves. She wanted to finally meet one, and see how they looked like.


Maybe you'll find out soon...

Her expression remained the same, not willing to give anything away so easily would appear that they'd finally reached their destination. But what would await them at this place where destiny comes together.


So he kept driving. Advancing forward, no matter what.

Continued in Swole City


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