Author Topic: The District of Columbia  (Read 47417 times)


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #390 on: November 17, 2020, 07:07:14 PM »

Heh, didn't get a memo yet or she was just that touchy feely with everyone? Eh, what she could do about it? She pretty much mentally shrugged and just decided to go with the flow and ignore that too friendly or too flirty behavior, depending how you could interpret it.

"Eh, I was just tagging along with someone who was taking their revenge. Someone wronged you and you fight back, that's all there was to it for me. Oh, and killing people you don't like always feel cathartic. Sounds a bit flippant, I know, but there was never more to it for me than someone crossing me and teaming up with a bunch of people. Last time it was first at convenience, than I just fell into a routine. Oh, and some men in the army are pretty... colorful. But eh, enough of my stories. Let's talk about what they've got here around!"

Shifting a topic would be welcome. She wasn't here to be nostalgic, she wanted to keep with the flow and looked with what stuff people killed each other these days and nights. Did the technology really progress since the 1970s? The guns at the street display didn't look much different at first look to what she was used to. The difference must have been subtle indeed.


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #391 on: November 17, 2020, 10:28:17 PM »

Suerte smiled at that response, zipping behind her as she changed topics yet again.  If she hadn't switched so suddenly, Suerte would have commented about how similar they were, but she kept quiet.  Instead giggling out loud about the information the girl seemed too uncomfortable to discuss.

"Well it looks like they have shotguns," Suerte said, pulling a bag out from inside of her shirt.  It was large enough to carry dozens upon dozens of guns.  "Lots of assault rifles oh and a minigun!"

Suerte's breasts jiggled as she skipped over to the wall.  The young blonde grabbed a shotgun from the shelf and placed it in her bag.  "Oh if you want I can buy you one.  My old partner used to have a minigun.  It had this beautiful hum when it fired and the corpses that came from it were like fine art!"
« Last Edit: November 17, 2020, 10:28:54 PM by yinsukin »


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #392 on: November 18, 2020, 05:39:10 PM »

"Such anger."

Her words barely had time to leave her lips before the impossible happened. The redhead had raised her right leg as quickly as she could, as if she was about the do high kick, only there was nothing to kick. However....

"Such sublime form..."

It reversed direction in an unbelievable manner, going down in an angle that shouldn't have been possible for a humanoid frame, and even more absurd the switch had happened instantaneously, without any loss in momentum. Her foot came down upon the flat side of the blade right before it hit her, and with her superior strength she forced it into the ground in one decisive moment.

"Yet so predictable..."

But it didn't end there, the redhead hadn't come to a stop, she instantly pivoted off the blade in the same monstrous way, while maintaining her full momentum. Her left leg was already raised and poised to knee the goddess in the face.


Lily's movements wear beautiful, more akin to the actions one might expect in an action flick or even an over-the-top cartoon rather than something one might see in real life. She'd already seen enough to rate Lily's formless fighting style as absolutely sublime, something that she'd be lucky to see even once more on a different person. She was completely unable to shift the momentum of her strike to block Lily's blow. Plus, considering the fact she could almost certainly fly, moving the fight into the air would simply put her at a major disadvantage compared to the status quo.

The blond goddess's eyes flashed with a golden light which enveloped her entire form, bearing down on Lily with an intense pressure which would crush a lesser woman. She leaned back to put distance between her and the rapidly approaching knee, using the fraction of a second to bring her forearm up in front of her face to stop the knee in its tracks.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #393 on: November 18, 2020, 07:24:04 PM »

"Oh! They had those back in that jungle war. I haven't been much active for that one, but heard stories. They mounted them on helis and planes. Funny how your friend used it as a handgun. A bit bothersome to wield something like that, if you ask me. You can just wield a gun in one hand and then deck someone with a fist if they're bulletproof or just that good. Or that's how it works for me. If someone wants to stab me or shoot me, and can't even avoid or take a bullet, they clearly are not worth much of time. Bang, and they drop."

She said as she pointed her finger at the wall of the shop as if it was a barrel of a gun.

"Thanks for the offer. I'm a bit short on the cash. Paid my rent in advance, I've been burning my money like jet fuel. Meant to find some employment, but eh. Sightseeing for now."


