Author Topic: The Land of Forever Fall  (Read 28670 times)


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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #90 on: June 03, 2021, 01:14:31 AM »

Her shoulders shook for a moment in obvious mirth. "If I were to unwrap the adornments of your handle, I suspect you would feel similarly... discomforted." Lirazel whistled, and her horse began trotting along again at a much slower pace than before. "Some things are best only seen by a few."

After a few moments the elven maiden responded again. "It is nearing the time when the Night will march upon us in force once more. You have come at a fortuitous time, if you intend to lend us aid!"


"I do, I do!" Thorra cooed almost akin to a small child excited at the prospect of going to the amusement park. "Tell me more—about this night, about your kingdom, about everything!" But then, she chuckled. "And no, I wouldn't mind too much. You might not have noticed, but I don't have um, any concerns about your mortal senses of decency. I've never really gotten it, personally."

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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #91 on: June 03, 2021, 10:09:10 PM »

Valerie sighed yet she didn't address Sakura directly, she merely continued the conversation with the Elf. "If you could spare us some simple lodging that would be quite lovely. Especially for my companion, she needs to learn that you simply cannot ridicule the great hunt and expect free handouts in return. Perhaps some hardship will finally burn that spoiled nature of hers away."

She couldn't even find the will correct the incorrect way this guide had addressed their relationship. If she was gonna behave like a brat then she should simply be treated like one.

"If you keep this nonsense up then I will have no choice but to spank you in front of the whole royal court. And do not take this as idle threat, I spanked over a hundred Elves last I visited." Ah that was a good memory, many young maidens swooned for her exalted grace back then, it was quite the scandal.

And this time she was dressed even more provocatively than back then. Perhaps the Queen would panic when she heard of her arrival, or perhaps it would happen when she laid eyes on her. Either way that was amusing scene she couldn't wait to partake in.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2021, 10:14:23 PM by Bern »


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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #92 on: June 04, 2021, 01:32:07 PM »

"I do, I do!" Thorra cooed almost akin to a small child excited at the prospect of going to the amusement park. "Tell me more—about this night, about your kingdom, about everything!" But then, she chuckled. "And no, I wouldn't mind too much. You might not have noticed, but I don't have um, any concerns about your mortal senses of decency. I've never really gotten it, personally."


And then Lirazel started talking, allowing her horse to rest in a slower yet steady walk as the urgency of the moment passed. "Our people settled here, in the Valley of Forever Fall, thousands of Turns ago. The first Queen knew that this was where we could discharge our ancestors' sacred duty - to stop the Lord of Night from every returning to ravage the lands from whence you arrived." Her angelic voice had become stern, yet retained the softness of a school teacher who had no use for yelling. "But the Queen knew too that she would give her very life to prevent His return, and that it would take time for her daughter to take up the duty in her place. Since then our people have prepared for war with the monstrous denizens of Night, beyond the Burning Mountains, until the next Queen is ready to take up her mother's duty. Everyone here has readied themselves from childhood, no matter their careers, to offer their lives in battle against this foe."

She paused, either for dramatic effort or because it impacted her in some deep way to speak of these things.

"The Queen's time grows short. He will return, soon, at the head of an army a thousand years in the making." A hesitant sigh escaped her chest. "I fear even your great power could not stand before the Dark Lord in victory alone."


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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #93 on: June 06, 2021, 02:45:49 PM »

Valerie sighed yet she didn't address Sakura directly, she merely continued the conversation with the Elf. "If you could spare us some simple lodging that would be quite lovely. Especially for my companion, she needs to learn that you simply cannot ridicule the great hunt and expect free handouts in return. Perhaps some hardship will finally burn that spoiled nature of hers away."

She couldn't even find the will correct the incorrect way this guide had addressed their relationship. If she was gonna behave like a brat then she should simply be treated like one.

"If you keep this nonsense up then I will have no choice but to spank you in front of the whole royal court. And do not take this as idle threat, I spanked over a hundred Elves last I visited." Ah that was a good memory, many young maidens swooned for her exalted grace back then, it was quite the scandal.

