Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - April 13, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 50904 times)


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Richard Maxwell

"Well, I could use a hand." richard responded cheerfully. Turning towards the child, he smiled before speaking up.

"Hey, could you help me out here? It's only fair, since I patched you up."


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Sakura closed her eyes and shook her head shortly after Rin began stroking her hair and listened quietly to her sister's pep talk and ignored the sound of Shirou walking around outside her door.

I guess I must be getting rusty. She thought ruefully.

Rin was right, this should be nothing compared to her years of torture, but… It hurt, it hurt so much, it was so scary, so baffling, so disconcerting! But more than anything else, she had been afraid. Afraid that she'd never be able to see any of them again, that just like before, she'd be left alone. That just like that time all those years ago when that man had given her away, she'd have everything she knew and loved taken away from her all over again.

And now, she'd finally gotten them back. Shirou, Rin, and Rider, all in the same day. But she was still afraid. The fear had not gone away, not in the slightest. On the contrary, it was alive and well, stronger than ever! The only thing that had changed was its form: it had just morphed to a fear of losing them once again, and–

Sakura crawled over to Rin and hugged her tightly. "You're right." She said, as much to herself as Rin. "You're absolutely right. Things could be a lot worse. And don't worry, I'm sure you'll find a nice boy soon. One who is everything you want him to be—ah! Why didn't you say anything, your clothes are soaked! We need to get you into dry clothes, but what will you wear, I don't have anything in your size!" Sakura said in a panicky voice.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Seras Victoria

Today was a fairly normal day for the former trump card of Hellsing. Wake up halfway out of the coffin she slept in out of habit more than anything else, brush her teeth that couldn't get cavities for the full two minutes, and glare angrily at the toaster that kept burning toast she didn't actually need to eat.

Maybe a few of those muffins survived the night. It'd probably be best to check the fridge before today's patrol.

With that in mind, Seras grabbed an O-negative blood pack for a quick pick-me-up as she got dressed for the day. A simple shirt and slacks, with the left sleeve tied off tightly, sufficed for street clothes, though a little shadow matter still managed to leak out of the sleeve, it wasn't to the point that anyone would notice unless they were looking for it.

The bus ride was long and boring, to say the least. The quiet whispers around her melded into a steady droning that almost had her dozing off where she stood.

Then the sounds of screaming outside the bus caught her attention, but her human senses told her nothing more. So she instead looked ahead with the eyes of a vampire, and saw devastation. The station was gone, consumed by some black substance. Amongst the people fleeing the area, there were still three near the apparent source of that stuff.

Frowning, Seras simply forced the doors of the bus open, leapt out of the vehicle, over the traffic, and into a nearby alleyway. The shadows tore open her left sleeve as the poured forth, turning into a set of wings as she leaped up, flying up above the buildings before continuing on her way to the police station, nothing but a red streak as she made her way over.

The situation didn't change much in the time it took for her to get there, but it didn't seem like a good idea to charge in recklessly. With that in mind, she landed on one of the rooftops nearby and took a moment to survey the devastation, both with her human and non-human senses.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2015, 06:24:26 PM by I_care_not_till_I_must »
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Irisviel looked past Sakura's shoulder at the mysterious door that had appeared on the wall to the—outside, which apparently led to a kitchen. . .

"Huh." Irisviel said. "I—I can see that. I don't know what he just did, but I can show you two to the real kitchen..." Irisviel offered. This was just too much, how did he do this? Irisviel wondered as she began to lead Sakura out of the solar.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"Yup, I'm a bit hungry and it's really cold out here, so thanks!" she smiled, happy about Richard's offer.

She frowned a bit though when Michael joined the group. She was vaguely aware why she snapped at the girl with a cup and why she wanted to destroy his staff. The taint's aura drew froth something in her subconsciousness that wanted to rid of her. Back then she felt something akin to regret for something she couldn't recall. Maybe if Richard didn't snap her out from that state, she would have learned for what 'she' wanted to 'atone' by eliminating the corruption.

Then, a weird thing happened. She could feel something stirring inside her, a mix of anxiety and nostalgia. A tint of worry as she felt as if the world around wailed as if subjected to abuse. Thankfully her 'world' was out of reach for whatever made this world cry. Then, a flash of white light lit up the sky with the brilliance of a second sun, and it felt—familar. The impulse that had driven Rikuyo's actions when she'd seen Natara resurfaced, with a familiar feeling behind that one. Maybe that persona would disappear in a moment, but her spiritual senses were exposed to exaclty same aura that she felt from the Chalice.