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #394 on: November 19, 2020, 03:15:32 AM »

Suerte giggled to her response again.  The way she was so candid about all this stuff was charming to her in a way that was hard to explain.  "I wish I was that tough.  Back when I was younger, I trained and trained until I was stronger than anyone around me, but I never got to be bullet proof."

With the simple flick of her wrist and while maintaining eye contact with the girl, she threw the assault rifle into her back.  "But for i'm not asking you to pay me back.  I'll buy you the gun for free.  Its a damn crime to walk into a gun store and not walk out with a gun!"


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #395 on: November 19, 2020, 04:53:25 AM »

Yeah no... She'd dealt with this kind before, self proclaimed gods and goddesses who drew upon their foolhardy believers to achieve a false strength. She'd even taken quite a few of them.

With a sharpening of her red eyes, the golden pressure was met with her own edge, her finely honed killer instincts cancelled it out. This would surely surprise the goddess, non deities having something like this fostered from sheer stockpiled desire to kill was something out of this world...

"I noticed something..."

Her knee never met the elbow tho, at the last second, her body completely defied gravity and moved up and over it, making it seem like the redhead would overshoot her, but in the next instant she reversed her course completely and spun around to catch the taller woman in a hug. Lily's powerful legs wrapped around her arms and were about to push them in towards the goddess' torso.

"Your blows lacked weight." If she applied her full strength to this hold it should shut the goddess down completely, even if her opponent decided to bash her against the surrounding, with the level of power she'd shown she wouldn't be able to hurt Lily that way.


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #396 on: November 19, 2020, 05:45:53 PM »

His eyes opened then, taking in the sight of the two renegade districts. His brow furrowed as his blood quickened in irritation, veins prominent against his skin. "They are festering wounds, yes. But what would you do with them? Short of total reeducation, you cannot purge dissent. Will you drive them out? Imprison them? Execute them?" Questioning yes... but there was something more to that. Balius was not so foolish as to threaten the goddess in her sanctum, yet there was an undeniable tension in the air as he spoke. His heartbeat quickened.

"They are separatists, yes, but they have been emboldened and empowered through you. We both know that simply slaying their gods will accomplish nothing. Cutting aberrant branches from a sickened tree will not cure it. You are the source, Columbia. If that anger you hold towards them is to be anything but self-righteous, it must be directed at you as well. Now then, what are the solutions you have considered?"


"Cut off the head, and a cult collapses in on itself." She crossed her legs, a deep frown of discomfort never leaving her otherwise perfect beauty. It marred her face, showing a vulnerability and fear which she revealed to scarcely anyone except Balius himself. "If we destroy her, capture the mortal leadership, put them on trial-it will be a poison without guidance." She clenched her fist, and her eyes seemed to glow. "Meanwhile, the people they've so brazenly enslaved-my own children as well as all the others-they deserve freedom, the ability to make their own choices and follow their own paths."

"As for those two, complete and utter defeat seems to be the only option. The Union and Dunham have more room for leeway and negotiation. Perhaps, even recognition."

It all depended on whether Lily's mission came out as a success, or if Americana destroyed her like every other attempt which had been made.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #397 on: November 19, 2020, 11:23:57 PM »

Yeah no... She'd dealt with this kind before, self proclaimed gods and goddesses who drew upon their foolhardy believers to achieve a false strength. She'd even taken quite a few of them.

With a sharpening of her red eyes, the golden pressure was met with her own edge, her finely honed killer instincts cancelled it out. This would surely surprise the goddess, non deities having something like this fostered from sheer stockpiled desire to kill was something out of this world...

"I noticed something..."

Her knee never met the elbow tho, at the last second, her body completely defied gravity and moved up and over it, making it seem like the redhead would overshoot her, but in the next instant she reversed her course completely and spun around to catch the taller woman in a hug. Lily's powerful legs wrapped around her arms and were about to push them in towards the goddess' torso.

"Your blows lacked weight." If she applied her full strength to this hold it should shut the goddess down completely, even if her opponent decided to bash her against the surrounding, with the level of power she'd shown she wouldn't be able to hurt Lily that way.


Americana was astonished. How was she so strong? Where had Columbia found somebody like this? She had such strange movements, every change in momentum was completely outside her realm of experience. She kicked off the ground in such a way to catapult herself forwards while simultaniously spinning herself around to face Lily, throwing up a huge cloud of dirt and debris to obscure Lily's sight in the process. She slashed wide in front of her, trying to force Lily back to give herself some distance.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2020, 11:34:12 PM by SINIB »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #398 on: November 20, 2020, 12:01:52 AM »

With a loud swish Americana's sword slashed through the air and dust but...

