Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - April 13, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 50901 times)


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Richard Maxwell

Richard's gaze turned frigid. That woman, she wasn't normal. Smiling coldly, he turned to her and spoke.

"You, what are you?"


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Medaka Kurokami

She looked up and watched as Lorenzo destroyed the barrier between them.  He walked up to her and held her, trying to comfort her.

"You dummy."

She stopped crying, though she started whimpering in its place.  She sat there and enjoyed the comfort of the pirate.  It wouldn't be long before they arrived in jail so she wanted to enjoy the luxury of being weak.


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Mr. Armour

The armored elite got into the front seat of the car and began driving off to the prison. According to Gorge, they were going to use him as a hostage to discourage Lorenzo Remei from escaping.  He gave Gorge a quick summery of what happened, including the loss of the officers used for the ambush.  Quiet frankly, he wanted nothing more than to kill Guts but, he knew that would be a bad idea.  He kept driving, planning on meeting Gorge at the prison.

Gorge Squad

When Lorenzo burst through the wall seprating the two, Gorge signaled for the enforcers to keep their positions.  He watched as the pirate comforted the girl.  How can this be the personality of a mass murderer?  Gorge chuckled at that thought.  Perhaps he had been forced into the life of crime somehow?  It was certainly common in a city like this. 

He got a radio call from the armored elite, who's name escaped him at the moment.  When he was told about what had happened to the squad of officers, his mood dropped.  He was no longer on the high of a successful mission.

"He killed the entire squadron?  In a single slash?  Your not allowed to kill him but make sure that when we get to the prison that he is kept under high security.  I have a feeling that not everything is how it seems.  He also might have information on the woman as well."

The truck stopped.  It had arrived at their destination.  The enforcers opened the back door and escorted both Lorenzo and Medaka out of the truck.  They stood behind them and lightly pushed them in order to get them to move.  The younger officer took out another pair of handcuffs and attached them to Lorenzo.  He snickered, as if wanting to make a rude comment but held his tongue in fear of getting burned. 

Gorge was waiting for them outside.

"Welcome to Nexus central prison, home to this city's most dangerous criminals.  This will be your home for the next 50 years or so."  He said bowing.  He then turned to face the prison and started walking to the entrance.  "As you can see this prison is about the size of a football field.  You will be broken off and separated according to your ability's and power levels.  We don't really like magic users hanging out with other magic users so thankfully, you guys won't be too far apart.  But before that, ill need to speak with you individually.  I need to ask you some questions."  He said, as if introducing a luxury hotel to a happy couple.


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Lorenzo Remei

As the vehicle kept driving, Lorenzo stood silent and comforted Medaka with a gentle smile. Stroking her cheek and cradling her, he looked almost serene. Then the carriage stopped, and they were signaled to leave.

The younger man from before snickered as he cuffed his hands again. Oh, Lorenzo most definetely wanted to punch him in the face at this point, but he disgressed. His hand would get dirty.

Then, the chief presented what was to be their prison. Truth be told, it didn't look bad by any stretch. Hell, it was almost like a small scale castle!

"Aye, aye. Um... I have one question. What's 'football'?" Lorenzo asked with a puzzled look.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2015, 07:50:12 PM by francobull3 »


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"Ugh!  This is insane!" Roxas said frustrated and conflicted.  He wasn't strong enough to stop Rikuyo himself but he also wasn't sure if he could stop the creepy doctor and the staff guy.  Based on their abilities so far, he thought that Rikuyo will probably win.  Thankfully, he hadn't used any magic aside from that light cure spell, so his magic was almost fully recovered.  If she went too far, he would have to try to stop her.  He just wanted to end the fight as quickly as possible.

Roxas charged the staff guy. When he was in range, he planned to attack with a horizontal slash with oathkeeper and follow up with a diagonal slash from oblivion.

Gorge squad

Gorge chuckled at Lorenzo's question.  He IS a pirate after all.  But in this town, it is easy to forget such things.

