Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - April 13, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 50908 times)


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He was genuinely concerned by her concern. He hadn't as much as expressed such a wish, but she had shown understanding on his situation. It wasn't anything like pity or belittlement, but something different. It was...rare.

And truth be told, he liked that. This genuine surprise, as if she would have accepted him to rely on her had she the ability to do such a thing. He didn't truly know her, but he could see she was kind.

And for even a moment, he couldn't help but slip back into his old mannerisms.

"It's okay. Don't sweat it, it's nothing like that. Besides, I wouldn't be stuck here if it was that easy would I?" he said, his tone oddly casual yet melancholic. 

Then, he stood silent, as if shocked. Those words, were they really his? They genunely slipped out, but they felt different. Is that what one would call a true conversation?

Well, for those matters, it mattered not. So he dismissed it as a moment of folly and carried on.

Such a thing was what he called the truth, a truth he sadly could not deny. Even if she truly wanted to help him find his body, it wouldn't be so simple.

"Um.. yes. Lady Tohsaka, I simply need your assistance to recover this particular body. Nothing more, if you have magical energy to spare. A recovery or healing incantation should suffice for such a thing I believe. If you would kindly do me this favour, I would be in your debt."
« Last Edit: July 09, 2015, 05:01:12 AM by francobull3 »


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Rin blinked at the spirit's reply and then began to tap her fingers into steel thoughtfully.  She lifted it up so it could look into her eyes as she grinned at him.

"Why are you asking me for this?  Sakura has plenty of magical energy.  While our output is the same, she has more energy in deeper reserves than I do.  Plus she has Faust as a Servant, who probably knows all sorts of forbidden arts that I probably couldn't even comprehend or match unless given decades and the tools to do so.  Why not ask one of them?  Or Shirou, who's really handy at fixing things.  Before I agree to anything, I want to know why you're asking me," Rin said, her expression more than a little feline, "You owe me that much at least."


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“Oh!” Sakura exclaimed as she remembered something. “Nee-san, don’t be rude. Vanguard is here and he swore an unbreakable oath to protect me, he’s trustworthy. Vanguard, I’m sorry, I was going to try to repair you, but the plates fell and I got kinda distracted...” Sakura said sheepishly. She placed him on the floor and began gathering large amounts of magical energy from the air, and a bright blue magical circle appeared around him, about a meter in diameter.

“Will this work?” She asked him.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Vanguard was shocked by Tohsaka's sudden reaction. Had he any hands, he would be fidgeting in embarrassment. Even if he frantically tried to hide it, he was definitely flustered.


" I... um... well, your earlier display was adequate, I believed your skills would be sufficient. It's no-"

Before he could finish, Sakura spoke up. Again, he was most surprised. He genuinely did not expect her to be so nice about it, let alone apologize. He didn't ask her anything, she didn't have to. It felt truly odd. First Roxas, now these two.


Yes, it was most true. He had forgotten something essential today, something vital. He had met many fools already, ones that would probably detest him if he was a bit more honest. And yet, despite it's foolishness-

The human heart demands to be admired, huh?

Could it be, no doubt it was true. Yes, there was certainly a man who once believed that. That too, was the truth. He had forgotten what it was like to be human, for it had been so long. But he still knew, deep down, that he still clung to his humanity.

But it didn't mater.

The world will not change, it would not change no matter how much he perused it. It was damning, but it was the truth. That woman, he knew it was right. He knew the world would never change. He was truly like a child, wishing to bring change beyond his powers.

Funny, was he not the same who would have beaten a man and a woman for that same thing he spoke of with disdain? All of that hypocrisy, he was aware of.

But none of it mattered.

For even an instant, the doubts lingering in his heart began to grow.

Yes, he had truly forgotten something essential. Something he needed to understand. At the same time, he felt countless emotions that he would've never felt before. Regret, sadness, loathing, joy.

But they were only meaningless to his end.

All those things he considered meaningless, he bore them too. Even if he denied it, even if he tried to hide from it, he was a human. That was the truth. This wretched vessel would not change it. If humans strive foolishly, then he too did no differently. Finally, Vanguard snapped back to reality.

