Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - April 13, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 49788 times)


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The Changeling raised an eyebrow at the water mage's little display before she realized that her own phone was vibrating as well. Sliding her phone out, she scanned the warning about gang violence before giving Mordred a worried look.

Judging by his reaction, that alert probably wrecked his plan completely, and I don't think we'll be much help against something like a gang...

"Well," Emily said, turning to Mordred, "If the vampire isn't going to be coming, it would probably be best if we got going now."
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Richard Maxwell


Richard ignored the two ladies completely. He didn't care one bit if he'd attract attention or if anyone was neaby. He was so mad, he felt he was going to snap any second. Rambling and cursing away, he kicked and stomped the phone again and again.

To hell with it, to hell with the hunt, to hell with everything. Tonight, someone was going to end up with an ice spike up his ass.

"Damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn DAMN! Damn all of it! Is the universe trying to fuck me over today or something!?" He rambled incoherently, cursing at the top of his fragile lungs.

And then, he kicked it again against the wall, a small crack finally forming on the screen. Either this phone's constitution was legendary or Richard was that weak.

Either way, the hydromancer was now panting and glaring at the floor, barely containing his anger. Then, after a considerable while, he took a deep breath and sighed before picking up the phone and turning to the two with his usual cheerful smile.

He really wasn't angry. Or rather, didn't seem to be.

"Well, it seems there are some slight... complications. I'm afraid the hunt will have to wait for another time. If you want, we can exchange contacts. Hopefully next time there won't be any interruptions."

« Last Edit: July 06, 2015, 06:22:51 PM by francobull3 »


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It was a night when the young Mage unwittingly stepped into the streets of Nexus. At first, she didn't notice anything weird going on. She didn't cross any mystical portal, she didn't stray of a path in what some of Acanthus Mages called Hedge. She just walked in one of cities of her world. The shift was too subtle to notice, but more haphazard than the usual cultural mishmash she encountered in her continent hinted that something was off. In spite of her Japanese roots she identified more with Western culture, and hasn't even been in her "home" country for 6 years. I didn't plan to return there any time soon. She wanted to cut off ties with her past and move forward, always striving towards her goal and excel.

The other thing what she tipped her off is that the air felt somewhat different. Though she couldn't exactly define how different. She guessed she had to checked herself. Working her will to scour the landscape with her magical sight, she was curious if the odd feeling was caused any magical source. And of course knowing where Hallows are in this city would be useful.

Noriko would hardly believe her eyes if it wasn't for the fact she was confident in her magic's ability to separate the Truth of the Supernal World from the Lie of the Fallen World. The area brimmed with Mana more than any place she has been in. Not enough for the city to be one large Hallow itself, but one could wonder how numerous and rich Hallows could be. Mana particularly strongly pooled where the sea meet the land, and even some of it flowed towards the city like a mild sea breeze. However, most of it stayed in a particular point of the beach. Enough said, she hasn't ever sensed such a strong Hallow. One could only imagine what miracles a Master could work with such amount of Mana at disposal. And it could supply an apprentice Mage like for a lifetime, and hopefully beyond. But than the promise of power, Noriko was attracted by her curiosity. Exactly what caused Mana to pool such strongly here? She had to know or otherwise should be a sham of a Mage. Determined, she followed the direction from which Mana flowed.

She knew the source the moment she set her eyes on the lone person on the beach. A beautiful young woman whose very presence seemed to turn the sandy landscape into a fertile ground full of plant life. Her aura shined brightly, dwarfing anyone of that she has seen before, and she could see it even without specifically using a spell that let her see auras of other creatures. "Just who are you?" she asked astounished, looking a bit of the cool she was so proud about.


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Captain Edward Coombs:

"Alright, then, let's begin." Coombs said after the teenager volunteered, "Joseph, would you kindly escort the other two outside?"

The other man nodded and began herding the other two witnesses out of the room. As soon as the door shut, Coombs pressed down on the recorder, "This is Edward Coombs" he began in his raspy voice, "Unit leader of the enforcers based at District 22, invesitgating Case Number Four Oh Seven Five. This is Interview Zero One. Would you please say your full name, Miss?"


