Cross Effects > Areas


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Heaven in hell what is that?

All her spikes were rendered useless against the creatures.  Antimagic made her weapons nothing.  Reaching the apex of the climb into the sky, Aruna understood the only option left just as Lulu articulated it with her words.

"Balance ain't gonna save us here, what we need is one decisive strike to their heart before... before more of them spawn."

Indeed that was true.  The drive to move forward, the power to push forward.  The raw power of the spirit.  Thats what guided these creatures.  There was no sentience, no life.  "Mindless beasts that seek only to desire and grow?  That just makes them human."

Well thats what she thought before she met him.  Maybe what makes a human so terrifying is their ability to really consider how they are evolving.  Still holding the blade of darkness in her hand, the weapon glowed with light, doubling in size and power.  It shifted into a Lance just as Aruna's wings shrunk back into her body.  She fell into the earth, arms spread wide as she twirled the lance in her hand.  Tightening her grip, the tip of the Lance pointed towards her target.  With one swift throw it plunged into the earth towards the core of the cannon.

"Incinerate in heaven you foolish angels!  Cling to power and you will exist only to be destroyed by a greater one!"

Thats right.  She didn't care that they weren't listening, as long as the possibility of them hearing her existed.  No, even if it didn't it had to be said, even if it was just for Aruna's sake.

Grace Cluster

Sometimes absolute overkill was the way to go, sometimes that was the most superior tactic, and sometimes trying to play to it smart was not actually smart, brains can take you far but it can do nothing against overwhelming brawn when it just appears suddenly.

This was one of those times.

The brilliant lance thrown by Aruna tore through all resistance, pierced the cannon past all layers and lodged itself into the core, in the beating heart of the beast. And the swarms of beastly angels all froze as one and howled in anguish.

Then in its moment of weakness Mael struck, and he rained down upon them fury of a grudge nurtured for aeons, He swallowed them all up in the infinite depths of despair he had brought forth.

It was too much.

With one last anguished scream, the calamity shattered, and with it, so did all it's minions, all of its nodes.


"So.... Have you been holding out on me dear Aruna?? That lance could have been soooo useful you know..." Lulu flew down to  her and caught her in a hug, stopping Aruna's fall but more importantly, she granted her the blessing of the Angel's bountiful breasts to her face.

"You could have told me where you got that grace from earlier, I didn't want to snoop in your mind and such, but I could have helped, no I'm going to help you with it. Just please, stop throwing yourself into these battles with no regards for your safety... Even I can get worried..."


An explosion of light.  As Aruna sunk into fireworks of the battle, she stared at the anguish of the angels, the look of horror on their face.  There was something about watching another creature die that felt immediately relatable.  The thought of dying itself was enough to numb the brain, but watching it happen stimulated the brain in a completely different way.  It was this rush of power and victory, tinged with the sharp anxiety that came with the reminder that death could come for her at anytime.

And then nothing.

It was like having two pillows block out her eyesight, the soft but familiar feeling of Lulu's giant breasts in her face.  With the threat gone, it was hard to resist the urge to sleep, but she found herself rejuvenated.  The wounds inside her body began healing, the bruises fading.  Aruna's skin returned to a soft but sheen white, not an ounce of purple in sight.
"Thank you," she said, her words muffled by Lulu's breasts.  It was easier to give compliments when you can't hear a person well.  What she wanted to tell Lulu was that she hid her abilities from her opponents, avoiding going all out unless she was sure they would be dead to avoid becoming vulnerable to them later.  "I... just didn't want to show you my weakness. To tell you the truth, I was struggling with controlling it.  Although I am not sure if I can promise that anymore.  I feel this problem has become a bit bigger than me."


Smash it. Crush it. End it all. When weapons fail, his claws and wings were far better allies. Feathers were ripped and torn upwards in the sky, torn apart and destroyed. To anyone else, this'd look like the berserk nature of a broken madman.

But it was more horrifying than that.

He was desperately trying to shut them up, even in their last moments. To Aruna and Lucy, they might just sound like dying beasts. But a sound at the back of his mind just wouldn't stop. To him, they almost sounded like the weeps children.

"Cease...this.... crying. This mewling... this mockery. I won't accept it... you are the ones at fault. Perish eternally, and be at peace."

He made sure this time. He made sure to end it properly. To ravage it beyond the chance of growing back. It was supposed to make it all right. It was meant to fix things. To make him feel better.

But it didn't. He felt miserable.

He raised his fist one last time in the air, but there was nothing beneath it. Nothing at all.

Mael tried to smile.


"There there..." She rubbed Aruna's back to comfort her girlfriend. "I'm not really mad about that... What I'm really made about..." Her hands slid down to Aruna's big butt and she pushed the girl so they were face to face.

"Is you hiding this slutty little demon girl form from me... I'm the top bitch here and you ain't taking that from me. So I guess I'll have deal out a thorough punishment to you now." Her hands were busy feeling Aruna up as she spoke, she'd memorize every single curve the girl had, this was way more important than some pesky little wannabe angel forest to her.


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