Cross Effects > Areas


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Where had she?...... Oh right it was him!

The angel moved fast, since she was already closer to him, she reached him before Aruna, and the moment her hand made contact with him, both of them were suddenly a hundred meters up in the air.

"Asmael I remember you!" Without even waiting for a response she within herself and less than a millisecond later she pulled forth the things she had taken, the memories he held most precious, and used her awesome psychic might to shove them back into Mael's head.


The ashen man's eyes focused on the seraph, with a mix of longing and fascination. It was all too familiar to him, the sight of power like this made his whole body shiver and ache. It was a pity that it was wasted on that foolish half of his.

"Ya know, there's something I don't get. Aren't these schmucks all basically agreeing here? I mean, they all wanna kill YHWH chan, don't they?"

"To see one's justice through, one must fight for it. Even if the one who stands before him is his kin."


"The one who accepts all and the one who denies all disagree... on the very reason of their existence. They must fight. But it's unfortunate. The more her shine grows, the more the man's rust becomes glaring. Perhaps this will help polish him."

As he said that, he toyed with a gorgeous white dandelion, its shine and glow unnaturally as if it were made from a liquid moon. Even compared to before, its heavenly glow was stronger and fiercer than ever. Its brethren burnt away so cruelly, its existence denied so wrathfully.

Its desire to consume, burning so beautifully.

"Dude, that made no fucking sense at all. I'm pretty sure you just dodged the question. No, you totally dodged it. You dodgy shit."

"Oh well, I could make my speech a whole lot longer. But let's be real, who's going to read all that?"

He blew the flower gently, scattering its angelic petals into the skies. Reaching farther, farther... away...



But the attack never came. An overwhelming feeling of disorientation was the one thing that let him notice his feet were off the ground. The wretched feeling of warmth assailed him, pinned his arms, and tried to wrap around him. "This doesn't concern you. Stand aside. I-

But it was too late. Lucy touched him, and he touched her. And what was once lost was returned to him, entering every pore of his body and stretching it to the brim.

His eyes shot open, crowned with a pained gasp.

There was once a monster who'd point its blade at a woman and her own child.

A sinner who'd cut down its kin and rejoice.

Drink from heaven's own delusion.

A soldier who had known nothing but war, and was ultimately betrayed by it.

Who'd cut down the one thing he ever loved.
"The union of heaven and hell is a sin most grave."

Arrows of light rained down, surrounding Asmael like a holy crown of spears. A towering assault of burning light, purging. Killing. The demons who tried to resist fought bravely, only to be cut down and butchered like animals. Men, women, elders, children. All those of impure blood burnt to the Accuser's arrow of justice.

And the attacks wouldn't stop.

And the tears wouldn't stop.

"Rejoice. Praise His name and repent with eternal rest."

As islands were burnt and heavenly cities torn to ash, the archangel and his armies kept razing the unfaithful. The sinners. Those who must be judged above all else. The soldier's entire life was nothing more than a war that had never ended. It was only fair. It was just.

A woman and her child laid before his cold gaze, clutching at each other in fear.

His arrows pointed downwards.


"My own wife.... and child...?"

The brightest of lights swooped over the earth, burning into the sky. Followed by a monster's blood-curdling scream. What was she doing to the former angel? What did she show him? As he turned his head to face Lucy, the monster of monsters looked back and shed a bloody tear.

"I don't need... anyone else. Being punished for my sins....for all eternity... is fine." Such words were a true struggle to muster, yet the smile on his lips was far easier to show. For just a moment, there was no fight in his body whatsoever. "What you showed me... that was no lie. Unbelievable... it's too cruel. Death by your hand would be less painful. Thank you."

Can a soldier who's only ever known the horror of war - learn to find peace?
"But I can't stop now. It's too late to stop. No one... stops. My war won't end until I can make all of them pay. The voices, I can still hear them cursing at me. If I can at least make this world livable for them, then maybe I can quiet my phantoms. I can't let that thing live."

But was that thing the grace... or himself?


The hammer swung upward, drawing a J shaped arc that ended with the hammer above her head.  As the weapon stopped moving, the item of pure light shifted back into a sword.  However, nothing slammed into the blade.  Aruna never felt that cathartic feeling of hammer striking muscle and bone.  Instead, she looked up, only to see Lulu had saved him, carrying him far beyond the dome.

Aruna flew up beyond the portals, meeting them at the very top beyond the field of their battle.  "They are never going to go away, even if you kill me.  All the things i've done, good or bad are left behind.  You can erase living organisms much easier than pain.  We can't take the easy way out.... not anymore."


"But you are taking the easy way out you cowards!" TThat wwas the final straw that broke her patience. These two were wallowing in their misery like a bunch of crybabies. But she wasn't angry at them, no her irritation was aimed more towards the people who had enabled them to become like this.

"All you two have been doing is running away, fleeing from this pain you're too afraid. A war you say? Please, you haven't even begun the war. All you're doing is disgracing yourself and the ones who cared about. You betray them by acting like this is a vendetta when all you're really doing is hurting the one they care, You and no one else."

She let go of Mael and took a step in mid air while she regained her breath. "And while you do this, the true enemy sits secure and laughs at you, are you two really okay with that? How does that not make your blood boil? Answer me!""


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