Shirou (HF)
The mysterious helmet responded to Shirou's question about the place with this answer.
"As for this place, it is Sakura Matou's home, obviously. Such a thing should be evident by itself, but let me clear you on a few more details. For one, this house belonging to my master Sakura is situated in some sort of rift. Well, to call it a dimension would be more appropriate, but I digress. Truth be told, whether it is a world, a timeline or a dimensional anomaly is not important. However, this nexus is one that suckles upon all that is possible for it to take hold of, be it people, possession or places. One could almost compare it to a beastly existence that devours all in it's path and makes it part of itself. And it seems you have stumbled upon a similar fate most likely."
The boy was uncertain what kind of place the nexus was since he got here. He entered the mysterious portal on the off chance he he would find the woman he loves, and though he was successful in doing so, she was not the same in her mannerisms as he last knew her. Still, while certain bits of her actions were troubling, such as how desperate she was in trying to protect the other Shirou, to him Sakura was still Sakura and the strange behavior would go back to normal after a while of living a normal life again. Logically since he had seen another version of himself, there was a chance this Sakura was not the same as the one he knew, but for some unexplainable reason he was certain she was the same woman he fought so hard to protect. The newly arrived Tohsaka Rin on the other hand seemed to be a different Tohsaka then he once knew. Yet, it didn't really bother him because regardless of were she's from she was the same Tsundere girl both he and Sakura cared for. The nexus, this strange place had prematurely took the woman he loved from him for three years. After finding her in the nexus, her time apart seemed to have cause her some more mental trauma. There was little doubt Shirou held a grudge against this place for doing so, though he was hesitant to make any further judgments on this place till he knew more about it.
As Shirou was thinking, the mysterious stops and chuckles before replying.
"Oh, my. I have been most improper, sir Shirou. My name is-"
But before the helmet finishes his reply he stops and pauses for a second. The helmet then looks at Rider and ask her.
"Rider, what is happening?"
Rider then responds.
“I don't know, but Sakura looks worried. I'm going to go check it out, she could be in danger”, she responded.
After hearing these words, a panic entered his heart, what if Sakura was in danger? Shirou looks at the mysterious helmet before addressing him.
"I'm sorry, but it looks like we'll have to continue this conversation later. Sakura might be in danger so I have to be there."
And with that the boy charges full speed in the general direction he saw Rider go. It appears she was heading toward the basement, so he made a full dash to get there. As he was approaching the Matou basement a sick feeling emerged in the pit of his stomach. This was the placed where the woman he loved suffered so much pain, the fact she had to live here again since she arrived, it's no wonder she was in the state she was in. Shirou clenches his teeth at the taught of Sakura's suffering in this place. It was at this moment Shirou swore to himself to do everything in his power to help heal and nature the woman he loved. As he enters the the basement he sees Rider who had recently entered as well as Sakura and Rin who was only wearing a towel, along with a familiarly looking intruder on his knees right in-front of Sakura. Shirou looks at the man for a second before addressing him.
"Who are you? And what is it you're doing here?"
It seemed the man was no treat at the moment, but the man did just mysteriously intrude so the boy felt that questions needed to be answered.