"Disgusting" Rikuyo muttered in reaction and then turned to Michael, glaring at him. "The one with that unclean staff, your friend is obviously up to no good as I feel the same like back then even she's already far away. Will you try to stop me or let me pass through this time? I really should have killed her back then."

« Last Edit: May 22, 2015, 11:34:31 PM by Kat »


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Lorenzo Remei

He frowned, cursing the fact he didn't notice such a large amount of mana earlier. Someone, somewhere, was preparing an attack if incredible magnitude. But something of such power... and with Medaka so close to that black liquid...

If he didn't do it, she'd die. She'd definetely, absolutely, die. That was no good, not good at all. He couldn't allow that to happen, he couldn't lose someone again. He couldn't let her die, even if it meant-

No, he couldn't hesitate. He chose to act, piercing the ground with his blade, and screamed. A primal roar, one of a man that surpassed his own limits. An inferno rose from the ground, not unlike anything that hell itself could even muster. The earth flowed into waves and an humongous ship emerged from it, taking Medaka in and shielding her.

That would be the last sound that Lorenzo would be able to conjure. His last stand. Smiling, he waved goodbye and dissappeared in an infernal explosion. In that one instant, there was anger. There was fear. There was sadness. There was regret. There was hope. There was joy. There was despair.

He accepted them all, he accepted who he was and what his life had amounted to. And so, the pirate vanished amidst a wave of destruction.


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The seraphim hoped everything would be alright with Just and the girl, disagreements over the gift of the woman nonwithstanding. Sarse felt like they were good people, and in a vague instinctive way, sensed they were... more aligned to the symphony than most humans. It made them feel closer to him, somehow. He thought about making use of the Song Of Tongues when he noticed they didn't speak the same language, but in the end decided against it. There was no point in butting in when they were getting along anyhow. There was also the fact his essence reserve was down to less than half currently.

He still didn't know what to make of Gintoki. The man seemed more off in the clouds with every sentence that came out of his mouth. It's not that he was that uncommon (by the standards of this city that he was admittedly still getting used to), but he came off as a little outlandish. As a person, that is.

"There are a lot of hotels and pensions around where you could rest for a night. Just need to find one," Sarse said, facing the roughshod samurai (?). "But I take it you don't exactly have money on you right now either?"


"Yup, I'm without a yen since I splurged what I had on me on pachinko parlors, and then woke up here with a headache.  In worst case, I'll become a cardbox god. Eh, I guess I will manage one night or two as a one, that's still better than being a toilet god."


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Medaka stopped moving as she noticed the girl's helpers panicking.  Everything happened in a single moment.  She watched as a shining blade came flying at the girl.  She wasn't sure what was going on.  She looked at Lorenzo who panicked as well and focused what little energy he had into constructing a ship around her.  As the ship formed around her, she noticed he was waving.  This moment was burned into her being for the rest of her time in this city.

The next moment was a blur.  She was defiantly hit by something, probably an explosion.  She fell into unconsciousness. 


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The nobody looked at the creepy doctor.  The fact that the doctor now was armless made Roxas even more uncomfortable.  Plus, he didn't even seem to care.  There was something off about him.  he walked over to the doctor before answering his request.

"Y...yeah I dont mind."  He said, unable to hide his discomfort.

He walked over to the doctor and raised oathkeeper.  He cast curaga.  The tip of the blade glowed green and a thin circle of green light formed around them.  Their wounds would be healed in a matter of seconds.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2015, 02:01:04 AM by yinsukin »


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Tohuw Balagan

"But this kitchen has the best ingredients available-"

Tohus twirled around dramatically, lights shining behind him. Confetti and party balloons ready to pop uo.


Then, he began to dance. As he advanced towards Irisviel with graceful movements dign of a swan, multiple Tohuws danced left and right, coming from behind him. They were all connected with a teeny tiny thread of Tohuw hay, but hopefully they wouldn't notice. Then, *they* bowed and spoke up.

"We promised we would prepare something yummy, so relax. Read a book. Watch some anime. We'll prepare everything with efficiency and quickness!"


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Faust met Rider’s smile with an even bigger one. “Oh, Rider, don’t mind me. I was just passing through, I was thinking about going and relaxing after going and saving one of Sakura’s protectors. You know, we both filled our roles marvelously, didn’t we? I went and saved Vanguard’s life, you took Sakura home! You know-” He was interrupted by the bugs informing him that the other Shirou Sakura had been referring to as ‘Brown Senpai’ had just done some crazy magical stunt and now he was laying on a rooftop with heavy burns and sweating up a storm. Faust sighed, and put Vanguard down.

