Author Topic: The Land of Forever Fall  (Read 28590 times)


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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #15 on: April 18, 2021, 06:09:43 PM »
The Path of Dawn

A chorus of triumph rose from the walls, proclaiming the victory of Thorra and her majestic companion for all to hear. The sun peaked, the rising dawn complete so as to shine the warmth of nature down upon the champions who had defended it from such an unclean presence. It reminded the demigoddess of the heat of the forge whence she came, and filled her with a familiar sense of strength and purpose.

The draconic druid stumbled her way a distant from the carnage, rumbling, and curled up against the mountainside to nurse her cracked wing. She reached up with a titanic hand to grasp the sunlight, and pulled it to the damaged spot.

Her great glowing eyes fell on Thorra, and for once the hammer felt no animosity there.


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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #16 on: April 22, 2021, 03:06:32 PM »

The hammer's grin was like the gentle mist on the forest. Charming, refeshing, and calming. She leaned forwards and hugged the top of the great dragon's head, smooshing her inhumanly soft chest against the scaley bark as if it were nothing at all.

"We shall succeed in our quest yet, but I fear these people are in dire trouble, facing beasts as fell as these."

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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #17 on: April 24, 2021, 02:34:58 PM »

The hammer's grin was like the gentle mist on the forest. Charming, refeshing, and calming. She leaned forwards and hugged the top of the great dragon's head, smooshing her inhumanly soft chest against the scaley bark as if it were nothing at all.

"We shall succeed in our quest yet, but I fear these people are in dire trouble, facing beasts as fell as these."


The druidess released from her enormous nostrils a most sullen and disgusted exhalation, and yet released the vast and terrible tension creaking through her oaken limbs. Her shining eyes sealed, and a rumble like cracking branches escaped from her collared throat. Thorra could witness from here the miracle of her injured wing pulling itself back into place, the sinew and wood growing over damaged places and new rustling leaves taking the place of those fallen and soiled.

T'was not until it appeared she had given some consideration to Thorra mentioning others when the dragon's eyes turned to the cautiously approaching party of robed and helmeted defenders, a half dozen in all.

One of them, eternally youthful in face and with hints of red hair slipping past the confines of his graceful helmet, raised a hand and waved.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2021, 02:45:56 PM by Aiden »


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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #18 on: April 24, 2021, 02:45:31 PM »

Without waiting for Sage to respond any longer. Thorra hopped off of Sage's neck to land squatting in front of the elven warrior. Electricity crackled around her body, and even squatting, she was about the same height as the standing elves. "Have we earned the honor of your trust? I'd really love to know what's going on and to have a meeting with whomever's in charge." Thorra winked at the boy with the flowing red hair, sending ripples of youthful love through his body.

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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #19 on: April 25, 2021, 06:22:08 AM »
The Path of Dawn

Sage adjusted her head so that her great leafy wings obscured much of it, leaving only the glow of her eyes to peer at the elves from far above Thorra's distracting visage. The combination seemed a bit much for the youthful-seeming brave who'd dared to greet them once more. He brought a hand to his mouth and softly coughed into it.

"Tis certainly worth an audience, at the least." The others in his presence set about the rest of the field before the bastion, and with songs soft yet strident began to turn the sun's rays into yet more cleansing light against what remained of the abomination. He focused on Thorra, instead, and a hint of eagerness entered into his voice. "If you and your... companion, would join us beyond the first wall, then I - we, may send forward word of your arrival!"


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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #20 on: April 26, 2021, 03:29:26 PM »
The Path of Dawn

Sage adjusted her head so that her great leafy wings obscured much of it, leaving only the glow of her eyes to peer at the elves from far above Thorra's distracting visage. The combination seemed a bit much for the youthful-seeming brave who'd dared to greet them once more. He brought a hand to his mouth and softly coughed into it.

"Tis certainly worth an audience, at the least." The others in his presence set about the rest of the field before the bastion, and with songs soft yet strident began to turn the sun's rays into yet more cleansing light against what remained of the abomination. He focused on Thorra, instead, and a hint of eagerness entered into his voice. "If you and your... companion, would join us beyond the first wall, then I - we, may send forward word of your arrival!"


Thorra skipped forwards with a girlish giggle. She reached down and slowly took off his helmet, planting a quick peck upon his cheek.

"I'd really appriciate that, thanks."

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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #21 on: April 28, 2021, 12:12:04 AM »

Thorra skipped forwards with a girlish giggle. She reached down and slowly took off his helmet, planting a quick peck upon his cheek.

"I'd really appriciate that, thanks."

