Author Topic: The District of Columbia  (Read 47329 times)


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #525 on: December 31, 2020, 08:09:21 PM »

Where would he be without Ib? The answer cut like knives, and he desired not to contemplate it further. But always, always, behind his eyelids, Longirsu was made to stare into the wretchedness of his shortcomings. To replay his choices, to reflect on past actions, to seek threads of possibility. Could he have done anything more efficiently? Did he fail to see his options objectively? Could preparation and foreknowledge have changed the outcome?

The mechanized man chanced a look at her. For so long he had been alone, but he was not lonely. Without her smile, without her future to look forward to, he was simply empty. Lacking.

"I see," he said. "Monitor the progression of the Knightmare energy left behind, and run a closed simulation for me based on Columbian technology. After that... this one. Identification, then diplomatic contact."

His finger pointed towards one of the mobile signatures, and once more, the lair of the Orchestrator began to move to support his will.
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #526 on: December 31, 2020, 09:52:07 PM »

"Yare yare daze." He grimaced with a deep frown. There were three kinds of men he couldn't stand. Those who couldn't shut up, those who exploited others, and those who treated things like it's all a game to them.

But the easiest way to end up in his shit list was even simpler. Greeting him with an illusion.

And using a bunch of kids for that? He just couldn't stomach it. He walked broodily in the park, surrounded by the brats. If the bastard thought he'd play his game, then he'd be sorely mistaken.


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #527 on: December 31, 2020, 10:29:34 PM »
Little Timmy and friends.

"You look scary...."

The little boy tugged at Shinji's arm, walking away while holding the cloth of his trench coat.  "But the magician said you will help me win the game!  Steavie is over there!  We gotta get him before he gets tagged and dies!"

Just under the statue of the goddess was a kid, holding a ball in his hand.  He smiled at the two before jumping as if he just remembered something.  Then he started screaming.  There were shadows looming over the park.  Cars floated in the sky.  There was the sound of a snap, which seemed to come from the sky even above the cars themselves.

It was a sudden downpour of metal.  Cars rained from the sky threatening all the children below.  The kids pointed upwards and started screaming.  Strangely enough, the parents continued to sit on their picnic blankets and benches.  Indeed other adult patrons of the park continued on their walks as if nothing was happening.  One man stared at the sky and yelled with the kids.



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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #528 on: December 31, 2020, 11:52:37 PM »


A shadow grew over his face, the man's body was as tense as metal. He had noticed the cars floating above ground but he didn't pay them any mind, and only realized what was going on too late. The screams, the falling cars, everything. Shinji took a heavy breath as if he fumed from his throat. Like burning steam.


If the kick was any softer, people might have heard the sound of bone cracking and muscle rupturing. But no one was able to tell just how fast he had crossed the distance to the first car - and kicked it with all his power. Its trajectory, he was kicking it somewhere where there were no people, deducing the angle and where it had to land in a moment. At the very least, his quick thinking was without comparison.

As was the rage in his face.

He was using his magic to move from car to car, pulling himself to them, pushing and slamming them with his body with no concern for his own life. But would he make it in time?


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #529 on: January 01, 2021, 12:14:07 AM »

"Ooof!" He might have braced himself for the cowgirl, but the vampire king was a totally different manner. His butt fell down with a squeaky thud, and he patted his plexus - totally unhurt and amazed by that. The two stirred him up and got him hot and bothered, with the feeling in his chest spreading everywhere.

And look at them having fun.

"Haha! I do love a strong woman." He wiped his mouth and got back up, fixing his business suit with a dry chuckle. "Come now ladies, let's mind the guests a little, no point rushing things." He gave them both a nice fondle with a service smile. His rifle was locked and loaded, his bullets ready to fly at full blast and pump everything with holes.

"That bed you devils want to break sooo bad... it cost me more than the country of Peru. And it feels soft... tight... springy and a~ma~zing. The hunk comes free with it."

A good handful of people stared at the three - no, it was more accurate they were staring the whole time. A few were munching on free popcorn, some flustered and looked away, and an old lady coughed.

"Aw, come oooon! It's just a bed, you sick bastards." That got him pouty, like a little kid all over again too. "So let's get criminal."


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #530 on: January 01, 2021, 01:30:37 AM »

The man screaming held his hands over his head, shivering in anticipation of the car crushing his feeble human body.  However, he looked up, only to see a car sailing over his head, falling onto the ground.  The man trenchcoat man had appeared out of nowhere, shooting from the car threatening him to another, flying like a star.


The kids cheered, roaring as if they were watching some action scene in a movie rather than their imminent demise.  At the end of the row of falling cars stood Stevie, the screaming child that started this frenzy. 