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Relius Clover

The man came in even faster than his usual speed, using the momentum from both his retracting blade and the spin of her arm, he dashed past her and leaped away.  In reaction to his escape, Ignis tossed the bodies of the men in her hat tails at Kenzo, whom landed right in the doorway of the train car.   One of the men hit the wall, bounced off the side and fell off the side.  The other man went head first on a crash course with Kenzo’s back. The moment he left her hat tails, Ignis disappeared in a pink light.

“AGH!” The man screemed as he went barreling through the air.

Relius watched as the dog appeared in the doorway of the train car.  He simply pointed behind him and floated backwards into the crowd, stopping next to the pregnant woman.  The man and women that stood beside him took his place, blocking the path between Kenzo and Relius.  The puppeteer raised his hands, as if surrendering.  A sharp, pointed metal puppet part emerged from his cape and lightly pressed on the pregnant woman’s belly button.

“Lets not fight here.  I would rather not have to worry about cleaning my clothes later.”  He said calmly.  “Now that I have had time to process our encounter, I wish to confirm  something. Did you figure out what Ignis was just from observing her?”  He asked.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2015, 10:43:03 PM by yinsukin »


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Richard Maxwell


Richard ignored the two ladies completely. He didn't care one bit if he'd attract attention or if anyone was neaby. He was so mad, he felt he was going to snap any second. Rambling and cursing away, he kicked and stomped the phone again and again.

To hell with it, to hell with the hunt, to hell with everything. Tonight, someone was going to end up with an ice spike up his ass.

"Damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn DAMN! Damn all of it! Is the universe trying to fuck me over today or something!?" He rambled incoherently, cursing at the top of his fragile lungs.

And then, he kicked it again against the wall, a small crack finally forming on the screen. Either this phone's constitution was legendary or Richard was that weak.

Either way, the hydromancer was now panting and glaring at the floor, barely containing his anger. Then, after a considerable while, he took a deep breath and sighed before picking up the phone and turning to the two with his usual cheerful smile.

He really wasn't angry. Or rather, didn't seem to be.

"Well, it seems there are some slight... complications. I'm afraid the hunt will have to wait for another time. If you want, we can exchange contacts. Hopefully next time there won't be any interruptions."


The man's mental health was questionable, but she had to ask him something first. He could have known something that would be useful to her. "Do you know where Forest resides? If you tell me, I will also tell you something I learned about her. Who is one of her close friends." Disclosing to him who Saber was could be a bargaining chip of hers in order to learn where was Forest's lair. She wouldn't blindly go there, but the very fact she knew where her opponent entered her daysleep could be useful for planning her next move.

Umbra of Chaos

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Sewer Infected

With a shriek the blade cut through the creature's midsection but it reacted immediately. A pointed leg lifted and was brought down in an attempt to pierce straight through her right foot as both clawed hands moved to sink themselves into her arms. Meanwhile there was the sound of movement all around the two combatants as unseen entities watched and readied themselves. 


Plant life had grown and invaded even the inhospitable sand of the beach. Her presence alone was enough to nurture the flora as it spread relentlessly. Eventually her attention to the life around her waned and was soon focused on the sound of footsteps. Aisha turned around to see a redheaded Child.

"Just who are you?"

The progenitor smiled and her blue eyes almost seemed to glow. A simple question deserved a simple answer. "Isn't it obvious? I'm your mother."


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Sajagami Kenzo

Kenzo paid no mind to the body that was hurled back at him shortly after he landed. Instead, he quickly swung his crimson blade behind him. Extending once again with incredible speed, it rolled around the falling man and grabbed his body before he could hit the tracks. Then, he pulled him back on the car and laid both of them against a corner.

Then, he turned to the devious man and walked forward before stopping in the middle of the wagon. His face quickly twisted into a hateful scorn. Glaring at the fiend, Kenzo didn't even register his question.

"Let them go. This is between us." The demon muttered menacingly, not minding the blood that filled his mouth.

And it ends here.

Good Citizen Richard Maxwell

"Oh, I don't care about anything like that. However..."

Richard immediately smiled smugly again. With a devilish look, he grinned all while rubbing his chin to ponder.

