Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - April 13, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 75010 times)


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Shirou’s mind was swimming in pain. He registered his limbs being bound, the rush of air in his face, but was too busy fighting to keep conscious to do anything about it.

Then there were voices. Sakura and the woman currently binding him - and someone else. Someone that he knew. He opened his eyes and recognized Rin standing there. He couldn’t tell what expression she was wearing.

Rin was here. With Sakura.

Shirou made a small groan of both pain and rage, trying to send a cold glare in Rin’s direction but not really succeeding.
YOLF: "Do ghosts have aids"

YOLF: Even if God forgives you, you shall not forgive yourself for being here [in CE].


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“An-an evil lizard terrorist? A beard? Manatees?” Irisviel was confused. “Maybe you’re not thinking properly right now.” Irisviel dismissed his mad ramblings as hallucinations brought upon by the pain. "But don't worry, it's all ok now!"

 She continued to pour magical energy into him, speeding up the healing process. “So, what’s your name?” She asked him casually.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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A girl in kimono draped over her right shoulder slept under a tree growing along a road. Apparently not minding her circumstances, she snored audibly as in a deep sleep. Anyone sleeping outdoors during winter was either out of mind or too poor to afford anything better. Undisturbed even by the sound of traffic, she continued sleeping as if she hibernated like a bear in a middle of winter.


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Sakura continued softly stroking Shirou’s face. “It’s alright, don’t worry. You’re safe now. Everything will be just fine.” She said to him in a soft and comforting voice. “We’ll get you fixed up in no time.” She cooed before embracing him. “We’ll heal your arms in no time.”

Rin walked over to them and began to pull at Rider’s chains, eliciting a small sound of pain from him and a disapproving look from Sakura.

"Let him go.  The swords, they're a defense mechanism because he was being attacked.  Having him tied up isn't going to help him," Rin said, pulling on Rider's chains with a frown.  She looked at Sakura and said, "You can't just go kidnapping people, Sakura.  Please, let him go.  I understand that you want to keep any and all versions of Shirou safe, but he should also be allowed to make his own choices. “ Rin paused before finishing with an upset statement. “Even when they're completely idiotic!" After Rin spoke, Shirou, her Shirou, decided to chime in as well.

"See Sakura, even Tohsaka agree. Now, we should probably treat his wounds and then be on our way home. I still need a tour of this weird place." He admonished her.

“Nee-san, pulling on the chains will do nothing but to hurt him.” Sakura told Rin with a frown before looking at Rider. “Anyway, Rider, you can release the chains. I don’t think he’ll do anything reckless.” She returned her attention to Rin once more. “Nee-san, I didn’t kidnap him. He was going to get himself killed, and I couldn’t just let him run to his death, especially without even saying a proper goodbye!” Sakura took a moment to compose herself before continuing. “He can leave after he heals up and explains himself. Now, we’ll just take him home to where he can rest up in a proper place, not on top of some rooftop.” Sakura looked down at her Brown Senpai with a large smile. “Isn’t that right, Senpai?”

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The first wave of ninjas fell back, dissipating into smoke and shadow by the deflected bullets that struck their mass. The second wave did not better. The staff blurred, spinning and twirling in the man's arms, knocking away the advancing masses of shadowkhan and occasionally whooping back to strike one that attempted to approach from the rear or the flanks.

Stil crouched on her perch, Rachel frowned and mentally cursed her luck, looking back to the hesitant oni next to her that she was using to relay further orders. It recoiled further from her gaze, and would've done so from her words too, were she not so stern. "Smoke them, then get out of the way and circle around them. Same objective as before."

She turned back on her targets without a sound but those of her gun as she switched magazines and put the modified rifle on full-auto. He knew where she was now, and he could defend from gunfire. But that was fine. She didn't need to manage to hurt him. Just occupy him.

Down on the streets, the shadowkhan backed away from the martial artist swatting their numbers away. A single one stepped up and threw a sphere down on the ground; the rustic bomb exploded instantly into an expanding cloud of white smoke. The ninjas jumped over the two they were assaulting under the cover of the clouded air as Rachel opened fire.

The ninjas followed up efficiently - five went to seize the holder of the chalice and silence her, and others threw themselves at the staff wielder's arms and legs - or they would have, if not for the presence that leapt from the darkness of a nearby shade.

