Cross Effects > Areas


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"I couldn't agree more."

As the dark angel slowly rose into the sky, her lips began to move.  Aruna's eyes took in Lulu's form and narrowed.  To think she had a piece of Asmael this entire time as well.  They did seem to know each other.  Did she take it?  If someone were to ask Aruna how she felt in this exact moment about this new development, she would probably respond with mixed emotions.  Aruna grimaced wondering how long she knew, when she was planning on telling her.  That woman had the power to read minds, meaning she likely knew about Aruna's own grace.

Of course, its not as though they ever talked about it.

Gripping the hilt of her blade, she flew behind Lulu, steering clear of the giant blade she was brandishing.  The blood from the earlier battle seeping down her form.  The pain made every move hard and the gash in her belly stung as the wind scratched it.  The wings on her back grew into big bright white wings of death, light emerging from them and shooting towards the monsters.

Still why did Lulu not tell her?

Grace Swarm

It grew, it grew larger and larger, with each passing heartbeat it grew. This mockery of the forest sprung from a single seed high in the sky, it grew. Yet it was nothing like the Forest.

The strange resonance with the Seraph had caused a series of cascading changes to occur, one after other. It was subtle at first. The first swathe of beasts and malformed angels were the kind Mael was familiar with. They swarmed in groups of dozens rushing them down without like animals.

No not even animals showed this disregard for their own continued existence, there was no attempt at form, nor a single thought of dodging any blow. It was simply an unending wave of merciless aggression.

Five angels wielding crude looking sword of light went in with high strikes, ready to cleave Aruna in half, as another half dozen hound like things launched themselves at her limbs, ready to bite down with their drooling razor sharp jaws.

Mael had it even worse.

More of the angelic beings were drawn to him, lured in by a strange call that the Grace Cluster itself could not comprehend, and as they drew nearer their features morphed and became more humanoid, more like mindless soldiers serving HIM. A dozen charged in with a maddening glee, feeling weird, they were filled with a strange emotion they shouldn't have. It was a desire to kill, to destroy, to end the traitor.

An even larger group of angels held back and seemed to be preparing a range attacks, as dozens, no hundreds of light spears cluttered the sky. And further beyond them, newer stranger beasts were already being birthed.


Five grenades. Two flares. A revolver and five combat knives. This was the arsenal he had left from his raid against that mercenary group. Plenty enough to slaughter at least a squadron of angels. But those things?

Oh, he'd give them far worse.

The knives arced to the side, cutting brilliant arcs in the sky while Mael dashed back, zigzagging to circle to their side and lure them to a bridge. He couldn't afford to get swarmed by them, but he could cut those who got closest and lure them - zone them with crippling blows by going for their limbs. As energy crackled in his eye, he pointed it at the ranged archers far away. A moment, he only needed a moment to fire a sweeping beam at a row of them.

"Aruna, walls to the left and right! Restrict their movements to narrow halls!"


The light, a source of power, the ability to push on despite ones circumstances, grow beyond what one was even moments before.  Its power was vast, limitless and as such was wielded by the gods.  Left unchecked it heralded the consumption of everything.  The dark angel used to think it was a force of evil and those who channeled it were cruel oppressors.  But now....

The angel's batlike wings began glowing with the grace's power.  Bullets of pure radiant light were spewed from the wings, shooting towards the five angels, piercing their hearts.  Staring at the ones aiming for her limbs, she couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness from seeing their rabid faces, consumed by the power of the light and seeking only violence.  Aruna held out her arm, as if begging a rabid dog to bite that spot, spikes emerging from it at the last minute to pierce the angels in the stomach.  With a swipe from her arm, the skewered angels were tossed aside and the spikes sunk back into her flesh.

It was just those who wielded such a power, who let that consume them and gave into their worst impulses.  In the end, users of the light weren't any different from the demons whom they crushed.  They were all victims of god.

"Oh and you think your in charge now, a mad beast ordering me around, absurd."

Hundreds of portals spawned in the sky, all dotted in different locations with little pattern outside of covering the space.  Aruna's eyes darted towards Mael, realizing exactly what his plan was.  A dark arua surrounded both Lulu and Meal, filling them with the power of darkness, all before she returned her gaze to the injured angels.

Darkness wasn't evil, nor was light.  It was just another form of power.  If light was the power to overcome, then darkness was the power to protect.  Enjoy ripping them to pieces Lulu...  There is nothing that pleases my eyes more than watching your form rip through the bodies of my enemies, of our enemies.

Around a hundred chains emerged from the beach from the portal, flying into the sky where Meal was, caging him and the other angels in a maze of chains composed of pure light.  The portals in the sky spawned spikes radiating with dark energy that flew out to skewer the angels floating in the sky.  "Hear me angel's!  Relinquish the power of light and be spared!  What you face today........  are three enemies of god.

And with that she began chanting.


"Wooooooooah. So coooooooool."
"Wooooooooah. So coooooooool."

Flame and paper sat (wing) in arm and gawked at the scenery down below. "...See, as I told you, everything would work out." Lawrence sipped some of the readily made hot coffee while the bird stared at him flatly. Although, he wasn't really drinking it off a cup. He had grabbed a handful of ground roasted beans, jammed them in his mouth, and poured bubbling boiling water directly in his maw.

"Bro. Pretty sure you didn't count for that. Preeetty sure you're bullshitting. Again. H-hey, damn it, can you even DRINK that? What the-"

It was a still-boiling concoction of pure black, as bitter as it was scalding, yet he sipped it as if it were chocolate milk. Top quality beans from every region, brewed together and magically melded into what could only be described as heavenly. Because it'd kill you and send you straight to the heavens.

Phenex just stared at Lawrence, beak gaping.

"...That's disgusting."

Wiping his mouth, Lawrence swallowed the coffee down entirely - grind included. Right, right, the graces. He still looked down in utter fascination. Whatever had happened, it was resonating with that Seraph, going so far that even Lawrence could feel it. "She is truly marvelous. Sometime, someday... it would be nice to claim her to myself. Alas..."

Alas, his pocket watch ticked, and the time of reckoning came nigh. No, the truth was, it had rung ten minutes ago, For you see...

Lawrence's next lecture started in fifteen minutes.

Both of them were sweating.

Continued in campus town


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