Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 120470 times)

The Man With All The Cute Boats

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Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016
« on: October 22, 2015, 02:02:09 AM »
"I do apologize for interrupting your conversation, however I have business with the cur in front of you," I said, my voice cold, "I would very much appreciate it if you could step aside. After all, I would not want to involve someone unrelated  with my dispute with her."
Ragna turned for a second at the vampire's voice, and noticed she was powering up or some dumb crap. What an blowhard, he thought to himself. If Rachel could be beat showing off and talking like a pretentious turd, Terumi'd have cleaned her off the board ages ago.

"Hey, wait your turn or buzz off. I'm talkin' here," Ragna just yelled back, before returning his focus to the bunny-leech.

Rachel Alucard

“For once your ignorance is understandable, Ragna. And honestly, I don’t know myself why you’re here, but you’re in Nexus City. It looks like my teleportation magic went ary somehow.” Despite being several feet shorter than him, it looked like she was looking down on him. “I’ve been meeting all sorts of familiar faces today. I just got finished talking to Noel.”

"Oh, so once again I'm dragged into shit because of you. Geez, it never ends..." He sighed heavily, and loosened his stance. At the same time, some anger drained out of his face. "So... you met Noel. Is she... I mean, she's alright? In one piece?"
« Last Edit: January 20, 2021, 09:39:58 PM by SINIB »

Umbra of Chaos

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Her hands gently moved to grip the girl's shoulders and while the hold was not painful it was firm. The Old God's tone was gentle but it held a note of unbending steel to it. "Then you do know what you must do? If your friend has died then whatever has taken on his form cannot be him. If it is a demon that it will try to trick you and deceive you but this perversion of your friend's self cannot stand. I do not need to know him to understand that he did not deserve to have his name smeared into the dirt like this."

Urthemiel's grip relaxed and her hands drifted to her side. Still noble and graceful even in that almost lazy action. "If you want to help whatever remains of your friend then you need to remove this demon. It is more than possible you won't be able to do it alone so I would suggest you acquire more help to track down this 'Tohuw' and make him answer for what he has done before removing him from this world. If you have already found another I would be more than willing to help but even I cannot risk myself in such a unknown situation. I hope you understand."

There was a tinge of fire in her voice but it had mostly faded. Instead a lingering note of sadness or pity echoed in those last words. She closed her eyes for a moment and sighed. "Is there anything else you need answered?"


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Medaka Kurokami

"Then you do know what you must do? If your friend has died then whatever has taken on his form cannot be him. If it is a demon that it will try to trick you and deceive you but this perversion of your friend's self cannot stand. I do not need to know him to understand that he did not deserve to have his name smeared into the dirt like this."

Medaka's eyes widened at the advice given by the woman. Yes, she was right.  In her emotional instability Medaka clinged to her personal creed, the idea that strangers must be trusted.  Yet, in doing so, she failed to respect the memory of her fallen comrade.  Of course, there was more to it than just that.  She also truly wanted to believe he was alive, so that her greatest mistake could be undone and she "trusted" him to that end.  But now she understood that such a mindset would only desecrate the name of Lorenzo Remi.

As Bellitanus's arms relaxed, Medaka looked down and her own muscles relaxed.  Her somewhat passionate words that followed gave Medaka a sense of sympathy, relief and even comfort.  It was almost as if she knew him somehow. But she was now far too consumed with this new emotion to bother inquiring about her true identity.

As Bellitanus finished her speech, Medaka's hand visibly started shaking in a display of frustration and anger but her face remained calm. 

"No I understand.  And don't worry, I dont need anymore questions answered.  From this point on we will walk our own paths. I hope to see you again in this city someday.  So please, don't die out there."  Medaka said, speaking without filter.  She then opened both of the castle doors, revealing the ominous white suns illuminating the previously white sky.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2015, 03:39:38 PM by yinsukin »


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Just a few more moments and...there! Systems have been completely re-calibrated from that bizarre happenstance outside.

"I'm fine, bloodsucker." She reiterated.

With those suns outside that almost caused complete system failure, the Warmonger realized that she was now limited to the run-down church for the time being. "That light outside isn't agreeing with my systems," Elyssa began, "So you keep your distance from me until it dies down, and we won't have to find out who's reflexes are quicker. Understand?"