He had been silent for quite a moment there, Sakura had placed him on a magical circle. The inscriptions, although foreign, were such that he could understand them. He was no stranger to arcane circles.

"Excellent! Sakura, this is quite impressive!" He exclaimed, cheering for her.

Slowly but surely, his body was reforming itself. Yes, at most it would take ten minutes. He was truly glad, truly glad from the bottom of his heart. But with gladness came regret. In a way, he could only hope she could still smile so once aware of her duties.

"And Lady Tohsaka, if you want... I could teach you. You and I don't really know each other, but I can tell you are kind. You showed earlier interest for my state. If you wish, I may share with you all the knowledge I know of."

Yes,  perhaps, he truly did understand nothing. It was true, he didn't know if he could stop the apocalypse. It was selfish, but even so...

It meant nothing.

Because he would do his best. Even if it wasn't enough, even if he'd fail he'd get up. Even with all these doubts, he understood one thing.

He had to fight.

And if a hundred battles bore no fruit, he'd fight a thousand. If a thousand did not bear fruit, he'd fight ten thousand. That was the life that man died for. But the truth was... he never died. He wouldn't die.

And neither would his dream.

« Last Edit: July 09, 2015, 12:13:11 PM by francobull3 »


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Richard Maxwell

"Yeah, whatever. Just don't forget to give me back my clothes. Put them in a bag or something." Richard responded, leaning against the wall cooly like some animu character.

And he waited cooly.


"'Ere I come, Ricchie!" Rikuyo jumped out of a window of the hotel, the pavement cracking a bit on the impact when she landed. She was now dressed in a dougi, with orange bandwrists, blue top, white belt, black pants and boots. "Sooo, where are we goin'? Do ya bring Mikey with us?"


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Richard Maxwell


Richard couldn't help but stare eyes wide in wonder. That definitely wasn't normal. Honestly, he felt really bad for the pavement, the poor totalled pavement. Unlike Richard, it didn't have the money to fix itself. As for Rikuyo... he had nothing to say.

Is that some weird cosplay?

Coughing, he collected himself.

"Um, yes. We're going to the blast furnace, of course! I can't let those hooligans dirty my city after all, can I? Well, whatever. As for Mikey..."

Mikey? Who is Mikey!?

Richard scratched his head in confusion. He had no idea who this 'Mikey' could possibly be. Thinking it trough and trough, he realized he had no idea what Rikuyo was taking about. He had met Roxas, Mordred, Mich-


Richard suddenly brighted up, nodding in understatement. She meant that Mikey after all.

"Oh! That Mikey. Well, yes. It would be bad if I got injured, I doubt my poor heart could handle it. I guess a meat shield would be handy. Sure, he can stick around." He giggled.

Then, he picked up the walkie talkie again and contacted Michael.

"One, two. One, two. Mikey, do you copy?" Said Richard with his cheerful tone.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2015, 02:52:07 PM by francobull3 »


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In a calmer situation, Noel probably would have been more flustered by the sewage worker taking a picture of her. However, while it was quiet here, she could hear the sounds of a clash in the distance. She recalled the enormous sword blocking the path back from where they came. She grabbed tar, “I think it’s important we regroup with the others. It sounds like they’re fighting a battle.” And then she began to fly down the hallway, back to where they had originally come from. The drones followed her closely, facing all directions and ready to intercept any attack.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Sakagami Kenzo

The puppet immediately appeared before the demon once again, intent on taking the blow. It was all the more infuriating, how that man could stand by and allow it. No, that fiend was far from being a man. A true monster, one more terrifying than anything in the world.

But Kenzo did not have the luxury of being scared. And besides, it takes one to know one.

Like the waves of the ocean, his stance changed. The movement was like water, ever changing yet following a set direction quickly and mightily. Swiftly, he pulled back his sword with grace far unlike his berserk state.

But she was not his target. So he stepped forward with more power, more speed, more resolve. His soul was as blinding as his blade, as mighty as the storm, as quick as lightning. He would not lose to the likes of him.

