Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - April 13, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 50905 times)


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Sakura’s moans increased in intensity as they reached a crescendo. He rubbed her in her sensitive place, eliciting great shivers of pleasure from her. “Ss-senpai!” She squealed.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Shirou swayed, almost toppling over when Mia moved to hug him at lightning speed, her face buried as much as possible into his armored chest. Both of his arms gently wrapped around her back, although doing even that much caused them to shake from the effort.

“Who are you?” he asked, looking up at the strange man in front of him.
YOLF: "Do ghosts have aids"

YOLF: Even if God forgives you, you shall not forgive yourself for being here [in CE].


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Professor Faustus

“Oh, I supposed you didn’t notice me earlier. That doesn’t surprise me, my master and her-other servant- were really hogging the limelight, but no matter." He chuckled to himself, amused that people had failed to notice him twice today.  "You may call me Caster, young man," He began to explain in a slightly patronizing voice before it became softer, as soon as he mentioned Sakura. "And I am the servant of Sakura Matou, a young woman who, luckily for you, cares greatly about your survival. Now that you’re awake, what shall you be doing?” He asked bluntly.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2015, 05:42:10 AM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Emiya "The Bar" Shirou

Shirou leaned forward and kissed his lover, relishing her taste and scent.  He could smell the sweet musk of her lust as it bathed his fingers while he continued to stroke and tease the tiny nubbin.  Spurred by her cries, he carefully pushed her onto the bed and slid down her body, hitching her skirt up even more.

There was the annoying barrier of her panties, but a quick tug from his free hand ripped them apart.  Then he moved his head between her supple thighs, appreciated the sight of her gleaming pink folds, and began to suck and lick where his fingers had been teasing.


“I.. I'm sorry”, Shirou said, almost in tears. “I thought she was my wife. I'm so sorry, I really didn't want her to get hurt like this. I hope she'll be OK....”

Rin sighed, shook her head, and said, "It can't be helped, I guess Emiya Shirou's always an idiot no matter what the reality.  Come on, I'm freezing and this room makes me want to punch someone."

She looked at Rider and asked, "Can you show him to the kitchen while I get dressed?"


Forest bit her lip, looked at Lancer and then the green-around the gills Abigail as Law eased her out of the car.  She gestured to the car then the redhead.  "That car was made before fiberglass became a thing; its mostly steel which is mostly iron.  Basically she was riding around in something that is both zapping her strength and making her sick at the same time."

She moved over to Law and Abigail and said, "Get her over to that tree over there and she'll perk up.  She needs to restore her connection to the Earth."  Indeed, there was a patch of grass with a very large oak tree nearby that the blond pointed at.


Abigail felt heat fill her cheeks as she had to literally lean on Law for support as he helped her away from the steel deathtrap.  She clutched his arm with white fingers as she took slow, and measured steps away from the damned car.

"I'm sorry, but it was the only way to get everything back without risking it falling off the broom..." Law said as she leaned against him, an apologetic smile on his face. "I'll make it up to you later. Somehow."

Abby nodded and said, "I know, plus following me on the broom right now might be madness."

She was surprised that Forest knew exactly what was going on and how to fix it, then she remembered that Forest had been Lady Umbra's retainer for a good while. 

"Um. Hi. So uh, why are you here?"

"Well, your brand new and shiny Servant wants to commit retro-active suicide," Forest said with a smile, "He pretty much is going to try to kill Calico."


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Cu Chulainn


Forest bit her lip, looked at Lancer and then the green-around the gills Abigail as Law eased her out of the car.  She gestured to the car then the redhead.  "That car was made before fiberglass became a thing; its mostly steel which is mostly iron.  Basically she was riding around in something that is both zapping her strength and making her sick at the same time."

She moved over to Law and Abigail and said, "Get her over to that tree over there and she'll perk up.  She needs to restore her connection to the Earth."  Indeed, there was a patch of grass with a very large oak tree nearby that the blond pointed at.


Abigail felt heat fill her cheeks as she had to literally lean on Law for support as he helped her away from the steel deathtrap.  She clutched his arm with white fingers as she took slow, and measured steps away from the damned car.

"I'm sorry, but it was the only way to get everything back without risking it falling off the broom..." Law said as she leaned against him, an apologetic smile on his face. "I'll make it up to you later. Somehow."

Abby nodded and said, "I know, plus following me on the broom right now might be madness."

She was surprised that Forest knew exactly what was going on and how to fix it, then she remembered that Forest had been Lady Umbra's retainer for a good while. 

"Um. Hi. So uh, why are you here?"

"Well, your brand new and shiny Servant wants to commit retro-active suicide," Forest said with a smile, "He pretty much is going to try to kill Calico."

There were only two of them. That boyo that failed to heed his earlier warning and that nice red-head that Forest deems as a friend. Cu found it odd. The Servant seems to be absent. He couldn't quite sense his presence, nor even see him. This was worrying. Now that he has attained a body, his ability to seek out spiritual bodies is at best, questionable. Was he actually gone or is he still here?

"Speaking of Servant, where's Archer? Isn't he supposed to be contracted with you?" the former Servant asked Law.

