Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - April 13, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 49774 times)


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

Rin felt a prickling of jealousy about how this Shirou wanted to make sure Sakura got home before anything else.  Well, after he found his Sakura of course.  She only nodded, reminding herself that she was The Tohsaka.  She had been fine by herself for over a decade, and feeling jealous that apparently these people were using her as someone to help fix Sakura.

She didn't want Sakura miserable; she'd already been through hell already, but Rin wanted someone for herself.  Someone that was her equal, but would act as her breaks and keep her grounded.  She didn't want someone who would die for her.  That had already happened and she never got a chance to cope with it.

Still nice to know in one reality that Emiya Shirou would sacrifice himself for my safety, she thought with more than a tinge of sadness, even though her face was a lovely, unreadable mask.

Then there was a crash and Sakura shouting, "Nee-san, can you come and help me for a bit?"

"No rest for the wicked," Rin said as she handed Shirou back is wedding ring and headed to see what was going on now.


Shirou was entangled in Sakura's lips when he heard a great crash.  He spun around, is swords already forming in his mind when he saw that a stack of dishes fell to the floor.  He frowned, then looked at Sakura who called for Rin.

"What the hell happened?" he asked as he went to grab a dust pan and broom to clean up.
« Last Edit: July 04, 2015, 04:10:13 AM by Elf »


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"What the hell is with your body?" She exclaimed, pretty disturbed by the sight. Where his arm should be there was a piece of tumor like growth, twitching in a creepy manner. The mage's body was in pretty bad shape, and it was a miracle he hasn't keeled over. Was he experimented on? She heard dark rumors about an organization that transplated organs of non-humans. Or he could have been infected with some really nasty ailment that affected his body and rendered his arm what it was now. He was kind of an asshole, but still, she couldn't ignore his condition. "Emily" she spoke to her as if giving her a command "Heal him. I cannot fight beside someone who is about to keel over anytime."


"I'm bored" the girl sighed, lying on a sofa and staring on the ceiling. Richard left her in the hotel and went out to talk with somebody. If not for her promise she would just go find the place that the voice coming from a magic box announced. She itched for a brawl. "C'mon, Ricchy~ You are taking so much time"
« Last Edit: July 04, 2015, 01:29:59 PM by Kat »


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Emily winced slightly at Mordred's reaction.

"Well, he's not exactly wounded, persay," the Changeling explained, "That arm seems to be growing back, as impossible as it seems. So a healing wouldn't do him that much good. More like he just hasn't eaten in god knows how long."

"In short," Emily finished, "The recommended treatment would be a steak."

With that, Emily eyed a walkie-talkie near the water mage's person. Snatching the device up, she flipped it on before starting to speak.

"Hello there," Emily started cheerily, "Any friends of this poor water mage are requested to bring some food for his starving ass as soon as is convenient."


Michael was enjoying the perks of his current station, having dragged a soda machine into the room as well, when the walkie-talkie suddenly squawked to life. Intriguingly, the voice that came out wasn't Richard's or the woman's, but that of another woman, requesting some food for the hydromancer. Michael frowned at the announcement, his annoyance with the hydromancer building further still.

I swear, if that Pantheon-damned ass is unconscious from hunger...

Michael quickly went about the task of preparing a care package, stuffing a box full of leftovers before sealing it up reasonably tight and adding some landing devices. His task complete, Michael tossed the box of food out the window, more or less above where the Hydromancer would have been if he were waiting to greet the newcomers. The parachutes attached to the box brought it down for a reasonably smooth landing, right in front of Richard.
« Last Edit: July 04, 2015, 03:07:02 PM by I_care_not_till_I_must »
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Richard Maxwell

Richard winced, trying his best to keep cool. He was really trying. Reeeally trying.

"I ate this morning, idiot." Richard said flatly.

Then, he grabbed the walkie talkie back and flipped it with an annoyed grunt. Then, with a cheerfully irritated smile, he spoke up to the walkie talkie.

"Hey, if you bring even a crumb of anything, I'll k-"

Suddenly, as if summoned by his despair, a box descended gracefully before him. With a parachute. Richard glared coldly at the box as if it was his worst enemy.

He really wasn't hungry.

"I'm not hungry."

« Last Edit: July 04, 2015, 03:54:24 PM by francobull3 »


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"Are you sane?" Mordred clenched her fists, glaring at the man. She would have punched him to get to his stubborn head but it wasn't honorable to beat up a starving man. "How you even hope to defeat a vampire in such state? They don't tire, so the stamina is actually bloody important, you bonehead!"


