Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - April 13, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 51201 times)


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Rebeca, now much more lively than she had been all morning, invited her to resume checking out the gym. Aki was about to agree to this when a woman in what seemed to be some kind of leather armor walked right up to her and stuck out her hand in greeting, curtly offering her name.

“Akiholarme,” the dragonborn said in reply, reaching out to shake hands. It was easy to see this woman was a fellow warrior. “Is there something you wish to speak about?”
YOLF: "Do ghosts have aids"

YOLF: Even if God forgives you, you shall not forgive yourself for being here [in CE].


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"Yes." Said Vanguard, nodding simply. "Do you have any other questions?"


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David Borrus

"No not at all. Ill be interested to see how that effects your mind.  Im sure I don't have to ask but if you don't mind, id like to keep this meeting confidential."  David said


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As Roxas called out to the girl, she woke up.  Thinking he was a foreigner she tried to ruffle through his hair with her hand.  "Wow! I've never seen a foreigner before! Your hair looks so pretty!" she exclaimed with enthusiasm. On reflex, Roxas lightly swatted her hand away.  "What?  A foreigner?"  He exclaimed, confused.  Although, he wasn't from the Nexus so maybe that does mean he is a foreigner.  He relaxed his guard.


"Not a foreigner? You're Japanese like me, then? Weird, I've never seen anyone back in my village dressed like that. And I didn't know city people travel around in such weird litters. Are they magicians?" the girl was clearly confused by the modern technology and reached a weird conclusion "Hey, maybe you are a magician too? Show me something fun, come on!" She started pestering the boy believing all city folks must be magicians.


Her red jacket dusty, she removed it in spite of the season. "I'll have to change next time I can. Not that I'm really bothered by such mild winter. God bless the global warming." she said, though probably her fully developed Mantle  of Summer was to blame here. Nevertheless, she was now walking around in white T-shirt, carrying the jacket in one hand, not minding that pedestrians looked weird at her.

No obstacles she faced on the way to Hedge gate. She was still wary about entering it given that it was by no means a safe place to wander around, but she remembered clearly the path to the garden full of Goblin Fruits. Taking a step forward, she vanished without trace for anyone who observed her.


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Roxas listened to the girl talk.  He could tell that she just got here, since she seemed to assume city people are magicians.  Technically he can use magic but does that make him a magician?  Well regardless, she wanted him to do something.

"Well i'm not sure I qualify as a magician but...."

He raised his hand and opened his palm towards the sky.  His hand began to glow red.  A fireball shot from his hand, going straight up into the sky.  Eventually, it vanished from view.

Cherry Lover

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Rider watched as Sakura ran over to Shirou, clearly concerned at the damage to his body, and began to stroke his face lovingly.

Well, perhaps now she'll understand the stupidity of her actions.

Unfortunately, though, Sakura's insane mind simply took Shirou's injuries as more evidence for the danger she had saved him from. Shirou made another effort to convince Sakura, but once again did so in a manner that was likely to be horribly misinterpreted. Then, Rin walked over towards the captive Shirou, before telling her sister to set him free.

Sakura, though, was still stubborn. Despite both Shirou and Rin suggesting he be set free, she still insisted on having him come with them. Worse, she had ordered Rider to remove the chains.

Rider sighed.

He's just going to run again. Does Sakura not remember how stubborn Shirou can be?

"Sakura, Rin is right. Please, just let him leave if that is what he wishes to do", she said. "As for how we should get back, I can carry two people, maybe three if they're capable of holding on and don't resist. Perhaps Faust can take the rest?"

Then, she turned to address Shirou. In the state he was in now, he couldn't do much of anything, and if he needed to go anywhere to heal, Sakura's house was as good as any.

"Shirou, please just come back with us. Sakura will feel a lot more comfortable if she can talk to you for a bit and ensure you are healed and safe", she said. "And, it's not like you can do a lot in your current state."

And, with that, she dematerialised the chains binding him, preparing herself to chase him down if he attempted to run without Sakura's approval.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2015, 12:10:29 AM by Cherry Lover »


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Just’s eyes widened slightly as he examined the one shined by the odd woman after he was done catching his breath, he… wasn’t human?

