Author Topic: The Land of Forever Fall  (Read 28663 times)


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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #105 on: June 16, 2021, 03:57:41 PM »

The nude giantess gently waved at what felt like each and every one of them, tugging at the heartstrings of the old and the young, straight or otherwise, of all genders. Her soft body's gentle trembling sent soft pangs of lust throughout all who beheld her, leaving them with but one question to debate.

Was the princess a fairer woman, or this exotic and interesting outsider? The halls would be abuzz with this debate for months to come.

She grabbed Lirazel's hand and raised their entwined fists up into the sky, imbuing her chosen weilder with both the power of flight and the thunder god. Electricity ran down both of their bodies in a tremendous show of silent force.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #106 on: June 16, 2021, 09:02:38 PM »

"That is hardly a concern of ours. In such a situation I would simply have my trusted vassal carry me onwards." On second thought perhaps that was the ideal reprimand for her childe. Sakura should princess carry her the rest of the way to Star Tower as her penance. Such an extended task would surely teach her the respect that her King ought to be treated with.

This desire grew firmer and firmer, until it started leaking over the bond, giving Sakura an idea or more of a feeling of what Valerie wanted her to do. Now would Sakura pay attention and carry out her silent order? That was quite the exciting prospect for her, Valerie had never been carried in such a way by another girl before.


Sakura heard, or rather she felt, and she was more than happy to obey. "Walking is fine." She reiterated, suddenly stepping forward and grabbing Valerie's ass with greedy fingers. She swept her arm underneath Valerie's and lifted the king up into her arms, positioning her arm so Valerie's legs were rested comfortably on it.

Sakura sent a probing feeling through their link, with a little bit of contrition but mostly curiousity. She was testing its limits and looking to see just how much information they could send to each other through their link. As she probed, she seemed to be trying to expand the link and see just how open it could get.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2021, 09:05:07 PM by SINIB »

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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #107 on: June 19, 2021, 04:58:53 AM »

The sight left Amras staring, visibly bewildered yet doing an admirable job in minimizing just how much so. Then, he turned to face the road and not the pair of vampires, or the field hospital off to the side, or the great wall from whence they'd come. "I suppose, then, that I shall be walking with you. It will be a considerable distance by foot, and so I pray for your patience in enduring this choice."

He began marching along, and with only a brief glance to see if they were following, he proceeded on.

The sun rose ever higher in the daybroken sky. A white cat followed in their wake.

The Approach to Castle Town

It was a fortunate matter that for all that the great white road between the Path of Dawn and the distant Star Tower had not shifted an inch since Valerie's last visit to Endien it was even more pristine and well kept than before, the hardships of war washed away by the alluring gleam of enchantment. The path whispered the subtlest harmonies to Sakura's acute mystical senses, easing their passage and washing away the idle woes of weariness that came with foot travel. Sage, the cat, could hardly help herself in sniffing at the edges of the road, but also seemingly refused to step foot on it and instead trotted her way through the soft and flowing grasses that crunched here and there with the leaves of trees quickly left behind.

They passed several villages along the way, each built such that the land accentuated their presence and their simple elegance. Tasteful hues of gold, orange, and red predominated. The elves they passed, some with longer ears and others with shorter, some visibly aged or youthful and others with a timeless beauty, were all in the midst of preparations for some manner of conflict. They drilled with spears, swords, and bows. They sang rousing songs of battle, and brought forth with grace all manner of magic. Children played flutes and strung harps by gardens to coax forth their fruits.

They were greeted, of course, by those with the time to spare for such. Amras handled the brief introductions at each village, and as they passed he and they were offered drinks and food of exquisite quality for the road. Craftsmen took one look at their attire, and attempted to ply them with some of the finest shoes either had ever seen to see them on their journey. Sage caught mice, which seemingly dissolved into her mouth.

The great walls of Castle Town, as it translated from the tongue of the Highborne for Sakura's ears, grew ever larger. They could feel the great weight of eons of enchantment beginning to layer into place, one step after another, assessing and welcoming them. The regard of the one who waited for them in the Star Tower rested on their shoulders.

Then at last, as the sun made its far across the horizon from its eastern start, Valerie and her entourage arrived at a much larger, more fortified settlement at the foot of the great hill upon which the capital resided. Amras raised a hand as if to present it, and its open gates, and its glimmering townhouses, to his guests. "We have arrived where all foreign visitors of status are expected to remain until granted access to the capital. And to rest after that long walk." He nodded to both of them. "Her Majesty is, of course, aware of your presence - preparations are... likely being undertaken to greet you properly."