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Relius Clover

After hitting the floor, Relius got up and brushed his body.  There was no way that would be enough to escape.  Ignis appeared in front of him in a burst of purple light.  There was no need to even say a word.  In mere seconds, Ignis floated to the back of the car.  Then, using her powerful claws, cut the link connecting the cars in the back and the one Relius was currently riding.  She stood at the edge of the train, waiting for the swordsman to catch up to them.

In the meantime, Relius turned his attention to the passengers.  He walked up to a man sitting down.  It was clear that the man was petrified, unable to move from shock and fear.  The puppeteer  reached his hand out.  A large metal spear came from the bottom of his cape, skewering the man's heart and hoisting him in the air.  His blood dripped onto the now vacant seat.  Relius gave a sinister grin to the man next to him.

“If you would be so kind.  Please deliver this to the driver.  Advise him to speed up the train steadily. Let him know that if he gets anyone outside involved, I will personally silence everyone on this train.  I would recommend that you move quickly.”  Relius said, with a sinister but polite tone.

The man moved quickly, carrying the man on his back.  He clearly didn’t want to talk back in fear of antagonizing Relius.  The puppeteer moved to the back of the car.  He was two seats away from the back door, close enough to watch Ignis but far enough to prepare for any unexpected events.
« Last Edit: July 04, 2015, 06:10:59 PM by yinsukin »


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Sakagami Kenzo

Kenzo kept running like the devil's wind, sparks trailing off the track after each step. Focused, unwavering, he was gaining speed by the second. Then, he leapt far above the train, about nine meters away from the vehicle, and thrust the red blade. Immediately it split and swirled madly like a serpent, zigzagging towards the car the pupped stood on.

But it wouldn't reach the puppet, for it would move out of the way in an unnatural motion and dig itself in the vehicle instead.
« Last Edit: July 04, 2015, 06:55:16 PM by francobull3 »


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Relius Clover

Ignis observed the man coming above the train, thrusting his blade.  She saw it fly at her or rather at the car she was protecting.  It didn’t matter where he was aiming it, she would deflect it.  Ignis stretched out her arms and changed its form into that of a blade.  She batted away the blade using her right arm in a sharp whip like movement.

As Relius watched the two fight, he cast a healing ars to seal the wound on his leg.  Then, he turned to the passengers on the train.

“I need two of you to stand to the sides of me.  If no one complies then I will simply take the children to use as buffers.  They make much more adequate shields.”  Relius said calmly.

The civilians looked at one another before a man and a woman in the back stood up.

“We can do it.”  Said the man, fear clearly audible.  The woman held his hand, as if to comfort him.  They slowly began walking over in order to stand beside Relius.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2015, 03:15:11 AM by yinsukin »


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Richard Maxwell

Richard's finger twitched at the woman's rude assumption. How dare she even ask that? Of course he was sane. Then, he frowned before speaking up with a dull, nonchalant tone.

 "Like this."

And about seven spikes of ice burst from the ground instantly, enough to impale her with ease and stopping only an inch from the woman's neck.

Sakagami Kenzo

His blade was deflected just as planned. Immediately, it reeled around her arm and anchored the demon to the vehicle. Now, he was being dragged along by the car and nearing closer and closer. In no time, all was obscured by darkness.

The train was now entering the tunnel.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2015, 03:25:25 AM by francobull3 »

Umbra of Chaos

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Mata Boyd

There was a momentary pause in the beast's movement as one of the targets in front of it flashed with a bright light. Taking it as an attack the Infected 'tank' bent its knees and leaped at the group. An arm was held out in front of its face to guard its more vulnerable parts from the blasts of energy. Flesh roasted and large gashes cut into the juggernaut's lower half as blades appeared under it as it launched but it remained strangely silent as it moved.

Ghost Child

"It's really easy, mister. We go and break all of the bad guys, but we have to start soon. We can't let any bad guys get away." The projection sagaciously nodded to itself before dissipating. Then the spirit made a slight change to the vision of its host and all the gang members below gained a slight red tint. 

"Let's start playing, mister! You go first!"


The Arisen looked over to Crest and raised a golden band that looked as if a miniature clock had been added to it along with a black, rectangular object with a bright screen and several numbers on it. Caedia pocketed the band but began to play with the rectangular object for a moment. If she pressed one button the object seemed to turn on and off and if she pressed any of the numbers they also appeared in the box that said 'enter your password'. For the moment she was busy fiddling around with the device.


The Old God surveyed the scene from quite a distance away. She had heard of the news and surveyed the area as an eagle before being driven off by the red birds that seemed overwhelmingly territorial of the area. Regardless she could do her work from here. Urthemiel was not quite sure what she was expecting but the sheer disorder and chaos was anathema to her.