Sky blue eyes stared at the man from atop the car.  He would be able to see it by now.  Evan was standing atop the vehicle above Steavie at the end of the row, a frown on his face.  With his knuckles balled into a fist, four cards were clenched in between his fingers.  Swinging his arms across his chest, he launched the razor sharp cards at Shinji.  The cards were sharp enough to take off his arms and legs if they weren't stopped.


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #531 on: January 01, 2021, 06:18:10 AM »


She played along with the rhythm of the other blonde, letting herself be pulled into a deep kiss. But she didn't stop there, why do that when you could have so much more fun by pushing it further. She grabbed onto her not by her waist but by her thicc thighs, and then she lifted Suerte. All while keeping up the kissing and even pushing further, her tongue pushed into the other woman's mouth to get a taste of her and Valerie's fangs throbbed in excitement over claiming a new toy.

Suerte would have no other choice than to hang onto her now

"You are such a cutie, after we finish with him I will be claiming you as well, and that tone you have will change once I have filled your tight little pussy." Yeah she was pretty much ignoring her student, but that was on purpose too.


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #532 on: January 01, 2021, 05:48:50 PM »

"Tch." If he were any younger, that'd probably have been the end of it. But he didn't try to back off to save himself, he put his body on the line - and spun with the brutal grace of a hurricane.

Yet they hit him.

No, perhaps that was the point.

As if he were butter, the cards that were meant to cripple his limbs ripped through his body instead. Blood, meat, and gastric acid spewed out of his neck like vomit, but he was utterly unphased by it. Even with a dozen card-shaped holes in his chest, he kept dashing and bouncing off the cars in the sky, slamming them away to keep those below safe from danger. Even when some cars were too far away, he'd pull them towards him and hit them with all he had. Even if it meant snapping his bones and tendons out of his body. Even if it meant experiencing death again and again.

Because so long as he had a cell in his body, he'd keep kicking - glaring at Evan with the bloodied grit of a beast. It was growing so fast, even the mage of lies would have trouble keeping up.


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #533 on: January 01, 2021, 07:48:52 PM »
A few hours earlier....

A flock of doves took flight, Evan's frame a mere silhouette before the beauty of the birds, casting a vast shadow on the children.  The moonlight illuminated the park, the doves reaching far beyond the trees and shifting into shadows against the moon's light.  A shadow of a shadow of something far more cosmic and beautiful, that is what was cast on the children in the final moments of his performance.  And yet they looked up at Evan, up at the doves and up at the moon itself, eyes glimmering with endless hope and optimism, such is the potential of youth.

"Who is your favorite superhero?"

One child's hand shot up.  "Thor!"

"And why is that?" Evan asked with a smile.

"He can do anything!  He's strong, shoots lightning and can fly!  Plus nothing can hurt him.  Plus he's really popular.  My mom says he's real handsome, real pretty."

"Do you think thats what makes him cool?"

The kid looked down at the ground.  "Yeah!  What do you think mister magician?  What do you think makes a hero cool?"

Evan chuckled to himself and stared past the children.  They said children were in tune with the thoughts and feelings of adults sometimes even more so then adults themselves.  He wondered if they could tell what he was feeling in this moment.

"That game you were playing before.  Heroes and villains?  Wanna play the villain with me?"

In the moment of truth.

"Yaaaaaaggggggggh!" one boy screamed.

The cards sunk into Shini's body, tearing through him.  The kids were shown more blood and guts than any adult should ever see.  Yet still the man continued on, kicking the remaining cars aside until there was only one remaining.  And yet it was so close to crushing the poor boy under its weight.

And yet all at once, the voice of Evan echoed through all of their minds.  Don't look away, not even for a moment.  If you do, you'll miss something truly amazing.


"A clown huh?!" he yelled, shooting towards Shinji like a bullet.  He lifted his leg up, prepared to deliver a roundhouse kick.  Holding his hat down with his free hand, his face was still obscured by his top hat, his blue eyes piecing through those shadows. "You didn't want to deal with clowns, but you can't turn away the hand that was dealt!  How does it feel protector of children, SHINJI the thief!?"

In that moment, the kids all recalled the one line said by Evan.  His jovial laughter echoed through their heads and his voice rang through their heads like a lullaby that they had heard millions of times. "Today, i'm going to show you what makes a hero cool."


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #534 on: January 01, 2021, 08:22:51 PM »

The cars were taken care of, his whole body hurt like hell. Bones were cracked, muscles were torn, and his skin was ruptured. It was a real hassle. The roundhouse kick?

That might as well have been a pat on the shoulder.

"Is this so fun to you? Dropping cars on kids?" The momentum kicked both of them higher in the air - but Shinji had grabbed the kick viciously. His glare, his violence, all of it was as unrefined and un-hero like as possible.

For his expression was more like a demon's. "Then let me show you... just how fun I can get."