“Well, guess it’s good that I have no standing orders.” He mumbled, not that Hamara would order any of the guard to kill any in-human creatures, some just tended to be more zealous then others.

Well, either way he was just a tad more alert now, and let his rest on his the sword sheathed at his side, just in case. That girl was important to Hamara, so he would protect her no matter what. Even if he had to use his secret weapon.

Then another person started talking, a blueish silver haired man, and Just simply gained a grin. There are interesting people it seems.

“Now, let’s not get all huffy shall we? No reason to be rude to one another. Let’s not resort to violence like animals.” Just said to all of them, hoping to calm the situation a bit.


Crest watched as Caedia walked up to the pair of woman, both of which were lookers in their own way. One had that weak and defenseless feel going. The other one though kind of worried him; his experiences with people in plate armor generally haven’t gone well.

“Akiholarme,” the armored woman introduced herself, reaching out to shake hands. “Is there something you wish to speak about?”

“I would be impressed if there was much, she hasn’t spared me more than a few sentences. Well, or I would just be jealous that my momentary companion prefers talking to others then me.” Crest cut in with a grin. “Name’s Crest by the way, good to meet you.”

At least he should try and make good impressions. It would be for the best if they liked him.


Rebeca smiled when heard Aki’s thoughts. It seems everything was fine, there was no issue. It made her almost sigh in relief. Then a new person walked up and introduced herself.

Respect, that is what Rebeca heard from her, complete respect for Aki. There were a few other things but nothing really noticeable. Although it annoyed that she was almost not even noticed. Whatever.

Then the man came and jumped into the conversation. His thoughts about her and Aki were like most men’s, thoughts on their appearances. His last thoughts after he finished talked set her off though. Was he that kind of person? The kind that cared only about themselves. She was not reading him enough yet, but she was worried. So she would keep her 'ears' on him, for Aki's and her's sake.


The ball of liquid metal flew through the air like a cannon ball, ripping through the Biomass wall, however the moment after it passed through the biomass reacted. Tentacles and mass immediately began filling the hole. And not even a second passed before there was a pristine wall once again.

“Mister, you need to play by the rules.” Mia’s voice called out to Kayneth, “Otherwise I’ll have to punish you.”


Suiren began to stare in shock at as Lorenzo began to break down, then with a sigh she placed in head in her hands.

“Butler, can you get him a ‘smoke’” She requested, “This is pitiful.”
« Last Edit: April 17, 2015, 12:32:34 AM by Knick »

Cherry Lover

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His name? thought Sakura, confused, as she heard Iri's muffled words. Why was he so determined to hide that, especially when he was quite happy to tell Irisviel.

Then, the person they were talking to responded to her.

“Woah, woah. No need to yell, you aren’t supposed to be able to. I was about to take care of that anyway", he said, clearly somewhat annoyed by her reaction, before removing the remnants of the ear muffs and the glue holding them in place.

“Sorry about that, Ms.Einzbern, but you see… I’d rather have what I just told you stay between me and you. More specifically, my name.if you could never utter it in public, it would be very appreciated. I could die if you did, you know?” he said.

What the hell?

Sakura was very wary of this person's intentions. There were reasons why someone might want to hide their name, but most of them were not good. And, if saying it might kill him, then why did he tell Irisviel.

"I don't understand. If telling people your name might kill you, then why did you tell Irisviel? And, yes, there was every need to yell. You do not just glue ear muffs to the head of someone you have only just met", she said, clearly irritated by his actions.

Then, as she was berating the idiotic blob, she heard an crashing sound behind her, and saw a wall of fire flare up in front of the man she had been talking to. Turning around, she saw what looked like another man, standing in a small crater.

Before she could ask what was going on, he addressed her.

"Your hair, is it natural? I haven't seen such a magnificent shade of color for hair in ages, and that was artificial", he asked.

Sakura looked down at the ground. Her hair and eye colour was somewhat of a touchy subject for her, even now, a reminder of the things Zouken had forced upon her. Shirou, of course, found it beautiful, as he did anything associated with her, and Sakura had generally come to terms with how she looked, but being asked if it was natural or not was like re-opening an old wound.

