Author Topic: Re: Character Sheet Submission Thread  (Read 4049 times)


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Re: Character Sheet Submission Thread
« on: July 28, 2018, 02:32:38 AM »
Name: Indominus Rex

Race: Friend (Genetic Frankenstein base)

Age: 3

Height: 6’2” (Refined Form) / 20’ 1” (True Form)

Weight: 203 lbs (Refined Form) / 8 tons (True Form)

Indy’s Refined Form has the appearance of a young woman roughly the age of nineteen. Her skin is as pale as snow, her lower-back-lengthed, wild mane of a hair about the same shade, while her eyes as red as blood - making her often mistaken as an albino. A pair of backwards-facing, bony crests protrude from the top of her head, making it look like she has white devil horns.

Indy has some saurian features - most notably her four foot long tail that has crocodile-like osteoderms. Further, her fingers don’t end with nails, but rather short claws. She also has scales in limited locations (Outer thighs, shoulders, and upper back).

Physical Attributes:

Strength: Incredible

Agility: Exceptional

Durability: Amazing

Other Abilities:

True Form: The dinosaur Friends from Isla Nublar differ greatly from their Japari Park counterparts. They are roughly the same size as the animals they’re based on (genetically modified, however), share more traits, and are overall more combative.

When the biomancer Henry Wu went about creating the Indominus Rex, he went full out with the experimentation. She is a product of multiple dinosaur genera and a suite of still living animals spliced together, being created in such a way that she can “refine” herself to a more typical friend-like appearance at will.

When Indy goes to her true form, however, she becomes more of a monster. She grows to her full size (twenty feet tall, forty-five feet long, weighing in at eight tons), and she takes on a much more feral appearance. Her teeth become curved and predatory, eyes turn angular and fierce looking. Scales cover more parts of her body, noticeably her cheeks, lower arms and hands, as well as knees and feet. Her hand claws lengthen, andher feet  become those of a true theropod. What’s more, her Physical Attributes change to the below:

        Strength: Fantastic

        Agility: Amazing

        Durability: Incredible

Cuttlefish DNA: Indy can alter the pigments in her skin/hair/clothing to match her surroundings. It takes roughly three seconds to blend in, and she has to stay relatively still in an unchanging environment to be effective. She is also currently experimenting on changing her appearance through the pigments, such as altering her skin tone or changing hair color, though she hasn’t quite nailed it down yet.

Frog DNA: A standard DNA insert to fill in the gaps of the dinosaur genome or to help them adjust to the warm, humid environment that is Isla Nublar. However, there are unintended side effects.For one, a freak mutation stemming from this allows her to hide her thermal signature, meaning that others can’t track her by her heat. For another, it actively alters her gender - in an environment entirely comprising of females, Indy will develop male genitalia, in a mixed-to-male-exclusive environment, she will revert back to purely female.

Pit Viper DNA: The Indominus has a pair of heat-sensing organs, allowing her to track others by their own body heat over long distances.

Monster Jaws: Indy’s bite force matches her strength stat between her two forms. They can widen further than what one would think possible, and should her abnormally strong teeth break off she can grow new ones over the course of a week.

Heightened Senses: Indy was designed to be an apex predator. She has the sight of an eagle, the nose of a vulture, and can hear a pin drop in a crowded room.

Won’t Stay Down: Due to an extremely high pain tolerance, it is actually difficult to make sure that the Indominus stays down. Crippling her limbs is highly recommended.

High Intelligence: Indominus is actually a pretty smart girl. However, she was raised as an animal, thus making her naive about the world around her. She picks up on things quick though, and is actually quite the problem solver.

Ear-Splitting Roar: Indy is able to roar between 140 and 160 decibels in both of her forms, louder than the pain threshold for many of Nexus' denizens.


Friend Clothing: The clothing that appears on friends is quite the oddity. They feel like actual clothing, shredded like any other outfit, and can be taken off without consequences. However, they mend like skin over time, can be washed while being worn, can’t be stained, and mysteriously reappear on the friend if left off for too long. Further, in Indy’s case, it can be camouflaged with the rest of her skin.

The Indominus Rex’ friend clothing consists of a light grey blouse done up in scale patterns. Her skirt is the same, albeit in a slightly darker shader. In her Refined Form, Indy dons knee high heeled boots that resemble a carnivorous dinosaurs leg-and-foot patterns, but this disappears in her Pure Form.

Japari Park was judged to be unsustainable. Constant Cerulean outbreaks forced the Japari Corporation’s hand, causing them to shut down the safari for good. Facing bankruptcy over such a huge loss, they were forced to sell the island chain to the up-and-coming InGen Corporation, owned by the ambitious John Hammond and esteemed Benjamin Lockwood.

Long story short: While the business partners were quite interested in the application of sandstar onto animals to create a tourist attraction, the Ceruleans were a constant threat that will not go away (As they are a byproduct of sandstar themselves). However, Lockwood had in his possession a series of dinosaur fossils. With the aid of Henry Wu, a biomancer, they were able to develop a friend based on the long extinct animals that were capable of dealing with the blue menace. These saurian friends are unlike those that came before. They were more feral, more aggressive. They took on more physical traits of their base animal, including size, weight, and unique attributes. While the main island was written off, the smaller Isla Nublar was judged suitable to break ground. And thus Jurassic Park was born.

Henry Wu was not entirely satisfied with making these friends to resemble their base dinosaur closely. He wanted to experiment further. At first, it was relatively small augmentations (Made the Ceratosaurus larger, boosted the Raptors’ intelligence), then it became more extreme with the Spinosaurus. He eventually convinced John to allow him to go ham, but only this once. That was the day the Indominus Rex was created.

The fall of Jurassic Park was not do to Ceruleans, but by many things going wrong at once. The frog DNA Wu used to help plug in the gaps in the genome actually allowed the dinosaurs a method to reproduce, a fact caught all to late. What served as the deathblow was a double hitter between a severe storm sweeping over the island and Dennis Nedry attempting a friend heist. Several people ended up dying over this, forcing Wu to evacuate the island - But he didn’t leave alone.

While InGen was going to close down for this, Wu was intending to continue his experiments. Indy was sedated and transported onto cargo ship heading back to the city proper. However, she turned out to have a higher immunity to the drugs than was expected, waking up and promptly breaking out of her container mid-trip. After chewing through a few guys, she ended up going overboard during the storm and was presumed lost at sea.

Indy didn’t drown, however, and dragged herself out onto the docks. No longer being fed Japari Buns with the side of goat, she had to rely on her own skills to bring food to her table, mainly humans. She has since learned to seduce people, to have them bring her to their homes (Or where the two of them would be alone and undisturbed). That’s when she typically goes in for the kill. Afterwards, she would often take their money and valuables, maybe use their showers to wash away their blood.

Weaknesses: She needs to eat. A lot. Further, she is still naive about the city life, learning things either by observing others or by circumstance. She owns pretty much nothing, using the money she steals from her victims to provide means of hunting more. Combined with the fact she is wanted in multiple districts means that she has to constantly go from one neighborhood to another.

Likes: Meat, solving complex problems, Snoozing Midday, Encountering New Things (Usually followed by attempting to kill them)

Dislikes: Being shot at, difficult prey, needles
« Last Edit: July 29, 2018, 03:39:51 AM by Bern »