For reference, everyone must have eaten chicken at some point. But have you ever prepared a chicken to prep in the oven? Sometimes, you need to separate the drums from the thighs. It sounds simple enough, but there's actually a specific technique you need to use in order to snap the tendon easily. If you do it right, you can split the bird in half. The more notable thing is the crunchy kind of pop that the bones make once they separate.

That was probably what Evan heard, when Shinji's elbow slammed on his knee. A blow strong enough to bend his leg in a way that should never bend.

"Drink your milk, or your bones will snap."

He'd beat the crap out of Evan, and not even give him the chance to pass out.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2021, 12:21:09 AM by Kotomine_Rin »


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #535 on: January 01, 2021, 08:25:28 PM »

Suerte let out a small squeel that sounded closer to a moan than anything.  Lifted off the ground by her legs, she wrapped her thick but firm thighs around Valarie's waist as her tongue entered her mouth.  Another soft moan escaped her lips as she felt her fangs lightly brush up against her bottom lip.  "A vampire....?  Oh..."  she said, her breasts bouncing at the top of the lift.  She inched upward, trying to escape the kiss and attempting to smother her under her breasts.  All the while she began draining Valarie of her luck, a stream of divine probabilistic power flowing between them.


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #536 on: January 02, 2021, 12:30:09 AM »

"Impossible!  You stopped the kick!?" he yelled.

There was a terrible crack, bone shattering upon impact.  Evan's hat fell from his face and landed on the ground beneath, Evan's face revealed to Shinji.  With the shadows of the hat gone, Shinji finally saw the magician's smile.  "Your not going to go for the balls?  Did I not put down enough incentive?" 

Even so, the car was now within a foot of the crown of Steavie's head.  Could Shinji make it in time?!  No matter what, the next trick had been prepared.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2021, 12:53:39 AM by yinsukin »


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #537 on: January 02, 2021, 02:11:09 AM »

"Aw man, you're really into it huh. Can't complain..." But being ignored probably meant they'd keep causing a scene. Crouching, the Frenchman planned his next move while the two were busy frenching - until something soft, plump and amazing crossed his line of sight.

That's... a nice butt.

Yep, that was his sensei alright. Uh, he wasn't a pervert for thinking that though, this was just a healthy adult experiencing new things. Also, his ears weren't flushing, it was just the alcohol. In fact, if he were any less confident, the next thought wouldn't even cross his mind.


Valerie's butt was a historical relic, a national treasure. It had been through a lot, endured many trials and tribulations.

To say it was as enduring as the tests of time was an understatement.

However - she was simply unlucky.

Because that tap was brimming with chi, swerving and pulsing straight into her cheeks and rotating like a hurricane. HIs fierce touch, and the bright red life force wasn't just grabbing her outside, but vibrating inside. He hadn't gotten the complete hang of it yet, but rotating his chi like this was something he picked up, and it made lays go crazy. He wasn't sure what it'd do to that cocky king, but if his gut was right... it'd be funny at least.


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #538 on: January 02, 2021, 06:49:30 PM »

Shinji was glowering at the magician, but he didn't say anything to him. He just pointed behind him nonchalantly, as if warning him of something. Maybe this was his own way of joking around.

The car impacted with a violent crash.

But it didn't reach the kid.

Because Shinji used his magic to pull it right into him - and Evan by extension. So without delay, the vehicle slammed into the two and launched them far away, before crushing them both into a faraway wall on the other side of the district.


The wall and ground impacted and cracked under the weight of the pulled vehicle.

"Yare yare." A bloodied carcass emerged from the crash. Luckily, no one got hurt - instead, they were surrounded by horrified bystanders. With pieces of glass and metal lodged into him, Shinji's bloody body definitely looked worse for wear. And yet, he almost limped casually out of the burning vehicle.

Dragging Evan's bloody body out by the hair. He couldn't imagine how many bones must have broken just now. If he wasn't as soft as he were, he'd have turned into ketchup.

"Oi, someone call an ambulance or something."


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #539 on: January 02, 2021, 08:28:56 PM »
Evan moments earlier...

A soft whisper, something only Shinji would be able to hear; thats what emerged from Evan's lips as he was dragged across the ground in the center of the dust cloud.  "I told you I wanted to show you something right?  Look at the kids and tell me what you think."

Held unceremoniously off the ground, a card appeared in between his fingers.  With a flick of his wrist, the card sliced cleanly through the car, sending each in opposite directions.  The stray parts of the car were caught by the strings scattered beyond the splash zone of the cars.  With Shinji's attention on the kids, Evan set up net of strings that were thicker at the point where the car would fly through them but that spread at the bottom.  That way Steavie could still leave the splash zone and the car would get sliced into so many pieces that the metal were tiny little strings that flung into the crowd of kids.

« Last Edit: January 02, 2021, 09:14:47 PM by yinsukin »