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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #108 on: June 20, 2021, 01:39:40 AM »

The nude giantess gently waved at what felt like each and every one of them, tugging at the heartstrings of the old and the young, straight or otherwise, of all genders. Her soft body's gentle trembling sent soft pangs of lust throughout all who beheld her, leaving them with but one question to debate.

Was the princess a fairer woman, or this exotic and interesting outsider? The halls would be abuzz with this debate for months to come.

She grabbed Lirazel's hand and raised their entwined fists up into the sky, imbuing her chosen wielder with both the power of flight and the thunder god. Electricity ran down both of their bodies in a tremendous show of silent force.


The youthful and elderly alike let out sounds of unfettered awe, raising their hands in witness to the great crackling force that defied the nature of Melody, yet did not insult it in doing so. Those more timeless, less caught by the chains of aging, held their hands together at the auspicious sign. Lirazel herself flushed, and very gently and subtly brought their joined hands back down to their sides. "Thank you, everyone. I must apologize, for our guest, Thorra, has come from a great distance, and I would see her receive all the hospitality she is due for her effort in coming to us."

She smiled, and the populace spread to give the pair space as they continued to walk toward Lirazel's verdant tower.

It was a rounded sort of interior, with two staircases branching off from the gate which had folded up into the walls at Lirazel's approach, and then returned to seal behind them as they stepped inside. The ground floor was warm in a literal sense, a series of soft golden flames hanging from crystalline spheres from a ceiling that was inevitably the floor of the next level up. Directly ahead appeared to be some manner of dining hall, with a long table molded from the same material as the building itself, set with chairs. It was overlooked by whatever was on the second floor...

Actually, everything seemed to be all molded as a flowing, single piece of the overall structure save for the chairs and some of the various enamelware and ceramic pieces set about.

The elven maiden released Thorra's hand, and turned to face her with a smile. "Welcome to my home, Thorra. I hope you will like it."


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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #109 on: June 20, 2021, 03:23:21 AM »

The youthful and elderly alike let out sounds of unfettered awe, raising their hands in witness to the great crackling force that defied the nature of Melody, yet did not insult it in doing so. Those more timeless, less caught by the chains of aging, held their hands together at the auspicious sign. Lirazel herself flushed, and very gently and subtly brought their joined hands back down to their sides. "Thank you, everyone. I must apologize, for our guest, Thorra, has come from a great distance, and I would see her receive all the hospitality she is due for her effort in coming to us."

She smiled, and the populace spread to give the pair space as they continued to walk toward Lirazel's verdant tower.

It was a rounded sort of interior, with two staircases branching off from the gate which had folded up into the walls at Lirazel's approach, and then returned to seal behind them as they stepped inside. The ground floor was warm in a literal sense, a series of soft golden flames hanging from crystalline spheres from a ceiling that was inevitably the floor of the next level up. Directly ahead appeared to be some manner of dining hall, with a long table molded from the same material as the building itself, set with chairs. It was overlooked by whatever was on the second floor...

Actually, everything seemed to be all molded as a flowing, single piece of the overall structure save for the chairs and some of the various enamelware and ceramic pieces set about.

The elven maiden released Thorra's hand, and turned to face her with a smile. "Welcome to my home, Thorra. I hope you will like it."


The large-breasted giantess regaled the room with what seemed to be a genuine interest. Either she really was fascinated by the architecture, or she was an amazing actor. She ran her palm around the wall, sending soft currents through the frame and mentally mapping out the building. Thorra closed her eyes, walking along it with her outstretched palm.

"You live in an interesting sort of building, Lira." Thorra quipped, turning towards her with a warm grin. "Never seen anything like it before."

As she passed the table, Thorra placed herself gingerly down on the top, circling back around with her body to face Lirazel directly again. "Do you ride often? I only rarely meet women who are so tremendously skilled as yourself—even I'd have been worried, letting go of the reigns of my horse the way you did!"
« Last Edit: June 20, 2021, 03:33:26 AM by SINIB »

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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #110 on: June 20, 2021, 04:35:19 AM »

Lirazel's smile grew as she watched Thorra explore the first two floors of her home, examining everything in great detail this way. It appeared to take a great deal of composure for the elf maiden not to follow her about, hovering about, rather than moving up to the second floor by those stairs and disappearing briefly from the hammer's sight. When next she saw her she was floating gently down in front of her and the dining hall's table, dressed now in what appeared to be a fine silken white dress that went down to her knees and covered her shoulders. She did not bother with shoes.

"Thank you - I have spent centuries weaving this home for myself." She seemed to puff herself up a little with pride as she looked up at the much taller girl. "If you listen, you can hear the echoes of my song in the walls."

