Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - April 13, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 50909 times)


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On one hand, a place to stay that could actually qualify as a home was definitely a priority. On the other, Butler did not currently feel like taking the eye off his master, both out of some faint worry and growing curiosity, both clinical and visceral. Having seen her weakness now, after first meeting her in a show of inner and outer strength beyond most people, the self-appointed servant grew increasingly enthralled by the imagined notion of what else might make her tic.

Put like that, and given how lax a master Suiren was overall, there was no doubt. He would accompany her, of course. There was much to learn about her still, the surface of that shining mountain barely scratched in his dissection of her worth. Butler wondered if her choice of words just now was meaningful to her evidently shaken composure. If her victorious adversary was truly someone she had to beat, rather than one she had to surpass as a matter of fact, then he wished to know what marked the distinction.

It occurred to Butler that after being as deeply defeated as his master and enduring the shock of losing one arm, having one's performance and attitude compromised by the encounter was more than what to expect. Perhaps he was judging Suiren on quite high standards! Or perhaps she had just left that strong an impression on him. Regardless...

Swallowing a chuckle, he jumped out of the building after her, hopping away to approach her again. "Incidentally. He left me with a message for you, milady," Butler declared, before uselessly clearing his throat. "You have gotten strong, Suiren."


The monster fell from Noel's blade, and Saber interjected to Lancelot, now that his attention would be forced to reconsider its focus. Henry pushed the awe and fright of these monsters in human likeness aside for the moment. If there was a time to stop Lancelot, it was going to be now.

"Noel!" He shouted, half in admonishment half in urgency at the girl's insistence. "JUST SHUT UP AND TOSS ME AT HIM!"
« Last Edit: August 03, 2015, 03:42:27 AM by YOLF »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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Sakura frowned and her lips trembled as she fought back tears. "I-I didn't want to make you guys worried about me! sniff I didn't want to—I just wanted to be happy! I thought—I thought if I ignored them it would all be okay."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"Sakura, you can't just ignore this stuff.  Please, tell me about it.  I'm here for you.  I'm always here for you," Shirou said, kissing Sakura's forehead.

Rin nodded and said, "I'm sure, here, in a place like this, we can get you help.  Let us help you, Sakura.  If you're not happy, we're not happy."

The words were a little bit bitter in Rin's mouth, but she did want her sister happy. 


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Tears began to trickle down from her eyes, quickly becoming a waterfall. "Senpai...Nee-san..." She said in between sobs. Sakura turned and pulled them both into a hug. 

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

Shirou sighed and said, "We just want you happy and healthy, Sakura.  Holding it in isn't good."  He forced a smile and said, "Remember what happened the last time you held it in?  And even after seeing you like that, we still love you and want to help you."

Rin nodded and said, "We just need to find someone who can."


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Tohuw Balagan

Tohuw tanked the slap like a champ. It wasn't a particularly hard slap, but it left a red mark on her hand. His head did not even budge.

Well, that was gutsy. He didn't mind that, but it was hardly a necessary action. Even so, he didn't expect it of her. Because of that, he was far too amused to be angry about it. Instead, he turned to her and looked at her sheepishly.

"What do you mean, milady? I did forgive Sakura, there is no bad blood between us. Only apathy from my side. However, even if I did forgive her, it does not make of her crime anything less. I believe I made myself quite clear, I never do anything for free. The price for such a thing would have normally been quite steep, even your words cannot change that fact."

Then, he backed off and wiped his cheek with his gloved hand.

" I should have punished her appropriately for her uncouth performance. Still, I would not harm her. After all, it is what you asked of me, is it not? I had to think, what could I possibly demand of her that is equal to her life? I say, the brief amusement she has provided me can certainly replace what should have been taken. Therefore, as of now, we are even. Clap clap clap."

Then, he turned to Sakura and smiled.

"So rejoice, Sakura Matou. It appears my master's mercy truly has saved you."
« Last Edit: August 03, 2015, 11:13:18 PM by francobull3 »


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Noel paused as Saber ran in front of Lancelot, pleading with him to stop. She remembered how Ragna had been turned into a monster, how she'd turned into a monster, how she'd been saved. Maybe she was wrong to consign him to death. It wasn't her right or place to do so. He deserved a chance, just like she had been granted.

Maybe...she should be the one helping him.

So when Henry ordered her to throw him at him, Noel didn't hesitate. She trusted that he had a plan, one better than destroying Lancelot. She tossed Henry at Lancelot as fast as she could, spawning drones around him that rapidly pulled him towards his target.

She hoped he did deserve it.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2015, 08:08:53 PM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Richard Maxwell

Richard's eyes widened in surprize as some black thing, the only description he could muster at the time, covered the area the lot was going to enter. A shiver ran down his spine, cool sweat covered his face.

 It was like that black filth from earlier. He'd have none of it.

"Stand back."

Instinctively, he waved his hand to command tendrils of water to shoot forward, frozen claws thick and fast enough to pierce trough a car.


While the black mud did visually resemble the one she encountered before, she didn't react to it in any particular way. "Huh, what it is, Ricchie, some kind of tar?" she asked the magician, curious about what the substance was. If it was just a tar, it was no biggie.