The assassin corrupted swung a clawed arm at its former kin. Before they could even near Natara and Michael, the massive twisted limb tore then into smoky shadows. And then, with a throaty hiss, its other arm shot for the woman's neck, catching it it in a choking hold.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2015, 06:07:19 PM by YOLF »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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Tohuw Balagan

Feeling rejuvinated once again, the demon slithered out of the ice. He was now feeling much better, which was good. Swirling in place, the mass of cancerous flesh moved inwards and formed a humanoid silouhette. What now took the grotesque figure's place was a handsome brown-haired man. Young and wearing fancy clothes tinted in silky white, the demon smiled cordially and snapped his finger. Immediately, a fluffy ear-muffle appeared and covered the purplehead's ears, glue sticking them to her head.

"My name is Tohuw Balagan. Demonic prince of chaos, madness and entertainment at your service." said the demon, bowing respectably before his savior. Whoever she was, he was now indebted to her and he would make sure to pay her well for this.

"And you, you saved me. There are no words to express my gratitude, but have my thanks."

With that, the demon handed the white haired woman a flowery post card with his adorable tentacleface drawn on the corner and my thanks written in pretty italics.


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Roxas walked for a while.  He wasn't sure what to do now.  He promised Vanguard that he would become a body guard or a police officer.  Eventually, he came upon a girl in the streets.  It looked like she had been sleeping there for a while. 

Why has no one stopped to help her?  This is a city.  No one should be sleeping outside.

"Excuse me?  Ma'am?  Are you ok?"  he said with concern in his voice.


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"Very well, how shall we begin?" asked Vaguard, now surrounded by a fancy well lit space. Sitting on the floor with his metal legs crossed, the warrior awaited instructions or directions.


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David Borrus

David followed the armored man inside and watched him sit down onto the floor.

"Very well, how shall we begin?" asked Vanguard

"Of course." responded David.  He took a seat on the floor out of respect for Vanguard, who could not fit in a chair.  He relaxed his body posture and gave out and exaggerated sigh.  Then he grinned confidently.

"Alright, time for a reintroduction. My name is David Borrus and I am a psychic psychologist.  I used my powers to "rent out" this room for a few hours.  As long as you don't tell anyone or blow anything up, what transpired in this room never happened.  Now would you like to tell me whats bothering you? What did you mean by purpose and why was that purpose was put into question?"
« Last Edit: April 16, 2015, 01:10:42 AM by yinsukin »

Cherry Lover

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Sakura watched as the thing they had saved slithered out of the ice he had been trapped in.

What the hell is that? Sakura thought.

As Iri began to dismiss his story, perhaps somewhat hastily given the form he took, he changed himself into a handsome brown-haired man. However, as soon as Iri asked him his name, he clicked his fingers, and a pair of ear muffs appeared on Sakura's ears.

She frowned.

What is he doing?

She reached up to pull the ear muffs off, somewhat irritated by the sudden intrusion, able to see but not hear him speaking.

"Oww", she said as the glue pulled on her ears.

What the hell? He glued ear muffs to my ears?

Now extremely irritated, she summoned up her shadow tentacles, cutting the side part from the ear muffs, allowing her to hear, although not perfectly.

"...There are no words to express my gratitude, but have my thanks", she heard through the remains of the ear muffs, before he handed Irisviel a card.

Eh, why wouldn't he want me to hear that?

Evidentially, he had not wanted her to hear whatever he had said before. She didn't know why, but it made her very wary of his intentions and, further, she now had the remnants of ear muffs glued to her ears.

"What is wrong with you?" she said, angrily. "We stopped to save your life, and in return I get ear muffs glued to my ears? How am I supposed to remove these?"

Then she turned to Irisviel.

"What did he say to you?", she said, clearly wary of the shape-shifting blob's intentions.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2015, 11:33:35 PM by Cherry Lover »


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“Tawuh Ballgun?” Irisviel asked confusedly. “What a weird name.” She chuckled at him, unaware of the spectacle occurring behind her. “My name is Irisviel von Einzbern, and with me is-” Irisviel turned around to see an utterly unexpected spectacle. Sakura had-earmuffs. Fluffy earmuffs. Fluffy earmuffs she was using her magic to cut apart.

"What is wrong with you?" Sakura angrily asked. "We stopped to save your life, and in return I get ear muffs glued to my ears? How am I supposed to remove these?"

Then she turned to Irisviel.

"What did he say to you?", she said, clearly wary of the shape-shifting blob's intentions.

