Author Topic: The District of Columbia  (Read 47394 times)


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #300 on: September 27, 2020, 08:20:23 PM »

"And what about me? What do you think I'll think about it?" She asked coyly.


"Didn't you trust me when I said you'll love it?" Washington caught a glimpse of the senator' brow furrowing, of her lips pressing together behind her half-eaten cheeseburger, before she stubbornly took another bite and swallowed almost defiantly after just a few chews. Then she had to grasp at her drink and gulped the rest down. "Ahh... I thought you knew me better by now. When have I let you down?"


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #301 on: September 28, 2020, 04:13:37 AM »

"Look at you already giving up..."

The redhead Succubi crawled up next to to the goddess as her skin tight suit reformed around her body. Lily noted with a bit of disspoontment that she hadn't gotten the overblown cum belly either, the goddess really had been all talak in the end.

" I'll just have to train little Enty's body to last longer hehe..." Her long tail waved happily behind her. The conyant pulling had been the worst part of this and she was finally free. "Or maybe I should be doing pounding, a goddess like you deserve the sweet care of a high class Succubi dicking..."


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #302 on: September 29, 2020, 05:43:49 AM »

Columbia wrapped Lily's tail around her hand, playing gently with the heart-shaped tip, moving her thumb in a circular pattern. "I'd like that, but my cute little Enty's at her limit, and she doesn't like that part of her being used..." Columbia replied. She leaned in and pecked Lily on the cheek. "Maybe we can visit each other in dreams sometime~"

She curled up next to Lily and rubbed her silver-haired avatar against the eternally hot demoness. "Say, Lily, did you hear about that freak terrorist attack earlier today, where the pumpkins assaulted my cute little highschoolers?"

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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #303 on: September 29, 2020, 04:32:16 PM »

"And what about me? What do you think I'll think about it?" She asked coyly.


"Didn't you trust me when I said you'll love it?" Washington caught a glimpse of the senator' brow furrowing, of her lips pressing together behind her half-eaten cheeseburger, before she stubbornly took another bite and swallowed almost defiantly after just a few chews. Then she had to grasp at her drink and gulped the rest down. "Ahh... I thought you knew me better by now. When have I let you down?"


Her big toe came down hard upon Serra's prick. She pressed her toe against the base of her cock, and then ran it along the thick, veiny length. "Ahhh, but I'd like to know sooner. So I can prepare my troops and brief my commanders upon the situation."

Her eyes sparkled with Columbia's brilliance, enough to send shivers down the spine of any devout believer. "Come on, tell me, tell me!"

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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #304 on: September 29, 2020, 06:31:28 PM »

"Dreams ahh huh...." Lily relaxed into the embrace while the massage of the tip of her tail sent pleasurable shocks down her spine. It was almost better than the sex had been, and the Succubi begun rubbing her legs unintentionally.

That's why she almost missed the mention of the attack but only almost. "That attack hmm... Going by my gut feeling it's fake. It was too organized to be a random drunken assault yet the target made no tactical sense, and the complete lack of contingency plans after the initial assault failed is astounding for something that on the surface looks like a highly coordinated assault from the very top."

Lily sat up and gazed directly at the goddess. "I think it was staged by someone on the Columbian side, if you look at the target it would hold barely no tactical benefit from the perspective of the Halloweeners but from your side's persepctive it enrages the population and makes it easier to propose a more decisive counter attack."


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #305 on: September 29, 2020, 07:36:26 PM »

"Dreams ahh huh...." Lily relaxed into the embrace while the massage of the tip of her tail sent pleasurable shocks down her spine. It was almost better than the sex had been, and the Succubi begun rubbing her legs unintentionally.

That's why she almost missed the mention of the attack but only almost. "That attack hmm... Going by my gut feeling it's fake. It was too organized to be a random drunken assault yet the target made no tactical sense, and the complete lack of contingency plans after the initial assault failed is astounding for something that on the surface looks like a highly coordinated assault from the very top."

Lily sat up and gazed directly at the goddess. "I think it was staged by someone on the Columbian side, if you look at the target it would hold barely no tactical benefit from the perspective of the Halloweeners but from your side's persepctive it enrages the population and makes it easier to propose a more decisive counter attack."