"Hey, do you know where is a cheap place to crash by? I'm new to this city, don't you mind helping out a tourist from the East?"

Forest saw an Asian man, with eyes like a dead fish and silvery hair waving at her.  Tilting her head, she walked over to the man on the bike, pulling out her phone as she did.  She asked, "How cheap are we talking about here?"


"I'm not picky. Anything better than a cardbox or a doghouse will be fine." he replied. The young woman whom he just met seemed to be friendly and enough nice to not ignore a stranger in need. At last a normal man. He had enough of mountain gorillas, BDSM fetishists (of both sorts, the woman who cut her wrists was clearly a M) and other weirdos. Knowing his luck there were probably women who were Stands out there, bent on making his life a living hell for reasons only known to such malicious creatures.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2015, 09:53:03 PM by Kat »


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Captain Edward Coombs:

"Very well. You can go now."

Turns out that Medaka fits neatly in the gushing school girl stereotype, despite the seriousness of her voice. Yes, Coombs caught on that the girl was speaking of only the positives of this Lorenzo. It wasn't that hard to pick up on. She obviously looked up to this pirate, might have even had a crush on him despite the short time they knew each other. A bit foolish, but Edward was once young, too...

However, this teenager gave a pretty clear image of most of the events that transpired. Too bad she got knocked out before the end of it. After turning off the recorder and finishing jotting down his personal notes, the Blank, too, went out the door. "I would like to see Blackburn next."

After getting the testimony of all three of the participants, Coombs realized he came to an impasse. Shortly after the dark figure appearing, it just disappeared. There was no trace of anything left at the site except for the crater and ruins. No evidence of the bright light, the dark magic orbs, or the ones who casted them were left. It was a dead end: Something to be filed away until a similar event occurs.

Coombs hated it when this happens. No real possible way for preventative action. Nothing but a report...


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"I began the creation of the first and guided the multitude once they had arisen but there were complications. The world required a greater force to cultivate it and make it possible for the Children to spread and thrive. While I directly intervened with the speed of growth for the world I left the Firstborn to guide the rest of you."

The ancient pulled out her dagger and pressed the blade against her thumb. Beads of white blood spilled out and landed on the plant life that practically exploded in growth. It began to spread out to other areas of the beach and grow vines thicker than a man's torso. The surge of flora began to overtake the sand and cover it. "There had to be a balance. A more subtle hand was needed so I left and allowed you to grow without more interference as I cultivated the rest of the planet."

The stopped pressing the blade against her flesh and the moment she did the wound closed night instantly. She wiped away the last of the blood and placed the dagger back in her robes as the growth of the plants began to slow.


The blood of the being seemed to be some sort of catalyst infusing everything it touched with life, even transforming barren soil into a lush habitat. Maybe with enough of it it would be possible to terraform other planets.  The idea that life could have been brought to Earth through a directed panspermia seemed less and less outlandish.  "Your role is largely over then? Afterall the ecosystem of Earth is largely stable, no need to be too active?"


The Spring Courtier giggled at Mordred's response, leaving the bottle on the vanity as she approached the shower cabin with an amused smile.

"Come on," Emily said, "Don't be so stiff. It's our room, anyway, and you've been in there for a while, so of course I'm a little worried."

"Besides," she continued, "I'd rather not be drinking alone..."

With that, an idea occurred to the Changeling.

"Actually," she started with an impish smile, "If we're both going to have to take a shower anyway, why not take one together?"


"No, it's a bad idea. You ain't sober, you will slip on something, hit your head or break something, and I would have to call the ambulance. Attracting attention is the last bloody thing I want." She scolded Emily, not amused by her antics.


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Emily giggled at Mordred's response.

"Well, you're right here, aren't you?" the Changeling said, starting to undress as quietly as she could manage, "And as I recall you did mention being a knight."

"My my, what kind of knight are you?" she continued, her voice taking on a mock-surprised tone, "If you can't even catch a lady in distress...though I suppose that isn't your fault, is it?"

"After all, you can't catch someone you can't see," Emily finished, opening up the curtains enough to slip inside, sighing as the warm water cascaded around her, the scent of the soap Mordred was using relaxing the Spring Courtier just a little bit more. Shivering a little at the sudden draft, Emily pulled the shower curtain shut once more, seemingly unconcerned by her current state of attire, or lack thereof.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2015, 02:48:05 AM by I_care_not_till_I_must »
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses

Umbra of Chaos

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Karen Archer

In a quiet park once visited by War himself and a dangerous child a group gathered. Even the most keen observer would fail to notice anything similar or common between the people their. They wore no uniforms and had no other additions to their clothing that would show that they were from a group and didn't even question the others about their identities when they arrive. There were four in total. An aged man with blue eyes and shoulder length blonde hair in a wheelchair seemed to be the leader. His white suit and stern gaze almost seemed to radiate authority.

A brown haired woman with striking green eyes dressed in black stood behind him as he looked at the other two. A man in a sewage suit with the mask still on and a piece of fabric labeled 'Supervisor' stitched onto it. Next to him stood a woman in a white labcoat with blue eyes and glasses.

