Author Topic: The District of Columbia  (Read 47388 times)


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #465 on: December 17, 2020, 06:15:12 PM »

In the absence of any respond or moves against her or her charge, the elder demoness swooped down to collect Lily's battered torso in her arms, before disappearing with her as fast as she'd arrived.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #466 on: December 17, 2020, 07:25:33 PM »
Roadrunner, Pegasus Scout Vehicle of 5th Company
South of Phillipsburgh

"Pegasus One, two, move ahead of the convoy," Miho's voice came through the comms, "There is no air cover or recon. You are our eyes and ears now, over."

"Wilco, Valkyrie Actual. We'll let you know if we come across anything! Over and out." Sergeant McKinsey responded, "Time to put the metal to the pedal, Beth!"

"Aye aye, ma'am!" McKinsey's counterpart in the sister vehicle Raptor excitedly responded.

Both of the armored scouts zoomed ahead of the makeshift convoy, quickly reaching their maximum speed as they traversed down the highway.

Prodigal Child, Command Tank of Fifth Company
South of Phillipsburgh

Miho watched the two Pegasi roar ahead from her cupola, quickly becoming green dots in the distance. It will be up to them to locate Americana, and to warn them of any danger coming their way. Miho swung around to view the convoy she was now leading, take stock once again to help calm her nerves.

She selected Lieutenant Akaboshi Koume's squadron, three standard 'Russes and an Annihilator. That last tank was the key to her strategy in this operation - the twin-linked lascannons, while be specialized against armor, are also potent for highly durable creatures, like the theoretical one that was used in the kidnapping of her goddess. The primary weapon also has superior elevation to the battlecannon, and, combined with it being a pair of lasers, can be used as  a makeshift anti-air weapon for low altitude aircraft/monsters. The only gap in her defenses, vehicle-wise, would be against fast movers (jetfighters).

Or against superhuman entities. Miho still hasn't figured out what to do  if she were to encounter those outside of an ambush she sets up.

So, Captain Nishizumi is going to have to rely on the infantry being hauled in those box-on-treads Puma Infantry Support Vehicles. A smallish rifle platoon of augmented soldiers consisting of two rifle squads, a heavy weapons squad, and their commander - a Lieutenant Sorenson. She's not all too familiar with these men and women, but it seems that they are just as confused bumrushing Columbia as she was. She's hoping that they'd follow her orders to the letter in this scenario, instead of trying to be heroes like their Major apparently did...

"Keep your eyes peeled, everyone" The brunette spoke over the comms, "This is Charlie's backyard. He's not gonna be happy when he realizes we're here. Eyes to the sky and the trees, but do not fire unless I give the order to. How copy?"

A wave of affirmations graced her ears as she gripped her magnoculars. All that was left was to wait until contact was initiated.


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #467 on: December 17, 2020, 09:45:42 PM »

"Come now, no need for such flattery.  I am a simple man with an ordinary name," he said, taking her hand with a gentle smile.  It was the kind where the lips did not stretch fully out into a full smile but did not remain neutral.  His eyelids were low and focused on hers.  With a little yank, he tried to draw her closer to himself, pulling her into his space and spinning her around his body into the doorway of the ballroom. That was the only yes he would give her.

The dancefloor was a polished hardwood design, a massive square that took up the majority of the room.  Outside of this square were tables that served food and wine.  People stood around talking in the area.  Those who were brave enough to dance were on the floor.  There was an unoffical organization to it.  On the outer edges, friends gathered together and danced, forming little circles of simple plutonic party dancing.  A ring closer to the center couples danced, rotating around the center of the square.  There was this strange unwritten sense that anyone could go in the center, but no one wanted to.  Indeed, if someone did go to the center, they would fall victum to the undivided unfiltered attention and judgement of the crowd.

And Evan walked Thorra straight to the center.

"Still, I like to consider myself bold at the very least."  The two stood in the center of the arena.  Just as you would expect, eyes were drawn from the crowd.  Currently it was just the couples and their curious side eyes, but there would likely be more to come.  "Don't look down or around, just look into my eyes."

"Now you said you only know the waltz right?  This is just some simple ballroom dancing."  A hand drifted towards the upper part of her lower back, right where upper and lower back meet, a hand's length below where one would unhook a bra.  The palm of his hand pressured her back, guiding her back and forth.  "Don't worry, I won't unhook your dress.  I'll guide us, but the hard part will be matching your feet to mine.  We need to make sure we don't step on each others toes."

« Last Edit: December 17, 2020, 09:54:06 PM by yinsukin »


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #468 on: December 18, 2020, 01:29:51 AM »

The criminal whistled to the beat and swaggered his way downstairs, though all of a sudden he felt like hitting up something different. Just before getting down the dance floor, he noticed one of the floors had a nice little entertainment room, with some damn fancy pool tables.