And this time she was dressed even more provocatively than back then. Perhaps the Queen would panic when she heard of her arrival, or perhaps it would happen when she laid eyes on her. Either way that was amusing scene she couldn't wait to partake in.


Sakura was offput by that description of her. Spoiled was a term many had used to describe her at the clocktower, one which had been used to minimize her efforts and to make fun of her.

She hated it. Just being called such made her skin crawl. If Valerie felt that way about her, then she needed to reconsider her attitude and manner.

She couldn't abide being called as such in this world too... The worry that Valerie would think less of her in the same way, that she'd be written off as less than she was worth, it made her heart flutter with worry and fear.

She put down Sage and jogged over next to Valerie–if she wanted to be treated seriously, she didn't need to apologize, but she knew she did need to amend her actions.

Still, she wasn't exactly sure what to say. There was still so much she wanted to learn, needed to learn, about her lover.

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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #94 on: June 07, 2021, 03:31:11 PM »

And then Lirazel started talking, allowing her horse to rest in a slower yet steady walk as the urgency of the moment passed. "Our people settled here, in the Valley of Forever Fall, thousands of Turns ago. The first Queen knew that this was where we could discharge our ancestors' sacred duty - to stop the Lord of Night from every returning to ravage the lands from whence you arrived." Her angelic voice had become stern, yet retained the softness of a school teacher who had no use for yelling. "But the Queen knew too that she would give her very life to prevent His return, and that it would take time for her daughter to take up the duty in her place. Since then our people have prepared for war with the monstrous denizens of Night, beyond the Burning Mountains, until the next Queen is ready to take up her mother's duty. Everyone here has readied themselves from childhood, no matter their careers, to offer their lives in battle against this foe."

She paused, either for dramatic effort or because it impacted her in some deep way to speak of these things.

"The Queen's time grows short. He will return, soon, at the head of an army a thousand years in the making." A hesitant sigh escaped her chest. "I fear even your great power could not stand before the Dark Lord in victory alone."


Thorra held onto Lirazel as they rode, listening silently with the rapt attention of an eager student. The faint smell of ozone grew slightly more intense as Lirazel told her of their ritualistic sacrifice to seal the ancient evil—this was the first hint she'd been able to hear of the mythos of the Nexus, and it reminded her of her own inevitable demise.

It was relieving that such a fate did not seem to upset Lirazel. At the least, she seemed to be accepting. "I fear you are correct, Lira. I would not be able to singlehandedly defeat an evil as you are describing. Such an endeavor would be a tremendous enough deed to trigger my apotheosis—in other words, an impossibility. However..." Thorra wrapped her large hand around Lirazel's own. "I'm well known to meddle in affairs where I do not belong. And I'm foolish enough to be able to spurn fear and stand up for what is right and good. The threat of certain doom would not deter me from standing beside you and perishing together to protect your kingdom. You are a worthy weilder, and I will stand beside you in your quest."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #95 on: June 08, 2021, 04:36:50 AM »

Valerie sighed yet she didn't address Sakura directly, she merely continued the conversation with the Elf. "If you could spare us some simple lodging that would be quite lovely. Especially for my companion, she needs to learn that you simply cannot ridicule the great hunt and expect free handouts in return. Perhaps some hardship will finally burn that spoiled nature of hers away."

She couldn't even find the will correct the incorrect way this guide had addressed their relationship. If she was gonna behave like a brat then she should simply be treated like one.

"If you keep this nonsense up then I will have no choice but to spank you in front of the whole royal court. And do not take this as idle threat, I spanked over a hundred Elves last I visited." Ah that was a good memory, many young maidens swooned for her exalted grace back then, it was quite the scandal.

And this time she was dressed even more provocatively than back then. Perhaps the Queen would panic when she heard of her arrival, or perhaps it would happen when she laid eyes on her. Either way that was amusing scene she couldn't wait to partake in.


If the elf present had an opinion on the matter of 'spanking,' then he wisely limited his response to a slight widening of the eyes, and the faintest twitching of the ears. Amras bowed once more as the the two strange visitors mustered themselves together. "If it is humble dwelling that you seek for the morn, I am certain my own household, but an hour's journey from here by horse, would be welcoming of your presence for a brief time. We Highborne of House Saiwa would be nothing were we not hospitable to guests, as tradition demands."