On 3/22/15, at 10:09 AM, Donkey Punch Fucker! wrote:
> On 3/22/15, at 10:07 AM, ReverseLogic wrote:
> > seriously, again, I ran one of the weakest characters. you keep obsessing over abilities and powers
> Power, it's something so... so intangible. Yet, has such a strong grip upon me. I... I want it. I desire it, in my hands, in my life, in my soul. And once I have, I will simply want more, while jealously guarding what I have.


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Sakura blushed profusely as Shirou buried his face into her nether regions. The way he was devouring her most sensitive place with such a voracious appetite looked so very indecent, but it felt so good! She bit her lip and moaned, feeling her juices leak out from her vagina, and felt herself get closer and closer to orgasm as he mercilessly pleasured her.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Every Day Until You Like It, Shirou

Shirou felt his own need spike as Sakura tried to muffle her little moans, her embarrassment charming him all over again.  Her lust soaked his face, but he didn't care.  In fact he relished the tang of her on his tongue as he traced the kanji of their names over and over again on the quickly retreating nub.  Not satisfied until she lost herself, Shirou wrapped his lips around the sensitive point and began to suck with all of his very being. 


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Her Summer fellow's reply just deepened her frown further, then flash of motion caught her attention before she realized that Law had just carted Abby off, literally, and left them alone.

Annoyance sparked into something more, and Emily had to take a few moments to calm herself, anger bubbling just beneath the surface.

"To clarify," Emily said, "You're telling me that a Mage of all people assisted you, didn't ask for compensation, and would be willing to shelter us? Have you had any dealing with mages prior to this? I'll admit that my freehold hasn't had too many dealings with them either, but what few have been more than enough. In my experience, Mages will seek Arcadia. Whether it's ours or something unique to them, I don't know, but they're perfectly willing to take their chances with our version. Are you really willing to risk that?"


"You really had not enough dealings with them. See, many of those that I met, wandering from freehold to freehold while serving in my Entitlement, don't give a rat's ass about Arcadia. Some seek communion with the realm where we are all supposed to go after we croak, one told me about place where nature spirits dwell. As long as they keep their oaths and are honest, I don't mind them. And I even cooperated with a one when some group tried to 'retrieve' Tokens and magical items alike at any cost. I will say it again. So far Caster haven't done anything to breach my trust and he saved my life. I'm in his debt, and while he doesn't demand anything of me, I'm always paying my debts. I'm not a knight just for show." Mordred explained to Emily, once again declaring that she trusts Faust. "Besides, he is not even a Mage. He is a ghost of somebody long dead. His magic must been different from those that Mages wield."


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Sakagami Kenzo

Sakagami Kenzo sighed, twirling the pipe around with his tongue. No response, it seemed. Even if that ghost child kept harming people, he really didn't want to beat him into submission. After all, he was too soft to lay a hand on a kid. Besides, if a spirit does not want to pass over...

There isn't much one can do in this situation. If one was to stop that child, it would hardly be the likes of Kenzo. He hated to admit it, but this was far beyond his league. Still, he could-

"Hey, kid. Where are your parents anyway?" he asked, loudly enough for the spirit to hear even if he went further away.


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Sakura stopped trying to hide her moans and they increased in intensity as she began to shriek, losing herself in the pleasure. After a short time, she couldn’t hold it any longer, and she screamed as she came, her juices squirting all over her lover.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2015, 03:09:24 AM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Shower Fresh Shirou

Sakura's screams spurred him on until she arched and Shirou was literally drenched by her.  He smiled as he gently laid her back down on the bed before pulling away, taking off his shirt and going to unbutton his pants.  He enjoyed the sight of Sakura's soaked and trembling form as he kicked off his jeans after his shirt.


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Sakura and Senpai sitting in a tree, F-U-C-K-I-N-G. . .

Sakura laid contentedly on the bed, panting from the exhilarating feeling of ejaculation. She spread her legs for Shirou as he undressed, inviting him to penetrate her with a smile.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Shirou Ain't Gonna Sheath His Dagger

Shirou smiled back at her, enjoying the sight before settling between her supple legs. He was swollen and hard for her, pushing into her folds slowly at first, savoring it.  Tight, wet heat wrapped around him like the perfect sheath, and he could not hold back anymore.

With a cry, he thrust into her until he was hilt deep, angling her hips up to get even deeper inside of her.


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But He Just Did, Into Sakura’s Sheath!

Sakura began to cry as Shirou penetrated her. She was so happy that they were finally able to do this again. She’d only been able to dream of it for ages, and now—and now it was finally happening. “Senpai!” She yelled in a  voice filled with elation, grabbing him into a fierce hug when he began to thrust into her.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Shirou, The Jackhammer!

Her legs wrapped around his waist as she pulled him close to her as Sakura called out to him.  Shirou's heart soared at the honorific that had become a pet name for him over the years, but Sakura was so tight and hot around him.  He felt as if she would pull him into her, fusing them into one being and neither knew when the other would begin or end.

Then the rest of his reason began to slip away as he pulled back and began to thrust into Sakura, opening her up to him and going faster and harder.  Sweat began to drip down his toned muscles as he held her tightly and moved in and out of her, savoring the way her body gripped him.  Ah, like a trained prostitute . . .  It feels so good that I want to vomit.