Cross Effects > Areas

The Great Southern Sea

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The chant finished, portals scattered around the waters, in the very sky that hosted their clash.  This backup tactic wasn't necessary.  Despite the angel's overwhelming power, Aruna had grown since their last encounter.  Her battles with Zeke, the bond she was developing with Lulu, even facing her own fears and ridding herself of the obstacle that was the light.  The creature was a raging beast of raw power, seeming to have both the powers of the light and dark.  A single decisive strike when he was the most vulnerable, like at this moment would be the way to end this fight, slice through him with the darkness sword and end his life.

But Aruna couldn't bring herself to kill Asmeal.

Gripping the blade within her hands, she felt a pang of anger towards herself.   "You speak nonesense.  Asmeal.... you are not well.  I see that now.  No, you never were well."

Chains emerged from the sky above, a few dozen threatening to wrap around the angel once known as Asmeal.  Rather than tie him up, the chains threatened to cage the angel.  No, he was always caged.  This was merely Aruna reclaiming a relationship that never was.

"Why do you come to judge me Asmeal?  I have faithfully carried your burden...."


The pain and desperation of prey was a sound he always detested. Even now, doing this made his stomach churn. Mael wanted to puke, but his resolve was already steeled. Yes, his war hadn't ended since that damned day. Until he did what must be done.

Yet something about that voice made him pause for a moment. Boiling water soared from the portals, and chains wrapped around the skies, trapping Mael and the chopper in a demonic gate. But he just glared at the seas where it hid, scowling as if tempering blades that screamed to crash down on his enemy once again.

Does this woman know me? Strange... The pit of vapor and burning air, how long would it hide that thing.

"You speak that name, but I don't remember ever asking you to take anything from me. Your voice is nothing more than a spew of shit and vomit to my ears, grace of <Purity>. Show yourself and be killed by me, or die and be silent forever."


"How dare you....."

The demonic teeth of the feminine angel emerged like fangs.  Her body lost its softness under the coat, becoming more rigid and muscular.  It was hard to call that form beautiful, at least by traditional standards.  It had far more in common with a monster.

"The one who cast this burden onto me does not even remember the deed?  Then what is the source of your anger?  You dare manifest your anger into wrath, when you do not even know me?  I'll show you true pain then.  I'll burn your existence to a crisp with the pain that comes with someone who has been cast aside."

A star was born within the cage, a light that illuminated the sea itself.  Fish far into the depths beyond the crashing waves were visible to all, the sea itself illuminated by Aruna's light.  An entire world opened up beneath them, yet Aruna's eyes were focused on Meal.  The star was born in front of him.  The blade of darkness was now in a completely different form, coated completely in light.  It was bigger and the light of the blade extended.  Already cocked back, Aruna attempted to thrust the sword into Meal's abdomen.

"This is your grace, your burden.  Do you want it gone from this world?  Would you rather it purged from the world?  Is that why you are angry?  I refuse to accept you as the one I knew.  Begone from this world!"


Darkness roared, light screamed. And yet-

"Aruna...?" For a moment, his wide-eyed expression hinted at an emotion he hadn't felt in years. Did he recognize her? If so...


"No." The sword scratched his skin far too late. A palm smacked against Aruna's forearm to throw the attack off-balance, the black blur was already in motion - following up with an immediate elbow to Aruna's plexus. The impacts were unreal, with such precision and power that the air pressure twisted both of their faces.

"I see. So you survived then. It's been far too long, that piece kept me trapped in that pit for quite a while." The elbow that had been thrust extended like a whip to smash a fist on the devil's jaw, pummeling her on top of the helicopter with a fighting style carved by war itself. And for the first time, Mael's glare shot at her. No... her arm. "How long do you plan on mocking me, God's Trash?"

The light emanating from Aruna literally curved away from Mael, running back as if afraid of something.

His piercing hate was genuine. But... he extended a hand to Aruna nonetheless. "I'm sorry. I didn't recognize you from that distance, had I known..." There was some regret to his voice, but he closed his eyes.

"That apparition you saw was an illusion created by the grace. I was rejecting it for some time, there was no way it'd take no for an answer. To be honest, I thought you'd have died by now, it's already far too advanced for an ordinary demon."

That's right, the fighting stopped. This must have been a misunderstanding, but they were friends. Everything would be okay now.


What the?!

The light swiveled to the side, creating an arc that turned around him.  In that moment, she saw life flashing before her eyes.  All the humans she met in the last few hundred years, every encounter washed away as the fear of the light came rushing back into her.  Her butt crashed into the helicopter, her sword in hand pressed against the hard metal.  She looked up, only to see the glare and hear those words.

"How long do you plan on mocking me, God's Trash?"

Tears streamed down Aruna's face, falling onto the ground in utter silence.  Aruna's head twisted in place, going back and forth as she heard the full weight of his words.  An illusion, an apparition, a fake?  Then....

"It just attached to me out of desperation to live.  My quest... everything is a lie."

Aruna held out her arm.  "Do you... need it back?  Is that why you have gone mad?"


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