Cross Effects > Areas

The Great Southern Sea

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Aruna stood up.  First that Orcus, now him.  Power and strength are not for show.  They are to keep one alive.  Aruna lowered the knife, letting that arm fall to her side. Standing up, she bit her lip until it bleed, shark like teeth flashing the angel.

"If I prove my strength, will you hear me out?  If I can validate my ideals, will you just sit down with me, like before?"


"I am hearing you out, am I not? Defend your life and pride like you mean it. Either way, I will break that cursed light of yours until it dies forever." His sword danced in the air, swinging beautifully from side to side until it shot forward at Aruna.

"Carve your own path!"


The line carved by Asmeal's blade was blocked by a diagonal blade, the light of the grace illuminating both of their faces.  Aruna had bent her knees and held the blade above her head to guard the thrust.  In that moment, metal kissed metal and a clack rang through the empty air.

"It must be forged from yours!"

The light was never hers to keep, merely to bare, to hold.  By the end of this Aruna would know Asmeal's true feelings.


The waters below collided and reached the apex, nearly touching the flying helicopter as the two collided.

"Is that so." A flick of his wrist, and the sword swirled against Aruna's - deflecting her slash with a fiendishly quick riposte. Without mercy, a violent swing came down the demon's temple, for Mael was raining down more feints and blows down on her. She could taste the killing intent behind their exchange, it was absolute.


Aruna's eyes widened.  In an instant, she calculated her plan of defense.  The blade came up in a horizontal blocking position, but with no commitment to the block.  When the angel's blade was inches from her own, Aruna slacked, letting the blade fall before his.  It looked as though his blade struck hers down, but in fact it was already falling.  The demon let her shoulder fall to the ground, the sheer impact causing the waves to rise over their silhouettes.  In that moment, spikes emerged from her shoulder threatening his pretty face, torso and legs.

"But it must start from mine."

Aruna was too weak to fight back against that kind of overwhelming strength.  The only way to survive would be with a desperate attack while he was using less committed strikes.  The feints would be met with the spikes from her body.


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