"Oh man, it sure brings me back." He soon helped himself to the stick, twirling it and checking out the nice wood carvings. Man, talk about style. He flipped some of the balls behind his back and toyed around with them, juggling the set aloofly while setting them all up in a nice neat triangle.

"Hehehe, anyone wants to join me?"


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #469 on: December 18, 2020, 03:09:45 AM »
Bar Guys

"You bitch!  Stop messing with us!  Thats not how you play pool!"

"Oh god, is he hurt?"

"He's bleeding!"

"Umm maybe I can get a ambulance called?"

"Forget it you've done enough!"

A man rammed into Marc, slamming into his shoulder as he walked past.  He reached into his pocket and pulled out a phone.  "Hello, 911?  Yeah we have an unconcious body in immediate need of medical attention.  Where we?"

Two men followed, dragging a man with a bloody head across the floor.  Suerte after the two, waving at them.  "Call me and let me know if he's safe!"

All three men turned to her.  "NO!"

Suerte walked over behind Marc, slumping over in a chair.  She was dressed in a skin tight dress, the kind that were designed to cling to the breasts and hips.  Her cleavage was almost spilling out from the top, a bit of blood on the tip.  Her wide hips pushed the dress to its limit, with her bare thighs escaped the bottom of the dress which barely covered her ass and crotch.  Her hair was curled, with medium sized blood loops.

"I don't wanna play pool anymore...."


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #470 on: December 18, 2020, 04:04:13 PM »

"Ooof." The criminal almost got the wind knocked out of him by the sudden ram. Almost. Even under those expensive clothes, his corded muscles weren't just for show - he barely budged at all! If anything, he had to shift his weight to let the guy through at all.

Ball in one hand and cue in the other, he shifted a curious glance, fixing his tie and letting bits of his neck show inadvertently.

"Wait... woah. You okay lady?"


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #471 on: December 18, 2020, 11:48:51 PM »

"Come now, no need for such flattery.  I am a simple man with an ordinary name," he said, taking her hand with a gentle smile.  It was the kind where the lips did not stretch fully out into a full smile but did not remain neutral.  His eyelids were low and focused on hers.  With a little yank, he tried to draw her closer to himself, pulling her into his space and spinning her around his body into the doorway of the ballroom. That was the only yes he would give her.

The dancefloor was a polished hardwood design, a massive square that took up the majority of the room.  Outside of this square were tables that served food and wine.  People stood around talking in the area.  Those who were brave enough to dance were on the floor.  There was an unoffical organization to it.  On the outer edges, friends gathered together and danced, forming little circles of simple plutonic party dancing.  A ring closer to the center couples danced, rotating around the center of the square.  There was this strange unwritten sense that anyone could go in the center, but no one wanted to.  Indeed, if someone did go to the center, they would fall victum to the undivided unfiltered attention and judgement of the crowd.

And Evan walked Thorra straight to the center.

"Still, I like to consider myself bold at the very least."  The two stood in the center of the arena.  Just as you would expect, eyes were drawn from the crowd.  Currently it was just the couples and their curious side eyes, but there would likely be more to come.  "Don't look down or around, just look into my eyes."

"Now you said you only know the waltz right?  This is just some simple ballroom dancing."  A hand drifted towards the upper part of her lower back, right where upper and lower back meet, a hand's length below where one would unhook a bra.  The palm of his hand pressured her back, guiding her back and forth.  "Don't worry, I won't unhook your dress.  I'll guide us, but the hard part will be matching your feet to mine.  We need to make sure we don't step on each others toes."


The demigoddess followed him into the center of the room with the unashamed confidence befitting a god. Thorra's soft, sensual body, the amount of skin she showed, and her towering height all drew attention to her and her partner. . She reveled in attention. It bolstered her strength and bound heroic deeds to her legend. She smiled, looking down at the man almost a head shorter than her, appriciating the strength of his character. It wouldn't have been easy to do, not even with great confidence in his abilities.

After a few small mishaps, Thorra's movements grew to the challenge, mimicking his own movements with perfect symmetry. Her steps were as light as a feather and had a purposeful flair which showed her true colors to those with the eye for it. She was no dancer, yet she had a supernatural grace and poise to her movements which granted her a knack for suck footwork. Her own thunderous gaze matched his own cool eyes, sending harmless sparks down both of their bodies. "Yes. I've never had the opportunity to enjoy such a pastime before now. In my homeworld, we lack such forms of modern entertainment."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #472 on: December 19, 2020, 12:08:16 AM »

If Suerte's interest was piqued by Marc's handsome face, red hair and drape of his neck it didn't show.  The cowgirl simply drooped her head further and began tearing up. 

"I was just trying to get a home run!  A home run!  They said thats not in pool!  Goddamn it I suck at games!"


