Cross Effects > Areas

Highway 13

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Damn she thought, her mouth filling with blood.  She stared down at her body and saw she had a huge hole in her chest.  Of course, it missed her heart, but she couldn't breathe.

How stupid.  Not a single shot connected, it passed through him like he was made of air.  Why didn't she move?  What a stupid line she gave that kid.  Fate wasn't something that would protect her for nothing.  Fate favors the bold, not the foolish.  That was always the difference between her and her opponents.  The foolish and the bold.

But then she saw it.  That little girl's father's body lying on the ground, still, motionless.  She wondered if his heart still beat if he could feel death calling to him, just as she it was calling to her.


A young Suerte fell on her hands and knees, rested over her father's corpse.  His body was cold, his eyes lifeless, yet there was a smile on his face.  Why was he smiling?  Tears welled up in her eyes, obscuring her father's handsome face from her view.  She would never again hear his voice, feel his warmth, hear his wisdom.  Both he and her mother were completely gone from this world forever.

Suerte spent her entire career chasing that smile.  The girl experienced the thrill of a kill, the achievement of taking down strong foes, the satisfaction of saving lives and even the simple joy of giving another a smile.  Maybe thats all she cared about, killing, overcoming and loving.  All she knew was the smile she wore was not the same as the one burned into her mind.

Thats right.

How could she die here, unable to save that man?  If someone had said they would save her father, how pathetic would it be if they just died before achieving their goal?  There only needed to be one fatherless girl on this highway.

Suerte gripped her pistols and turned to face the assassin, no the wind itself.  Ironic because she could no longer grasp the wind with her breathe anymore.  Mustering the rest of her strength, she turned to face the last shimmer of what remained of the man.  At the very least, she figured out what his ability was.  With blood dripping down her lips, she smiled.

That familiar mechanical noise echoed through the empty road, followed by a bullet.  This was a special bullet carved from her will to live.  It would suck his body into the bullet, well a part of it or just downright rip through his windy body.  There would be no coming back if he got hit.

The assassin

The bullets raged on, the vacuums screamed. But everything was so very silent.

In front of her, nothing changed. But there was no trace of the assailant now. The way was clear.

Blood spurted and viscera slipped out of the great hole on her chest, enough to cause even a strong animal to collapse. At the very least, the pain wouldn't come yet. But for every second, every moment, she lost more and more blood. Her body was weakening.

The father in the wreckage was just about 100 meters away. A distance like this... surely it woudn't stop her. Even if she had to crawl.

But would she make it in time?


Suerte's hand reached out towards the man, as if she were to grasp at his body.  She could feel the blood trickling down her clothes, settling into the crevices of the concrete.  Those soft hazel eyes of hers stayed locked on the body of that man in the distance, her arms shaking as she pulled her body forward.  It was strange.  As she pulled herself forward, she realized it was much easier than it should have been.

She was lighter now.

This was impossible.  Her shaking arms brought her gun up into view.  She could shoot herself, perhaps heal herself.  Truthfully, she has never done it before, never needed to.  Technically there were a few times during the incident where she tracked down her father's killer, but she was always saved by someone else.  For all she knew, the bullets would still hurt her, even if they could heal her injuries.  If she took another serious injury, she could die.

Strange...  She could feel her lips straining themselves, still plastered into a big stupid smile.  Is this what she wanted?  Is this the thrill she craved?  No it couldn't be.  She was terrified.  She didn't want to die.  A part of her wanted to call out to Justice, Vanilla, anyone, get them to save her.  Why was this happening?  Fate was supposed to be on her side now.  Did the goddess forsake her?

Suerte's hazel eyes glanced at the weapon.  What would you do father?

Staring back at the man, she saw her father's body.  The concrete road seemed to shift and mold into that sandy ground where her father lay.  The entire highway seemed to give way to her old world.  It was as if she was being pulled back. 

No, she was just dying.

Just then, she saw her father's body twitch.  It seemed to stand up.  It was coming towards her, its hands reaching out to her.  Tears welled up in Suerte's eyes as she stared at her father.  "Suerte fate has failed you.  Your luck has run out.  It's time to come home...."

Suerte's arm jolted into action, the barrel of the gun pointed directly to her head.  The familiar mechanical noise rang through the highway like a gunshot.  "I'm sorry.... but I... I don't want to come home yet... I... failed you..."

"Its alright.  So what if you failed?  Come back to us...  We miss you...."

"....I can't come back to you, not as a failure.  I was too weak to avenge you without the help of fate, without luck and too weak to keep its favor...."

Her father's figure stood in front of her, bending down to reach out to her.  His hands brushed against her soft cheeks.  "Well then sweetie.... I want to see you give it everything you got, just like you used to..."

The dessert shattered, the world falling away into darkness.  A gunshot louder than any other rang through the highway.  Although, it wasn't the sound of a gunshot, it was the sound of the bullet penetrating Suerte's skull.  The cowgirl laid in complete silence, a smile plastered on her face.


--- Quote from: Sinib on December 05, 2019, 04:20:07 PM ---Thorra

Mothra found herself unceremoniously hoisted up by the giant and tucked neatly under her arm. "No need to walk. We can get a better view from the air."

Thorra leapt up with explosive force, and soon, they were soaring through the night sky. "So, which direction should we go?"

--- End quote ---

When the blonde shoved her under her arm, all Mothra could do was squeak an "Eh?"

When she launched like a goddamn rocket through the roof of the grimy gas station, Mothra practically shrieked. The teenager suddenly became quite aware of her own frail mortality while in her human form. Especially since they were well over a couple hundred feet at this point. "East! East! East! Easteasteasteasteast! Waaagh-gh-gh"

This was different to her own flight - she had control when she flew. While she didn't pick up any ill intent from her new companion, an accidental drop from this height down to the concrete below would not be a fun time.


--- Quote from: francobull3 on December 06, 2019, 08:52:38 PM ---A-702

The spider smiled and tugged at the rider, focusing on the feeling of the galloping beast riding through the night. Suddenly, he felt something cold on the back of his neck. It wasn't something you'd immediately pick up on, but for some reason, he felt a chill.

Justice could feel it too, maybe even more clearly. At first, it wasn't all the noticeable, but little by little a waterdrop would fall on them.

"Hey, are there any clouds in the sky?" He asked weakly.

--- End quote ---


Punishment had stopped moving. As rider and steed felt the cold, harmless pinpricks, the silence on the shadow of the highway seemed to send something to crawl down Justice's back. His hand squeezed the handle of the great sword.

"No," he retorted stiffly.


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