Cross Effects > Areas


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The ashen man stood over the district's tallest tower - or rather, sat. He had a full picnic table set up, with scrumptious sandwiches and a cheese board spread out to enjoy. Of course, it all tasted like ash to him, but the thought was there. Besides, some part of him seemed to enjoy it. The winged annoying one, the one he loved the most.

It was a tragedy that the world's memories were stripped. Two foolish sides, repeating the same mistakes over and over. It was a precocious innocence, but resigning to fate's eternal wheel was also a sin in its own way.

The burning bird munched the food greedily, while Lawrence nibbled on a sandwich himself. He stared down at the bloody battle with a pair of binoculars, utterly fascinated.

"Aw maaaaaaaaaan! If only lil bro was here to see how much his pal has grown!" The bird chirped and cackled, to which he was answered in a most serious tone. "We couldn't have that, Phenex. It's better if he dances to his tune for a bit. Water a plant for too long, and it'll rot all the same. That's why we made compost to begin with."

"...I dunno. You're pretty rotten yourself."

They both smiled drily. His other half had gotten into all sorts of trouble, but he had done good here, watering this lovely flower. It was almost as gorgeous as that child's power, Uria. White and Black fight, over the very reason for their existence. Neither can accept the other's outcome, nor can they acknowledge what the other has become. They must fight.

"This..." Lawrence's smile turned hungry, as hungry as a certain someone.

"...Is the power to tear fate apart!"

"...Is the power to tear fate apart!"


Aruna took a single step from the boardwalk towards the ocean, the waves behind him growing and crashing.  The crater from before had been halfway filled with sand.  Each step she took, the blood of their conflict tainted the sandy shore.  That pristine brown forever currented by the petty conflict of betrayal. Indeed, the glare from Asmael was met only with soft eyes and a frown.  Anything his words could do were already seared into her body, the blood trickling from her lips, the gash on her stomach, the internal damage that put a burden on her every movement.

Something inside her called at her bloodlust and twisted her rage.  God, angels, demons: everything needed to be burnt to the ground.  The grace was calling to her, feeding her natural desire to conquer.  It was like that time in bed with Lulu.  But then again, she liked that part of him too didn't she, the monster, the dark one, the conqueror?

Wait...  Light doesn't illuminate darkness, it feeds it.  The sun is just another star that even after its mightiest explosion of power becomes its mirror, a black hole.  Orcus, if I were to see you again, I would have a proper answer and something to say.  Then again, the light of god is so bright it hides in plain sight, only detectable to those who reach out to touch it.

Fine then.  The monster inside shall fuel my ambition.  Besides, we have always existed together haven't we?  Hate shall give me strength, love the will to control that strength and guide me through the haze.  Yet they are one in the same, not opposites but one singular force.  Within me there is balance.

The holy wings on her back grew and spread even wider, the light now encompassing the entire beach itself.  Dark portals, usually invisible appeared in the light, revealing that Aruna had trapped them in a dome of portals.  Even the sand they sank their feet into was just another portal, the brown giving way to a black sphere with a scratchy crimson center.

"I'm sorry, friend."

"Me too."

And that single phrase unloaded the dam of tears from her eyes.  To think that after all the curses, the accusations that it was only the moment where she found her resolve that she heard the phrase she wanted to hear the most.  Thats why this next part hurt so much.  The shining blade lost its shining flair, returning to the dark blade that could hide in the shadow of his own light.

This new balance, she only barely understood it.  The magic gathered to her body and flowed out into the portals.  Mixing the cosmic energies of light and dark like this wasn't natural.  The fact was, the burden she took from Asmeal, she didn't understand it.  Even now, she only barely understood it through her own shared experience.  The truth was, this new power would give out soon.  In the end, she wasn't strong enough to soldier his burden.  It made sense.  She could barely shoulder her own, yet she resolved to change both of their fates and the world's without his consent.