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“Your...Your friend looks a lot like someone I know, and care about deeply. I thought she was my friend. I’m sorry Mordred.” She said sadly. “I’ll treat you to coffee to apologize. I just made a lot of money, so it’s no problem. We can talk about whatever you want while there.”

"Thank you, but you don't need to apologize. You aren't at fault." Mordred sighed. Noel shouldn't have felt so bad for mistaking Emily for her friend. Maybe she was one of those people with low self esteem. She wondered why, she seemed to be a reliable person even if she for now only has seen her healing Henry's wounds. She was able to recognize competent people pretty quickly. "Yeah, there are few things I want to talk about, let's go."

And so they went. She took a seat in a corner of the cafe where she was sure their whispers couldn't be heard well if Mord was to bring up something she considered to be only for their ears. She really hoped that Noel on her part would not leak something classified just like Arthuria. Yeah, she had to talk about that too later on.

"I talked with your colleague, Saber, about joining Elites. Is there anything I should bear in mind when applying? I'm confident in my own abilities, but it's always better to know beforehand what kind of people you look for.", she asked Noel. Unfortunately Arthuria wasn't an Elite herself for some reason (or maybe because she gossiped around too much), so she didn't tell her anything particular. 


“I see.” Sakura said with a frown before composing herself. “I-I’m sorry for being so rude when we first met, okay? Do you think we could get off on a fresh start?”

"Of course. I'm not upset about that." Noriko wasn't one to hold grudges and she had an interest to stay on a good side of her potential employer. She extended her hand to Sakura to show that she was willing to put aside the misunderstanding too.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2015, 06:20:23 PM by Kat »

Emperor's Hammer

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"I'm fine, bloodsucker." She reiterated.

I was in shock. As she called me that, I reeled in shock a bit before sitting down on a nearby bench, shocked by this. How could I be mistaken for a child of Caine, the man who indirectly caused so many of my compatriots to die? The one who taught lies, deceit, and brought evil to us, the purest of God's creations? No, this had to be some mistake, it couldn't be!

I wanted to respond back, but I was being overwhelmed by the memories of the war in heaven. I had witnessed the first murder firsthand, I had seen Caine as he had killed his brother while thinking he was doing right by God. I had been paralyzed with horror as I watched it, Abel pleading for his life as Caine viciously bashed his ckull in with a rock, the most basic of tools.

My mind then flashed to the effects, the difference this caused in the war of the angels. No longer were our conflicts bloodless and fought with honor, now they were bloodfests, with us killing our kin left and right, and I had to watch my brothers and sisters whom I had created the whole of creation with murder each other, their lives which had been previously eternal, snuffed out in an instant.

I could not take it, the emotions were welling up in me, and what little torment left in my soul was lashing out violently, and I was fighting an urge to lash out at the being that made this mistake. Unbeknownst to me, however, my ability to show visions had activated, and the images that I had been conjuring, the murders, the bloodfests, the horrors I had witnessed during the Age of Wrath were being transmitted straight into the mind of the being who had caused me to enter such a state of emotional turbulence.

However, after a few minutes, I was able to get my emotions under control, and I was emotionally drained, and I simply answered this, "I will keep my distance, child of man. However know this, I am not of Caine or his ilk." As I said this, it was clear that I was quite emotionally drained, and after that I took out the rosary that I had on me, and began praying on it on Latin, a habit I had picked up from my host to calm myself when I was feeling upset or sad. It brought me comfort to say these prayers and try to express to God my repentance for what I had done, and hope that some day he might just forgive me.

Brunhilde Furst

It seemed that his fellow who was an acquaintance of the bratty girl was called Ragna, and was not the most polite person himself. Why did it seem that everyone I was running into today was all sorts of rude. All I had done was try to intervene in a situation as my honor demanded, and this was the outcome. Such was the suffering of a knight in these times it seemed. However, I would not allow it to shake my faith in my code. Taking a deep breath, I simply began to speak, letting the man between me and my target know exactly what my intentions were.

"If it is turns we are talking about, then it is you who is interrupting," I said bluntly, before continuing, "Whatever your acquaintance did to bring you here was intended as a hostile action towards me, and I cannot sit back and leave it go unpunished. If you do not move out of the way, I will simply go around you to conduct my business."