The Sagecat, letting out a meow of protest at this abandonment, saunters off to spend a moment around Amras' ankles instead.

A hint of a smile reached the elven man's face. "Yes, we have victuals enough for you as well, noble feline."


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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #96 on: June 09, 2021, 10:24:28 AM »

She was going to spank her regardless if she was a good or naughty, all that would determine would be how hard she went at it. Even so Dakura rushing over to walk beside her at least spoke for her willingness to amend. It was a start, which is why she didn't verbally reprimand her for not walking the proper half step behind her as she ought to during an official visit.

Valerie was her King before she was anything else, it didn't matter how she may allow Sakura to treat her in bed, that fact would never change. That emotion flowed strongly through their bond and she would never allow one of her own to talk back to her in public, to do so was to shame the whole nation. Outwardly they were indomitable, a unified will and she wouldn't allow one cute vampire lass to ruin that image.

"Actually I have changed my mind. Take us to where you accommodate visitors of stately business. We are here regarding urgent and confidential matters."


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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #97 on: June 10, 2021, 02:59:15 AM »

Thorra held onto Lirazel as they rode, listening silently with the rapt attention of an eager student. The faint smell of ozone grew slightly more intense as Lirazel told her of their ritualistic sacrifice to seal the ancient evil—this was the first hint she'd been able to hear of the mythos of the Nexus, and it reminded her of her own inevitable demise.

It was relieving that such a fate did not seem to upset Lirazel. At the least, she seemed to be accepting. "I fear you are correct, Lira. I would not be able to singlehandedly defeat an evil as you are describing. Such an endeavor would be a tremendous enough deed to trigger my apotheosis—in other words, an impossibility. However..." Thorra wrapped her large hand around Lirazel's own. "I'm well known to meddle in affairs where I do not belong. And I'm foolish enough to be able to spurn fear and stand up for what is right and good. The threat of certain doom would not deter me from standing beside you and perishing together to protect your kingdom. You are a worthy wielder, and I will stand beside you in your quest."


A sigh, for once all too mundane and lacking in lilt and lyric, tragically escaped from Lirazel's lips as she covered Thorra's own comforting hand with her opposite one. She trusted her horse to stay steady, clearly, in the absence of a grip on the reins. Her voice, so soft and low, was clearly not intended for others to overhear. "Well, at least one sacred weapon approves of my hands." But then, straightening her posture and getting some energy back to her, she lifted her held hand up to Thorra's sight. "You know, it's usually not the hammer holding on in a time of need. Thank you, Thorra."

And then, she gave her horse a little nudge with her ankles, and they picked up some speed again.

"But I have no intention of either of us dying in this!"

Soon, atop a hill overlooking the great alabaster-hued walls of the royal city, in the shadow of the Star Tower, they came into sight of another great crown of spires peeking out from a beneath cloak of green leaves and blue rose vines. A sort of slanted, almost organically rounded enclosure molded itself about the great perimeter, and as they came closer they were greeted further by another youthful pair of elves with ears seemingly shorter, less pronounced, proceeding down the hill upon a horse-drawn cart covered with some manner of smooth beige tarp.

Lirazel drew her hood up further over her head, but Thorra herself was too mesmerizingly strange a presence not to draw their attention. They did a visible double take, and whispered in a much too loud way, "She's returned with - who is that?"

The younger of the two, a much younger boy compared to the auburn-haired young lady steering the cart, stood up and waved frantically. "Good morning, your Highness!"

Outed so, the elven maiden Thorra was riding with lifted her hand in greeting. "Good morning Callon, Nienna. Please, do not stop on my account. My guest has had a long journey."


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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #98 on: June 11, 2021, 04:17:20 AM »

She was going to spank her regardless if she was a good or naughty, all that would determine would be how hard she went at it. Even so Dakura rushing over to walk beside her at least spoke for her willingness to amend. It was a start, which is why she didn't verbally reprimand her for not walking the proper half step behind her as she ought to during an official visit.