“Uhh- He told me his name.” She haltingly said to Sakura before she turned to the demon. “If you did this to her, you need to undo it at once! You can’t just do that to someone!” Irisviel berated him.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Tohuw Balagan

“Woah, woah. No need to yell, you aren’t supposed to be able to. I was about to take care of that anyway.“ the demon sighed, slightly annoyed by the purplehead’s suddenly rash reaction. He bore no ill will whatsoever, but having her hear his name could be… troublesome. With a snap of his fingers, the cuffs and the glue poofed away.

“Sorry about that, Ms.Einzbern, but you see… I’d rather have what I just told you stay between me and you. More specifically, my name.if you could never utter it in public, it would be very appreciated. I could die if you did, you know?”

“Will you promise to not slip up? Pinky sware?” asked the demon.


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"A psychic? Mph, so it seems you truly are a specialist in the matters of the mind. I guess it is fortunate that I met you so. Had it been another time, confronting you like this could have been an impossibility." Said Vanguard, a clear tone full of respect as he nodded.

"It is a rather... long story. To grasp it fully, one must look back to roots dug deeper in the sands of time than one can possibility comprehend and look at a curse that is as old as eternity. It begins so-"

Thus, Vanguard told the child of a tale as old as the original deities, one of a world before the concept of an absolute end was determined by men. He spoke of yore as ancient as the primordial deities, and of a citadel that laid over the very heavens, where humanity rested for countless hundreds of millenia.

He spoke of one man, peerless, who became the city's very protector. He spoke of countless battles of myth, each as fantastic as the other. He spoke of that man, without equal in both body, spirit and heart. He spoke of his virtue, of his courage and of his love for the mankind he protected for millenia.

And he spoke of the tragedy that befell that man. One that was far too cruel to be inflicted upon any man. He spoke of his hopeless bout against the gods, one that he knew could only end in defeat. He spoke of that man, of himself, and how he had lost all that a man could lose.

And then, his words became much more coarse. He described what he had seen in his slumber. countless worlds birth, only to die not unlike his own. Was it billions? Trillions? Or maybe up to a trigintillion. He spoke of how what he once admired became a sickening caricature of failure, the sin that he had committed and that would never wash away.

“Yes, I truly hated it. How no matter how much I wished for salvation to come, no fruit ever came. I guess this thought me just how powerless I truly was, just how pathetic the mere idea of fighting with a mere fairy tale could be. And hope, the thing I was meant to be a beacon of, the thing that made me strong and pushed me to fight past my very limits, it became like a poison. Why create, when it would only be destroyed? Why cling to life, knowing that we had to die? What I once understood and could have answered with a clear conscience, I was now doubting.  And it maddened me, this defeatism of mine. But it was the only thing I had left. Nothing else mattered anymore.” said Vanguard.

“When I came here, I was reminded once more of that mistake of mine, and I took it a a duty to show that such a thing would bring nothing but emptiness, not unlike this body of mine. And yet, when that woman stood against me wtith that proud shine I once basked in, I felt lost once again. It was… more beautiful than I remembered it to be. No matter how much I belittled it, it endured without remorse. Her eyes, they were like mine. I could not win, even though I could.” Vanguard continued.

“I don’t know what to believe in anymore. Could it be that it was I the fool all along?” he asked, bowing as if to await judgement, an answer, or perhaps both.


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“Now, now. You’re SO very dangerous right?  A metal bowl should be no trouble at all. But if you need help you can always just ask, because I am a kind and just empress.” Suiren mocked Lorenzo.

Like hell she was giving up this entertainment this easily.


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Lorenzo Remei

"Y-you devil! How could you!? To deny a pirate of a mere favor like this... your punishment will be steep! You better brace yourself for what is coming, Surieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen!!" Lorenzo roared, struggling and shaking and waving his arms around in frustration. He was not going to lose. Not to her, not to anyone. And especially not to a shit bowl.

Then, he sank deeper. His booty, his prized booty, had lowered itself down further in the bowl. The booty that was worth more than the state of Alaska had been mercilessly sucked in by the toilet. He could not move.

U-uso... no way. No way. T-there's just no way. N-nope, this is a dream.

And was stuck.


"P-please... I really need a smoke. I will do whatever you want, I will be your manslave! I will give you my body to toy with to you heart's contempt. But please, p-please! A smoke. Just one. Please, o-oh great and sagacious empress of the stars." he whimpered, sweat pouring down his face like rainfall as he grew paler and paler.