She pulled one of the chairs back and sat down, then moved another with her foot as if to encourage her guest to sit. "I ride almost every morning, when I can. I raised that mare from the time she was a foal, helping her mother care for her."


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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #111 on: June 20, 2021, 04:46:25 AM »

"Yes, I can feel its resonance through the walls." The young hammer replied. "It's a gentle, soothing pulse which calms my very soul." Her voice didn't emanate from her body, however. It was directly from the hammer on the table next to Lirazel. "Centuries is a lot longer than anything I've experienced. It less than twenty years ago life was breathed into me by my fathers."

The hammer thrummed with power, pleased with Lirazel's abode as her body silently continued to wander. "Heh." The hammer seemed quite relaxed, pulsating with electricity to turn the head towards Lirazel as if to regard her warmly, electricity thrumming down its spine. "No wonder you're so talented, then. You probably have more practice riding than I have existing, heh."

Finally, her body returned, sitting down across from Lirazel and smiling at her.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #112 on: June 20, 2021, 04:08:15 PM »

The songstress covered her mouth with her hand, eyes wide as is scandalized for a moment to realize just how young Thorra actually was. Soon her eyes stopped following around the body, and focused instead on the weapon resting by her side. She tilted her head, and slowly removed her hand from her mouth to instead rest upon the hammer's head. "You have a magnificent gift, far beyond just a weapon, to be able to hear in such a way. I almost envy you this."

Though Thorra's body was sitting across from her now, Lirazel was directing her attention to where she really was. Her fingers traced at the lines where, in a more ornate design, a craftsman might have added a fine filigree of precious metals. "Forgive me for not disclosing my status to you when first we met." Her lips turned upward. "I know not how your people govern themselves, but I know that many find their actions change when I append the title 'Princess' to my name."


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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #113 on: June 20, 2021, 04:20:17 PM »

"Ahh~" Thorra cried out as Lirazel stroked her simple corded shaft. The metal was unlike anything from this world, pulsing with power and beating with the life of the woman sitting ever more listlessly across from her in a fascimile of life.

"You won't have to worry about that with me—it's a well known fault of mine. I'll treat you the same, no matter your station in life or the appropriateness of my decorum." A gentle shock ran up Lirazel's arm, focused around her wrist and hand as if Thorra was squeezing them.

"I'm a wandering daughter of the trickster god, a free spirit who doesn't have a place of true belonging except with the people she cares about."
« Last Edit: June 20, 2021, 04:36:27 PM by Aiden »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #114 on: June 20, 2021, 04:52:34 PM »

"Ahh~" Thorra cried out as Lirazel stroked her simple corded shaft. The metal was unlike anything from this world, pulsing with power and beating with the life of the woman sitting ever more listlessly across from her in a fascimile of life.

"You won't have to worry about that with me—it's a well known fault of mine. I'll treat you the same, no matter your station in life or the appropriateness of my decorum." A gentle shock ran up Lirazel's arm, focused around her wrist and hand as if Thorra was squeezing them.

"I'm a wandering daughter of the trickster god, a free spirit who doesn't have a place of true belonging except with the people she cares about."


"I believe my mother's court would be quite ill disposed to that... but I consider it more of a quality than anything." Lirazel let out a soft laugh at the thought, and then rested her palm over the hammer's head. "Ah, but the wonder I could have wrought with material as fine as yours'. Do not misunderstand me - I adore my sword, and the years I put into getting her just right. But you are altogether something different."

Her smile became a touch mischievous. "I almost worry I'll make her jealous by having you here."


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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #115 on: June 20, 2021, 05:31:30 PM »

"Ehehe~ Watch out, maybe I'll steal you from her if I'm not careful~" She vibrated against the table with great mirth. "I was forged by the greatest dwarven smiths from a shard of my mother, the great war-hammer Mjolnir.

"Your crafts skills are near equal to theirs—an extremely rare feat, especially for one not of dwarven descent. You have a gift, Lira'." After a pause, she continued. "I hope you'll protect me from the wrath of your mother's court. I expect they'll take issue with my dress."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #116 on: June 20, 2021, 10:27:03 PM »

"If you did that, I would need an entirely new wardrobe." The princess smoothed out her dress with her free hand. "Have no concern - they will cease quickly once I make clear the aid you have rendered us, and that you are a friend to me." Then she blinked, seemingly in confusion.

"Whatever happened to your companion, the horned woman for whom you undertook the great journey to us originally?"


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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #117 on: June 21, 2021, 01:22:22 AM »

"If you did that, I would need an entirely new wardrobe." The princess smoothed out her dress with her free hand. "Have no concern - they will cease quickly once I make clear the aid you have rendered us, and that you are a friend to me." Then she blinked, seemingly in confusion.

