Author Topic: The Land of Forever Fall  (Read 28685 times)


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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #135 on: July 03, 2021, 03:24:39 AM »

"Yes. The urgency makes it even more urgent. If the cycle remained functional, you would not be worrying so. I know well of them—as some point, Ragnarok shall come and the world shall be cleansed only to be reborn. Fate is not so easily changed. You'll have to look outside the box in order to break its chains."

Thorra paused for a moment, then continued with a greater sense of urgency. "If not now, when? When all is lost?"


The princess' breath caught in her throat, and her fingers moved to massage the front until the air escaped past her soft, pink lips. "You are... not wrong. There is no way out if I remain here." Her mouth thinned out into a line. "Mother will never permit it. I would be leaving without her sanction, most certainly. She may even try to stop me. But, if I do not go-"


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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #136 on: July 04, 2021, 08:19:14 PM »

The princess' breath caught in her throat, and her fingers moved to massage the front until the air escaped past her soft, pink lips. "You are... not wrong. There is no way out if I remain here." Her mouth thinned out into a line. "Mother will never permit it. I would be leaving without her sanction, most certainly. She may even try to stop me. But, if I do not go-"


The hammer's body reached out and took Lirazel's hand. "I'm new here too, so you won't be alone. Sneaking our way out would be child's play with my abilities—and my draconic friend would surely wish to help were she to become aware of this tumult. Perhaps um, what's his name, Yamada? Perhaps he may have an idea."

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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #137 on: July 04, 2021, 08:24:01 PM »

"Huh. However, Eruraviel's example suggests to me that purity is a very minor element behind the mighty allure of princesses. Is my living example truly an anomaly in this regard?" Sage's head turned so that Valerie's fingers could properly pamper her twitchy ears as well. "Has my understanding of princesses been truly so flawed...?"


Sakura raised her eyebrow at the cat. "Your Eruraviel... Hmm... What sort of person is she?" Sakura asked. She tapped on Valerie's back, creating a small shadow familar which walked up and around Valerie's waist and turned itself into a pillow for the dragon-turned cat. Then, sure turned and grinned at Valerie. "And I'm not vying for it. I shall soon become your queen rather than simply your mate, my King."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #138 on: July 06, 2021, 01:17:15 AM »

"Huh. However, Eruraviel's example suggests to me that purity is a very minor element behind the mighty allure of princesses. Is my living example truly an anomaly in this regard?" Sage's head turned so that Valerie's fingers could properly pamper her twitchy ears as well. "Has my understanding of princesses been truly so flawed...?"


"No there simply are different kinds of Princesses, like meat they come in different flavors. If you always stick to the same type, you will never sample the full buffet. And if you forever maintain such virgin tasted, then one day the meat will be the one taming you." She scratched the majestic feline behind her ears as she inclined want for. However the pillow made by her minion was brushed aside.

"Sakura dear, it is good that you have ambition but you have a long way to go, seeing as you have not even realized that my royal chest is the most superior pillow." Indeed the number of people she had ever extended this honor to was very small. If they weren't about to make an entrance into Endien, then Valerie wouldn't be holding back so much.


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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #139 on: July 07, 2021, 04:03:54 AM »

The hammer's body reached out and took Lirazel's hand. "I'm new here too, so you won't be alone. Sneaking our way out would be child's play with my abilities—and my draconic friend would surely wish to help were she to become aware of this tumult. Perhaps um, what's his name, Yamada? Perhaps he may have an idea."


Lirazel's eyes widened at the mention of that name. "You mean the Great Chief of the East, who fought beside the Firstborn of old?!" She closed her mouth tight, her lips pressed together, and then squeezed at Thorra's hand. "You speak truly, yes. It would be a grand opportunity indeed. However... I cannot do my mother the disservice of leaving without being forward regarding my intentions."

She stood then from her chair, long blonde hair spilling down her back like a curtain, and tightened her expression into one of determination. "Tomorrow I will introduce you to her, and make plain my desire."

The princess' free hand clenched into a fist.

"I will not allow my mother to die this way."


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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #140 on: July 07, 2021, 04:48:39 AM »

Sakura raised her eyebrow at the cat. "Your Eruraviel... Hmm... What sort of person is she?" Sakura asked. She tapped on Valerie's back, creating a small shadow familar which walked up and around Valerie's waist and turned itself into a pillow for the dragon-turned cat. Then, sure turned and grinned at Valerie. "And I'm not vying for it. I shall soon become your queen rather than simply your mate, my King."


"She is my beautiful elven princess, of course, even if she has a horrible witch around her I need to get around to eating someday!" The arboreal feline's ears flattened at the profane recollection of that most perfidious creature Eruraviel kept the company of. "A wizard of great potential-!"