As an afterthought, I also decided to give him fair warning about what would happen if he interfered, "And if you interfere, I will consider you as party to her challenge to my honor, and react accordingly."

With that said, I waited to see if the man in question would move out of the way, and fully prepared to defend myself, just in case he decided to take her side.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2015, 08:53:35 PM by Emperor's Hammer »


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Rachel Alucard

“Yes, she’s totally fine. I got the feeling she missed you.” She said, concealing a slight smile.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

The Man With All The Cute Boats

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Rachel Alucard

“Yes, she’s totally fine. I got the feeling she missed you.” She said, concealing a slight smile.
"If it is turns we are talking about, then it is you who is interrupting," I said bluntly, before continuing, "Whatever your acquaintance did to bring you here was intended as a hostile action towards me, and I cannot sit back and leave it go unpunished. If you do not move out of the way, I will simply go around you to conduct my business."

As an afterthought, I also decided to give him fair warning about what would happen if he interfered, "And if you interfere, I will consider you as party to her challenge to my honor, and react accordingly."
"Woah, okay! Can everyone not talk at once?" Ragna couldn't help but massage his forehead at the clashing noises, before pointing at the person wearing armor. "You, shut up. Rabbit, could you say that again?"


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Lone Wanderer:

"A samurai, eh? At least you speak English," The Lone Wanderer said.

Honestly, he doesn't know if samurais actually talk in such a crude manner. The only time he ever talked to one there was a language barrier. "Yeah, those scribbles are rather childish. You ever opened a door only to find a wall with a 'Fuck You' scribbled on it?  So uncalled for."

The robots Tenma sent in to scout suddenly fell apart. It was like they were dolls who had their seams pulled out, breaking in perfect lines. This was something completely new to Jeremy, trying to think of how a trap could pull off such a thing, and how it must feel to lose an arm in such a manner. This, combined with the explosion from earlier, is starting to make him have cold feet. "You know...," he began, "I like ruin crawling as much as the next guy, but there comes a point where you have to ask 'Is it really worth the trouble?'"

Vault 87 had the GECK. Travelling through the Dunwich Building was required to destroy Krivbekneh. The various subway systems were needed to travel through DC. What does this place have?
« Last Edit: October 24, 2015, 01:01:40 AM by MissingMandible »


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Rin blinked as Vanguard petted her head and said, “Haha, you’re right! Sorry, it was just a joke. Still, it’s a funny thought!”

She sighed and said, "No, I'm sorry.  I shouldn't have said that."

I just have some things I still haven't sorted out yet, she thought before she looked at the busty blond standing there.  She looked at Vanguard and asked, "So, who's the newest member in your harem, Armor-san?  I mean, we do have a lot of problems . . ."  She looked meaningfully to where Sakura was standing.


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“That’s good...” Sakura said, glancing back at Rin. “I guess it’s okay for Vanguard to hire you...” She said, obviously distracted, looking away from Rin purposefully.

Rider? Are you there? I want you to come to me, it's important. She thought to Rider with a depressed tone.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2015, 08:50:21 PM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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“Oh, um... They don’t really have, how do I put it, any real criteria as far as I know. As long as you can fight they’ll let you in, basically.” Noel said. “And it’s my fault for mistaking her, although the resemblance is scary...”

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Vanguard tilted his head slightly and turned to Seras. Silently, he gazed at the swirling mass of shadow oozing from her arm. It was a curious sight to say the least. The more he looked at it, the more he felt he was staring into an abyss.

"Ahem, Seras. That arm, what exactly is it? I've hardly seen something like quite it." He said calmly.

What is this feeling...


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"Wait, wait, to your place?  You're taking me home why?" Forest asked, her voice rising ever so slightly, "I mean . . . I don't . . . The sun will be out in a few hours and . . ."


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Sakagami Kenzo

Kenzo raised an eyebrow as he kept running around, confused, amused and slightly annoyed all at once. Closing his eyes, the runing oni-ferrari took a deep breath and spoke up.

"Huh? Come on, spell it out. Or is it a guessing game?" He said teasingly, growing a cheeky smile on his face.