Cross Effects > Areas


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Aruna's form shifted and grew.  Her dainty feminine form shifted into her male one.  Except this one was different.  It was bigger, taller, filled out with more muscle.  The horns on her head were larger and the glowing batlike wings enchanted by the graces glowed even brighter than before.  His demonic eyes glowed with a fury and wrath to match god himself.  With his wings spread wide, he floated upwards closer to the top of the dome.

Then she appeared.

Really, Aruna didn't need to turn to know it was her.  That massive soul of hers, he could recognize her just from that warm aura alone.  The sheer size and girth of her soul coming up behind him felt like a large creature standing over him.  For the first time since he met her, Aruna allowed himself to let the aura wash over him, calming his spirit and furthering the balance within.  Those eyes went over the angel's supple form and angelic power.  It was strange, until now Aruna spent so much time lying to himself.  Somehow, it almost felt like he was meeting her for the first time.

"You apologize to her?  I took your grace, your pain, as much as I could stomach, yet you continue to wallow in hatred.  I threw away some of my loathing so why can't you?!  If she weren't here I would rip your head off and mount it on my fireplace."

With Meal rushing towards her, there was only one option.  About a half a dozen chains burst from his belly, another dozen emerging from the ceiling.  Another dozen emerged from the ground.  With a sigh he said, "I'm not going to give up on you Asmael, but I cannot look up to you the way I used to.  You've been consumed by this hatred, just as I have been.  The grace is the burden of power."

"Its as Lulu says, its not the grace itself but the system created by god.  I'll kill him and supplant my own balance."

And so, the chant began.



His eye flashed a hateful glow as the chains came down on him - like a demon's jaws. He jumped back and spun to escape their grasp, but even with his speed, they came inching ever closer. Closer, until they were close enough to kiss his body. That's when his blackened body turned one final time and...



In less than a second, a hail of divine bullets shattered a dozen chains. His body flowed like a storm, gunning down the incoming bindings with terrifying precision, firing at his blind spots and weaving through them to evade the rest. "Kh-!"  However, Aruna was not so weak that a few bullets could match it. Her rage. Her resolve.


It slammed against his ribs, coiled around his arm, and choked his throat. His windpipe was crushed in an instant, his life was eroding from his body for that moment. But at that moment, he shot the chains and freed himself. He heaved for a moment, his glare burning up at Aruna murderously.

But she wasn't in front of him.

Only dozens of chains.


The sands kicked into the heavens as the impact of all these chains crashed the beach's grounds with explosive force. He couldn't be seen anymore, let alone be felt. Had Aruna done it? Had she repelled the legend?


"You've gotten stronger."


A violet beam fired with unmatched speed and power fired out of the sand cloud, with such heat and power it melted the sand beneath it into glass. Even as it led the way to a torrent of blackened bullets, its message was simple.

"I won't fall so easily."

And as his form soared from the debris, she could feel it in its entirety. A broken chain lying by his feet like a shackle. On his left arm, a massive shattered chain, dragged along and corrupted by his grasp to be wielded by him alone. On his right, a raw degloved mix of meat and bone, its hide likely ripped open to remove one of the chains. But clutching that blackened gun nonetheless.

His wounded, bloodied body, the bones poking out of its ribs. It wasn't immortal, it could be defeated.

And the weight of his everything crashed onto Aruna. A black aura so wrathful, so raw, it'd melt everything into its immutability.

Aruna, even Lucy, could all feel it at this moment. It wasn't some kind of control of the mind, no, it was far simpler. It was the feeling of prey inside the jaws of a predator.

The true terror of the Archangel of Death.
"Kneel before me." Its attacks wouldn't cease until it died. And he wasn't dead yet.


With an unnatural hissing sound, the beam of destruction fizzled out of existence as a figure appeared before Aruna. A fraction of a second later the several ploinks could be heard along with the sound of muted footsteps in the sand.

As the light show died out that figure was revealed to be Lulu who appeared completely unharmed by the beam, but that wasn't the end of it it. All around her were the crushed remains of the bullets that had hit her.

"Yeah no... Who would kneel before a tantrum throwing baby like you?" It was a rhetorical question, one posed with almost gleeful satisfaction as she advanced upon with the same nonchalance as before.

"You speak of things you do not understand boy, this power you hold in such contempt, this Grace. It's nothing more than yet another string in the fabric of reality. And like all strings it may snap.... Or it may be rewoven into something better. But perhaps this subject is too advanced for some chap villain wannabe who can only spout generic lines."


Aruna's eyes widened as he saw Lulu appear before him, her back to him.  Those feminine hips and ass kept her figure feminine, even as the light of the beam painted her form in shadow.  However, in that moment, he was reminded of the strength of the angels, of god.  No wonder the humans prayed to them.  He was glad he didn't have to.

Strange, he talked such heavy words but as he raised his blade, the giant demon couldn't care enough about such wrath.  Maybe all that affection he had, that perceived friendship was fake, but it mattered to him.  Every single thing he had done could be justified as the cruel oppression of the angels, but in this moment, he found that the oppression bounced off the power of his spirit.    Maybe he projected a character of Mael, but he still knew him.  Somehow, with his determination higher than ever, he didn't feel like killing him anymore.

It all felt so ridiculous.

The form of Aruna vanished, disappearing behind Lulu.  Darkness covered the blade of light, concealing it with the rest of his body.  Even the brightest star could be hidden with enough darkness from the void of space.

All it took was to look outside of himself, see another person's suffering to contextualize his own.  Just as Aruna was so sure that the light could never be overcome, never mix, this man was so sure it had to be destroyed, that he had to be destroyed.  If light and darkness couldn't mix, then what was this angel girl doing fighting for his side?  No, he wouldn't reject that part of himself anymore.  A voice echoed through every portal in the dome.

"You speak with such anger, but you lack heart.  But I guess thats something we have in common.  This was all a farce wasn't it?  You never wanted to kill me either did you?  The grace..... i'm just a grace aren't i?  My balance is a world where light and dark meet and their turmoil serves only to help us understand each other and ourselves.  I think... thats the world I want to live in.  Its funny, I never asked what you wanted did I?  Does that sound like a world you would like to live in Mael?"

What struck his body wasn't a blade, but a hammer, the blunt object slamming into his abdomen with enough force to rupture several internal organs.  The strike would knock him into the air, with the chains from above moving to catch his body.



He could feel it. The moment she vanished, he braced himself, his eyes zipping everywhere to find any sort of tell. Any sign of her offense. Everything tensed, instinctively, his fist shot forward to strike ahead. Mael's everything, or Aruna's. Only one would strike first. He'd do everything in his power to be the one.

But would it reach Aruna?


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