Someone, a red haired woman with short pointed ears left visible by her ponytail, wearing a dress of fine quality silk yet simple and uncomplicated design, made to approach the trio with a smile on her face. "Ah, you surely do not mean the great Princess Lirazel by your discussion, do you outlanders?" She looked them both over once, and then covered her mouth. "Oh my, such daring outfits too! But where are my manners?"

The woman bowed, even as Sage peered at her with renewed interest from atop her perch, and then looked up at them with an even brighter smile. "My name is Aerin, of House Aurë. Were you, perchance, looking for a certain establishment for guests of our land?"


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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #141 on: July 07, 2021, 05:11:47 AM »

Lirazel's eyes widened at the mention of that name. "You mean the Great Chief of the East, who fought beside the Firstborn of old?!" She closed her mouth tight, her lips pressed together, and then squeezed at Thorra's hand. "You speak truly, yes. It would be a grand opportunity indeed. However... I cannot do my mother the disservice of leaving without being forward regarding my intentions."

She stood then from her chair, long blonde hair spilling down her back like a curtain, and tightened her expression into one of determination. "Tomorrow I will introduce you to her, and make plain my desire."

The princess' free hand clenched into a fist.

"I will not allow my mother to die this way."


Thorra blinked with a look of mild confusion. "Hm? Ah, yes, him! I read online that he was really really old, so I thought he might be helpful! I guess you know him by another story, huh?" The hammer grinned sheepishly at Lirazel. She rubbed her hand against the back of her head and squeezed it back.

"Of course. And as the daughter of the trickster god, I'll make sure your escape is clean if she doesn't agree with you." Thorra squeezed the elven princess's fingers. "And I would love to know what you do around here. I'm severely lacking in local knowledge right now—it's almost as bad as my first time into the human world."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #142 on: July 07, 2021, 09:14:43 PM »

"She is my beautiful elven princess, of course, even if she has a horrible witch around her I need to get around to eating someday!" The arboreal feline's ears flattened at the profane recollection of that most perfidious creature Eruraviel kept the company of. "A wizard of great potential-!"

Someone, a red haired woman with short pointed ears left visible by her ponytail, wearing a dress of fine quality silk yet simple and uncomplicated design, made to approach the trio with a smile on her face. "Ah, you surely do not mean the great Princess Lirazel by your discussion, do you outlanders?" She looked them both over once, and then covered her mouth. "Oh my, such daring outfits too! But where are my manners?"

The woman bowed, even as Sage peered at her with renewed interest from atop her perch, and then looked up at them with an even brighter smile. "My name is Aerin, of House Aurë. Were you, perchance, looking for a certain establishment for guests of our land?"


The poor shadow man flew helplessly through the air before slowly dispersing in the sunlight, helpless against Valerie's capricious transgressions. Sakura just rolled her eyes at her king. Did she really think a cat would prefer her breasts to a ball that could be played with and bullied to its heart's content? "All I have to do is claim your deepest parts as my own. With a little more practice, I'll have the tools available to me to do so. Are any of your other consorts close to such a feat?"

Still, she continued holding Valerie even as the beautiful buxom half-elf greeted them. Her eyes lingered upon the elf's slender hips and her bosom, before finally coming to rest upon her red hair and pretty face. Sakura politely bowed at her and then winked as she stood up. Despite its issues and Valerie's uncomfortable analysis, this place was still filled with many beautiful women and was thus a treat she fully intended to enjoy. "My name is Sakura, of the noble house Edelfeldt. It is an honor to be making your acquaintance, Aerin. We are indeed searching for such an establishment as the one you are describing. Thank you for your help."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #143 on: July 08, 2021, 11:08:57 PM »

"Six out of ten, you can do better than that my loyal retainer. And you can start by answering a greeting
from foreign representatives by introducing us first and then yourself." She wasn't even gonna acknowledge the other statement Sakura had made in public. The dismissal of the royal bossom was a grave offense and one that irked her greatly. Her servant shouldn't ogle a mediocre Elf when she was her. She'd understand if it was real treat before then, but it wasn't.

"I hope that certain establishment comes with a selection of virgin Elves to corrupt to the ways of the scythe bearers." Subverting the whole Elven courting process and bagging them on the first date was definitely a pleasurable thrill. Her old conquests were probably unsatisfied since she left, considering no one around here had her raw passion.


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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #144 on: July 09, 2021, 01:25:47 AM »

Thorra blinked with a look of mild confusion. "Hm? Ah, yes, him! I read online that he was really really old, so I thought he might be helpful! I guess you know him by another story, huh?" The hammer grinned sheepishly at Lirazel. She rubbed her hand against the back of her head and squeezed it back.