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #473 on: December 19, 2020, 12:43:46 AM »

Evan eyed the sparks, watching them go down her body and for a moment the hand on her back twitched.  Still the man's smile widened as he watched her adjust so quickly to the new dance. 

"Really?  Well you could have fooled me.  You are a natural at this -- very well.  Then lets have some real fun."

Raising his hands towards the sky beyond the ceiling, he kept his cool blue eyes focused on Thorra's.  A loud snap echoed through the room, drawing the eyes of those in the outer ring.  Another song began to play, one more upbeat.  While the ring of couple dancers stopped giving the side eye and instead began to stare openly at them, even while they continued to dance.

Evan extended his arm, silently encouraging Thorra to spin her outwards towards the gathering crowd.  If she went along with him perfectly, she would land perfectly back within his arms. "You might have to walk me home tonight," he said with a chuckle.  "I don't think all those glares are friendly."

« Last Edit: December 19, 2020, 05:45:18 PM by yinsukin »


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #474 on: December 19, 2020, 01:10:40 AM »

The rest of the evening passed without much further incident. The two women continued flirting, and Serra never managed to get a straight answer out of Washington regarding Dunham. She was really closed lip about it, and really didn't want to talk about whatever was going on there, continually changing the subject until Serra dropped it. And, as always, her mind was as much of an enigma to Serra as Serra's was to her.

Washington found it refreshing.

Serra Drosa

Serra found it infuriating.

That was why she was in the dark, kneeling beside the bed where this frustratingly opaque creature as she slept, with her hands clapsed together. She'd left Washington cuddled up to a set of blankets after sneakily slithering out of her grasp, and so here she was. She breathed deeply - once, twice - while the room grew chill beyond the blankets and pillows wrapped about Washington's body. Inch by inch the mind of Serra Drosa closed once more to the goddess Columbia, just as the senator's vibrant purple eyes shut in turn. Her breathing increased in tempo, her chest heaving. She brought those hands up to her heart and hunched over, squeezing all her muscles together in turn until her breath caught in her throat and -

What does she not wish me to see?

Serrulata Syn

Show me.

Serrulata Syn's eyes opened, a piercing red flecked with sinister sulfuric yellow. Her body, woefully exposed to the dim light of Serra Drosa's room, became still. She lowered her hands down to her knees, and held that last breath deep in her lungs. The faint moonlight dimmed further still, and her mind reached out free of any haze of reverence for the knowledge the young politician sought.

She stayed that way for a long time, into the night, before an answer came.

Lord Syn slowly, silently, stood from where the senator had knelt in prayer and she in meditation, and turned her eyes pitilessly down to Washington's slumbering form. Scarred fingers clenched by her sides, once, twice, before freezing in place. Then she released Serra Drosa's last held breath, and bared her teeth.

Don't worry, Serra dear - I will take care of everything.

There were many preparations to be made. Washington and Serra Drosa parted ways late into the morning, knowing they had all kinds of briefings and meetings to attend to throughout the day to prepare for the Senate's response to the attacks from the day prior. Security details had to be addressed too. Senator Drosa was busy. People saw her, and spoke with her, and all was well.

Longirsu's hand squeezed the haft of the World Spear, and it whined to life. Carving the flesh of the fiery one had gathered an unexpected sulprus of energy, and with one thought, the Orchestrator now saw it processed. A stream of black geometries shining with conductive tracks and circuitry burst from the blunt end of the weapon and divided itself among the lesser Terrortech units that remained, in an instant concluding the process of assimilation.

Where the flow of ancient metatechnology disappeared, it left behind tempered metal and enhanced mechanisms. Longirsu's expression brightened harshly, equally poised for slaughter or battle.

As Americana prepared herself for her last stand against the invisible monstrosities of metal and madness arrayed before her, as dark forces began to swell from the construct her foe relied so dearly on for victory, a sudden upsurge of power appeared on top of their location to Galatea's sensors. In the exact same instant, before she had any opportunity to report it, the newly upgraded Terrortechs found themselves pulled violently into the nearest trees, slamming through bark hard enough to reduce them and their wooden cushions to worthless pulp once, twice - by the third time they were aware enough for Longirsu's shield to protect them from total destruction.

And then, from atop the tallest tree, from the darkest of branches where nothing could possibly have moved and so it had to be something that had been waiting for them all along, a black cloaked figure descended and landed between them and Americana. The divine champion could make out no features of her savior from under her shadowed hood save two piercing, gleaming pinpricks of red, before she turned to show her back to her. Her voice came out rasping, impenetrable in its identity save that she was most certainly a woman.

"Leave. Now."
« Last Edit: December 19, 2020, 01:32:58 AM by Aiden »


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #475 on: December 19, 2020, 05:49:18 PM »

Evan eyed the sparks, watching them go down her body and for a moment the hand on her back twitched.  Still the man's smile widened as he watched her adjust so quickly to the new dance. 