Grabbing on Ignis's shoulder, he pushed her away and quickly jumped past her to follow the man's tracks. He had escaped trough the window, merely jumping out would do no good.

If skill wasn't enough, he needed to get trough him with brute force.

His leg's muscles bulged, the strain was incredible. Gritting his teeth in pain, he released the force and exploded with speed. Too fast. In an instant, he was right before that man. Nearby windows shattered, bones crumbled and muscles were torn to pieces.

It wasn't just his body that had been decimated, but the sound barrier itself.

However, this speed was not one allowed to Kenzo without a heavy price. Even so, it didn't matter as long as he could hold his sword. He wouldn't lose to anyone, not to that man nor to himself.

And yet, with a look full of resolve, he stood before that demon once again. He could see him smiling trough the reflection in the man's eye.

And immediately, despite his ravaged body, his instincts screamed to fight. It was as if his body moved on its own, controlled by some alien force. Grabbing Relius by the neck, he used the momentum to bash him against another train and stab him on the chest, pinning him to the wagon like a sheet of paper on a wall.

« Last Edit: July 09, 2015, 10:02:11 PM by francobull3 »


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Relius Clover

As Relius began flying throgh the air, he continued calculating his master escape plan.

It was a close call but I managed to escape.  Now I need only to cast a healing Ars and…

It happened so fast.  One moment he was in the air, the next he was up against the wall, a blade in his chest.  To avoid dying, Relius mouthed the incantation for the healing Ars.  At the same time he attempted to grab the blade in place and hold it there with the remainder of his strength.  It was desperate but he was out of options for the moment.

Ignis appeared from behind Kenzo and attempted to grab him using her arms.  It was obvious that just like Relius, the man was at his limit.

“You have come far… Just then, your soul shined with incredible glamor. You are not a sharp-toothed dog but more of a interesting mutt.”  He said coughing between sentences.

He tightened his grip on the blade in his chest.

Yet, that state gave way to such destruction.  Yourself, the things you were trying to save.  I feel so inspired to decontruct this “warrior spirit” as it were.

« Last Edit: July 10, 2015, 12:54:37 AM by yinsukin »


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Sakagami Kenzo

Kenzo winced as soon as he was grabbed on by the machine. He was at his limit, but so was that man. He could win. He had to.

Swinging his head back, he bashed it against the man's skull with all his strength. A loud cracking sound was heard despite the running trains. For a moment, Kenzo blanked out. His eyes rolled back and everything turned dark and cold.

It was so long ago, such an old story. The warm sun had beaten both for hours and hours, yet they had worked hard. Sitting atop a hill, their backs against the same cherry tree, they rested. Giggling, a red haired man let the grass brush off his skin freely. Smiling, he gazed at the clear sunny sky, butterflies flying freely across the gentle wind.

Compared to him, the small girl was exhausted. Not that he lazed around, far from it! They both worked very hard, although he kept bragging cheerfully about how he did most of the work and he may have been right. But it wasn't easy to keep up with his energy! But she tried her best.

Because he was her friend.

Jeez, give me a break. she thought, sighing in exasperation.

She didn't even notice she was smiling widely as much as he was.

"So, what kind of sword do you want to make?", the red haired man asked with a toothy grin. Stretching, he laid back and puffed on the butterfly.

The girl blinked. Immediately, she blurted and mumbled incomprehensibly, stuttering. He found it hilarious enough to spare her a chuckle. Her, on the other hand, not so much. That little display got the poor man a mighty push, strong enough to have him roll down the hill and tumble down face flat on the grass.

She was blushing, just like a tomato. Peeking at her flushing face, he grinned smugly.

"Jerk!" she yelled before pile driving him. He didn't really notice it, but she had grown really strong! In a few years, she'd probably become stronger than h-

It had gotten dark, the sun was setting. Looking at the horizon, both were resting next to one another. It was soon time for her to go home, but she was clinging to his raggy clothes. He wasn't enough of a jerk to pull her off. Well, he totally was! He just didn't feel like it.

"A sword that protects." she whispered.

"What? Too soft."

"A sword that protects people."

