Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - April 13, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 50899 times)


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Nova Tibertius

Demons are creatures that are capable of thoughts and feelings, as evident by the ghost creatures being able to study and avoid his attacks.  These demons were capable of quick thinking and strategy.  In some ways, it was hard for him to kill these creatures, to end their life without consent or consideration for their feelings.

Nova watched as the downed demon charged him, injured but still able to rush in for an attack.  He kept it alive out of mercy and to use its power against the ghostly creatures. Now that the creatures had shown the capacity to avoid projectiles, he had no more use for the demons.

He kept his attention focused on the ghostly creatures for a brief second, taking note of the direction of their approach.  He let the demon close in on him, waiting until he could feel the heat that surrounded him.  It felt like a living oven had approached him. He could feel his body transitioning from the cold to hot.

Using his one handed style, he delivered several sword slashes to the demon in less than a second.  He aimed for the arms, chest, abdomen and shoulders in that order.

"So basically, its impossible to close.  Did you open this tear in space?"  He asked while attempting to kill the demon, his tone serious with a hint of annoyance.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2015, 03:36:17 AM by yinsukin »

Umbra of Chaos

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Ghost Child

The spirit flitted from filing cabinet to filing cabinet and moved through multiple stacks of papers and desks as it wandered the room. Then with his face filled with an adorable look of concentration he expended some Essence and darkness swirled around before transforming into phantoms.

There were two of them and they looked like a dark reflection of Ghost Child himself but they were broken. Their skin was covered in spiderweb cracks and there were large holes punched into different parts of their bodies. While each of them moved to hide he sank into the ground and just waited and watched. He had to check if the man was a bad man. Then he could punish him.

Mata Boyd

The sewage worker simply ignored the stuck up bitch walking on water and gave the more reasonable man her attention. "Considering that you all didn't even check with our office and tell us that you were making an appearance I suppose your plan is basically wandering through here until you find something with tentacles and praying it's the same monster? I don't actually want to know how long it took for you all to come up with this plan."

She sighed and pulled out a small flask of some foul, green liquid before uncorking it, lifting her mask, and drinking it. For the few scant moments her mask was up one could see bright blue eyes and extremely pale skin. Then she strapped her mask back on and pocketed the now empty flask.

"Administration does not pay me enough for this shit. Anyways I've already categorized parts of the sewer based on its state for the last couple of weeks with the help of a few other workers down here. The last week or so was some nasty fights between some pink, hairless, gorilla things and basically everything else is this sewer although they've mostly gone missing. Right now Jesus cop is heading over to the place with the ugly rat things. If you want to head for the unclaimed areas that are basically used as universal transit here you'll want to follow me. You'll have a better chance of finding your monster there."

Then she started to walk off in the opposite direction of the officers and gestured them to follow.

Cherry Lover

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Sakura opened what she thought was the door to the room they had left Togan in, only to find that, instead of the combined bedroom and living room that Iri had taken them to, she was instead now looking out onto an idyllic lake, with green fields, chirping birds and a sunny sky. In the distance, she could see a man fishing at a dock.

Odd. I could have sworn that this was the right door, she said, turning around to leave, assuming she had found some sort of back exit to the castle

But, before she could get more than a few steps down the corridor, she had a sudden realisation.

Hang on, we're in the middle of a city. Where did all the buildings go? And it was snowing when I arrived. It was most certainly not as warm, either, she thought, realising that something very odd was happening.

She decided to turn around and investiate, suspecting that Togan may have had something to do with it. And, indeed, as she moved closer to the dock, she noticed that the man standing there was indeed Togan.

Where did the room go? she thought.

As she got closer, he turned around and spoke to her.

"Oh, Sakura! You are just in time. Do you mind holding this fishing cane for one or two seconds?" he said.

“W..where did all this come from?” she asked confusedly. “What happened to the room? And, where did your kitchen go?”

Nevertheless, she reached out and took the fishing rod, not wanting to appear rude.


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Shirou (HF)

The mysterious helmet responded to Shirou's question about the place with this answer.