Columbia grabbed the heart of Lily's tail with her thumb and index finger and swirled them aroud in opposing circles on either side of the tip. She was honestly curious just how far she could take Lily just with this. "Mmm, who can say? Perhaps it was supposed to be revenge for a perceived slight. As much as they rage about the racism of the humans, they hold many biases of their own."

Columbia frowned, and stared directly back into Lily's eyes. "Regardless, there are factions within the legislature who wish to exact revenge. And it seems a paramilitary group has just attempted to exact it on their own terms."

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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #306 on: September 30, 2020, 06:10:24 PM »

Lily shivered and the pleasure built up, she was going to cum at this rate and it would be bigger than any climax she'd had so far. Having her tail massaged with this much care easily surpassed the pleasure she derived from mediocre sex and she wasn't about to let that go unheard.

"That... That's the spot... You should inform everyone that any good girl they hire should be rewarded... Like this, it feels soooo good." Her breathing had gotten heavier.

"Hmm hmm..." Lily basked in the massage a bit longer before she responded to what Clumbia had said. "... Do you want my help with it? I know I don't look like it but I'm really good at fighting too..."


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #307 on: October 01, 2020, 02:59:00 AM »

"And what about me? What do you think I'll think about it?" She asked coyly.


"Didn't you trust me when I said you'll love it?" Washington caught a glimpse of the senator' brow furrowing, of her lips pressing together behind her half-eaten cheeseburger, before she stubbornly took another bite and swallowed almost defiantly after just a few chews. Then she had to grasp at her drink and gulped the rest down. "Ahh... I thought you knew me better by now. When have I let you down?"


Her big toe came down hard upon Serra's prick. She pressed her toe against the base of her cock, and then ran it along the thick, veiny length. "Ahhh, but I'd like to know sooner. So I can prepare my troops and brief my commanders upon the situation."

Her eyes sparkled with Columbia's brilliance, enough to send shivers down the spine of any devout believer. "Come on, tell me, tell me!"


Serra breathed in sharply through her nose, and then with visible reluctance in her eyes reached down under the table to grasp at Washington's foot to stop her diabolical methods! "Y-You know we can't talk about that in a place like this." She gave the goddess a playful (chiding?) tug by the toes. "Who knows who could be watching?"

This time there was no burger to hide the hint of a pout, even as she looked up at Washington from her spot leaning down. "It's always the watching with you."

But then, she sighs, and reaches into one of her pockets to pull out a pen. Terrible things happened to a nearby napkin, and Serra's atrocious drawing skills were put on display for all to see.

She passed the napkin off to Washington. "There. Best I can safely share with you. Be grateful!"
« Last Edit: October 11, 2020, 04:39:15 AM by Aiden »


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #308 on: October 02, 2020, 02:49:41 AM »

Lily shivered and the pleasure built up, she was going to cum at this rate and it would be bigger than any climax she'd had so far. Having her tail massaged with this much care easily surpassed the pleasure she derived from mediocre sex and she wasn't about to let that go unheard.

"That... That's the spot... You should inform everyone that any good girl they hire should be rewarded... Like this, it feels soooo good." Her breathing had gotten heavier.

"Hmm hmm..." Lily basked in the massage a bit longer before she responded to what Clumbia had said. "... Do you want my help with it? I know I don't look like it but I'm really good at fighting too..."


Columbia brought her other hand to the base of Lily's tail, and while she continued her massage, began to stroke the base of Lily's tail. "Hmmmm... Not right now, no." Columbia replied. "I don't think we'll need you to fight our battles for us. I'm more concerned with what your father thinks about all of this, Lily~"

Enterprise's eyes glimmered, and she stared right into Lily's eyes. "I'll cut right to the chase. Are you with us, or against us? That's the precondition for our alliance."

« Last Edit: October 03, 2020, 11:45:45 PM by SINIB »

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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #309 on: October 03, 2020, 11:57:05 PM »

"Mhm...." Her tail withdrew from Liz's grip as the redhead's expression turned more serious.

