Cross Effects > Areas

The Great Southern Sea

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The blow floored the demon filth with ease, but just as the final bell tolled for Aruna, her ruse bore fruit. For a moment, Mael's eyes narrowed - and the deadly spiked rushed at his form mid-swing. It was with a deadly hurricane of slashes that he repelled each one, avoiding and deflecting Aruna's assault.

But he noticed it. An insignificant cut on his cheek, barely a graze... but a mark that bled the sign of mortality. That's why the moment he finished with the spikes, his blade arched back.


She'd notice his swelling form for an instant, the screaming power delivered a slash with all its might. But the sword's shockwave couldn't prepare her for such a butcher's strike. Instantly, the helicopter was split in half, shattering everything in a fiery explosion.

The skies burned.

The explosion blew them both through the skies, launching them away - each on the opposite side of a massive touristic yacht. As the floor cracked under their landing, there was only one truth that'd be made absolute.

Where is she...

As he dashed across the cracked floor, much to the horror of all the passengers and tourists, a particular one ended up bumping into him. A giant of muscle, wearing all sorts of vain accessories. Was he the owner of this vehicle?

"NOW WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING." A gigantically ripped arm shot down at Mael like a rocket, threatening to pulp him like a tomato. Of course, the former archangel dodged to the side with ease, observing his surroundings without even acknowledging the man in front of him. "THAT WAS POP'S BOAT! YOU GODDAMN SONUVABITCH! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO HIT ON CHICKS NOW, HUH!?"

Right, that's when he noticed it in the distance. There was another yacht. Was he wrong? Had she landed on that other vehicle?

This was getting out of hand. Now, there were two of them.


The landing of the proud demon was as unceremonious as could be.  From heaven to earth, Aruna had fallen far in a short amount of time.  Her arms stung from the clash, her body ringing from the explosion.  Although the damage was minor, it still shook her.

If there was anything that clash proved, it was that she couldn't fight like a warrior of the light.  Instead, she would have to fight like a denizen of the dark.

With that thought flowing through her mind, she heard something.

"Does it look like I care about your shitty game?  I'm too busy fucking everyone's mom to care!  Yeah thats right, this is a yacht of MILFS!  Which is why its THICC, with two Cs.  Hey... what the hell is that?!"

Aruna rose from the top, realizing her body had crashed through the antenna and was now sprawled out over the roof.  Standing up, she gazed down at Mael.  The demon never rarely felt so vulnerable.    Brandishing her blade in one hand and Asmael's dagger in the other.  Her lips began to move.

Stupid humans....

Chad Chadston McThundercock

"OI! ARE YOU FUCKING LISTENING, DIPSHIT!? I'LL FUCK YOU UP!" The arrogant, muscular ape kept making noises in front of the black knight. He just looked up, as bored as you could get. "THE FUCK YOU'RE STARING AT, HUH!? THESE MUSCLES AREN'T JUST FOR SHOW, I'LL CRUSH YOUR BALLS LIKE A GRAPE! I WILL SHIT IN YOUR MOUTH FUCKER!!"

No, Mael wasn't even looking at the man. He was staring right at the demon above him, eyes narrowing like a cold blade.

"DIE!" A fist bigger than the black knight's entire torso shot down like a meteor, with enough force to blow his hair back. But just as it crashed on the ground...



If there was a word that could be used to describe the arcs of that blade, it was - beautiful.

How repugnant.

The giant's arms, shins, face, and guts were sliced open in dozens of tiny cubes, flying around like a fountain of blood. Everyone else barely saw the bloody blur, but just as the bloody chunks of meat were about to hit the floor...

A bright light enveloped the soon-to-be corpse and fixed it completely at once, healing him fully just as quickly as he was cut. It didn't even realize it had just been cut to giblets until after he realized all the body chunks scattered around were his. The man's terrified gasps gave away for a single, blood-curdling scream. Even as he ran.

"Ah...aaaahhhh...! Monster! Eeeeeek!"

But Mael's glare never once moved. He only looked up at his target. And with his sword gripped tightly, he plunged it straight into the ship. The same blue and crimson lines rippled throughout the vehicle. A vehicle that could be used to crush, maim, and flatten those in its path.

A black engine of death, now overwhelmed by the power of the former archangel. As he gradually took control, he gave it a single directive.

Ram into that ship.

Richer Richard McRicherson

"HEY you lesser peon.  Are you listening to me?  This yacht is my dick and that yhacht is yours.  MY DICK IS BIGGER THAN YOURS and if your not going to listen I SHALL BOARD THE BOAT AND STEAL YOUR BITCHES."

The man stopped talking as he witnessed what could only be described as horror.  Reeling back he said, "Oh lord...  I uhh... turn the ship around!"


Aruna landed behind the man, delivering a chop to his throat.  The second he fell to the ground, Aruna had finished preparing the portals.  Several had been set with her magic.  It was just a matter of activating them at the right time.  Aruna's demonic eyes widened, taking in the nature of his magic for the first time.  The darkness took hold of him and healed him, yet from the outside, it appeared as though he was being consumed.  It was not unlike her feeding, a helpful process but one considered horrifying to the humans.  To Aruna, it was truly beautiful.  Yes, it was true darkness and what she saw before was light.  Could it be that....  No it was.  It was both light and dark.

The sound of steel crashing into one another manifested itself in an explosion style bang, the echoes of mangled steel filling the ocean sky.  Aruna leaped from the bigger boat onto the smaller one, rubble bouncing off of her soft body, each little impact forcing a jiggle.  With the light sword reflecting from her eyes, she considered Orcus's words.  There was no way, a true mix?  Asmeal?  How did he learn to mix them so easily?  Was it really a true mix or was this some sort of phantom mix?

Aruna's arm glowed with power, no desperation.  Aruna gripped the hilt of the blade of darkness, now glowing with the light of god and shot towards Mael, her form taking on a commet like appearance.  A single slash across his body would be all it took to cleave through his body and a room in the ship.

The truth was, she hoped the attack wouldn't land.


The black avalanche soared the seas, but it halted in its tracks at the last second, as Aruna collided against him. Mael's hateful blade hurled in Aruna's direction and slammed against the Grace, blowing her straight into the opposing ship's outer shell.

"You trash, don't touch me. That light makes me puke." He couldn't stand it, that mockery that took everything from him. Even if he had to rip it from her crying corpse, he didn't care. It didn't matter, nothing else mattered, he'd slaughter every last Grace and let the corpses of their holders' flood down the shit and muck of sewage. If he could do this much, then his sickening life would have had some meaning. It'd be one good thing that'd come out of him.

An irresistible kick shook the vessel as he jumped to follow her. Mael came down on Aruna to rain down a spew of murderous slashes. "Was it comfortable, that light? It feels good to use, doesn't it? But that power IS NOTHING MORE THAN A CURSE!!"

And it won't end until she did. This was his war, he had to finish it. Because without it, everything would be for NOTHING.


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