"As for this place, it is Sakura Matou's home, obviously. Such a thing should be evident by itself, but let me clear you on a few more details. For one, this house belonging to my master Sakura is situated in some sort of rift. Well, to call it a dimension would be more appropriate, but I digress. Truth be told, whether it is a world, a timeline or a dimensional anomaly is not important. However, this nexus is one that suckles upon all that is possible for it to take hold of, be it people, possession or places. One could almost compare it to a beastly existence that devours all in it's path and makes it part of itself. And it seems you have stumbled upon a similar fate most likely."

The boy was uncertain what kind of place the nexus was since he got here. He entered the mysterious portal on the off chance he he would find the woman he loves, and though he was successful in doing so, she was not the same in her mannerisms as he last knew her. Still, while certain bits of her actions were troubling, such as how desperate she was in trying to protect the other Shirou, to him Sakura was still Sakura and the strange behavior would go back to normal after a while of living a normal life again. Logically since he had seen another version of himself, there was a chance this Sakura was not the same as the one he knew, but for some unexplainable reason he was certain she was the same woman he fought so hard to protect. The newly arrived Tohsaka Rin on the other hand seemed to be a different Tohsaka then he once knew. Yet, it didn't really bother him because regardless of were she's from she was the same Tsundere girl both he and Sakura cared for. The nexus, this strange place had prematurely took the woman he loved from him for three years. After finding her in the nexus, her time apart seemed to have cause her some more mental trauma. There was little doubt Shirou held a grudge against this place for doing so, though he was hesitant to make any further judgments on this place till he knew more about it.

As Shirou was thinking, the mysterious stops and chuckles before replying.

"Oh, my. I have been most improper, sir Shirou. My name is-"

But before the helmet finishes his reply he stops and pauses for a second. The helmet then looks at Rider and ask her.

"Rider, what is happening?"

Rider then responds.

“I don't know, but Sakura looks worried. I'm going to go check it out, she could be in danger”, she responded.

After hearing these words, a panic entered his heart, what if Sakura was in danger? Shirou looks at the mysterious helmet before addressing him.

"I'm sorry, but it looks like we'll have to continue this conversation later. Sakura might be in danger so I have to be there."

And with that the boy charges full speed in the general direction he saw Rider go. It appears she was heading toward the basement, so he made a full dash to get there. As he was approaching the Matou basement a sick feeling emerged in the pit of his stomach. This was the placed where the woman he loved suffered so much pain, the fact she had to live here again since she arrived, it's no wonder she was in the state she was in. Shirou clenches his teeth at the taught of Sakura's suffering in this place. It was at this moment Shirou swore to himself to do everything in his power to help heal and nature the woman he loved. As he enters the the basement he sees Rider who had recently entered  as well as Sakura and Rin who was only wearing a towel, along with a familiarly looking intruder on his knees right in-front of Sakura. Shirou looks at the man for a second before addressing him.

"Who are you? And what is it you're doing here?"

It seemed the man was no treat at the moment, but the man did just mysteriously intrude so the boy felt that questions needed to be answered.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2015, 05:38:08 PM by theunknownhero »
Even I have something I must protect.


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Tohuw Balagan

As soon as Sakura grabbed the fishing cane, she was dragged down the water below, as if it finally caught something. Something BIG, like a whale.

“Whoops.” Tohuw nonchalantly said, a smug smile crawling up his face.

Then, he got up and sighed. Clapping his hands, he allowed Sakura to come back, falling from the sky and landing on the grassy floor as gently as a cherry blossom.


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Emily furrowed her brow for a moment at Mordred's reply, not entirely because of the second tirade against vampires, but because of the last bit.

"Hold on, about this person who helped you before now," Emily started, ignoring the other two, "Did they ask for anything in return? Or were they just helping you out of the kindness of their heart? The first I trust, the second I'd rather avoid."


"He kept his promise, never asked me for any compensation and saved my life. I'll be frank, Caster is one of few trustworthy people here." Mordred replied without hesitation. She though concealed his true name. She knew that there are people looking for him as well, and that if a Servant wanted to continue here that Holy Grail War thing, it's better to keep that secret secret.