"You... we were never friends.  Just foolish losers under the same system.  We still are aren't we?  Asmael, you think god wanted us to become friends?  One angel to destroy, another to create, both who would gladly grab him from the heavens and crush him in our grip.  I think that friendship can defy fate."

A few chains emerged from the portals in the sky, threatening to come down at any moment.  Except something was different.  They weren't coated with darkness, but glowing with radiant holy light.  The style of a demon was to lie in wait and strike at the most decisive moment, but the style of an angel was to cast judgement from above.  If Asmeal looked into Aruna's eyes, he would see no such judgement, only longing for something better.

"You asked me if I would spread god's disease, be his eyes and ears.  Until I see the truth beyond my truth, I can only judge those who come before me.  The fact is, I already put my faith in something else."


"So that's him."

A passenger boat rocked in the waves. Elbows and shoulders smacked each other as the passengers sought to hold on just enough to disembark, and run from the approaching carnage. The panic reached all over the harbor, and a cloaked shadow had settled to watch it from the top of a small tower that kissed the waters. Oversight of this tip of the great Albion harbor was done here, an ancient building of stone and basalt that went back to the old conquests of Britannia.

The shadow lazily held a chilled glass, watching the liquid within swirl between the ice cubes. Looking past it, to the signs of battle that made the contents shake like a giant's steps.

"It grows faster than expected. Perhaps due to the proximity. Or have you found a trigger in your missing piece?" Deep in concentration, he continued to whisper to himself. "I wonder what kind of terminal he was, with such a misshapen frame. Adapted, but not expected to."

His drink was unfinished. But Orcus would not move. Not yet.

"Woe betide the redeemer. Death follows in his wake."


"Both of you are wrong." The voice refuting them was soft and not at all as emotionally loaded as Mael or Aruna's. There was an impatience to it though, like someone watching over children fighting over toys when there's more than enough for everyone to share in it.

The arrival of the Angel was like a quiet whimper in comparison to the overblown drama of these two combatants. But at the same time her presence was undeniable, not that it made much difference where and when she took form as her being could be felt throughout the whole world regardless. But most supernaturally inclined would likely filter it away like background noise, the same way someone who lives by the ocean isn't acutely aware of it being there, it just becomes part of the background.

And such was her nature, even though it should be completely overwhelming to be near her, she radiated with a gentle warmth that sought to embrace all in joy and happiness.

"There are no true systems, there is no fate. Such things are just byproducts of the truth, rationalizations of the mind since no one wants to view themselves as weak. But the truth is that there's only power... And those who lack it. Remove this powerful being you call "God" and the system you describe crumbles, for it is nothing more than a construct by a powerful being who's exerting their power over the weak."


A holy eye and an unholy eye fiercely glared at the incoming storm. Two would were about to kill each other in earnest.

Yet just as he was about to dash forward with nothing but his fists, a light came down on them both, cradling them with their warmth. And for a fraction of a moment, Mael's wrath stilled.


He acknowledged the presence that appeared with a melancholic glance. No, even now, the blackened warrior did something surprising, he smiled. "It's been a long time... Lucy." But as the blood kept dripping down the sands, he focused back... back to the horizon.

"If I could, I would have liked our meeting to be different. I... wanted to apologize. For the way I treated you, I forced you to bear the burden of a name that was never yours to bear, because I couldn't stomach my disgusting self."

And Lucy heard it. No, she could practically feel all of it. His sorrow, his regret... his all-consuming rage. And as the blackened warrior marched on, two hate-filled supernovas shot down Aruna's very soul. Her transformation. Everything that she wielded. Mael clenched his fist and burned, with a fire that was sure to destroy everything left in his heart.

"But that is where my mercy ends. Don't think I will stop just because you're here, Seraph. I'll be happy to slaughter you too if you get in my way. Spare me this wretched light, I... I deserve none of it. None of it's warmth." And so the black angel of death spreads its cursed wing, and with a murderous dash, he leapt to close the distance and eviscerate his true enemy. "If it's power that I need, then I'll rip it off Aruna's screaming throat!"


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