“I’m sorry Shirou, but it seems I have yet another errand to take care of, perhaps we can have this conversation another time, all right?” With that, Faust put down Vanguard’s head on the coffee table and headed out the door.

“Figures.” He muttered to himself.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"Now, children, don't fight. I may be mistaken, but is this the Shirou that Sakura spoke of earlier?" said Vanguard, a stern yet somewhat kind tone.

Then, he shook his head. "No, a foolish question. There is no mistake, he truly is Shirou. Then it is settled, this is no time to bicker. Please forgive my appearance, but my duty has not been accomplished as admirable as yours, Rider. But please, don't trouble yourself with this. I regret having been absent to witness this event, but it does not spoil it by any means. This is no time to complain or bemoan, but to celebrate!"

His words were kind, soothing. It was like a melody that had been woven with utmost care, yet with a sound as natural as the chirping of birds. There was no malice, no deceit and no lie to be found in his voice.

"Call me Vanguard. It is an honour to meet you, and to return by the side of a fellow companion."


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

Rin watched as something warred in this version of her little sister's eyes.  There was fear there and determination.  Of course she's afraid.  She's lost everything she fought for only to get it again.  She's not going to lose it again.  Even if technically I'm not her Rin, she still probably thinks of me as her nee-san.  Her mental state's really fragile right now, and it's not helping that Shirou's mental functions have gone out to lunch and . . .

Sakura crawled over to where Rin was perched on the bed and wrapped surprisingly strong arms around her.  The Sakura of her world, other than her archery, wasn't exactly what Rin would call "physical".  Rin took pride in her physical condition by lifting weights, aerobics, and practicing the bastardized martial arts that Kirei  had halfheartedly taught her.   

"You're right." She said, probably as much to herself as Rin. "You're absolutely right. Things could be a lot worse. And don't worry, I'm sure you'll find a nice boy soon. One who is everything you want him to be—ah! Why didn't you say anything, your clothes are soaked! We need to get you into dry clothes, but what will you wear, I don't have anything in your size!"

Rin laughed and returned the hug before pulling gently away.  "Well, first I'd like a shower, if that's okay with you.  And I'm not Christmas Cake status yet, I'm not going to give up and I'm not settling either!  As for clothing . . ."

Rin frowned at her sister's more voluptuous form; while Rin was mostly pleased with her figure, she had to admit that Sakura was more blessed in the curves department than she could ever be.  Technically Rin weighed more by a couple of kilos, but Sakura's clothing was indeed a little large on her.  Specially the shirts.

She felt her cheeks heat up as she asked, "I hate to ask this, but may I borrow some money to get some clothing while I'm here?  I'll find a job or something so I can work to pay you back . . ."


"No. Of course not, lass. It isn't like as if they wouldn't mind getting themselves into a pillow fight with you."

The very dregs remaining of Shirou's blood warmed Forest's cheeks at Lancer's words and she had to look away so he wouldn't see her blush, as paltry as it was.  However, he seemed pleased with the set up she had here until he saw her room.  Tension filled his once easy going manner as . . . As soon as he saw the painting of the murder of crows on my wall.  I know crows are a death omen for most cultures, but he's a Celt.  They should be sacred unless . . .

She took one look back at Lancer leaning against the wall outside of her bedroom.

No.  It couldn't be.  I mean . . . is that really . . . Could he really be Cú Chulainn?  Bloody hell . . . "Oh well yes, the Morrigan is my patron goddess and I've had a crush on you since I was a wee girl."  That'll go smashingly.  Bugger it all.  He might not be Cú Chulainn.  I'm probably just jumping to conclusions here, that's all.  Still, if he is . . .

Forest took one more peek at him leaning against the wall.

I'd better pretty myself up.

Putting on a skirt and showing off her legs, which she knew was her best asset, would say she's trying too hard.  Especially after just meeting him, but she quickly perused her closet for a pair of tight blue jeans and a black corset-like top with billowy sleeves.  Nodding in satisfaction she dressed, put on some makeup (wine color lipstick and a simple smoky eye- learning how to apply makeup without the aid of a mirror was something she mastered years ago), and pulled her hair into a stylishly messy up-do with plenty of locks framing her face.  Making sure her choker was in place to cover the bite scar on her throat, she walked out of the bedroom while buckling up her holster.

"Ready?" she asked with a smile.