"Whatever happened to your companion, the horned woman for whom you undertook the great journey to us originally?"


"Sage is not one for being indoors—right now, she's exploring the city on her own terms." Thorra replied. "In other words, I'm not entirely sure what she's up to—or what she's thinking, most of the time. She adores her elven princess—not you, someone else."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #118 on: June 24, 2021, 05:25:26 PM »

The sight left Amras staring, visibly bewildered yet doing an admirable job in minimizing just how much so. Then, he turned to face the road and not the pair of vampires, or the field hospital off to the side, or the great wall from whence they'd come. "I suppose, then, that I shall be walking with you. It will be a considerable distance by foot, and so I pray for your patience in enduring this choice."

He began marching along, and with only a brief glance to see if they were following, he proceeded on.

The sun rose ever higher in the daybroken sky. A white cat followed in their wake.

The Approach to Castle Town

It was a fortunate matter that for all that the great white road between the Path of Dawn and the distant Star Tower had not shifted an inch since Valerie's last visit to Endien it was even more pristine and well kept than before, the hardships of war washed away by the alluring gleam of enchantment. The path whispered the subtlest harmonies to Sakura's acute mystical senses, easing their passage and washing away the idle woes of weariness that came with foot travel. Sage, the cat, could hardly help herself in sniffing at the edges of the road, but also seemingly refused to step foot on it and instead trotted her way through the soft and flowing grasses that crunched here and there with the leaves of trees quickly left behind.

They passed several villages along the way, each built such that the land accentuated their presence and their simple elegance. Tasteful hues of gold, orange, and red predominated. The elves they passed, some with longer ears and others with shorter, some visibly aged or youthful and others with a timeless beauty, were all in the midst of preparations for some manner of conflict. They drilled with spears, swords, and bows. They sang rousing songs of battle, and brought forth with grace all manner of magic. Children played flutes and strung harps by gardens to coax forth their fruits.

They were greeted, of course, by those with the time to spare for such. Amras handled the brief introductions at each village, and as they passed he and they were offered drinks and food of exquisite quality for the road. Craftsmen took one look at their attire, and attempted to ply them with some of the finest shoes either had ever seen to see them on their journey. Sage caught mice, which seemingly dissolved into her mouth.

The great walls of Castle Town, as it translated from the tongue of the Highborne for Sakura's ears, grew ever larger. They could feel the great weight of eons of enchantment beginning to layer into place, one step after another, assessing and welcoming them. The regard of the one who waited for them in the Star Tower rested on their shoulders.

Then at last, as the sun made its far across the horizon from its eastern start, Valerie and her entourage arrived at a much larger, more fortified settlement at the foot of the great hill upon which the capital resided. Amras raised a hand as if to present it, and its open gates, and its glimmering townhouses, to his guests. "We have arrived where all foreign visitors of status are expected to remain until granted access to the capital. And to rest after that long walk." He nodded to both of them. "Her Majesty is, of course, aware of your presence - preparations are... likely being undertaken to greet you properly."


"You have been a wonderful guide and we will be sure to mention how gracefully you have handled our visit to your Queen. I do hope the beds at this establishment is as sturdy as the rest of your craftsmanship." It was pure torture, nothing but torture to travel this slowly. She couldn't remember the last time she'd been this horny. Maybe this was why she went so wild the last time she visited Endien. It was certainly good contender for the reason why.

Being carried by her cute minion and constantly having her ass groped didn't make it better. She hadn't had fat cock in days, and she desperately needed to be dicked. Pretty much anything would do at this at this point. The last time she'd gone this long without sex would have been... maybe centuries ago. And her thirst wasn't much better either, as younger vampire Sakura was probably feeling fine, but Val simply couldn't go days upon days without feeding.

She was starved, and all of these feelings were laid bare to her childe through their bond.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2021, 05:26:55 PM by Bern »


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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #119 on: June 24, 2021, 05:57:05 PM »

Sakura continued holding tightly onto her king's butt, looking around and soaking in the magically-crafted city of wonders which she had found herself in. "I thank you for your guidance, noble elf." Sakura smiled at him, silently wondering how many hundreds of years her elder he was. And, how an elf's blood tasted. How would it compare to that of demonic royalty, she wondered.

She sent an image of an elven barmaid to Valerie across their link, before looking down at her and silently raising her eyebrow. Perhaps they could find a cute elven girl or boy to bed and feed upon—her king just needed to agree, and Sakura would find them a bar of repute.

"What was it like, the last time you visited?" Sakura asked mysteriously with a half grin to bare the tips of her fangs.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2021, 05:58:31 PM by SINIB »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end