It was completely unobstructed. And the next moment a pair of legs wrapped themself around her upper arms from behind.

The redhead had never stopped, the moment Americana lunged forward and spin around, she'd been following the Goddess while remaining in her blindspot. After that it wasn't to hard to jump her, she didake sure to get a tight grip on her, surely she couldn't bewak out of this...

"Surprised huh? I'm not just some little slut, Daddy put me in charge of maintaining relations with Columbia, and then that cutie of a goddess asked for a favor..."

Her wings extended as she prepared to take off while clinging to the goddess.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2020, 12:08:45 AM by Bern »


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #399 on: November 20, 2020, 04:11:51 AM »

With a loud swish Americana's sword slashes through the air and dust but...

It was completely unobstructed. And the next moment a par of legs wrapped themself around her upper arms from behind.

The redhead had never stopped, the moment Americana lunged forward and spin around, she'd been following the Goddess while remaining in her blindspot. After that it wasn't to hard to jump her, she didake sure to get a tight grip on her, surely she couldn't bewak out of this...

"Surprised huh? I'm not just some little slut, Daddy put me in charge of maintaining relations with Columbia, and then that cutie of a goddess asked for a favor..."

Her wings extended as she prepared to take off while clinging to the goddess.


"Guh! Get-off me, demon!" She cried out, a faint flush rushing through her cheeks at the stronger woman's warm closeness. She struggled underneath Lily, but found herself unable to break out of the girl's greater strength.

« Last Edit: November 20, 2020, 03:59:59 PM by SINIB »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #400 on: November 21, 2020, 01:26:20 PM »

"Eh, it's more like I'm not really inconvenienced by just any regular peashooter. You could shoot me, leave some holes in me and I'd power through like it wasn't a big deal. Within reason. I guess I'd not feel cocky when seeing a minigun aimed at me. You know, just don't try it around here, no need to give some folks a heart attack."

She bet the shop staff eyed them suspiciously even as she mostly ignored their attention. She shrugged at that thought and continued chatting with Suerte.

"Where do you get all the money for that? You look you're ready to just get on with and just buy everything here." She'd look like some kind of a robber either way with that large bag full of guns. "Heh, it's gonna be funny if cops mistake you with that bag for a movie robber."


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #401 on: November 21, 2020, 06:40:41 PM »

Suerte shrugged and said, "Lottery."

With another causal flick, she tossed another gun into her back. this time a submachine gun.  "Well I could enchant a gun that negates regeneration, if you wanted.  Although that will cost you.  I may give out guns for free, but I don't work for free."


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #402 on: November 21, 2020, 09:32:40 PM »

"Lottery?..." The vampire gave her a look as if she just said something incredulous. Never mind though, she didn't have mood for questioning such wild statements.

"Talk about devil's luck. And no, I will pass. You see, guns are a tool for me to separate someone who takes aim at me like wheat from chaff. If they can regenerate, they pretty much pass. There's no point in getting what you offer. I'm not really a gunslinger when it gets serious. I let the fists do talking. Maybe I could put on a show for you, but I'm preparing for a duel. By midnight, not noon, so a different thing from what you guys do."


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #403 on: November 22, 2020, 03:40:15 AM »

"Nope... we're going now!"

And with that Lily flapped her wings and took off while holding onto Americana. Her grip didn't falter as they got higher and higher and then they begun heading away from her district, her center of power.

"I do wonder what will happen when you get too far away from your believers. Lets explore together mhmkay.."

It didn't take that long for them to reach an empty clearing in a forest, where Lily then landed. It was beyond the edge of Dunham's border, and they were now back in Columbia.


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #404 on: November 22, 2020, 03:03:50 PM »

Suerte didn't comment further on the lottery bit, aside from a little giggle.  With her bag big enough to make santa feel inadequate, she hoisted it over her shoulder.  Leaning forward, giving the girl a better look at her cleavage, she raised an eyebrow all while flashing the girl a grin.  "A show huh?  I always wished I was strong enough to kill someone with my barehand ranther than my guns, so i'm jealous.  But more importantly, who are you fighting?"