Cross Effects > Areas

The Heavenly Ruins

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Enntee ah...beedee ess whaaa? What is this- what are you doing!? He raised an eyebrow in pure confusion and crossed his arms, pouting away from her.  Was this some kind of demonic initiation ritual? Of course, humans would only learn things like that from hellspawns. Of course.

Hmph. I wouldn't fool around with a demon.

He was totally pouting.


Aruna's eyes widened as she said,  "Do... do you not grieve?"


Hm? Why would I? I never inherited such feelings. To be honest, I can't understand them. His nonchalant tone rung through her heart like a poison, and he just shrugged before pacing to the side.

But you're right. This place has gotta be the city of dreams. If you wish for it hard enough, even your wildest desires can come true. He touched the base of the woman's statue and smiled, even as the sun beat directly on his face he didn't waver.

Still beautiful as ever, eh? My poor wounded songbird...

Did he... know that woman too for some reason? No, it was impossible. So what was up with the feeling of nostalgia in the air? It was God's providence... gravity, that drew him to the living. To this world of endless possibility. And to her. And as he thought about it, he turned to Aruna.

If I truly loved someone, I think I'd like them to smile when they think back at our precious time. We've only got so much of it, you know?


Aruna paused, walking behind Ezekial and resting a hand on his still shirtless muscular back.  "If you work hard enough huh?  Ezekial, you said you can not grieve, but what are you doing?"

As he turned to her, she simply stared into his eyes, looking deep into his soul for the true answer.


It's just homesickness. He sighed and grinned, but didn't find the strength or will to move. He didn't understand such things, and likely couldn't feel them anymore. Even if he knew about them on an intellectual level, these emotions were as far from his heart as possible. Even he didn't always know how it operated, so it was hard even for the demon to tell.

Just what maddening swirl of emotions mixed inside Zeke. But each one of these was a gradient of wapred joy.

It must be gratefulness. Without that woman, I would not have gotten where I am. A poor, broken divine shell slain by her very lover. It was a marvelous subject to study. I... admired her.

Incomprehensibly, he clawed at the foot of the statue and dragged his nails inside, marking it with a scratch. Her name was Lilith. A poor soul who ended up falling in love with a demon, and lost her everything to it. My father managed to collect her body in hyperspace... what a pitiful existence. Heh heh heh...

It was funny. Just like Aruna's newfound power, he too had received a gift from God, stolen from heaven's claws. Were they really so different, with their fancy words and pretty emotions or lack thereof? Don't humanize me so much. It's embarassing, coming from you.


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