Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 72028 times)


  • The God Tongue
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Garou XIII

Garou growled and showed his set of fangs before looking dead in Erica’s eye and spoke with a tone far from amused.

“Quit fucking around and pick one pizza. I don’t have the cash to buy the whole fuckin’ place, capiche?


Vanguard looked down smugly on the poor boy, his face the pinnacle of smugness and shady intentions. His delicate woman hands ran trough his pitiful orange hair and scratched him behind the ears like a kitten. Then, he played with his ear for a bit and pulled out an odd rainbow colored gem of sorts.

Grinning smugly, he whispered and handed him the very fucking precious rainbow diamond, barely loudly enough for Sakura not to hear it properly but for Shirou to get the memo.

"You better treat her to something nice."
« Last Edit: January 18, 2016, 05:15:39 PM by francobull3 »


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The Patchwork continued to eat while her acquaintance spoke but did listen and stop when Petra had finished. "That sounds nice. People really overlook how nice it is to have an infrastructure to rely on and something that you're willing to live by and die for. Makes you a much happier person. The town I come from is pretty small. Stuck on the fringe between a forest and a wasteland. I provided basically everything. I was going to plant a few more trees before I ended up here."

Lumen looked forlornly at the plain fish the saint was eating and held out the remaining golden liquid in her vial. "You want some? It will taste a lot better."


"What kind of spice it is? Was it expensive? I know myself how much this stuff can be worth, much of it was brought from an overseas country where somebody I know went, and merchants would charge an arm and a leg for it if they could." She sighed. Merchants. Many of them were sinners who needed to repent for their greed, opressors exploiting the toil of the poor for gain. In an ideal world there would be no currency, no state, just a Kingdom of God full of the true faithful altruistically helping one another. But alas, it was clearly not the promised time yet.

Umbra of Chaos

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The Old God had to suppress the instinctive desire to instantly annihilate the man who had dared to touch her. However, she was capable of restraint and seeing as how the class divide was not nearly as wide here she would need to adapt. This would just be practice. Of course, this didn't stop her from forming a paralysis glyph under his feet and gently moving out of his grasp. "Please refrain from wantonly touching people. It is rude and creates a bad impression."

As Urthemiel turned away from Darcy the magic faded and she began to focus on Emily. "Of course it isn't enough. Not even close. Even the greatest potential can be squandered if you are forced to use impotent tools. If anyone ever desires to do more than they require equipment perfect enough to match them. That's how progress works."


The blue haired girl immediately slapped her hand over her companion's mouth with a grip that was almost air tight. "Baring your fangs is considered a hostile gesture and can disrupt the mood of others. Please refrain from doing so while in public. Now, if there can only be one I would like an extra large pizza with every single topping."


"It is an extract from a great and powerful creature from what I've heard. I can't necessarily place a price but I guess it would be somewhere around a bar of pure gold? Maybe a bit more? But that's not important. You should really try it. Livens up the taste a lot." Lumen pushed the vial into Petra's hands as she finished up her fish. It wasn't like losing it was a real issue for her. A moment would be all that she needed to get more.


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Garou XIII

       Yes, that’s why I did it smartass!!
« Mhhhmph hmmmph mfhhh hmmmh!! »

Garou protested and objected, as livid as a livid man could be. He struggled to get her damn hand off his damn mouth, but then she just had to open her mouth again. The poor Garou groaned and rolled his eyes before resigning and looking down in abandon.

Fight on Garou, fight on.


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The Changeling cocked an eyebrow at Bellitanus's reply, noting that the woman more or less seemed to be agreeing with her regarding what ought to be done should the girl actually decide to follow her talents at a pianist. She didn't, however, see eye to eye with the use of some kind of ability, likely magic, to seemingly freeze Darcy in place. Allowing a slight frown, Emily spared Darcy the exasperated glance that his attempt to hit on the woman warranted before turning back to Ur.

"If nothing else, at least he has the courage to seek what he wants," the Changeling noted, "Or maybe he just likes playing around. That aside, I wasn't really arguing that she shouldn't get something custom-made for her if she actually wants to be a pianist, so I'm glad we can find common ground on this."
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


  • The God Tongue
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Darcy Hugh

Darcy gave a dead, pallid look to the fact his heart just shattered into a million pieces. He didn't seem to have noticed the fact he was paralyzed for the smallest while, and the gorgeous babe's words barely reached his psyche. They were more keen on lingering in his head and echoing like music.


And suddenly, a flash of inspiration! He looked up with the smuggest, proudest grin and puffed his chest with grandeur.

"You know, I can play too." He said, waving his hair back in a suave manner.


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The Hunter resisted the urge to sigh as Oren woke up and said her, wondering if the girl was actually this clueless

"That is actually a very good question," Annabeth noted, "Though the fact remains that I don't want to, so I suppose it's not really something worth worrying about."

"As for you," the Hunter continued, "In all fairness, you were a werewolf at the time and had just tried to rip my throat out. Also, this is Oren. Oren, this is Oka, and the admittedly cute flying worm is called Wormy."
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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The NOL officer frowned as the dim-witted cowgirl glossed over his prescence like he was irrelevant, with a sigh he spoke. "I guess I'm just scenery now huh, so much for being a major."
« Last Edit: January 19, 2016, 01:43:48 AM by Thedoctor »

Umbra of Chaos

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Eventually the divine instrument released Garou's mouth and the two ended up seated. The moment the food had arrived Erica tore into her dish with an almost mechanical grace. There was not even a single drop of sauce on her clothes or staining her face, but it wasn't long before she had finished her entire thing. However, without any food it wasn't long before the construct attempted to swipe one of Garou's slices.