"Well depending on which country your from, football is a place where a bunch of people run around and kick a ball while pretending to be injured or a sport where a bunch of meat-heads on steroids toss a ball made from a special kind of rubber."

They walked into the entrance of the building.  It was a large doorway big enough to let an elephant through and the doors were thick enough to shrug off tank fire.  They passed through the doors and walked through the large hallway.  Despite the outside appearance of a mildly aged prison, the inside was pristine.  If you looked to either side, you could see windows that showed prison halls.  It was as if someone put a window where a door should be.

"As you can see, each hallway is sealed off by thick bombproof windows.  These allow us to keep an eye on you guys.  Those windows were constructed by a powerful mage who encrypted the windows with a magical password of sorts.  Our guards, who not only are powerful mages but know the password are able to pass through those the walls to check on the prisoners.  But for the most part, we tend to leave our guests alone.  But don't worry, you aren't going in there yet."

They walked to the edge of the hallway.  At the end there were two different doors, one to the left and one to the right.  Each one was about half the size of the entrance, large enough to fit a horse through.  They took the one on the left, which lead to a large room. It had a couch, a table and a few comfy chairs for relaxing.  It was oddly clean, as if someone maintained it everyday without ever using it.  It even smelled like a fresh hotel room or new car.  Facing directly parallel from the entrance to this room was another door, which of course was the actual interrogation room.

"I borrowed this room to use for our session.  I hope you will be able to help me out."  Said Gorge, turning around to face his prisoners.  He then silently signaled with his hands to the enforcers to guard the exit.  Both enforcers stood next to the door, keeping a firm grip on their guns.  "Take your seat.  Ill get the room ready.  If you try to escape Guts dies."  He warned before walking through the door at the other end of the room.

Medaka Kurokami

Medaka let herself go inside, being escorted from behind by the older officer.  She mostly ignored the officers rambling, still upset over what had happened.  However, once she got into the final room, she simply sat down on the couch.  Once she sat down, she regained her composure.  For the most part, she was back to her normal self.  She didn't have anything to say so she stayed quiet.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2015, 08:03:12 PM by yinsukin »


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Lorenzo Remei

"Now, don't be unpleasant. You got the point across already." said Lorenzo, a tad bit annoyed by such an empty threat. Killing Guts would bring nothing of worth, it was clear they were trying to leash him by using him.

"Well, shoot. What do you want?" he asked the chief nonchalantly, sitting on the sofa, crossing his legs and making himself as comfprtable as possible.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2015, 08:21:53 PM by francobull3 »


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Gorge squad

Gorge stopped to answer Lorenzo's question just as he was about to pass through the door.

"Oh yes of course. But the reason I brought you here is that we need information on the woman who punched a hole in our lovely station.  I guess that if you tell me here we won't have to move to the other room."  He said, now a bit more serious but still maintaining his playful tone.

Medaka perked up at the mention of the woman.  "I refuse."  She said bluntly.


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Lorenzo Remei

Lorenzo didn't even move an inch, his expression the pinnacle of boredom and unimpressedness.

"Nope. Can't do. Even if I could, it would just make it a won't do."


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Mr. Armour

They arrived at the prison.  The armored man took Guts to a secret room next to the one that Medaka and Lorenzo were in.  If needed, he was to take Guts into the next room in order to blackmail Lorenzo and the girl.  The armored man hooked up the unconscious Guts to a old unused cell.  There were reinforced steel chains that bound him to the wall.  He sat down in a chair and observed Guts.  The ice on his body should be melting by now.


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Richard's gaze turned frigid. That woman, she wasn't normal. Smiling coldly, he turned to her and spoke.

"You, what are you?"


"Ugh!  This is insane!" Roxas said frustrated and conflicted.  He wasn't strong enough to stop Rikuyo himself but he also wasn't sure if he could stop the creepy doctor and the staff guy.  Based on their abilities so far, he thought that Rikuyo will probably win.  Thankfully, he hadn't used any magic aside from that light cure spell, so his magic was almost fully recovered.  If she went too far, he would have to try to stop her.  He just wanted to end the fight as quickly as possible.