The elder spoke first. "You all understand why we've been forced to gather here. He's angry. Very angry. It's not beyond our ability to stop the situation from spiraling out of control but just in case we need to accelerate our plans. The Dragon's Teeth must be prepared much more quickly than anticipated."

There was an annoyed grumble from the sewage worker. "Don't you think that's too hasty? The Dragon's Teeth only have one use and can't be underestimated. If one got away we would be pouring our resources down a drain trying to find it, and that's assuming it doesn't kill any of us if we do. They may be limited but they're good at what they do."

"It's not hasty at all. In fact, I was wondering when any of you were going to allow me to actually do something important! Our facilities are secure and he should have no reason to interfere. He may be a bit petulant for now but we just need to direct him towards one of his 'family' or give him a target to hit. That should give me more than enough time to start my work again." This time it was the scientist who spoke. Despite the seriousness of the situation there was a grin on her face and a gleam in her eyes. This was the perfect situation for her.

The sewage worker looked as if he was about to retort but a stern look from the blue eyed man silenced him as the woman holding onto the wheelchair began to talk,. "This will require more than a small bit of management. Our facilities will allow us to produce the Dragon's Teeth with a tighter timeframe than originally expected. The resources we have will allow us to keep our acquisition of subjects in cover and away from eyes of the police or Elites. They'll be too busy sticking their heads in the ground to realize the problems around them."

For the last time the elder spoke. "Then it is decided. We accelerate the Dragon's Teeth creation. The law enforcement will busy themselves with a force they cannot properly understand or destroy as we pave the way for a much cleaner end. Until then it is expected that we are to lay low and continue working. He can be placed on another path to distract the Elites and to stop him from doing anything too rash."

They all knew the meeting was over then. The brown haired woman pushed the old man away as the sewage supervisor and scientist went their separate ways. They all had a lot of work to do.


The tanned woman smiled and the plant life seemed all the more beautiful because of it. "Hopefully. Hopefully it is over. You cannot imagine the time I spent cultivating the planet. The pains I underwent to constantly make sure it would be ready for the spread of life that would overtake it. I hope that what I was doing was no longer necessary. If my leaving disturbed the way life continued to function then the consequences would not be pleasant, but that is not something that should be focused on."

The smile was still on her face but there was tinge of sorrow in her eyes. Regret? Guilt? Longing? It could be any or all of these things. In the heat of the moment everything seemed so certain. She was so sure of herself. But she had eternity to reflect and question herself. Question her reasoning and the correctness of her actions. Of her role in the world.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2015, 03:05:05 AM by Umbra of Chaos »


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"I'm fine…" Sakura's feeble protests fell on deaf ears as they spoke. She disagreed with them. That's not what caused the events of the Heaven's Feel, and...well...she wasn't exactly sure she regretted them entirely.

Maybe that's why... She thought to herself. Her grip on Shirou and Rin noticeably tightened as she thought about it.

"But...but..." Sakura began before stopping. She didn't want to talk about this, not with them. She wanted to be happy, healthy, fine Sakura for them. "But..."That's impossible.

She began to cry again. It was impossible, wasn't it? Totally and completely impossible. Tonight had proven as much. Her shoulders slumped in defeat as she sank into a depressive mood.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Shirou sighed as Sakura began to cry again, stroking her hair.  He was murmuring soothing words to her, rocking her back and forth.  Rin on the other hand felt Sakura's grip tighten on her and felt a cold shiver down her spine at the feeling.

Rin felt as Sakura's body slumped as she cried.  Rin bit her lip; soothing people wasn't exactly her strong point.  After all, when had anyone been really kind to her?  Even though she loved her father, Tokomi was more than a little distant and the less said about Aoi the better.  Being "raised" by Kirei wasn't exactly an experience in warmth and comfort.

Probably the one who had showed me the most "comfort" and kindness was Archer.  In his asshole way.

Rin took a hold of Sakura's shoulders and said, "Listen.  You're not alone anymore and you've gone through a lot.  You've got help now.  We'll get you through this."


"I'm not picky. Anything better than a cardbox or a doghouse will be fine." he replied.

Forest nodded and opened up the web browser on her phone.  She said, "I've also got mapping and a GPS on this thing, so I should be able to get you pretty accurate directions.  Somewhere close too.  It's gonna snow soon and you shouldn't really be out in this mess on a bike."

A nimble finger with the nail painted a bright purple began to swiftly swipe over the screen.  With a nod she said, "Ah, well, you're in bloody luck.  There's a Motel 6 right up the street about three blocks over."


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Sakura looked at Rin woefully, her large purple eyes were glazed over like that of a dead fish. Tears slowly trickled down her face as she stared at Rin. After a few minutes, she looked down, and then shifted her gaze to Shirou. She reached up and gingerly touched his face, as if to make sure he was really there. With her other hand, she clutched the dress she had lent Rin.

After looking at him for a while, she quickly broke her gaze and returned it to the floor. "Senpai, I'm sorry..."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end