"Really?  Well you could have fooled me.  You are a natural at this -- very well.  Then lets have some real fun."

Raising his hands towards the sky beyond the ceiling, he kept his cool blue eyes focused on Thorra's.  A loud snap echoed through the room, drawing the eyes of those in the outer ring.  Another song began to play, one more upbeat.  While the ring of couple dancers stopped giving the side eye and instead began to stare openly at them, even while they continued to dance.

Evan extended his arm, silently encouraging Thorra to spin her outwards towards the gathering crowd.  If she went along with him perfectly, she would land perfectly back within his arms. "You might have to walk me home tonight," he said with a chuckle.  "I don't think all those glares are friendly."


Thorra spin backwards away from on the ball of her left foot, pivoting back towards him within his arms. "Oh? I was hoping you'd walk me home tonight, actually." Thorra's lips curled up to a seductive half-smirk and winked at him. "If anyone makes a move on us I'll just have to crack some sense into their jealous heads."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #476 on: December 19, 2020, 06:36:54 PM »

With his hand on her back and his head inches from her face, he said, "Well to tell you the truth, I didn't expect to go home with anyone tonight.  I just wanted to celebrate being alive.  My life ended not too long ago and now I have been given the opportunity to start a new one.  So I thought, what better way to start it than by dancing with a beautiful woman?"

Their bodies swayed back and forth in the center of the dance floor.

"Truth be told, your smile is all I need right now."


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #477 on: December 20, 2020, 03:03:17 AM »

If Suerte's interest was piqued by Marc's handsome face, red hair and drape of his neck it didn't show.  The cowgirl simply drooped her head further and began tearing up. 

"I was just trying to get a home run!  A home run!  They said thats not in pool!  Goddamn it I suck at games!"


He looked at her blankly for a bit, hesitating on how to best approach this. For a moment, everything went quiet. Or rather, as quiet as it can get with snappy smooth jazz playing in the background.

"Mon dieu... I don't know how to tell you this... hoooo boy..."

How to best approach this? Damn, he wasn't good at this thing usually. At least, he didn't think he made the cut compared to the greats in his industry. But he couldn't really stand the crying either, it was ruining his vibe.

"Cheer up, you're great at games!" With a smooth grin, he gave her a nice healthy pat on the shoulder with his pool stick. "In fact, you must have been a pro baseball player in your past life, one of the greats! Don't you see it? Your reflexes just carried over subconsciously." And with a dramatic twirl, he poked it down like some wizard's staff.

"It's just like being a Street Fighter champion and using the same controls for Tekken. You just need some more practice, it's all. Here, cheer up. It's all good, aaaaall good."

Man, what was with that bullshit excuse he just made? Did he seriously have to say the first thing that came to mind? There's no way anyone would buy it...
« Last Edit: December 20, 2020, 03:05:47 AM by Kotomine_Rin »


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #478 on: December 20, 2020, 03:12:59 AM »

And then the tears began to flow like a waterfall.  What erupted from her lips was a child like wail.  In her mind, she recalled the fight with the assassin, the realization that her luck carried her through so many of her fights.  When she thought about it, she didn't even avenge her father with her skill, but her luck.  Without the luck, she wouldn't even be able to play a game.

"I can't even play uno!  I was trying to impress this kid, ya know show him the gaming skills of an adult.  I looked up the rules afterwards and I didn't even explain the game right!  Uno!  UNO!"


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #479 on: December 20, 2020, 03:25:41 AM »

...Oh. That's bad.

He looked away and grimaced. He just came here to have fun and relax, why was Nep getting to chill and drown her sorrows while he had to deal with this? Goddamn.

Well, he couldn't just leave her to her sorrows.

"Come oooon! Uno? That stuff's cutthroat! Why else do you think most gambling establishments stay out of it? Even those card games with monsters that actually eat your face have lower stakes." He shook her for a second and brought a handkerchief to her eyes. "There, there. Relax, it's no big deal. Besides, most people in town come from other universes. Statistically speaking, the chance of someone knowing how to play the damn thing is close to zero!"

This was totally bullshit. Statistically speaking, you'd find that up to 98% of all known Nexus ingested outer universe inhabitants do know Uno. In fact, it's almost scary, they all know the same kind of Uno. Almost like it's some sort of cosmic rule.

What if the Gods played Uno with the lives of those down here?

Oh damn it, he was getting existential now. Maybe it was good he didn't hit the booze with Nep yet.

"And even if you met someone like that, they might have a totally different Uno back home. The kid's Uno was just the wrong kind of Uno, you just got unlucky, that's all!" He gave her a heartfelt grin. Was every word he just spouted bullshit? Absolutely.

But there was a heartfelt desire to cheer her up. That much, even she could feel. It's not the sort of thing you can lie through your teeth about.