"I'll tell you if you apologize for earlier. Since the hunt is on hold, you finally have the opportunity to do it! Isn't it wonderful? Honestly, it's a really small price to pay for her lair's location. Am I not swell? Now, come on. I'm all ears."
« Last Edit: July 06, 2015, 11:07:25 PM by francobull3 »


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Relius Clover

Relius simply looked at him.  If anything this situation proved that the man had a "noble" soul.  He kept his arms where they were, in a position that indicated surrender.

"Well I am more of a scientist and less of a fighter.  So I would rather we settle this peacefully.  Besides, I am much more intrigued by your knowledge of souls than this fight."  He said in his usual unnervingly polite tone.

Just then, Relius and the other standing passengers including the ones in between the dog and the puppeteer were thrown off balance.  The two couples quickly reached out to grab the poles next to them.  Three metal puppet hands emerged from his cape and planted themselves firmly on the ground, holding him in place much in the same way a tripod holds a camera.

The train was picking up speed.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2015, 11:08:41 PM by yinsukin »


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Sakagami Kenzo

"Hah! A scientist? Don't make me laugh you sick degenerate bastard. Let them go, now." the demon said calmly, contrasting his furious glare.

That maggot, that shitstain wasn't worth it. He wasn't worth it, he wasn't worth it! He wouldn't allow that freak to break him. To break his promise.


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Relius Clover

“Why yes of course.  My specialty is souls.  Surely you can appreciate that right?  Based on your reaction to Ignis you must know a thing or two right?”  He said, his passion and pride starting to surface in his voice.


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The progenitor smiled and her blue eyes almost seemed to glow. A simple question deserved a simple answer. "Isn't it obvious? I'm your mother."


"No. My parents are dead." The woman's answer reopened wounds that has barely healed since back then. For all her pride she hadn't recovered completely, in fact her whole motivation to pursue what she sought was a form of revenge on the world for taking away her loved ones so early. "I'm afraid you have taken me for someone else." she replied in solemn tone, maintaining her cool facade. Whoever the woman was, or what she was, she didn't feel she was exactly lying to her. Noriko assumed it must have been some mistake on her part. For starters, she would be sooner her sister than a parent if she was really her relative.


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Sakagami Kenzo

"I SAID LET THEM GO!" he roared, gripping his sword tightly. This time, he wasn't even trying to hide his anger, it looked as if he'd jump at the man's throat any moment.


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Relius Clover

Using his peripheral vision, Relius noticed that they had passed another station.  As he thought, the driver wouldn’t let more passengers on board in this crisis situation.

“Rest assured.  Once this train stops they all shall be free.  In the meantime, why don’t you think about your situation for a second.  Even with your speed its impossible for you to end my life without killing any others.  Even if you managed to move around the couple between us and attack me, either I or Ignis will end this woman's life.”  He reasoned calmly.


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Tohuw Balagan

It had been a battle worthy of myth, a clash that shook the whole world apart. While Irisviel's ship was tremendous in power, the magical chariot had tons of tricks up it's sleeves. It's napalm egg cannons were NOT to be trifled with, Sakura had learned it the hard way. Even so, the abuse of the poor console by the hands of the dirty cheater Irisviel and the awesome Tohuw Balagan awakened M.Bison from his slumber.

It was far too late, their admin status were revoked.

And a battle for the sake of the Nexus was fought, a tremendous clash that endangered the three's very souls! Luckily, Sakura had found the mystical hidden item...

The blue shell!

And so, M.Bison was defeated... but at what price? The whole track was demolished, destroyed beyond repair. Far too busy fighting each other and comforting the saddened giant fireball breathing Kongou, Irisviel and Toe did not notice that Sakura was already on her final turn.

And so...



1st place: Unit Pegasus

2nd place: The Kongou

3rd place: M.Bison

4th place: T.O.E

Standing tall upon the podium, Sakura was cheered upon by thousands of fans from all over the world. Slowly but surely, a golden trophy descended, and everything turned white.

The three shortly awakened in the middle of the actual room they were in, surrounded by the pristine walls.

"Well, that was fun!" the demon cheered merrily, hugging both with a giggle.

Sakagami Kenzo

Kenzo glared at the man silently before speaking up.

"...I am a demon. I can clearly see souls for what they are."
« Last Edit: July 07, 2015, 02:51:08 AM by francobull3 »