It almost seemed as if the mage was going to have some words with the Changeling but refrained. The rising dragon that almost seemed to fill her frame vanished and was replaced with a placid calmness that allowed her to deal with the preening of the man. It was almost pathetic. You do not shove your talent or beauty into the faces of others. Though their own nature such things become the center of attention without the slightest degree of effort. But she would entertain him for a time.

"Oh? Truly? What sort of instrument do you play?" It was hard to place her tone. The subtle beauty of her voice was still more than enough to enrapture people but there was something indescribable laced in as well. Perhaps something almost leisurely? Whatever the case she at least didn't appear to be bored.

Cherry Lover

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Rider sat there happily, overjoyed by Sakura's positive response and her happy demenour. Shifting over to allow Sakura to fit in between her and Shirou, she sat there contentedly, basking in Sakura's happiness and ignoring Vanguard's pouting. However, just as things seemed to be going perfectly, Sakura spoke up in a hesitant voice.

"Senpai, your hair... Why is it wet and red…?" she said, obviously concerned.

Rider's face fell at her words, worried that she would once again fall back into her previous state. Fortunately, though, instead of becoming sad once more, Sakura took immediate action, pushing Shirou down into Vanguard's lap before casting a healing spell to fix the wound. Then, she told him that she would need to clean him up. As he lay there, though, Rider noticed Vanguard pluck a gem filled with energy out of his ear, handing it to Shirou and whispering something that she could not understand. Uncertain of what he had done, Rider looked at him suspiciously, wondering whether to speak up and potentially ruin a nice surprise for her master or to keep quiet and question Vanguard when she left.

Deciding to remain silent for the moment, Rider turned to Sakura once more, still smiling.

"Don't worry, he'll be fine", she said, reassuringly.


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She kept stroking him as he slid his hands under her top caressing her gently. "Are you enjoying this?" she said as she slid off his lap onto the floor infront of him, assuming a kneeling posture that was comfortable. She leaned her head that was now in line with his lenght forward and licked it with her tongue, dragging it across his length excruciatingly slow from the base all the way to the tip , circling it with a smile.


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"Are you enjoying this?" Shinobu asked as she gracefully slid to he floor in front of him before kneeling.

As she leaned forward, he answered, "Fuck yes I am.  Even though I'm kind of confused since we were . . ."

Then her tongue flicked across him, starting at the base before trailing up to the thick head.  He bit back a moan as she swirled the sensitive tip with a smile.




Forest stared at him before she couldn't contain her laughter anymore.  It couldn't be helped, it just came out, a high and bright sound full of mirth.  Within moments her laughter escalated until her sides literally ached.

Wiping away a bloody tear she shook her head with a grin.  "Oh, bloddy hell you have no idea how much I needed that," she said, "That's just . . . wow.  So, can I call you Tibby or does Greyskull work?"

Greyskull . . .

This sent out another peal of laughter from the blond.  "I'm sorry, I'm not laughing at you, but you remind me of something so much."


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She swirled her tongue around the tip then opened her mouth and slipped his tip into it working her way down to about a third of it, she then went back up before going down the same amount. after bobbing head head a few times along it getting used to it she stopped at the tip for a moment before forcing herself all the way down to the base, his dick entering her throat in the process.


  • The God Tongue
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Garou XIII

Garou sighed and started eating his pizza, practically tearing it apart piece by piece like an animal would tear up a cadaver to consume. He was slowly, calmly trying to enjoy his meal and ignore the girl. He wasn't so lucky.

Garou winced and grabbed her hand, baring his fangs violently with a feral growl.

"Get your fuckin' paws on off plate or I might just eat em instead."

Count Greyskull

Had he the capacity to emote, the poor skeleton would've blushed and looked away. Instead, he just looked away and covered his face, letting out a "MYAH!" At least, she seemed to be nice, and not trying to suck him dry. That was good.


The overlord than walked trough the room and looked around for a second. He had found himself out of the Underworld, somehow. Had he truly been summoned? For now, those thoughts did not occupy his mind. Instead, he walked up to the window and reached out hesitantly for the motes of light.


He suddenly shook his head. This wasn't the time. Greyskull cleared his throat and looked back to the girl with his empty eye sockets.


Darcy Hugh

Darcy grinned and pushed up his imaginary action hero sunglasses with his middle finger before shredding his air guitar in a cool manner. You could almost hear the notes of his epic solo playing in the background.

"Why don't you stick around and find out?" He said smugly.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2016, 10:56:11 PM by francobull3 »


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"Drooling at a girl?  What sort of pathetic excuse of a Master did you contract with?"

The question broke the white haired man's composure making him scratch his head as he awkwardly responded. "That is well, haha I don't know what I was thinking, he's dead now and yeah...." He suddenly found the door to be the most interesting object in the room and moved towards it with a determined pace as if escaping his shame. He opened the door and went through it throwing one last comment towards the girl behind him who still hadn't finished getting dressed. "A lot of things might have changed but you're still as slow as ever Rin" he said with a smug voice.