The Path of Dawn

The soldier's elven beauty was only enhanced by the soft flush that overcame his sharp features. "It, shall be done, fair warrior. You and your..." He looked up, and up, and up some more at the great leviathan's peering eyes as they pinned him to the tarnished road stones. "Your companion, shall be swiftly welcomed."

Most of his comrades were too busy to properly appreciate what was taking place, but one of them raised a hand in his direction. "Cease your flirtations and see them back to the gate, Amras!" A sharp motion back up the road, and the soldier stiffened his back and tucked his hair back behind his short and pointed ear before extending his hand for his helmet.

"Yes, well, shall we go then?"

Sage took the opportunity to flex her wing, swiftly rejuvenated from its earlier mauling, and condensed herself back down into the appearance at once elven and draconian she'd been in prior to her return to form. She quickly took her spot next to Thorra, and continued to pin the bewildered soldier in place with her eyes.

Fortunately for him, Thorra was distracting.


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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #22 on: April 28, 2021, 02:41:42 PM »

Thorra wrapped an arm around Sage's waist and pulled her close as if to protect her.

"Yes, we shall."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #23 on: May 02, 2021, 03:45:47 AM »
The Path of Dawn

The soldier, Amras, led the pair of foreign visitors back toward the towering bastion walls whilst his comrades took to purifying the mélange of mutilated remains left behind by their terrible battle. A trio of rope lines were dropped down for them as they reached the base of the wall, each with places for their feet to slide into. The gate remained firmly closed as Amras let out a sharp whistle above, and his line began to rise.

Tugging on her line a few times, Sage attempted to whistle as well and failed miserably at the task. A flush overtook her face as she pursed her lips in embarrassment, and then merely allowed herself to drop back down and then lift off with her wings instead.

With their attention no longer focused on the battle below, or on the ranks and rows of gleaming soldiery present upon the ramparts, Thorra was able to witness more of the elven fortifications. Or rather, what lay over a kilometer in the distance further through the mountain pass: another such fortress, shorter in scale and yet encompassing a much greater width.

Their guide, doing his utmost to maintain his composure in light of his company, cautioned them to approach from the ground as he was. "It would be most unfortunate should the impression you provide the defenders be one of unexpected arrival by air. Please, allow them to-"

But then a large force approached, and Sage rose up on her haunches for a moment until she realized they carried not some manner of battering ram as it might have seemed, but rather a great many stretchers and horse-drawn wagons. "Hail!" The one at the head of the party, with red hair pouring down from another pointed helmet. "What news from the East?" She peered around Amras' side, and her eyes widened at the sight of Thorra and Sage. "Travelers? Now? But what of the abominations assailing the wall?"
« Last Edit: May 02, 2021, 03:47:17 AM by Aiden »


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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #24 on: May 03, 2021, 09:38:15 PM »

Thorra beat her chest with a clenched fist. "Destroyed. My compatriots and I found outselfs caught up while traveling, and decided to lend a hand."

She smiled. "My name is Thorra, daughter of Mjolnir. Your city is quite impressive, with equally pleasing denizens."

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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #25 on: May 03, 2021, 11:23:01 PM »
The Path of Dawn

The woman looked to Amras, who made a seemingly vague gesture with his hand that left her eyes wide and seeking between the two foreign women. Those accompanying her were waved ahead, and their procession quickly proceeded on. She inclined her head. "You and your horned companion are owed a great deal for your assistance by the people of Endien."

Amras mouthed the word 'city?', but was hushed by the woman. With an almost mischievous smile on her face she turned to point further down the path. "You will be quite welcomed once you arrive at our... city."

Sage tilted her head, peeking out to scrutinize the elves suspiciously, before planting herself back between Thorra's arm and the rest of her body with a huff.

Which became a squawk of disapproval when the red headed elven woman leaned up and kissed the demigoddess on the cheek. "Perhaps we shall meet again!" She took off without giving Thorra a chance to respond to catch up with her forces. Amras gaped at the sight, then schooled his features and inclined his head as well.

"Shall we move on?"

The Kingdom of Endien

There was another wall at the end of the pass, as pristine and magnificent as the last, only this time the enormous gates were open. Amras waved them passed the guards with news of their victory, and their visitors, and they were permitted passage. The pass through the great bastion was like a massive tunnel unto itself, and ended in a cool and soothing glow that grew brighter on approach. Sage seemed to relax by Thorra's side as they walked closer, and by the end was all but pulling the demigoddess along with her arms and batting at her back with her tail.

Amras kept himself ramrod straight and facing forward the entire time, until they finally exited the bastion. Then, he turned around and held his arms out to his sides as if to present what lay before them. "Welcome, to the Land of Forever Fall!"