Valerie was her King before she was anything else, it didn't matter how she may allow Sakura to treat her in bed, that fact would never change. That emotion flowed strongly through their bond and she would never allow one of her own to talk back to her in public, to do so was to shame the whole nation. Outwardly they were indomitable, a unified will and she wouldn't allow one cute vampire lass to ruin that image.

"Actually I have changed my mind. Take us to where you accommodate visitors of stately business. We are here regarding urgent and confidential matters."


After a moment, Sakura took a half step back, falling into line next to her king. However, she didn't speak, instead making herself quiet as Valerie talked with Amras.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #99 on: June 12, 2021, 03:32:08 PM »

A sigh, for once all too mundane and lacking in lilt and lyric, tragically escaped from Lirazel's lips as she covered Thorra's own comforting hand with her opposite one. She trusted her horse to stay steady, clearly, in the absence of a grip on the reins. Her voice, so soft and low, was clearly not intended for others to overhear. "Well, at least one sacred weapon approves of my hands." But then, straightening her posture and getting some energy back to her, she lifted her held hand up to Thorra's sight. "You know, it's usually not the hammer holding on in a time of need. Thank you, Thorra."

And then, she gave her horse a little nudge with her ankles, and they picked up some speed again.

"But I have no intention of either of us dying in this!"

Soon, atop a hill overlooking the great alabaster-hued walls of the royal city, in the shadow of the Star Tower, they came into sight of another great crown of spires peeking out from a beneath cloak of green leaves and blue rose vines. A sort of slanted, almost organically rounded enclosure molded itself about the great perimeter, and as they came closer they were greeted further by another youthful pair of elves with ears seemingly shorter, less pronounced, proceeding down the hill upon a horse-drawn cart covered with some manner of smooth beige tarp.

Lirazel drew her hood up further over her head, but Thorra herself was too mesmerizingly strange a presence not to draw their attention. They did a visible double take, and whispered in a much too loud way, "She's returned with - who is that?"

The younger of the two, a much younger boy compared to the auburn-haired young lady steering the cart, stood up and waved frantically. "Good morning, your Highness!"

Outed so, the elven maiden Thorra was riding with lifted her hand in greeting. "Good morning Callon, Nienna. Please, do not stop on my account. My guest has had a long journey."


"Sure do. I'm not just any ordinary hammer—I can do tricks, and I can even give love advice!" The tall blond chuckled, wrapping her arms and legs around Lirazel to fully embrace the troubled princess. She rested her chin on the elf's head and gently kissed her. Despite her size, Lirazel felt little to no weight to her ephemeral body formed out of the clouds. It was a soft gentle embrace that didn't feel claustrophobic at all. "Fear not—this is not the place I shall die. We shall come out victorious just as you say."

As they approached the castle, Thorra disentangled herself from Lirazel and simply pressed herself against the elf's back, holding onto her stomach as she rode alongside her. She flipped her long hair with brilliant flourish, sparks arcing down her nude form. Her blond hair seemed to glow with the power of the sun, and she made sure to show off the subtle rounding of her ears. "My name is Thorra, daughter of Mjolnir. A guest from the divine realm of Valhalla." The act alone was enough to insire awe in the lesser folk.

Wherever she was talking about, Thorra seemed perfectly at home in such a fancy and luxurious abode. Despite its beauty, it paled in comparison to the palace of the gods.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2021, 03:41:20 PM by SINIB »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #100 on: June 12, 2021, 06:48:15 PM »

She was going to spank her regardless if she was a good or naughty, all that would determine would be how hard she went at it. Even so Dakura rushing over to walk beside her at least spoke for her willingness to amend. It was a start, which is why she didn't verbally reprimand her for not walking the proper half step behind her as she ought to during an official visit.

Valerie was her King before she was anything else, it didn't matter how she may allow Sakura to treat her in bed, that fact would never change. That emotion flowed strongly through their bond and she would never allow one of her own to talk back to her in public, to do so was to shame the whole nation. Outwardly they were indomitable, a unified will and she wouldn't allow one cute vampire lass to ruin that image.