The tall redhead immediately blinked. Now it was his turn to be embarrassed. That... totally sounded lame. It was so cheesy he could taste it. Despite that, he grinned and patted her on the head.

"Oh, I see. Well, I'm sure you can do it!" he cheered, laughing heartily. As soon as he said that, the small girl held him tighter than ever.

It was just another ordinary day, a normal summer day like all the others. But for him, it would change his whole life.

"Don't screw with me.", Kenzo grunted. It was barely audible, but he was even now resisting. But it wasn't enough. That prior cracking noise, it wasn't the man's skull that caused that, but his own. Victory had been decided the moment he stepped on that train. Even so, he wouldn't lose. He wasn't going to fall!

And then, something odd happened. For a moment, he stopped resisting and smiled. He was hurting all over, so much he forgot something essential.

Damn... I feel like a sea urchin.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2015, 11:16:20 PM by francobull3 »


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"The human form is... fitting. Out of all of my Children they are the ones closest to my purpose. The others are lacking in different ways." She patted the ground next to her and the plants receded from the area to allow room to sit.

"So, do you wish to talk? You seem to be rather inquisitive as humans usually are."


She neither confirmed or denied her makeshift hypothesis. She didn't feel like asking her whether she is an extraterrestial anymore. If she was right it would be like validation of ramblings of that Swiss fake 'expert'. If she was wrong it would be too embarassing way. But she still couldn't ignore an occassion to talk with her. "Pardon my curiosity, but what's your purpose here then? I don't imagine that such being like you would come here just to idle around."


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Crest glanced at their finds, looking at the glowing box Caedia seemed to be playing with, and then turned back and searching another locker, there more or less nothing in this one, just a massive clothing and this weird blanket thing with a hole. He pulled it out and began to pull it over his head, it was cold out and he could use the extra warmth.

“Anyone have a clue what these odd paper sheets are for?” He asked, looking at one of the said green sheets. It had a weird texture and seemed to have numbers written on it.


Rebeca continued to just watch the groups mortified, occasionally listening for someone coming, trying to prevent her new friends from being caught. However she heard their wondering, and so she gave them an answer… its was kind of important after all.

“Umm,” She began, “Those bills are money, and if you see any coins they are worth a smaller amount.” She informed them. And then she heard it, coming from Crest.

It was quiet and bairly noticeable, but it was distinct, unlike anything she had ever heard before.

Which was a shock considering her episode yesterday.

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Her curiosity was peaked, and as the three of them chose to search their lockers, and in Caedia’s case play with her stolen iPhone, she chose to do the one thing that would let her understand it, would let her process it, and let her know if this man was really a danger to Aki or Caedia.

And so she began to read deep within. Reading deep into his mind and being.

Rebeca stood, watching over the immaculate pool of water in front of her.

There was nothing else, only her and that pool. Darkness surrounded her, but she found solace in the water before her, and so she watched it closely.

Then a drop of water hit it and ripples were made. From the ripples images started to play.

She saw his arrival in the nexus, his wonder at the massive and amazing city; she felt is concern and worry, his anxiety and excitement.

She saw his fight with that man, how he ran for dear life, narrowly dodging light at it threatened to skewer him. Somehow avoiding the arrows that fell on him and the group that chased him.

She saw his years as a hunter, how he lived alone, away from people, all in an attempt to be free and happy. And yet he cried himself to sleep.

She saw his life, she saw his being, and she saw HIM. More was revealed each time a droplet hit the surface, each time it moved closer to his birth. To the core of who he was.

Finally she saw his first moments, and was done.

But one more droplet fell. And as it hit the water the pool turned black.

There was nothing there, just darkness and emptiness and cold. 

She walked up and leaned over; trying to see what was hidden in the darkness.

Then the pool grabbed her and pulled her in. And mixed with it were the echoes of voices long gone.

The sounds of the group rummaging through the bags were normal, occasionally clanks against the metal, and the shuffling of cloth. And then, piecing the normality a voice screamed out in pain.