Roxas charged the staff guy. When he was in range, he planned to attack with a horizontal slash with oathkeeper and follow up with a diagonal slash from oblivion.


Who she was? She didn't know herself the answer, indulging with what brought her joy without care for such knowledge. Sometimes she was a human, and sometimes not, but that didn't bother her in slightest as long as she could enjoy life. She even already treated her outburst back then like a thing of the past. Whomever or whatever possessed her back then was simply part of her and she didn't worry about it.

About to 'answer' the magician, she paused, as the boy she fought back then interfered, taking on the man who wielded the staff.

"C'mon, it's no fun anymore!" she whined like a complaining child, feeling that Roxas made the fight too easy now. "Really not fair! I'm trying so hard to hold back already against them two!"


They're gone already the silver hair man thought as the girl and her caretaker vanished from his sight. Now that they were out of the picture, he cared less about what that crazy woman did. She wasn't sure the authorities would take her to help her with her head as that guy with pointed ears 'championed' her so eagerly. He had more urgent issues. He adressed the man on a motorbike: "Hey, do you know a place where I could crash or something? I popped in here with this bitch of a hangover, outside Japan, and know at this rate I'll become a cardbox god. And cannot yet pull my weight given I'm half human half mummy. Curse ghost possessed armors and Yasai-jins. I was like Grillin caught in crossfire, fending off the world conquest bent phantom while the battle crazed maniac had only job and fucked it up."
« Last Edit: May 15, 2015, 09:30:07 PM by Kat »


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Gorge squad

Gorge had an ear piece that he used to communicate with the other elites.  The armored elite is apparently here with Guts.  Now he has all his pieces in place.  He had let the other two elites leave.  He was sure he could manage with the resources he had at the prison and the the officers he brought along.  Besides, the Nexus police force is spread thin as it is.  He cant keep them here if they might not be needed.

Gorge sighed in response to Lorenzo and the girls answer.  "Of course.  If there is anything I have learned its that you guys are the noble types.  Well I would rather not do this but, Lorenzo why don't you go first?"  He was about to turn around and guide Lorenzo into the room but then a thought occurred to him.  "Actually, you, girl why don't you go first?"  Said Gorge.

Medaka Kurokami

Medaka looked at Lorenzo.  She had been pushed to her limit today mentally but so had he.  She was not going to let him be interrogated.  If they were to try to escape right now, then Guts would be killed.  There was nothing to do except tough it out.  They would not break her so easily.

"Fine, I don't mind."  She said calmly.  Then she stood up and got ready to walk into the room with the man.


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Lorenzo Remei


Lorenzo looked down with a troubled expression. After something like that, he couldn't let her fall to whatever that man had in store.

"Fine, fine! You got me, you win. I'll tell you all I know, but please don't hurt her. Please." Lorenzo pleaded with a desperate tone.


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Irisviel hurried out of the room, and quickly walked down the hallway to her closet, rifling through it while looking for new clothes to wear.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"Why, I am reflecting." Tohus said calmly, seemingly undisturbed by all. His eyes closed and his smile serene, he hummed all while tapping the notebook with his Hello Kitty pen.

Then, his eyes widened in horror and he winced in what could best be described as an 'oh shit' expression.