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Sakagami Kenzo

Kenzo finally reached what seemed to be a storage room of sorts. He could feel that spirit’s presence getting closer and closer, a slight chill in the air if you consider it as such. Still, he couldn’t tell where the child was. Perhaps in a drawer? The demon proceeded to open them one by one and hum a little tune.

« Heeeeeey? Kiddoooooo? You theeeeeeeeeeeereeeeeeeeeee? »


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“M’kay, I’ll see you later then.” Irisviel tiredly said as she turned away and walked off towards her bedroom. As soon as she got there, she sighed in relief. The contract had made her really exhausted, and while she hoped they’d get along fine, she was far too sleepy to consider going to make sure they played nice. She plopped down on the soft bed and passed out, snoring softly on top of the covers.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The immortal frowned at the kid for a moment before bopping him on head.

"Oi, kid, where'd that come from?" Michael said, "I'm just saying they'll probably need a moment to themselves, that's all. The hydromancer here is just offering her a shoulder to lean on until she can compose herself. Until then, we're pretty much unnecessary."


Thankfully, it wasn't long before Seras happened across one of the many hospitals in Nexus city. Even better, while her cargo did look pretty badly shaken up, none of their visible injuries looked lethal and she could still feel the pulse of life coursing through their vein. Impressive, considering the devastation she'd retrieved them from.

Humans really are fascinating creatures. Wouldn't you agree, Mr. Bernadotte?

Come now, you shouldn't act like they're completely foreign to you.

Maybe not, but they grow further distant each day. Like it or not, I'm a monster now, as much as I try to act otherwise.

Maybe, but that doesn't mean you're not still you.


It didn't take long to arrive at the hospital, though to say things went smoothly upon arrival would be to tell a blatant lie. After all, it's not every day a girl wearing nothing but the tattered, scorched remains of the outfit she'd left the house with arrives carrying a fully armed and armored soldier and another girl who was barely any better off so far as attire went. Regardless, the staff eventually got their act together and rushed the two in on stretchers, leaving Seras by herself in the waiting room with nothing better to do than wait.
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses

Umbra of Chaos

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The mage sighed and looked at the whole thing with disinterest. "It doesn't really matter what opened it, does it? They won't stop pouring out and something more than the fodder will start spawning soon."

As the rest of the demons converged on Nova and the tear rift began to spew out even more demons Urthemiel simply walked off the roof and glowed brightly before taking the form of a glorious eagle. It gracefully flew through the air away from the roof without a second thought about the Fade tear. There was no point in lingering considering how unimportant that person was. She had other concerns.

Ghost Child

The child was unnaturally still as he phased into the floor but his phantoms were not so subtle. When the redheaded man opened the drawer the phantom within it launched itself at his head and screamed "Surprise!".

The Prisoner

It had decided that it was finished familiarizing itself with this false world. The time had come to repay that world for the humiliation of imprisonment. A dark hand was raised to the heavens and it spoke the word, and the word was OPEN. What else could existence do but obey?

Reality was torn asunder by the authority alone within the being that commanded it, and despite the nature of the Nexus nothing could stop the prisoner from leaving it. The grand break in reality showed a sickly looking planet with a dim sun and a darkened moon. It ascended into the new universe without any fanfare and snapped its fingers. There would be no arrogance in this. Only an end.

The stars winked out of existence. Everything in creation simply began to vanish and leave only darkness. Several chunks of the planet over time until it was finally all gone. And as the sun and moon ceased to be the wound in the sky slowly shut and disappeared seamlessly.


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Emiya Shirou

At Rider's agitation and suggestion, that Sakura was in danger, Shirou looked at the dismembered metal head and said, "I'm sorry, but I really need to go."  He carefully sat the head down the coffee table before following the Servant down into the basement.

His blood ran cold as soon as he entered the basement.  He almost expected to hear the skitter of worms lurking in the darkness as his heart began to thunder in his ears.  "Sakura?" he called out, his eyes growing use to the gloom. 

