Cross Effects > Areas


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Grace Swarm

But no response came, not because they didn't listen to Aruna. Something as insignificant as the sounds coming from that pesky obstacle was of little concern to the them, to it.

The hounds chasing Aruna fell but the Angels continued their pursuit of both Aruna and Mael.

The creatures far in the background morphed, fusing together into a giant cannon as for it's purpose...

A blink later a massive brilliant beam tore through the chains, the portals themselves.... The beam arced through the sky as the cannon turn with surprising speed. Then with it's task completed it stopped as smoke came out of the barrel. It would need to recharge now but it wouldn't be long before this cannon would fire again.

Then space itself froze.

For a brief instant everything stood still as Aruna's haze enhanced Lulu. The Seraph had remained unmoving, no She had slowly but surely been backing up and creating more distance between herself and the Grace Cluster, but it was for naught.

The resonance grew exponentially with this new influx of power, the heart beat faster and faster as the same black aura that empowered Lulu, also wrapped itself around every single being spawned by the Forest.

The hundreds of lances in the sky above the largest group of Angels doubled in size and darkened, glowing with the unlight of Darklight. And then they were all unleashed, surging towards the three of them.

They smacked against Lulu's body, the degraded version of her power not even coming close to the weight of her soul, thus their power dissolved against her. Her companions however lacked that defense...

And right on the trail of these lances was the now enhanced groups of dark angels chasing both Aruna and Mael.


"Tch-!" His head swayed sideways, a bright violet beam of divine terror hurled straight into the heavens, slashing the lances in its way to try and deflect them in the nick of time - the ones in Aruna and Mael's way, at least. The skies burned in a violent explosion.

"Oh? Is killing yourself and all of us part of your great plan?"

At the same time, Mael dodged whatever his eye didn't break. He had been drawing the straddlers in, luring them into his crippling slashes, observing them. That's because he recognized something was different about them. And yet, while he barely noticed their increase in speed, he acknowledged that something was terribly wrong. There was no way Aruna would use that dark mist to strengthen the enemy, and yet the darkness burning from them enforced their every move. And they had a familiar presence to them. They were all riding Aruna's darkness.

It couldn't be helped. For a moment, he let go of the knife in his left hand. His body looked open, inviting.

"I've seen enough. Die."

A dance of gunpowder and steel.

The bullets shot straight into Angel's joints, cripplingly lodging in their limbs to negate their movement. Suddenly, he grabbed the knife mid-air.... and the assault began. Strength in unity is a dangerous foe, but Mael was a breaker of armies. Their openings, he'd cut into nothing. Their movements, he turned into openings. And when he couldn't slash it all in one swoop, he crushed it with his own body to pummel them away from him. Not to kill, but to break beyond capacity to fight.

Because his enemy was growing closer.

Mael ran past the broken, charging another beam.



Aruna's eyes lowered, turning towards the injured angels unwilling to back down from her attacks.  They were a nuisance but they weren't the big problem right now.  No, the bigger issue was that the haze she casted enhanced not only her allies but her enemies, effectively making the move pointless.  The demon girl's head turned towards the bright light then..


The angels who defied god were seemingly wiped from existence.  Although that wasn't the entire truth.  Aruna had cast the coat of shadows on herself making her completely undetectable by typical sensory methods.  The darkness enveloping Lulu and Mael shielded them from the eyes of their opponents, turning them completely invisible.  The only question was, would the other angel's be shrouded as well?

As Aruna flew upwards, spikes emerged from the sky, threatening to slice up the angel's that followed.  A voice rang through the sky.  "Yes thats right!  Every angel can achieve balance!  In accepting the darkness, you drones become demons!"

Hundreds of chains reached out to the angels in the sky, threatening to latch onto them.  If caught, the chains would steal their magic.  First the haze would be removed.  Then Lulu's delicious magic would be drunken.  Next the light they cling to so pathetically will be sapped from their very being.  Their final hour will be defined by the feeling of their very lifeforce fueling Aruna's magic.


"You are lecturing a mindless beast who exist only to consume and grow Aruna!"

The invisibility was for naught as the Angels chasing Aruna merely flew through hail of spikes, their pointy edges smattering against their forms in vain and the spikes melted into nothing.

Their path was correct, of course it was, hiding herself did not hide Aruna's mind from the swarm, and like bats they honed in on the signal.

But just before they could reach her a massive Sword flashed into being in front of Aruna and smashed them back., It tore right through the haze cloak surrounding their enemies and then it tore through their form. And with one wide spin, a whole group of them were split in half.

Lulu had appeared in front of Aruna.

"Balance ain't gonna save us here, what we need is one decisive strike to their heart before... before more of them spawn. True to her words, throughout this battle more and more were being born anew into this world.

Grace Cluster

The barrage of chains wasn't even dodge. No they wrapped around the malformed angelic beings, but then they all moved. they moved as one, and with one twirl all of the chains shattered into dust.

It was Anti magic, it coursed through their bodies, much like it did with Lulu.

Meanwhile Mael was having a better time. his sheer physical might couldn't be stopped, nor halted. As long as he kept moving with determination, they posed little more threats than roadblocks... Was this it, was this the answer to this nightmare? Whatever the answer may be, it better come soon as the cannon would be ready again.

The large group that had acted as range fighters turned to face him, he was too fast. They would not be able to counter him with the same light spear barrage, but they would throw themselves in his path. With sword and teeth and bare hands if they had to.


Bash. Crush. Cut. It didn't matter what was in his way, the Archangel of Death ravaged what stood in its way. So let these accursed creatures color his blade with their marrow. Every cut was more efficient than the last, his bashing blows launching away those who tried to cling to him. Let them crawl like worms.


A volley of bullets smashed into the next wave of angels. Without time to blink, more strikes came to sever their limbs away and breach past them. With eyes that burnt like supernovas, he wallowed in his own murderous will like a volcanic rain. For this was an emotion he'd have never accepted, even before. The sickening sound of broken bones, the stench of blood on his hands, the feeling of their bodies breaking under his blade.


It felt good. Right.

Cur off-!

He was ever closer to his goal. The heart of this abomination! With a furious leap, the black knight howled inhumanly, plunging into the depths of this calamity with every tool in his disposal.


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