She wasn't even sure how to answer. Her initial instinct was to feverantly deny it, but it was hardly "artificial" in the traditional sense either, and he seemed to rather like the colour, for some reason. And, she could hardly explain the real reason behind it.

"Erm..., s-sort-of", she said, haltingly, with a sad expression on her face. "It's not the colour I was born with, but the change was permanent".


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Butler allowed himself an audiable chuckle behind his gloved hand, before nodding to Suiren. "Of course, my lady," he said, reaching into his suit vest. He produced a thin cigar and approached the bound Lorenzo. Taking a zippo lighter out of his pocket, he popped it open and on and lit the cigar to the self-proclaimed pirate's lips.

He then took a step back and closed the lighter, shelving it back into his pants. His mouth opened briefly to quip at the man, "A rather short fuse for such a boaster, I would say."


The angel rose an eyebrow at the blue-silverish haired eastern man (judging from the name that entered his mind then, japanese perhaps) that approached him, who... seemed to take him for some sort of being that definitely did not sound like an angel. He seemed rather well intentioned, if a little odd, and in the lack of a more articulate response Sarse gave only a non-commital 'uh-huh'.

The other, older man accompanying the young girl when they arrived chose that moment to come closer and speak up. Hearing him speak and ask for peace this close to him, Sarse was reminded of mortal Saints he had once fought alongside. He wasn't sure what it was that made him think specifically of them, but this man, Just, had a similar personal presence. Or that's how the seraph would put it in simple words. He could just be feeling nostalgic because the aged, serene smile of the man.

At any rate, he also didn't seem that interested in a fight or a disagreement breaking out into more, which was actually comforting. Sarse faced him with a small, polite smile as he answered, "Rest assured, I have no interest in fighting. I'm sure we can solve this peacefully."

The seraph looked back to the woman called the Heart Of Life.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2015, 01:33:32 AM by YOLF »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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Lorenzo Remei

"Why thank you, good sir." Lorenzo nodded, immediately calmer than before. The cigar sitting between his lips was not smoked once. Instead, the pirate was grinning with a dry chuckle before presenting the two with a smile so smug, Smaug could take a picture of it and put it on his coffee mug.

"You know, I have a question for you. I asked for a smoke, implying I was no stranger to it. Sure, but if I truly was a regular tobacco user, would it not be wise to keep at least one with me at all times? Yet, I asked for a smoke right away, for something as silly and mundane as a shit. Why?" the pirate asked, clicking his tongue in amusement.

The slipping, the sweating, it was all a calculated plan meant to fool them into giving him a weapon. Now, he was truly invincible. Indestructible. Unbreakable. Unshakable.

It really wasn't. But he'd feel better if he told himself that, and we all want to feel better deep down inside.

"BWAHAHAHAHA! I did it, I rused you! My infaillable wits, my awesome plan could never have failed to the likes of you! Yes... I asked for a smoke, in order to do THIS!" roared Lorenzo, his fhand covering his gleeful face as he spat the cigar immediately. Then, it burst into a sea of flames that engulfed the pirate's surroundings. Suddenly, animal-like shapes clawed and bashed on the toilet seat, which gave in and crumbled down to the flames.

Rising, Lorenzo laughed maniacally before pointing at Surien, an ever smugger smile crawling up his face.

"I tooold you Surien, I warned you that my vengeance would be great. You didn't listen, so I hope your booty is ready for what is to come."


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“Will you promise to not slip up? Pinky sware?” Asked the demon. Irisviel shook her head. “No, I won’t make that promise just yet, I’ll need to know why. I’ll wait until you tell me the reason beforehand. But you need to apologize-” Irisviel was saying when a large purple dragon came swooping in and creating a large wall of fire in front of the demon, which unfortunately was the area where Irisviel happened to be standing in at the time.

“Aii!” Irisviel yelped as she jumped away from the blazing inferno just inches away from her. She angrily turned to face the dragon as her wires sprung to life around her, snaking around her. “What is your problem! I don’t care what issues you have with the demon, but what did I do to you!?” She yelled at him. “Maybe you should pay attention before using magic!”