"That would depend on whatever your nation does Goddess, We uphold our deals but we're not supporting anyone going on an unhinged aggression spree. No one important cares about Halloween Town, but if this kind of 'incident' were to happen to someplace more central, you shouldn't count on us to rush to your aid like a flock of sheep..."

"We will not be taken advantage off by subversive jingoistic factions within your fold. Is that clear?" Her own pressure flared up, piercing the goddess with the fury of an awoken dragon.


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #310 on: October 04, 2020, 12:07:00 AM »

"Mhm...." Her tail withdrew from Liz's grip as the redhead's expression turned more serious.

"That would depend on whatever your nation does Goddess, We uphold our deals but we're not supporting anyone going on an unhinged aggression spree. No one important cares about Halloween Town, but if this kind of 'incident' were to happen to someplace more central, you shouldn't count on us to rush to your aid like a flock of sheep..."

"We will not be taken advantage off by subversive jingoistic factions within your fold. Is that clear?" Her own pressure flared up, piercing the goddess with the fury of an awoken dragon.


Columbia crossed her legs, and a faint silvery aura flared up in response. An eagle erupted into existence, and with a tremendous caw, it landed atop Columbia's shoulder and stared directly into the mouth of the dragon. "Of course not. Now is now, and the future is beyond us. I wouldn't dare to assume your support without visiting Elizabeth first."

She reached up and suddenly flicked Lily's forehead. "If this is a treaty of friendship, then it deserves a toast." With a flash of divine power, a bottle of champagne apperated into existance along with two wine glasses. She poured each of them a glass with a flourish, and offered Lily one. "To Elizabeth."

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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #311 on: October 04, 2020, 12:59:25 AM »

Lily gave the glass of champagne and then tipped the glass over and poured the contents outs on the floor. Her gaze hadn't faltered on the slightest. She was still staring at the goddess with the same intensity as before, no if anything it spared even higher.

"You have a problem. There's currently an private armed force waging war on another stage in the name of Columbia and they don't even have the approval of the senate or you... DON'T YOU SEE HOW THATS A PROBLEM??  PRIVATE MERCENARIES CAN EMPOWER THEMSELVES TO REPRESENT THE PEOPLE, HOW IS THAT FREEDOM??? "


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #312 on: October 06, 2020, 05:02:16 AM »

Columbia caught Lily's hand and stared at her with an intensive glare. "And what am I supposed to do about that, brat?" Her eyes gleamed like the finest silver, and her golden form seemed to shimmer behind her body. "A private group reacted to create more trouble. They're completely unassociated with the state, and I had no knowledge of their actions until it was alreafy underway."

She tightened her grip on Lily's wrist. "I don't need you telling me how I need to govern my nation."

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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #313 on: October 07, 2020, 05:53:34 PM »

"And what makes you think any of that matter?" Lily's temper didn't falter, no it was still like smouldering flame, under control but still very much there. "In the eyes of the world your nation just declared war on them. Save your excuses for the sycophants but I'm not here to mince my words. If you don't respond to this action, you'll legitimize them and they'll feel emboldened to take further actions.

The redhead slipped onto her lap like it was the most natural thing to do, and the intensity behind her gaze faded. "Advising you is part of my job too, I guess
I could pretend to be a bimbo but that would cheat you out of the deal you signed. But I'm sorry for my tone just now.... rubbing my tail like that, it really riled me up..."


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #314 on: October 07, 2020, 09:27:32 PM »

"In the eyes of the world, this can easily be spun as a tit-for-tat situation. We were attacked, and some extremists returned fire. It's hardly as dangerous a situation as you're making it out to be." Columbia retorted. She suddenly tackled Lily back against the couch, looming over the smaller woman. "I have far too many sycophants whom I have to ignore on a daily basis-women such as you are welcome and highly favored in my administration. Keeping your cool and being able to give me rational advice without insulting me in the process is something you'll have to work on."

She brushed a firey lock off of Lily's forehead. "Come meet me in the presidential palace. Enty's getting tired, and I'd enjoy speaking with you more personally." She kissed her one more time before letting her up and walking her avatar over to a reclier to rest. She gave Lily one more wave before laying down onto it and collapsing into a deep sleep, the eagle standing watch over its master.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2020, 09:32:37 PM by SINIB »

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