"Actually I have changed my mind. Take us to where you accommodate visitors of stately business. We are here regarding urgent and confidential matters."


The elf blinked, and opened his mouth as though to question, but after a moment thought better of such things. "It is... as you speak then, yes. I shall lead you to the shadows of the Star Tower, and there the Queen's honored servants shall see to your accommodation." Amras' voice was a touch more guarded now than in the past, that earnest and open enthusiasm tempered by something else. "A moment, please, while I acquire a means of conveyance for you - lest you be forced to walk."


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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #101 on: June 13, 2021, 02:31:40 AM »

"Sure do. I'm not just any ordinary hammer—I can do tricks, and I can even give love advice!" The tall blond chuckled, wrapping her arms and legs around Lirazel to fully embrace the troubled princess. She rested her chin on the elf's head and gently kissed her. Despite her size, Lirazel felt little to no weight to her ephemeral body formed out of the clouds. It was a soft gentle embrace that didn't feel claustrophobic at all. "Fear not—this is not the place I shall die. We shall come out victorious just as you say."

As they approached the castle, Thorra disentangled herself from Lirazel and simply pressed herself against the elf's back, holding onto her stomach as she rode alongside her. She flipped her long hair with brilliant flourish, sparks arcing down her nude form. Her blond hair seemed to glow with the power of the sun, and she made sure to show off the subtle rounding of her ears. "My name is Thorra, daughter of Mjolnir. A guest from the divine realm of Valhalla." The act alone was enough to inspire awe in the lesser folk.

Wherever she was talking about, Thorra seemed perfectly at home in such a fancy and luxurious abode. Despite its beauty, it paled in comparison to the palace of the gods.


"You speak as if fate has already ordained your end." Despite the great affection and softness draped upon her ever youthful form, Lirazel's soft and steady voice could tear the heart with sorrow. But she did not persist in such a melody over long, and she straightened in her saddle to present a most regal of figures. "Perhaps so - but not without my blade to stand against it too."

Upon their arrival then, greeted as they were by the now-revealed royal maiden and then by Thorra herself, the two upon their carts whistled their horses to a full stop, and set themselves down upon the road that they might not stand taller than Lirazel herself. The boy, Callon, seemed all too eager to approach, but had the hand of the older girl upon his shoulder. "Wow! Is 'Valhalla' a place from past the mists?!"

Nienna, the older of the two, placed another hand upon the boy's head and ruffled his fine hair so. "Easy, boy." But her eyes were enrapt with the scene before her as well, of the princess and her magnificent guest together. "You know that cannot be - only Lowborn live in the mists!" It was a gentle chiding, well meant.

Lirazel herself allowed a lyrical laugh to escape her throat, and she covered her lips with her hand as if to preserve her impeccable elegance. "Ah, but little Callon is correct - I ask that you keep this to yourselves, for a time. She has had a long journey, and I wish to give her an opportunity to rest before presenting her to the Queen."

Callon laughed a lot more, and wrapped his arms around his - sister? Someone older, related, perhaps. He looked at Thorra and beamed. "Wow!"


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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #102 on: June 13, 2021, 03:32:41 PM »

"You speak as if fate has already ordained your end." Despite the great affection and softness draped upon her ever youthful form, Lirazel's soft and steady voice could tear the heart with sorrow. But she did not persist in such a melody over long, and she straightened in her saddle to present a most regal of figures. "Perhaps so - but not without my blade to stand against it too."

Upon their arrival then, greeted as they were by the now-revealed royal maiden and then by Thorra herself, the two upon their carts whistled their horses to a full stop, and set themselves down upon the road that they might not stand taller than Lirazel herself. The boy, Callon, seemed all too eager to approach, but had the hand of the older girl upon his shoulder. "Wow! Is 'Valhalla' a place from past the mists?!"

Nienna, the older of the two, placed another hand upon the boy's head and ruffled his fine hair so. "Easy, boy." But her eyes were enrapt with the scene before her as well, of the princess and her magnificent guest together. "You know that cannot be - only Lowborn live in the mists!" It was a gentle chiding, well meant.