"Of course. And as the daughter of the trickster god, I'll make sure your escape is clean if she doesn't agree with you." Thorra squeezed the elven princess's fingers. "And I would love to know what you do around here. I'm severely lacking in local knowledge right now—it's almost as bad as my first time into the human world."


"Online...?" She shook her head, disregarding the word after a moment and instead focusing on Thorra's question with a twitch of the ears. "I would be more than happy to answer any of your questions. You are doing far more for me, and for my people, than I could ever possibly ask anyone after all."

And then she smiled. "And I will be needing your aid in navigating that same human world myself, when we leave."


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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #145 on: July 09, 2021, 03:00:53 AM »

"Online...?" She shook her head, disregarding the word after a moment and instead focusing on Thorra's question with a twitch of the ears. "I would be more than happy to answer any of your questions. You are doing far more for me, and for my people, than I could ever possibly ask anyone after all."

And then she smiled. "And I will be needing your aid in navigating that same human world myself, when we leave."


"Oh. Right. You're going to be in for a shock as to how the outside world works, aren't you?" Thorra rubbed her forehead and smiled. "You don't need to thank me so much, though. This is just how I am, I can't help but meddle where I don't neseccarily belong."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #146 on: July 09, 2021, 03:50:52 AM »

"Oh. Right. You're going to be in for a shock as to how the outside world works, aren't you?" Thorra rubbed her forehead and smiled. "You don't need to thank me so much, though. This is just how I am, I can't help but meddle where I don't necessarily belong."


"Well, I cannot imagine it would be too strange. My mother tells me the humans were doing quite well in advancing their metalworking and agriculture when last we heard from them!" She looked so confident and pure in her smiling enthusiasm now. "I imagine with less magic many things will be far less convenient, but some hardship is not something to shy from."

She tactfully did not respond to Thorra's refusal of her gratitude.


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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #147 on: July 09, 2021, 03:34:48 PM »

"Ehehe..." Thorra's musical laugh sounded discordant and uncomfortable. "Lira... you have it backwards. The human-dominated societies out there... they're far surpassing this one in terms of technological development. As wonderful as your kingdom is, it feels like home. It's stuck in the past, while the rest of reality moves on."

Thorra smiled sadly. "Whatever I say can't prepare ypu for what you'll see, but please be ready for a surprise."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #148 on: July 12, 2021, 02:22:29 PM »

"Six out of ten, you can do better than that my loyal retainer. And you can start by answering a greeting
from foreign representatives by introducing us first and then yourself." She wasn't even gonna acknowledge the other statement Sakura had made in public. The dismissal of the royal bossom was a grave offense and one that irked her greatly. Her servant shouldn't ogle a mediocre Elf when she was her. She'd understand if it was real treat before then, but it wasn't.

"I hope that certain establishment comes with a selection of virgin Elves to corrupt to the ways of the scythe bearers." Subverting the whole Elven courting process and bagging them on the first date was definitely a pleasurable thrill. Her old conquests were probably unsatisfied since she left, considering no one around here had her raw passion.

Castle Town Visitor's Quarter

The woman who'd approached them flushed in some quite visible degree of shyness now. "A-Ah, well, you are hardly someone who requires an introduction here, your majesty." She wrung her hands together and smiled all the same. "There are many among our Highborne elders who remember your ways." She took a better look now at having Valerie's identity confirmed, at her current outfit and form. Her face got even redder. "In fact, my mother ah, spoke quite highly of you."

She bowed again, and turned as though to lead them. "Would you care to see your legacy, your majesty?"
« Last Edit: July 12, 2021, 02:36:16 PM by Aiden »


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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #149 on: July 12, 2021, 03:37:26 PM »
Castle Town Visitor's Quarter

The woman who'd approached them flushed in some quite visible degree of shyness now. "A-Ah, well, you are hardly someone who requires an introduction here, your majesty." She wrung her hands together and smiled all the same. "There are many among our Highborne elders who remember your ways." She took a better look now at having Valerie's identity confirmed, at her current outfit and form. Her face got even redder. "In fact, my mother ah, spoke quite highly of you."

She bowed again, and turned as though to lead them. "Would you care to see your legacy, your majesty?"


"I would certainly hope so, I invested a lot of effort into those girls, so I do hope they actually accomplished something or I will have to pound some discipline into them again." Was it her fault she ended up fucking every single student she had? No definitely not. They totally started it and she just indulged their fantasies. And it definitely wasn't her fault that some of them threw away betrothals over devotion to her.

"One day you too can have your own Elf harem and cuck the Highborne families Sakura, just follow her and the truth will unveil itself." Beung carried around was so nice, she should do this more often.