The death and misery done in her name was done with a grace and majesty unrivaled in execution. It was something she took great pride in as the Tevinter Imperium butchered the remnants of true Elven society. This was simply disgusting. However, she was not stupid enough to get anywhere near the actual area. She had looked into these 'guns' and was painfully aware of the fragility of her form against these weapons. So it was from a few buildings away that she would perform judgement.

Destruction could indeed be beautiful, and so could its delivery. Her will reached across the Veil and pulled a great deal of power from the Fade. Delicate hands reached up to touch the sky and for a moment fire danced across her fingers before the arms were pulled down.

Then the sky cried. Tears of fire streaking across the heavens aimed towards the area around the blast furnace. Each burning orb capable of exploding and swallowing men whole in fire. The sheer scale and power wouldn't allow it to last even half a minute but it was a suitable judgement.


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Teh Admiral, Irisviel

Irisviel’s console began to chime.

.- .-.. .--. .... .- / .. ... / ..- -. ..-. .- .. .-. .-.. -.-- / -- .- --. .. -.-. .- .-.. --..-- / ... - --- .--.

Flashed on her screen.

“Irisviel scowled. How dare he! “He’s such a bad sport!” She complained, bringing her own console up. A golden red morse code device appeared from within.

.. .-. .. ... ...- .. . .-.. / .. ... / - .... . / -... . ... - ---
Suddenly, her entire ship began to glow the colours of the machine as well. This would be a fair race!

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Relius Clover

Ignis reflexively began pulling her arm in before she noticed something.  The blade that she thought she batted away was attached to her arm.  The swordsman was using it as an anchor in order to get closer.  It didn't take a genius to figure out what to do in this situation.  Her arm began spinning rapidly.  At the same time, she continued to slowly stretch her arm out more, attempting to slow down the progression of the opponent.  She then ran her arm along the side of the tunnel wall, causing debris and pieces of wall to go flying at the swordsmen.

The couple approached Relius, standing on his sides as planned.  He walked to the door in the back of the car, which Ignis had left wide open.

"Now, if I could get another volunteer to assist my dear Ignis outside that would be marvelous.  As I have previously stated, I am not too picky with using any sort of help." He said addressing the crowed once more.

The crowed looked at each other again, this time the fear encircled feelings of anger and hatred. Four passengers stood up and walked out of the open door and stood beside Ignis.  The animosity in the room was growing, the passengers might even rebel if given the chance.

Relius walked to the center of the room and turned around as if preparing for a sudden attack from the big toothed dog outside.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2015, 04:14:52 AM by yinsukin »


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Mr. Flufflekins was excited. He never got to go completely unhinged, ever! This scene, this carnage, it was beautiful. Truly amazing. The brutality, enhanced by hell raining from the sky. It almost brought a tear to his eye. Almost.

The small ball of puffed hair rolled up into this abominable scene, leading a pack of snarling dogs the size of large horses, tearing into the unfortunate mass of men writhing in fire.

A gigantic shadow enveloped the young man sitting on the roof far away. It felt magic. It felt life. It wanted to consume everything there. The magic began to rapidly absorb the mana from everything within, it would be empty within a few minutes at most. Nothing would remain.

Even elsewhere-er

A gigantic creature of fire and smoke, several meters tall, burst fourth from the ground in front of a small boy, ready to destroy him. He was disinterested, but his master had commanded him to do as such. He swung his sword down, intending on turning the boy into pulp.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Sakura smiled at Shirou shyly. He was always so helpful. She loved how he rushed to help her clean up, no matter what he was doing. He was so perfect! She sighed. “Thank you Senpai.” She looked behind her and saw Rin walking towards her, obviously uncomfortable. Sakura got up and ran to her.

“Nee-San, are you ok?” She asked, extremely worried.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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It worked, a little too well. Even so, Vanguard waited. He waited for a moment of silence, and then spoke up kindly.

"Shirou. You must know, Sakura was sickly today. Surely you understand, it was thanks to you that her flame lit up once more, thanks to you that she can smile so. Her sickness seems to have dissipated. However, it was only since she encountered you that I have found her in such well being."

Yes, he needed that flame. He needed that bond between them to grow stronger than the chains of fate themselves. And surely the child of destiny could manage it, surely she could peruse that bond to it's very limits.

Surely she could bear the burden of love. It was because he believed in her that he spoke in such a manner. It was because he trusted her that he would do all he could to make her trust him.

And to feed that love was to feed her heart. And no heart can mistrust one who has fed it plentifully.

"If you understand that, you surely understand how deeply she must have cared for you, how desperately she must have searched for you. But despite her warm smile, my master was most certainly torn apart. Even so, she endured. I ask, should she endure your absence any longer? Of course not. If you understand that, you know what must be done."
« Last Edit: July 05, 2015, 03:29:41 PM by francobull3 »