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Seras was suddenly very glad she'd stayed up on the rooftop as a massive explosion ravaged the group. Now there were only two survivors, both of them likely heavily injured.

Leaping off the building, Seras let herself drop, wings forming on her back as she went into a steep dive towards the group, a red streak zipping chaotically towards them. More tendrils of shadow reached out for the two survivors, arranged so that the sudden jerk wouldn't kill them.


Golden light...hmm...Could it be?

"Thank you for the warning," Adjutor says, "But I've got a few things to attend to before I can even think about investigating that. Thank you, Urzara, and goodbye."

With that, the teen looks around for a rooftop access of some sort for a moment before finding one and making his way towards it.

Do the others remember where that screaming was from? I've got an approximate location on that flash, but it'll help to have something else to go off of.

Wow we've got a lot of stuff we need to get to. There's that albino chick who ran us over and then tried to take us back to her place, we've got Creation itself screaming at us from that place over there, we still don't have clothes...did I miss anything?

...No, not really. I suppose we can drop by Forest's place again and get a new set of clothes...

Or take some from a clothing shop...


We also don't have time to waste right now, and I highly doubt we'll be harming their profit margins by any significant amount.

...I hate you right now, you know that?

That's what you always say.


Fine, we'll go back.

Making this way into the the stairwell that would lead him back downstairs from the roof, Adjutor made sure he was out of sight before slipping into the shadows. Calling Tyrfing to himself, what arrived was not the Elemental itself but rather its shadow, yet another platform for Adjutor to use within the Shadow. Stepping onto it, Tyrfing sped off towards Forest's compound once more. Then an idea struck Adjutor.

"Hang on, I need a moment to talk to the others."

Actually talking to the Elemental was unnecessary, but the words were gone from his mouth before he remembered this. With that, Tyrfing made its way near the shadows on an empty roof top, Adjutor stepping off and slipping out soon afterwards.

Rahab, Laivatain. Gather more of yourselves, if you would.

Eh, don't see why not.

Unlike you, I've been doing so for the past while.

Hey, I've been busy!

If you insist.

Shaking his head with a bemused smile, Adjutor slips back into Tyrfing's shadow once again, making his way to the Compound, where some careful navigation brings the teen right where he wants to be. Slipping out of the shadows in front of that closet Forest brought him to last night, Adjutor opens it up and quickly picks out another copy of the simple hoodie and pants set from earlier.

Realizing now just how much he'd taken clothing for granted, Adjutor takes a moment to revel in the light warmth of the fabric against his skin. The moment soon passes, however, and the teen makes his way to the room he was allotted. Looking around for a moment, Adjutor picks up his journal and opens it up to find that apparently some new pages have appeared in the spell/equipment section and in the actual journal itself.

Ignoring this for now, Adjutor flips to a map of what he's explored of the Nexus thus far. The enchantments soon go into effect, new desings showing up to reflect new areas he's explored and any changes in areas he's already been to. He didn't even need to turn the pages to the spell book to know that the magic he learned from Ur and those glyphs he got from Elyssa are already being stored there. Finally, the last thing to show up was the approximate location of that flash, relative to his vantage point when he saw it. As the Elementals' own approximations showed up, the circle representing the general area where the flash had been seen grew smaller until Adjutor was left with a three block-radius zone to explore.

"Not bad," the teen remarked, "Not bad at all..."
« Last Edit: May 23, 2015, 07:37:25 PM by I_care_not_till_I_must »
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Cu Chulainn

He waited as she dressed, a possible follower of that goddess . The presence of the crows continued to leave a bad taste in his mouth, no doubt for a hero who faced such misfortune. But never mind that, he shouldn't be so rude. This was just a personal matter and he was just receiving free booze and lodgings from an attractive vampire. Oh the things he does for strong drink and women.

"Ready?" she asked with a smile.

She was stunning, a stark contrast from her earlier pajamas. Cu couldn't help, but beam at her new appearance as he could finally drink in the sight of her shapely form. Those legs. Oh those legs...

"Always," he replied as his eyes flashed eagerly for action, "Like always, lead the way."

On 3/22/15, at 10:09 AM, Donkey Punch Fucker! wrote:
> On 3/22/15, at 10:07 AM, ReverseLogic wrote:
> > seriously, again, I ran one of the weakest characters. you keep obsessing over abilities and powers
> Power, it's something so... so intangible. Yet, has such a strong grip upon me. I... I want it. I desire it, in my hands, in my life, in my soul. And once I have, I will simply want more, while jealously guarding what I have.