The forces of satan compelled him, dark energy overflowing from every pore of his body. A gale gusted and swirled around the demon, and he began his dark work. Surpassing speed observable by the naked eye, the demon began to write frantically, his hand but a blur in motion as pages flipped one after the other by the second.
Allahabadi cake, Allerheiligenstriezel, Amandine, Angel cake, Angel food cake, Apple cake, Arany galuska, Babka, Banbury cake, Bánh, Bánh bò, Bánh chuối, Bánh da lợn, Bánh khoai mì, Bánh té, Battenberg cake, Baumkuchen, Berlingozzo, Better than sex cake, Bika Ambon, Birthday cake , Bizcocho, Black bun, Black Forest cake, Bolo Rei, Buccellato, Buckwheat gateau, Bulla cake, Bundt cake, Butter cake, Butterkuchen, Cake balls, Cake pop, Cake shop,Caraway seed cake, Carrot cake, Cassata, Castella, Chantilly cake, Charlotte, Cheesecake, Chelsea bun, Chiffon cake, Chocolate cake, Chokladboll, Chongyang Cake, Chorley cake, Christmas cake, Coconut cake, Coffee cake, Cupcake, Cupcone, Dacquoise, Depression cake, Devil's food cake, Dirt cake, Doberge cake, Dobos torte, Donauwelle, Dundee cake, Eccles cake, Eggies, Eierschecke, Erotic cake, Esterházy torte, Fat rascal, Financier, Flourless chocolate cake, Foam cake, Friand, Frog cake, Fruitcake, Funing big cake, Garash cake, Genoa cake, Genoise, German chocolate cake, Gingerbread, Gingerbread house, Gooey butter cake, Groom's cake, Gugelhupf, Happy Cake, Heavy cake, Herman cake, Hot milk cake, Hummingbird cake, Ice cream cake, Imagawayaki, Jaffa Cakes, Jewish Apple Cake, Joffre cake, Kalathappam, Kek Lapis Sarawak, Kentucky jam cake, Kiev cake, King cake, Kladdkaka, Kornigou, Kouign-amann, Krakow gingerbread, Kransekake, Kuchen, Kue cubit, Ladyfinger, Lamington, Lane cake, Lardy cake, Layer cake, Lekach, Linzer torte, Madeira cake, Madeleine, Malt loaf, Marble cake, Mazure, Međimurska gibanica, Meringue, Molten chocolate cake, Ontbijtkoek, Pain d'épices, Pandan cake, Panforte, Panpepato, Parkin, Parrozzo, Pastiera, Pavlova, Petit four, Pinca, Pink Wafer, Ploatz, Pound cake, Prekmurska gibanica, Princess Cake, Prinzregententorte, Punschkrapfen, Put chai ko, Red bean cake, Red velvet cake, Rigó Jancsi, Rock cake, Rosca de reyes, Rum baba, Rum cake, Ruske kape, Sachertorte, Šakotis, Šampita, Sesame seed cake, Sfouf, Sheet cake, Simnel cake, Snack cake, Sno Balls, Song gao, Spanische Windtorte, Spekkoek, Spice cake, Sponge cake, St. Honoré cake, Stack cake, Stollen, Streuselkuchen, Swiss roll, Tahinopita, Taiyaki, Tarta de Santiago, Tea loaf, Teacake, Tin roof pie,Tipsy cake,Tiramisu,Torta alla Monferrina, Torta caprese, Torta de nata,Torta Maria Luisa,Torta Tre Monti, Torte, Tottenham cake, Tres leches cake, Tula gingerbread, Tunis cake, Tunnock's teacake, Upside-down cake, Wacky cake, Wafer, Waffle, Wedding cake, Wedding cake topper, Welsh cake, White sugar sponge cake, Wine cake, Yule log, Zuger Kirschtorte, Zwetschgenkuchen...

Then, Tohuw dropped his pen and notebook and began to pant. Sweat dripped from his brow, and he began to breathe very heavily.


With that, he handed Sakura the filled notebook with his weakly arm, still trembling.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2015, 12:22:42 AM by francobull3 »


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Medaka Kurokami

"No! We can't!  Dont tell them!  I will be fine."  She insisted.  She walked up to the officer. "Take me.  Surely it would be much more pleasant to have a lady in the room?"  She said to the officer.


"Nope.  He already volunteered.  Now come with me.  I wouldn't want your lady friend to get too stressed."  Said Gorge.  He faced the direction of the door and got ready to walk through.