Falling to his knees one of Crest’s hands pushed against the floor, keeping him on his knees while the other went to his head. Darkness dance around him, a black thing like smoke poured off his body, think like oil turned to gas. One of his eyes was covered by his hand, and the other by his hair as a pained yell escaped his throat.

“AGHHHH!” He screamed, tumbling around and his back falling against the locker as he sank to the ground, cradling his head in pain. “STOP IT, DAMN IT! IT HURTS!” He yelled out pitifully. He could hear screaming, it thundered though his head like a thunderclap, like someone was taking a sledge hammer to his skull, again, and again, and again.

The girl however just stood there, a look of shock overcoming her features as tears began to stream down her face. What she saw, it was so… it was pitiful, it was so pitiful. And slowly the intrusion onto her being progressed, and suddenly she collapsed, falling to the ground in a trembling heap, soft black wisps lightly wafting off her body.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2015, 05:02:09 AM by Knick »


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Relius Clover

The moment Ignis had a firm grip on the swordsmen, she pulled back, tightening the grip as she went.   She slowly pulled away in order to avoid any damage when pulling out the blade. 

Relius let go of the blade the moment Ignis had the dog in her grasp.   The effects of the healing Ars took place as the blade came out, sealing the wound.  If he had more time, he could avoid a deadly injury.  However, as the dog was pulled back by Ignis, he slammed his head against Relius’s forehead, knocking him unconscious.

Ignis noticed her master fading out of consciousness and responded by stretching her arms out, using arms to make loops around the swordsmen, tightening her grip enough to fracture bones.  There were now 5 strands of arm tightened around his body.  One on his upper chest, covering mainly his shoulders.  Another strand covered the area just above his abdomen.  The third one was at the upper part of his hips.  The fourth was in below his hips covering his quadriceps.  The last strand of her arms covered his kneecaps.  She kept tightened her grip, intending to stop only once he submitted.

Now that the man was secure, she slowly but carefully began to pull the swordsmen away, removing the blade.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2015, 11:30:22 PM by yinsukin »


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The first thing she was expecting to see her room, to see the well-made, clean ceiling, to smell the smell of the nature that she filled her house with, to hear the flowing water of the stream, and the chirping of the birds.

Instead she was met with the sight of an odd, dilapidated ceiling, and the smell of dust, age, wet wood, and blood. Groaning she raised her self to a sitting position, and brought her hand to her head, rubbing her temples groggily.

Then she opened her eyes and looked at that hand, as she lowered it from her face. A frown covered her face as she looked at her hand and clenched her hand into a palm.

“That’s right.” She mumbled with an annoyed tone but oddly it did not seemed to be directed at herself, but at someone else, “I lost.”


Butler sprung to Suiren's side the moment she woke. Her words were not upbeat. He was concerned for her, but he trusted that a single defeat would not nearly be enough to shake her, so simply offered, "I'm afraid so, milady. He was quite powerful."

After looking over her expression, he left her bedside before returning with a glass of water and several pills. "Are you feeling all right?" He asked, crouching by her. "If the pain is bothering you, I suggest having some."
« Last Edit: July 10, 2015, 03:54:11 AM by YOLF »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

Rin frowned and said, "I wasn't being rude.  I was just wanting to know why me and not the person who's actually his master, that's all.  Seemed fishy to me.  I wanted to make sure his intentions were good.  You can't be too careful you know."

She watched as Sakura cast the circle, her eyebrows going up.  Damn.  Having an infamous magus as a teacher has its benefits.  He's probably more hands-on than that worthless wizard vampire that leaves me to deal with all of his messes, Rin thought with a shake of her head.

" I... um... well, your earlier display was adequate, I believed your skills would be sufficient. It's no-" the helm began.

Rin held up her and and said, "Honestly, I was being kind of lazy and conserving prana doing it like that.  My sources here are really finite and I don't want to waste a gem on something so trivial when a tiny cut would do just as well."

"And Lady Tohsaka, if you want... I could teach you. You and I don't really know each other, but I can tell you are kind. You showed earlier interest for my state. If you wish, I may share with you all the knowledge I know of."

Rin grinned and said, "I might just have to take you up on that."