Heat flooded is cheeks as he saw Tohsaka wearing naught but a towel and standing in front of a very familiar man, her crest a sickly green glow.  Sakura was barely on her feet, and automatically Shirou moved to her as he felt something knot in his stomach.  He was vaguely reminded of Archer, but that wasn't right.  The hair was still red even tough it was fading and the eyes were still golden. 

"Sakura, are you okay?" Shirou asked as he pulled her into his arms and glared at his other self.


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He left.  He transformed into a bird and left.  Normally Nova would admire such a feat, as transformation magic was something he always wanted to learn.  However, that woman was the most irresponsible elder he had ever seen.  Despite her obvious magical power and knowledge, she didn't even bother to try to close the tear.

The demon in front of him fell to the ground, chopped into bits.  All at once, many more demons and ghost like creatures emerged from the tear, all wanting his head.  The ghost creatures that tried to flank him were now coming in from behind.  Moving at top speed, Nova avoided the ghost like creatures by maneuvering in between them.  Once he got away from them, he opened a portal and ran through it, arriving several blocks away.

Despite how obnoxiously irresponsible that woman was, he did learn a little bit about the tear from her.  Although, he wanted to know more about the police station event and the source of that crazy light in the distance.  So in hindsight, he really only wasted his energy moving around.  There was also the issue of the tear.  Those demons will be running around the streets of this city now and there was nothing anyone could do to stop it.  Still, there was nothing he could do, so he kept walking down the street, looking for more information.


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Sakagami Kenzo

Instead of showing surprise at the suddenly appearing phantom, Kenzo sighed before tapping it on the head. It quickly vanished like dissipating mist. Frowning, he scratched his head and kept chewing on his pipe.

"Did you say something?"


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Richard Maxwell

“Shut up. Just shut up.” Richard snapped, looking down all while wiping the girl’s face off.

Caressing the girl’s cheek, he let her hair flow between his fingers before hugging her again.

“I’m not doing this because I give a damn about you. It’s just that you’re crying so pitifully I can’t help but want to puke. You are pathetic, you make me sick to my stomach. So sick I think I’ll go crazy any moment. I’d probably feel better if you just dropped dead, but I don’t even care enough to bother. That is how pathetic you are.” He snapped, harsh words without a tint of emotion.

“But that’s no good. I’m not feeling good at all, and it’s all your fault. It’s not like I care, but you are littering this whole damn place with your tears. If you keep this up, the whole place will be dirty again and there won’t be anyone left to clean it. I can't stand to see someone cry. That’s all.”

Then, he got up and wiped her eyes with his scarf again. Sighing, he bit his lip and turned around.
He really was a terrible actor.

“Come. You can’t stay with rags all day. “


As the evil presence vanished, the girl was genuinely stunned. It disappeared just like that? It wasn't the end? Stunned, she snapped out of it as Richard admonished her, calling her pathetic and weak. "You are a bad liar, ya know. I'm glad you care even if you seen me like that. Forget what I said, it seems it's not our last hour." She stood up, smiling weakly at the man.


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Richard Maxwell

Tch. You idiot…

“Whatever, get your ass moving and don’t complain. It’s going to get dark soon, you’ll get cold.” Said Richard, walking forward without looking back once.

It’s not like she’d have any problem keeping up with him, not that her getting lost would trouble him the slightest. After all, he really didn't care one bit about what trouble that girl would get in. If she got into a mess of her own making, she'd have to get out herself.

On second thought that wouldn’t be good. There are many beasts that dwell in the night. If she got lost, who knew what could happen to her? She could get killed, or-

No. Thinking about the stunts she pulled off earlier, Richard shook his head. Whatever bloodsucker she’d encounter would probably become history. But she was an idiot, so someone could definitely take advantage of that. No good, no good either. He’d have to make sure she was safe. Not because he cared or anything, but it would be troublesome if she did become a vampire.

This was getting troublesome. Since when did he become so soft? This was unlike him, it was probably better to stop thinking about such things.

“What is your name again?”