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Suiren listened to his ramblings, raising an eyebrow in amusement. And then the area around him burst into flame, destroying the toilet he was stuck in.

And with an amused look she raised an arm and swung it down with great force.  The arm release a wave of air, a powerful gust. It knocked Lorenzo onto his ass while it snuffed out all the flames he spawned.

“I’ll give you something; your fire magic is decent. But you’re no 3rd. But you get an A for effort.” She gave a quick snort of laughter at the end.

She was somewhat impressed. And she had the feeling he could do more. But he was still an idiot. A likable idiot but an idiot.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2015, 02:19:59 AM by Knick »


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Tohuw Balagan

The demon frowned at the purplehead’s comment. He was being considerate, damn considerate.  Some would have stripped the sense of hearing in order to prevent their name from being heard, but he had been nice enough to do something that could be reversed, and that caused no pain or discomfort. Well, it wouldn’t have been discomforting to him.

Then, an all too familiar sight appeared once again, drawing a face full of shock and utter fear on the demon’s face. No way, that thing had come back.

Before he could do anything about it, a large wall of fire erupted before him. Using his arm, he covered his face from the blaze, but it was clear that this was getting far too messy. And that thing, if it was back to finish the job… this was bad. Immediately, he jumped into the ground and crawled quickly, like a badgermole.

 Then, he popped up right next to Irisviel and grabbed her foot. Then, he whispered with a look full of concern.

“I’ll give a throughout explanation after, and as much apology as you need.  We have to leave. Now! That thing, that thing is the evil lizard terrorist!”
« Last Edit: April 17, 2015, 02:31:05 AM by francobull3 »


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Whatever just happened was something far too absurd, far too incredible to have happened.  If he never believed in holy Jesus until then, this was much easier to do after witnessing something like this.

Sprawling on the floor, he now faced the woman with a face full of awe.  If he didn’t need to shit then, he really did now.

“W-whaaaaaaa? Did you just pimp slap fire away!?” he gasped, his eyes brimming with utter disbelief.

Umbra of Chaos

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The Chalice holder had been busy maintaining a grip on the wretched artifact as the inhuman creature choked her with unnatural strength. This was one of the few times she could be glad of the alterations done to her as she struggled to try and breathe and get free right before she heard Michael speak.


She didn't even have the time to think before something slammed into her and the tainted creature, sending her sprawling away from it. A haze of pain clouded her vision which was not helped by the obscuring smoke. Her eyes drifted to The Chalice which was still held tightly in her grasp but it had spilled a bit as she was sent flying.

The words to recall the Taint seemed so distant now and the throbbing pain from her head and the distracting feeling of warm blood trickling down her face kept making her lose her train of thought. hurthurthurthaftlhurthurt The pain increased and Natara let out a low groan of agony.


The Caretaker could barely think of anything as the pain became unbearable. Even then her mind raced trying to find the answer. The sequence of words that held power over the Taint. She whispered, "Haftl," but that was the wrong word. It was an easy mistake in this kind of situation. It was a terrible mistake in this kind of situation. The Taint rushed over her, easing her agony and sinking into her skin.

Her blood just grew a tint darker, and the whispers became a bit clearer. Then she slowly rose to her feet and looked around quite disoriented.


The Arisen looked at Crest and gave him a small nod before going back to facing Akiholarme. This world was still so very strange. Even if she was unsure of Crest's motivations or who he even was it was better to face the unfamiliar with someone else. A hint of curiosity filled her voice  as she pointed at the building. "What is its purpose?"

It would be useful to know if it would be important or not. Much like Gran Soren Caedia had no doubt this Nexus also had places that she would need to visit from time to time. It would be important to know if this building would be of use to her in the future.


The Old God looked at the shifting wires of the angry albino and the creature that had so easily moved through the earth and called upon his magic. A glyph that neutralized foreign magic emblazoned itself on the ground around the woman and the shapeshifting creature. "Do not tempt me to destroy you, false one. I am giving you a few moments free of my wrath for introducing me to this example of beauty."

Then he turned back to the woman with purple hair. "If it's permanent will it be passed onto your descendants as well?"
« Last Edit: April 17, 2015, 03:03:50 AM by Umbra of Chaos »