Lirazel herself allowed a lyrical laugh to escape her throat, and she covered her lips with her hand as if to preserve her impeccable elegance. "Ah, but little Callon is correct - I ask that you keep this to yourselves, for a time. She has had a long journey, and I wish to give her an opportunity to rest before presenting her to the Queen."

Callon laughed a lot more, and wrapped his arms around his - sister? Someone older, related, perhaps. He looked at Thorra and beamed. "Wow!"


The statuesque pale giantess hopped off of her horse with gentle grace surpassing even that of Lirazel. The soft curves of her body trembled as she stood up to her full seven foot tall height. She loomed over the smallfolk and looked down upon them with a gentle half-grin. She crouched down to Callon's full height and pressed soft lips against his forehead, repeating the gesture with his elder sister. "I hail from far beyond the mists, from beyond even this world." She replied, smiling gaily at the two before standing up and offering Lirazel her palm. "Shall we, Milady?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #103 on: June 14, 2021, 08:14:06 PM »

The elf blinked, and opened his mouth as though to question, but after a moment thought better of such things. "It is... as you speak then, yes. I shall lead you to the shadows of the Star Tower, and there the Queen's honored servants shall see to your accommodation." Amras' voice was a touch more guarded now than in the past, that earnest and open enthusiasm tempered by something else. "A moment, please, while I acquire a means of conveyance for you - lest you be forced to walk."


"That is hardly a concern of ours. In such a situation I would simply have my trusted vassal carry me onwards." On second thought perhaps that was the ideal reprimand for her childe. Sakura should princess carry her the rest of the way to Star Tower as her penance. Such an extended task would surely teach her the respect that her King ought to be treated with.

This desire grew firmer and firmer, until it started leaking over the bond, giving Sakura an idea or more of a feeling of what Valerie wanted her to do. Now would Sakura pay attention and carry out her silent order? That was quite the exciting prospect for her, Valerie had never been carried in such a way by another girl before.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2021, 08:14:38 PM by Bern »


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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #104 on: June 16, 2021, 05:33:56 AM »


The statuesque pale giantess hopped off of her horse with gentle grace surpassing even that of Lirazel. The soft curves of her body trembled as she stood up to her full seven foot tall height. She loomed over the smallfolk and looked down upon them with a gentle half-grin. She crouched down to Callon's full height and pressed soft lips against his forehead, repeating the gesture with his elder sister. "I hail from far beyond the mists, from beyond even this world." She replied, smiling gaily at the two before standing up and offering Lirazel her palm. "Shall we, Milady?"


The boy merely blinked in curiosity, and released a sound of awe at Thorra's explanation. The girl, Nienna, though? Her face paled as though she had seen a ghost, and with a much more nervous smile she gathered Callon up and back to the cart. "Well, please, be well then, your highness!" The boy guilelessly waved goodbye over her shoulder, and the two got on their way.

Lirazel released a sigh, and then dismounted from her horse with a smile. She reached out with a palm to touch her noble steed's flank. "Go on, then. I'm sure you have someone who will be very happy to see you out on the plain." With the simplest of motions she made the complex task of removing a saddle into a single smooth one, and with a whinny her horse took off away from the road.

The elven maiden then hugged it to her side with one arm, and took hold of one of Thorra's with the opposite, and nodded as they made their way past the archway leading within. Immediately. "Allow me to welcome you to my home."

It was more than just a great manor on a hill, on second glance within the walls. There were a multitude of fine smooth structures rising out from the walls as though molded from the same cast, never quite rising above them, and between and around each were an abundance of trees and bushes and vines growing all sorts of greenery and fruits. Elves of differing ear lengths, some visibly aged and some not, some noticeable youthful and others far from it, were gathered all along the sides and... dueling?

Sparring with weapons in graceful motions, bearing spears and short blades, stringing bows on benches by their gardens, showing the young how to handle knives. They were a people preparing for war.

They only stopped when they saw who was entering, and then they all rose and turned. Lirazel paused, and then lifted her arm that was occupied by a saddle up. "I have returned, everyone - with a friend from afar!"

A great cheer went up, faces alight as they took in the sight.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2021, 05:37:45 AM by Aiden »