They were atop a great hill, looking out across a vast and verdant sea of reds and oranges waving in the winds. Spires of white and gold rose up from lands far below, gleaming in the light of the dawn. A dim symphony of melodies rose, one by one, carried on the winds from the settlements and manors Thorra's keen eyes could see from afar. Great flocks of birds spread across clear daybreak skies and added their songs to the welcoming chorus. At the center was the city she'd imagined before, with a great tower reaching up to the sky and shining with the wonders of sorcery.

And then Amras stepped aside, and revealed too the field hospital of white canvas that had overtaken the land just slightly further down the hill in the bastion's looming shadow. There were a great many elves, their long hair and pointed ears of varying lengths presented largely without anything to cover them now, and they were hard at work tending to the wounded of the previous battle. Many worked with their hands, with wet rags and scented herbs in hand, while others strummed instruments and sang gentle songs of hope that lifted Thorra's heart.

Sage let out a soft rumbling sound at her side, and whispered. "That was what those ... stretchers, were for?"

One song in particular stood out from the closest tent, resonating deeply within the divine hammer's heart. Armored soldiers with long two-handed swords stood guard outside, and they held those weapons at the ready as the two unfamiliar figures approached. "Hold, strangers! None may enter-"

Amras lifted a hand as if to explain "The battle has ended, noble Swords of Saiwa, with the aid of these two travelers. We shall not tarry long"

Then the mesmerizing melody faded and a gentle voice which left Amras wide eyed and speechless carried freely beyond the canvas. "Then please, see them in." The two soldiers with swords turned to look at one another, and then lowered their blades. "As she wishes."

Within was figure in a concealing cloak, with a hood over her head, who was kneeling between a pair of wounded and weary warriors with her hands hovering over them.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2021, 12:13:52 AM by Aiden »


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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #26 on: May 04, 2021, 04:08:46 AM »

Thorra walked up to the near divine voice of the cloaked elf. She squatted down, towering over the elves even in such a position. She held onto Sage's hand, squeezing the anxious dragon's hand with her own much-larger one.

She could sense the worthiness and threads of fated tied around this young elf.

"Your singing is surely as beautiful as your form, esteemed one." The tall hammer rested her hand on the other's shoulder. "Can you tell me of this great kingdom's problems, once you are finished with your duties?"

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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #27 on: May 04, 2021, 04:15:49 AM »

Despite the tight space and the numerous wounded elves present, Sage did not seem quite as anxious as before. Indeed, her wings and tail had seemingly relaxed while she tried to get a better look at the elven songstress from this angle. Alas, she could not from here.

The woman's gentle smile could not be seen, but it carried into her voice. "That shall be the least of what I may do for you, noble hero, for your unsolicited aid." She placed her fingers atop the foreheads of the injured. "Please, if I may, I would have you speak to me first of what brought you to to such. While I work."


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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #28 on: May 04, 2021, 04:22:17 AM »

"Ehehehehe... Yeah, um... Well..." For once, Thorra was flustered. She glanced up at Sage, unsure of how exactly to respond.

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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #29 on: May 04, 2021, 04:39:34 AM »

The draconian woman huffed, and crossed her arms under her chest after letting go of Thorra's hand like the reminder had burnt it. "We quest for a sacred fruit that is rumored to nourish the spirit, so that one that has been most woefully mutilated by a sinister art might be restored to their proper shape." There was a brief pause. "Tis my understanding of it at least."


The cloaked healer paused at the description of their prize, and then turned her head slightly to the side in Sage's direction. "We possess such a fruit, from the trees of the holy Everwood, and if that be proper recompense for your aid then I see no reason you should not receive it."

But then she returned her attention down, and yet turned her head oh so slightly up toward Thorra's looming face. The demigoddess caught a glimpse of golden blonde peeking out from her hood. "Please, do not be afraid to speak your desires to me."

She turned down, and allowed them to hear yet another soft and gentle melody. Before the pair's very eyes the two elves by her side began to shine with a blessed light, and even Thorra's own guilty nerves could not help but relax. It lasted but a moment, a single verse, before fading away. The wounded were renewed, and Sage let out a soft coo of interest.

Then her breath caught as the elven woman stood, and turned to face them. Her face was cast in shadows for but a moment as she lowered her hood and looked up... and up, at her two guests. The dawn's light piercing through the canvas caught on hair like freshly polished straw as it spilled past her shoulders, and her blue eyes brightened at the sight of them while framed by a charming flush of pink. She held her hands together in front of her with a faint smile. "Forgive me for my ill manners - I am Lirazel, of House Endien."
« Last Edit: May 04, 2021, 04:43:10 AM by Aiden »